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[Annonces] Congregation of the Holy Office
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Pie de Valence

Inscrit le: 04 Nov 2012
Messages: 7382
Localisation: Langres/Joinville

MessagePosté le: Mer Nov 08, 2017 10:14 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant


Chers fidèles,
Chers membres de notre Eglise,

Le Saint-Office a été informé que des miracles, possiblement dus à Myrtle, auraient eu lieu un peu partout dans le royaume de France et se seraient manifestés sous une forme similaire à celle-ci

Si vous avez assisté à un tel miracle ou si vous avez personnellement bénéficié de ce miracle, déposez vos témoignages ici,

Au nom du Scriptorium francophone

SE Pie II de Valence,
Cardinal-Archevêque de Lyon
Vice-Préfet francophone du Saint-Office

"Le modernisme n'est ni une dérive, ni une horreur, ni une maladie honteuse. C'est le terreau de la rénovation de l'Eglise, la terreur des conservateurs, l'air pur qui vivifiera la foi" (Pie II de Valence)
"On n'est jamais dans le mensonge quand on prêche la paix et l'apaisement, toujours quand on prêche la haine d'autrui" (Pie II de Valence)
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Inscrit le: 16 Mai 2012
Messages: 2658
Localisation: Chaves - Kingdom of Portugal

MessagePosté le: Lun Nov 13, 2017 1:31 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant


    Congregatio Sacti Officii et de Causis Sanctorum

    Monseigneur Boguslav Aleramico Sviatoslavitch, Scripteur de la Congrégation

    Nous, Son Éminence NReis Ribeiro de Sousa Coutinho, Cardinal Romain Électeur, Vice-Chancelier de la Congregatio Sacti Officii et de Causis Sanctorum, Comte de Pesaro, Vice-Primat de l'Église du Royaume du Portugal, Traducteur de la Villa San Loyats, Secrétaire Général des Registres Romains des Sacrements, Archevêque de Braga,

      Avons statué et ordonné, et par notre présent édit perpétuel et définitif, disons, statuons et ordonnons la nomination du Monseigneur Boguslav Aleramico Sviatoslavitch [Boguslaw] à la charge de Scripteur du Sacti Officii.
      Il aura pour mission d'écrire, traduire, transcrire et éditer les documents passant aux divers Scriptoriums.

    Au nom de la Congregatio Sacti Officii et de Causis Sanctorum,

    Rédigé, signé et scellé à Rome, aux douze jours du mois de Novembre de l'année MCDLXV de Notre-Seigneur


    Congregatio Sacti Officii et de Causis Sanctorum

    Monsignor Boguslav Aleramico Sviatoslavitch, Writer of the Congregation

    We, His Eminence NReis Ribeiro de Sousa Coutinho, Roman Elector Cardinal, Vice-Chancellor of the Congregatio Sacti Officii et de Causis Sanctorum, Count of Pesaro, Vice-Primate of the Church of the Kingdom of Portugal, Translator of the Villa San Loyats, General Secretary of the Roman Registers of Sacraments, Archbishop of Braga,

      Have ruled and ordered, and by our present perpetual and final edict, say and order the appointment of Monsignor Boguslav Aleramico Sviatoslavitch [Boguslaw] to the charge of Writer of the Sacti Officii.
      His mission will be to write, translate, transcribe and edit the documents passing through the diverse Scriptoriums.

    In the name of the Congregatio Sacti Officii et de Causis Sanctorum,

    Written, signed and sealed in Rome, at the twelfth day of the month of November of the MCDLXV year of Our Lord.

His Excellency NReis Ribeiro de Sousa Coutinho | Archbishop of Braga | Vice-Primate of the Kingdom of Portugal | General Secretary of the Roman Registers | Writer of the Saint Office | Translator on Villa San Loyats

Diploma Curso Professoral
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Inscrit le: 16 Sep 2007
Messages: 13676
Localisation: Roma

MessagePosté le: Lun Nov 20, 2017 10:41 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant


