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[RP] Consistoire ordinaire public du 08/10/1465
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Inscrit le: 11 Fév 2015
Messages: 5974
Localisation: Marche d'Ancône

MessagePosté le: Dim Oct 08, 2017 2:36 pm    Sujet du message: [RP] Consistoire ordinaire public du 08/10/1465 Répondre en citant

Le petit matin vint à se lever sur l'Urbs. Rome, la ville éternelle, était baignée du feu des premiers rayons du soleil et la vie commençait à se réveiller aux coins des rues, des places et des quartiers. La routine matinale commençait à s'installer, chacun allait et venait selon ses habitudes. Pourtant, un bruit lointain se faisait entendre, qui tranchait avec l'ordinaire romain et annonçait un événement d'importance. Par-delà le Tibre en effet, au-delà du Trastevere sur le Mont Vatican où se dressait la Basilique Saint-Titus, les clochers commençaient à chanter. C'était là l'hymne des cloches qui, dans leur valse intemporelle conviaient le peuple romain à l'office divin.

Impeccablement mis dans leur armure de fer, la Garde pontificale, de cuirasse et de plume, encadrait la Place d'Aristote. A l'intérieur, au-delà de la nef, par-delà le transept et le Choeur, les Cardinaux de la Sainte Eglise commençaient à se placer, et parmi eux, le Pape Innocent en personne, dans sa blanche tenue de solennité s'asseyait sur son trône. Derrière eux se plaçaient les dizaines d'évêques, de prêtres et de moines composant le clergé de Rome et qui étaient conviés pour l'occasion. Les cloches continuaient à sonner, en attendant le début de la cérémonie.

The morning dawned on the Urbs. Rome, the eternal city, was bathed in the fire of the first rays of the sun and life began to wake up at the corners of the streets, squares and quarters. The morning routine began to set in, each one was coming and going according to his habits. Yet a distant sound was heard, which was in stark contrast to the ordinary Roman and announced an important event. Beyond the Tiber, beyond Trastevere on the Mount Vatican where the Basilica of St. Titus stood, the bell towers began to sing. This was the hymn of the bells which, in their timeless waltz, invited the Roman people to the divine office.

Impeccably put in their iron armor, the Pontifical Guard, of cuirass and feather, framed the Place of Aristotle. Inside, beyond the nave, beyond the transept and the Choir, the Cardinals of the Holy Church began to stand, and among them the Pope Innocent himself, in his white dress of solemnity, sat on his throne. The bells continued to ring, waiting for the ceremony to begin.

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Inscrit le: 19 Déc 2010
Messages: 11984

MessagePosté le: Dim Oct 08, 2017 3:04 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Una cerimonia importante: finalmente il concistoro italiano aveva due nuovi cardinali, Pamelita e Gropius, che avrebbero ricevuto quel giorno la berretta e l'anello.
Il cardinal Fenice si affrettò verso la basilica non appena sentì le campane. La giornata era splendida, ottobre sembrava volesse prolungare l'ultimo scorcio dell'estate romana e onorare così i due nuovi porporati.
Il cardinale entrò con passo leggero e andò a prendere posto, salutando coloro che conosceva, dopo aver reso il dovuto, filiale omaggio a Sua Santità.


An important ceremony: at last the Italian consistory had two new cardinals, Pamelita and Gropius, who would receive the berretta and the ring that day.
Cardinal Fenice hurried to the basilica as soon as she heard the bells. The day was wonderful, October seemed to extend the last part of the Roman summer and honor the two new cardinals.
The Cardinal came in a light footstep and went to take her place, greeting those she knew, after having made the due filial tribute to His Holiness.

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Inscrit le: 31 Oct 2015
Messages: 49

MessagePosté le: Dim Oct 08, 2017 3:10 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Violante was informed about the ceremony and, with her husband, she decided to go there. An invitation arrived to her palace as well. She cannot refuse her presence even if, months ago, everything was different.
She prepared everything for the journey toward the Basilica with the heart full of hope and joy
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Inscrit le: 19 Avr 2016
Messages: 561

MessagePosté le: Dim Oct 08, 2017 4:38 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Sery era stata invitata a quell'importante evento : la cerimonia di due nuovi Cardinali tra questi Mons Arduino.

Entrò nella Basilica con il suo fidanzato Ludovico "Jonasq", sorridendo ai presenti tra questi la sua Signora Elein, presero posto


Sery had been invited to that important event: the ceremony of two new Cardinal there was also Mons Arduino.

She entered the Basilica with her fiance Ludovico "Jonasq" smiling at the present among her Lady Elein, took up place


edit: correcting some word in translate

Dernière édition par seraphine23 le Dim Oct 08, 2017 4:44 pm; édité 4 fois
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Inscrit le: 15 Oct 2013
Messages: 3814
Localisation: Ducato di Milano

MessagePosté le: Dim Oct 08, 2017 4:38 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Alexandra aveva passato la notte chiusa nella cappella Accanto alla Cattedrale di San Tito a pregare per ringraziare l'Altissimo della grande opportunità che le era stata donata.

Ancora non poteva crederci.

Sapeva solo di non aver mai sbagliato la scelta di vita che aveva preso anni prima volendo con tutta se stessa servire la chiesa.

Ripensò durante la notte a tutta la sua vita e mai aveva avuto dubbi, lei aveva scelto di servire Dio con tutta se stessa.

All'alba dopo le lodi mattutine si alzo e andò a prepararsi.

Suo fratello le aveva confezionato l'abito rosso che avrebbe indossato per la cerimonia nella Cattedrale di San Tito.

Accarezzò ogni piega con calma apparente, ma il tremore che sentiva dentro non la voleva abbandonare.

La fece sobbalzare il suono delle campane, il loro suomo era forte e cristallino e si diffondevanell'aria frizzante del mattino.

Un raggio di sole le accarezzò il viso e le rubò un sorriso, era certa che i suoi genitori le sarebbero stati accanto in quel giorno cosi importante sentiva la loro benevolenza su di se.

Quel raggio le mostrava la via da seguire, la via della luce.

Avrebbe impegnato tutte le sue forze perche la sua fede brillasse sempre come un faro e non ci fossero tenebre a offuscare la sua mente.

Strinse tra le mani il piccolo libro di Preghiere che era stato di sua madre.
Era ora di andare.

Alexandra had spent the night in the chapel next to St. Tito's Cathedral to pray to thank the Most High of the great opportunity that had been donated to her.

Still could not believe it.

She only knew that he had never missed the choice of life he had spent years before wanting to serve the church itself.

She thought overnight all her life and never had any doubts, she had chosen to serve God with herself.

At dawn after morning praise he got up and went to prepare.

Her brother had packed the red dress he wore for the ceremony in the Cathedral of San Tito.

She stroked each fold with an apparent calm, but the tremor that she felt inside did not want to abandon him.

The sound of the bells bounced on her, their mouth was loud and crystal-clear and spread in the mornings of the morning.

A ray of sunshine caressed her face and stole a smile, she was certain that her parents would be next to her on that very important day, feeling their goodwill on herself.

That ray showed her the way to go, the way of light.

She would have pledged all his strength because his faith always shined like a beacon and there was no darkness to blur his mind.

She clutched in his hands the little book of Prayer that had been his mother.

It was time to go.


Alexandra avait passé la nuit dans la chapelle à côté de la Cathédrale Saint-Tito en priant pour remercier le Très Haut de la grande opportunité qui lui avait été donnée.

Encore elle ne pouvait pas y croire.

Elle savait seulement qu'elle ne s'était pas trompée dans le choix de vie qu'elle avait pris des années avant, de vouloir servir l'église de tout son coeur.