    Congregatio Sacti Officii et de Causis Sanctorum

    Sister Ariana Del Casalièr, Writer of the Congregation

    We, Tibère de Plantagenêt, said Rehael, Cardinal Constable, Chancellor of the Congregation of the Saint Office, Prefect of the Supreme Court of the Apostolic Signature, Dean of the Sacred College, Archbishop of Nicaea, Duke of Spoleto, Militar Chancellor of the Office of Isenduil, Vice Dominus Veteranus of the Episcopal Guard, Grand Officer of the Order of the Star of Aristotle, Grand Officer of the Order of Saint Kyrène, by the grace of God and of His Holiness Innocent the Eighth,

      Have ruled and ordered, and by our present perpetual and final edict, say and order the appointment of Monsignora Ariana Del Casalièr [Ariana_anthea] to the charge of Writer of the Sacti Officii.
      His mission will be to write, translate, transcribe and edit the documents passing through the diverse Scriptoriums.

    In the name of the Congregatio Sacti Officii et de Causis Sanctorum,

    Written, signed and sealed in Rome, at the twentieth day of the month of November of the MCDLXV year of Our Lord.


    Congregatio Sacti Officii et de Causis Sanctorum

    Sœur Ariana Del Casalièr, Scripteur de la Congrégation

    Nous, Tibère de Plantagenêt, dict Rehael, Cardinal Connétable, Chancelier de la Congregatio Sacti Officii et de Causis Sanctorum, Préfet du Tribunal Suprême de la Signature Apostolique, Doyen du Sacré-Collège, Archevêque de Nicée, Duc de Spolète, Chancelier militaire de l'Office d'Isenduil, Vice Dominus Veteranus de la Garde Épiscopale, Grand-Officier de l'Ordre de l'Etoile d'Aristote, Grand-Officier de l'Ordre de Sainte Kyrène, par la grâce de Dieu et de Sa Sainteté Innocent le Huitième,

      Avons statué et ordonné, et par notre présent édit perpétuel et définitif, disons, statuons et ordonnons la nomination du Monseigneur Ariana Del Casalièr [Ariana_anthea] à la charge de Scripteur du Sacti Officii.
      Il aura pour mission d'écrire, traduire, transcrire et éditer les documents passant aux divers Scriptoriums.

    Au nom de la Congregatio Sacti Officii et de Causis Sanctorum,

    Rédigé, signé et scellé à Rome, aux vingt jours du mois de Novembre de l'année MCDLXV de Notre-Seigneur

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Inscrit le: 16 Sep 2007
Messages: 13676
Localisation: Roma

MessagePosté le: Lun Nov 20, 2017 10:41 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant


    Congregatio Sacti Officii et de Causis Sanctorum

    Monsignora Corinne Shalama Dei Rossi Del Drago, Writer of the Congregation

    We, Tibère de Plantagenêt, said Rehael, Cardinal Constable, Chancellor of the Congregation of the Saint Office, Prefect of the Supreme Court of the Apostolic Signature, Dean of the Sacred College, Archbishop of Nicaea, Duke of Spoleto, Militar Chancellor of the Office of Isenduil, Vice Dominus Veteranus of the Episcopal Guard, Grand Officer of the Order of the Star of Aristotle, Grand Officer of the Order of Saint Kyrène, by the grace of God and of His Holiness Innocent the Eighth,

      Have ruled and ordered, and by our present perpetual and final edict, say and order the appointment of Monsignora Corinne Shalama Dei Rossi Del Drago [Shalama] to the charge of Writer of the Sacti Officii.
      His mission will be to write, translate, transcribe and edit the documents passing through the diverse Scriptoriums.

    In the name of the Congregatio Sacti Officii et de Causis Sanctorum,

    Written, signed and sealed in Rome, at the twentieth day of the month of November of the MCDLXV year of Our Lord.

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Inscrit le: 16 Sep 2007
Messages: 13676
Localisation: Roma

MessagePosté le: Lun Nov 20, 2017 10:42 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant


    Congregatio Sacti Officii et de Causis Sanctorum

    Monsignora Perla, Writer of the Congregation

    We, Tibère de Plantagenêt, said Rehael, Cardinal Constable, Chancellor of the Congregation of the Saint Office, Prefect of the Supreme Court of the Apostolic Signature, Dean of the Sacred College, Archbishop of Nicaea, Duke of Spoleto, Militar Chancellor of the Office of Isenduil, Vice Dominus Veteranus of the Episcopal Guard, Grand Officer of the Order of the Star of Aristotle, Grand Officer of the Order of Saint Kyrène, by the grace of God and of His Holiness Innocent the Eighth,

      Have ruled and ordered, and by our present perpetual and final edict, say and order the appointment of Monsignor Perla [Brezzamarina] to the charge of Writer of the Sacti Officii.
      His mission will be to write, translate, transcribe and edit the documents passing through the diverse Scriptoriums.