Dans la nuit, elle pensait a toute sa vie, elle n'avait jamais eu de doutes, elle avait choisi de servir Dieu de tout son coeur.

À l'aube, après l'éloge du matin, elle s'est levée et est allée se préparer.

Son frère avait confectionné la robe rouge qu'elle aurait porté pour la cérémonie à la cathédrale de San Tito.

Elle caressait chaque pli avec un calme apparente, mais le tremblement qu'elle ressentait à l'intérieur ne voulait pas l'abandonner.

Le son des cloches remontait sur elle, leur son était bruyant et cristallin et se répandait dans l'air du matin.

Un rayon de soleil caressa son visage et lui enleva un sourire, elle était certaine que ses parents auraient été à côté d'elle dans cette journée très importante, sentant leur bonne volonté sur elle-même.

Ce rayon lui montra le chemin à parcourir, la voie de la lumière.

Elle aurait employé toutes ses forces pour que sa foi brillait toujours comme un phare et pour qu'il n'y avait pas des ténèbres à brouiller son esprit.

Elle serra dans ses mains le petit livre de prière qui avait été de sa mère.

Il était l'heure d'y aller.


Dernière édition par pamelita le Mar Oct 10, 2017 12:09 am; édité 2 fois
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Inscrit le: 11 Fév 2015
Messages: 542
Localisation: Monaca Capitolare

MessagePosté le: Dim Oct 08, 2017 4:39 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Mons. Jalisse, saputo della cerimonia, giunse in Basilica.
Era felice perché la sua carissima amica Pamela era stata nominata Cardinale. Grupius lo conosceva meno ma era felice anche per lui.

Mons. Jalisse, known of the ceremony, it came in the Basilica.
It was happy because his/her dear friend Pamela had been named Cardinal. Grupius knew him/it less but it was also happy for him.

Monsignora Jalisse Borgia
Monaca Capitolare dell'Abbazia di Fornovo
Ex Nunzio Apostolico Repubblica Fiorentina
Missus Inquisitionis
Ex Decano dell'Università della Repubblica di Firenze

Visitate l'Abbazia Cistercense di Fornovo
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Inscrit le: 15 Jan 2011
Messages: 942

MessagePosté le: Dim Oct 08, 2017 4:46 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Monsignora M.Azzurra si diresse verso la Basilica.
Due Persone di Grande Stima Gropius e Pamelita quel giorno
avrebbero ricevuto la beretta Rossa.

Era molto felice per loro.
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Inscrit le: 10 Mai 2017
Messages: 9

MessagePosté le: Dim Oct 08, 2017 5:09 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Il Duca di Modena si presentò tra i primi alla Cerimonia del suo stimato nipote
Sottobraccio alla moglie osservava i meravigliosi affreschi della Basilica
Fece un inchino e baciò la mano al Cardinale Fenice, cara amica di famiglia da sempre e le sorrise ricordando con piacere il suo soggiorno a Guastalla
Poi prese posto in prima fila attendendo l'inizio della cerimonia

The Duke of Modena is among the first at the Ceremony of his esteemed nephew
Under his arm, he watched the wonderful frescoes of the Basilica
He bowed and kissed his hand at Cardinal Fenice, dear family friend forever, and smiled at him reminding his stay in Guastalla
Then he took a seat in the front row waiting for the beginning of the ceremony

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Inscrit le: 19 Avr 2016
Messages: 561

MessagePosté le: Dim Oct 08, 2017 5:15 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Era doppiamente emozionata perchè sapeva che l'altro Cardinale appena nominato era sua zia Pam come le piaceva chiamarla, era orgogliosa di lei la sua madrina, ma per lei molto molto di più ed entrambi loro il cardinale Arduino ed Alexandra lo meritavano, restò con Ludovico "Jonasq" in attesa, sorridendo anche al Cardinale Fenice

che emozione tesoro c'è pure mia zia Pam cardinale, tuo fratello il Cardinale Arduino sarà emozionatissimo