    In the name of the Congregatio Sacti Officii et de Causis Sanctorum,

    Written, signed and sealed in Rome, at the twentieth day of the month of November of the MCDLXV year of Our Lord.

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Inscrit le: 16 Mai 2012
Messages: 2658
Localisation: Chaves - Kingdom of Portugal

MessagePosté le: Sam Déc 02, 2017 4:18 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant


    Congregatio Sacti Officii et de Causis Sanctorum

    Validation of the Hagiography of the Blessed Tanys

    We, His Eminence NReis Ribeiro de Sousa Coutinho, Roman Elector Cardinal, Vice-Chancellor of the Congregatio Sacti Officii et de Causis Sanctorum, Count of Pesaro, Translator of the Villa San Loyats, General Secretary of the Roman Registers of Sacraments, Archbishop of Braga,

      Have ruled and ordered, and by our present perpetual and final edict, say and order the validation and reconnaissance of the Hagiography of Tanys Steward as Blessed. The document is hereby available in the Roman Library in French, English and in Italian.

    In the name of the Congregatio Sacti Officii et de Causis Sanctorum,

    Written, signed and sealed in Rome, at the second day of the month of December of the year of our Lord MCDLXV.

His Excellency NReis Ribeiro de Sousa Coutinho | Archbishop of Braga | Vice-Primate of the Kingdom of Portugal | General Secretary of the Roman Registers | Writer of the Saint Office | Translator on Villa San Loyats

Diploma Curso Professoral
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Inscrit le: 16 Mai 2012
Messages: 2658
Localisation: Chaves - Kingdom of Portugal

MessagePosté le: Sam Déc 02, 2017 4:24 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant


    Congregatio Sacti Officii et de Causis Sanctorum

    Brother William Blazing, Writer of the Congregation

    We, His Eminence NReis Ribeiro de Sousa Coutinho, Roman Elector Cardinal, Vice-Chancellor of the Congregatio Sacti Officii et de Causis Sanctorum, Count of Pesaro, Translator of the Villa San Loyats, General Secretary of the Roman Registers of Sacraments, Archbishop of Braga,

      Have ruled and ordered, and by our present perpetual and final edict, say and order the appointment of Brother William Blazing [Blazingwill] to the charge of Writer of the Sacti Officii.
      His mission will be to write, translate, transcribe and edit the documents passing through the diverse Scriptoriums.

    In the name of the Congregatio Sacti Officii et de Causis Sanctorum,

    Written, signed and sealed in Rome, at the second day of the month of December of the MCDLXV year of Our Lord.

His Excellency NReis Ribeiro de Sousa Coutinho | Archbishop of Braga | Vice-Primate of the Kingdom of Portugal | General Secretary of the Roman Registers | Writer of the Saint Office | Translator on Villa San Loyats

Diploma Curso Professoral
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Inscrit le: 16 Mai 2012
Messages: 2658
Localisation: Chaves - Kingdom of Portugal

MessagePosté le: Sam Déc 02, 2017 4:27 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant


    Congregatio Sacti Officii et de Causis Sanctorum

    Brother Luca Bergoglio, Writer of the Congregation

    We, His Eminence NReis Ribeiro de Sousa Coutinho, Roman Elector Cardinal, Vice-Chancellor of the Congregatio Sacti Officii et de Causis Sanctorum, Count of Pesaro, Translator of the Villa San Loyats, General Secretary of the Roman Registers of Sacraments, Archbishop of Braga,

      Have ruled and ordered, and by our present perpetual and final edict, say and order the appointment of Brother Luca Bergoglio [Lucaphysis] to the charge of Writer of the Sacti Officii.
      His mission will be to write, translate, transcribe and edit the documents passing through the diverse Scriptoriums.