Sery was doubly excited because she knew that the other Cardinal who had just been named was Aunt Pam, as he liked to call her, and was proud of her godmother, but for her much more, and both of them Cardinal Arduino and Alexandra deserved it, stayed with Ludovico "Jonasq" waiting, she smiled also to Cardinal Fenice

what treasure emotion there is my aunt Pam cardinal, your brother the Cardinal Arduino will be excited
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Inscrit le: 30 Nov 2016
Messages: 10

MessagePosté le: Dim Oct 08, 2017 5:28 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Marco arrivò e si sedette con la moglie.

Non era mai stato a Roma e gli sembrò splendida.

Era molto contento per sua sorella, il ruolo di Cardinale lo aveva meritato.

Marco arrived and sat down with his wife.

He had never been to Rome and it seemed wonderful to him.

He was very happy for his sister, she had deserved the role of Cardinal.

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Inscrit le: 03 Sep 2012
Messages: 198

MessagePosté le: Dim Oct 08, 2017 5:30 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Anche Monsignor Andrea Borgia, Prefetto dei Vidami della Guardia Episcopale, in alta uniforme, presenziò alla cerimonia, invitato dal proprio arcivescovo che quel giorno sarebbe stato elevato alla dignità di Cardinale Nazionale Suffragante. Prese posto tra le prime file e si unì agli altri fedeli nella preghiera.

Andrea "Ara97" Borgia
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Inscrit le: 08 Oct 2017
Messages: 5

MessagePosté le: Dim Oct 08, 2017 5:46 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Ginevra prese posto in basilica insieme a suo marito Marco, sorridendo in segno di saluto a coloro che conosceva.

Era un giorno molto importante per la cognata Pamela e essere lì a condividerlo era per lei una gioia e una grande emozione.

Seduta accanto a suo marito, si raccolse in preghiera e attese l’inizio della cerimonia.


Ginevra took her place in the basilica together with her husband Marco, smiling in greeting to those she knew.

It was a very important day for her sister-in-law Pamela and being there to share it was a joy and a great emotion for her.

Seated next to her husband, she began to pray and waited for the beginning of the ceremony.

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Inscrit le: 20 Jan 2016
Messages: 44
Localisation: Pavia

MessagePosté le: Dim Oct 08, 2017 5:49 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Le père Ubertus a été invité à la cérémonie pour la nomination du cardinal de l'évêque Pamelita, il était heureux et curieux de voir l'évêque en rouge
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Inscrit le: 31 Oct 2015
Messages: 49

MessagePosté le: Dim Oct 08, 2017 6:09 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Hand in hand with her husband, Violante finally reached the church. It was her first time there but she was sure that....here he was! In a while, she saw her friend Arnarion and, after she waved at him, she took place with Andrea, waiting for the ceremony.
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Inscrit le: 07 Oct 2012
Messages: 4914
Localisation: Pavia - Ducato di Milano

MessagePosté le: Dim Oct 08, 2017 6:15 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Il Cardinale nazionale elettore non poteva certo mancare alla cerimonia.
Due nuovi cardinali italiani e due cari amici, era quindi molto felice e con quello spirito entrò nella basilica, rese omaggio al Papa e prese posto vicino agli altri cardinali per seguire la cerimonia.

Italian Cardinal elector couldn't miss the ceremony.
Two new Italian cardinals and two dear friends, he was therefore very happy and with that spirit he entered the basilica, he payed tribute to the Pope and took a set next the other cardinals to follow the ceremony.

Le Cardinal électeur national ne pouvait pas certain manquer à la cérémonie.
Deux nouveaux Italiens cardinaux et deux chers amis, il était donc très heureux et avec cet esprit il entra dans la basilique, il rendue hommage au Pape et prises mises près des autres cardinaux pour suivre la cérémonie.
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