    In the name of the Congregatio Sacti Officii et de Causis Sanctorum,

    Written, signed and sealed in Rome, at the second day of the month of December of the MCDLXV year of Our Lord.

His Excellency NReis Ribeiro de Sousa Coutinho | Archbishop of Braga | Vice-Primate of the Kingdom of Portugal | General Secretary of the Roman Registers | Writer of the Saint Office | Translator on Villa San Loyats

Diploma Curso Professoral
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Inscrit le: 16 Mai 2012
Messages: 2658
Localisation: Chaves - Kingdom of Portugal

MessagePosté le: Lun Déc 25, 2017 2:40 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant


    Congregatio Sacti Officii et de Causis Sanctorum

    Historical Publication: Demonography of Belial

    We, His Eminence NReis Ribeiro de Sousa Coutinho, Roman Elector Cardinal, Vice-Chancellor of the Congregatio Sacti Officii et de Causis Sanctorum, Count of Pesaro, Translator of the Villa San Loyats, General Secretary of the Roman Registers of Sacraments, Prefect of the Aristotelian Teaching,

      Have ruled and ordered, and by our present perpetual and final edict, say and order the validation and reconnaissance of the document on the Dogma of the Holy Roman Aristotelian Church, named the Demonography of Belial, as valid and available for publication. The document is hereby available in the Roman Library in English and French, but will be translated shortly into other languages. A copy will be attached to the current publication.

    In the name of the Congregatio Sacti Officii et de Causis Sanctorum,

    Written, signed and sealed in Rome, at the twenty-fifth day of the month of December of the MCDLXV year of Our Lord.


    Congregatio Sacti Officii et de Causis Sanctorum

    Publication Historique: Démonographie de Bélial

    Nous, Son Éminence NReis Ribeiro de Sousa Coutinho, Cardinal Romain Électeur, Vice-Chancelier de la Congregatio Sacti Officii et de Causis Sanctorum, Comte de Pesaro, Vice-Primat de l'Église du Royaume du Portugal, Traducteur de la Villa San Loyats, Secrétaire Général des Registres Romains des Sacrements, Préfet de l'Enseignement Aristotélicien,

      Avons statué et ordonné, et par notre présent édit perpétuel et définitif, disons, statuons et ordonnons la validation et reconnaissance d'un document sur le Dogme de la Sainte Église Aristotélicienne Romaine, nommé Démonographie de Bélial, comme étant valide et apte à publier. Le document est dorénavant disponible dans la Bibliothèque Romaine en français et anglais.

    Au nom de la Congregatio Sacti Officii et de Causis Sanctorum,

    Rédigé, signé et scellé à Rome, aux vingt-cinq jours du mois de Décembre de l'année MCDLXV de Notre-Seigneur

Alistair a écrit:
Demonography of Belial

Birth of Belial

Adiguaelle, wife of Théophile, was a virtuous woman. In the great city of Oanylone, this one took care of the poor and the needy. All her time was devoted to the latter. She passed through the filthy streets, reaching out those who were forgotten by the richest, since the inequalities in Oanylone were more and more pronounced. The rich involved themselves in opulence and lust, while the poorest became envious, jealous, and filled with anger.

It was in these circumstances that Adiguaelle fell pregnant. She and her husband and were very happy and continued to live in the Divine love, despite every day, around her, people were slandering and spitting on her happiness. Why should she be happy? She had to suffer as all around her were suffering from misery. And it was in these circumstances of anger and jealousy that her sons were born. The first was named Miguaël, which accordingly to a legend meant "give and love" and the other was called Belial, which meant "give and you receive".

Adiguäelle was exhausted by the labor as much as by the situation in the street that worried her. She did not suspect that the Unnamed Creature was fomenting the vilest nightmares against her family, since it was nourishing the pain, the anger and the hatred against the rich and the happy. And one night, when the family of Theophilus did not expect it, the crowd turned into a cloud of rage that fell upon them. In an ultimate instinct of survival, Theophilus took Miguael and his brother from her mother's hands and, after kissing them, hid them in a box. He barely had closed the box when those for whom Adiguaëlle worked every day entered. The men yelled at Theophilus and stabbed him before he could defend himself. Adiguaelle was raped over and over before being gutted. The blows succeeded each other, the blade passing from hand to hand, each carrying a fatal blow to the poor woman's body. But the children, in their box, were spared, since no one saw them.

Childhood of Belial

It is not known how, but the two children were saved from the ensuing fire. Was it a complaisant lady who helped them or the Nameless Creature who forgot them? No one really knows.
However, we know with certainty that they were gathered by Menopus, an elderly and pious man who knew nothing of the origin of these "loves" as he liked to call them, and did not want to know anything about them. He gave these little ones the milk he produced thanks to his cow Minerva. These two young boys grew up without ever separating. There was such a bond between them which went beyond friendship and fraternal love, but unfortunately one of them would eventually turn away.

The two brothers grew far from the temptations of the Nameless Creature. Belial breathed piety and continued to look after others rather than himself. He remained close to his brother Miguael, who, too, turned to his neighbor as Menopus had taught them. But Belial knew nothing of his parents and this bothered him. How did Menopus find them? What had happened to his parents so that no one around them had ever speak of them?

The temptation of Belial

One evening, when he had spent a long day of labor, Belial remained meditating on the roof of their house. The roof of their house offered a terrace which allowed him to see a large part of Oanylone. He remained there, long hours, asking himself questions about his past, his parents and his situation. A shadow came to him and wrapped it gently. The young boy was not frightened at all.
    Belial: Who are you? You who come to see me at nightfall, are you a friend or an enemy?
    Nameless Creature: I do not have a name because I can be whatever you want, Belial. Look around you. Why to privilege the others especially when they have nothing to offer you?
    Belial: Because they need me...
    Nameless Creature: So, serve the rich because they will pay you so you will not work for nothing...
    Belial: I have never worked for nothing. These people need me and if I did not do it, who will do it for me?
    Nameless Creature: What do they give you in exchange? Nothing. They plague you because the more you give them, the more they ask you. Turn away from them, for they will make you unhappy.

That evening, Belial remained thoughtful long after the Shadow disappeared. Why to work to death while the rich could cover him with gold? This thought grew in him as the Shadow came to see him again and again, corrupting his mind.

The corruption of Belial

Thus, he began to ask the poor to pay him, a thing that they could not do. Then he stopped helping them, turning himself to idleness and sin. His vanity and pride had become visible in the eyes of all. Belial had become a handsome man and on his face, increasingly, his greed was taking shape. He gave himself only to the rich to receive more and more, turning away from his brother who lived in humility. Miguael begged him to return to his word and continue to serve those who really needed him, but his brother laughed at these words. Belial now wore an emaciated face and a long, black cloak threadbare everywhere. Those around him said that demonic horns were growing up on his head. But Belial did not bother about that. He knew from now on that every one of his gestures was of inestimable value. No one could be more pious than he was, selling his advice and services expensively.

Men began to believe in him and listened to his word. Belial advocated his superiority over the common. No one had more talent than him. His fingers became long and angular to better grasp the gold he amassed. He felt indispensable to the city, he knew he was indispensable to the city.

Representation of Belial at its damnation

The eternal damnation

Belial had become one of the most powerful and most listened men of Oanylone. While the Shadow whispered to his ear, he exhorted the crowds to find traitors like his brother who continued to listen the false precepts that Oane had distilled in everyone's mind. Very soon, Belial the Proud was part of the Inaudiendis (n.b: in Latin, those who do not hear) with six other blasphemers who, during the seven days given by the Most High before the destruction of the city, preached against the Creator and His works against the seven Men which represented the seven virtues, in which his brother Miguael was included.

And, when the Wrath of the Most High came upon the city, cracking the land and flooding the streets with the fire coming from the center of the earth, he was among the damned, along with everyone else that stayed in the metropolis, convinced by the insidious words of the Nameless Creature. The Inaudiendis were sent to the depths of the abysses of the Lunar Hell, where the fire rages and the sinners are tortured.

If you see, all beings of the creation are sinners, but the Most High, in His great goodness has proposed forgiveness, and who does not accept to receive it, keeps his sin and will suffer until the end of times. In his damnation, Belial turned into a terrible creature. It is said that today he has the body of a fiery horse and the head of a rabid bull.

The exorcism of Belial

At the beginning of the Church, the Church was still frail, and Belial thought that, to better destroy it, it was necessary to act from within. Always so proud, he decided to take possession of the body of the highest dignitary of the Church: the Pope. At that time, Pope Hygin was struck by a serious illness; Belial, filled with cowardice, took possession of him, and from that moment the traits of the Holy Father began to change. A servant, Mirall, realized this and begged the Most High to send someone. The Archangel Miguaël, patron saint of the counter-possession, later named exorcist, was sent.
He departed as fast as he could, his six wings flapping until losing his breath; if the Church fell now the result would be atrocious. He entered Hygin's body, his virtuous thoughts had to stood out, but on his side Belial also struggled.

Belial: «You dare to intervene against your own brother, Miguaël? Do not you see that your God is using you?»
Miguael: «You are no longer my brother, Belial. I deny you, go back where you come from, come back to populate the abyss, only God is sovereign, only God is the master. That only the virtues of this man arise!»

While this confrontation unfolded, the Solar Paradise and the Lunar Hell also seemed to clash in a decisive battle.

Miguael: «Return from where you come, Prince of Demons and leave the soul of this man in peace, do you hear? Vade retro Belial! Go back where you come from!»

At that moment, a flame sprung from the mouth of the possessed and went crashing far away in the star dominating the Night as the sky resumed its normal tincture.

Saint Miguael ascended to heaven in glory, seated on a cloud and accompanied by a thousand celestial voices singing the glory of God because only God is sovereign.

Démonographie de Bélial

Naissance de Bélial

Adiguaëlle, femme de Théophile, était une femme vertueuse. Dans la grande ville d’Oanylone cette dernière s’occupait des pauvres et des nécessiteux. Tout son temps était dévolu à ces derniers. Elle passait dans les rues crasseuses, tendant la main à ceux qui étaient oubliés des plus riches, car les inégalités à Oanylone étaient de plus en plus prononcées. Les riches s’enveloppaient dans l’opulence et la luxure tandis que les plus démunis devenaient envieux, jaloux et emplis de colère.

C’est dans ces circonstances qu’Adiguaëlle tomba enceinte. Son mari et elle étaient très heureux et continuaient à vivre dans l’amour Divin, malgré tous les jours, autour d’elle, les gens médisaient et crachaient sur son bonheur. Pourquoi devait-elle être heureuse ? Elle devait souffrir comme tous autour d’elle souffraient de la pauvreté. Et c’est dans ces circonstances de colère et de jalousie que ces fils virent le jour. Le premier se nomma Miguaël, qui selon une légende signifiait « donne et aime » et l’autre se nomma Bélial, ce qui signifiait « donnes et tu recevras ».

Adiguäelle était épuisé par l’accouchement autant que par la situation dans la rue qui la préoccupait. Elle ne se doutait point que la Créature Sans Nom fomentait les plus vils cauchemars contre sa famille, car elle alimentait la douleur, la colère, la haine contre les riches et les heureux. Et une nuit, alors que la famille de Théophile ne s’y attendait pas, la foule se mua en nuée de rage qui s’abattit sur eux. Dans un instinct ultime de survie, Théophile prit Miguaël et son frère des mains de sa mère et, après les avoir embrassés, les cacha sous une caisse. A peine avait-il reposé la caisse que déjà ceux pour qui Adiguaëlle œuvrait chaque jour entrèrent. Les hommes hurlèrent contre Théophile et le poignardèrent avant qu’il puisse se défendre. Adiguaëlle fut ciolée encore et encore avant d’être éventrée. Les coups se succédèrent encore et encore, la lame passant de main en main, chacun portant un coup fatal à la dépouille de la pauvre femme. Mais les enfants, sous leur caisse, furent épargnés, car nul ne les vit.

Enfance de Bélial

On ignore comment, mais les deux enfants furent sauvés de l’incendie qui s’en suivit. Est-ce une dame complaisante qui les a secourus ou la Créature Sans Nom qui les oublia. Nul ne le sait vraiment.
Toutefois, nous savons avec certitude qu’Ils furent recueillis par Ménopus, un homme âgé et pieux qui ne savait rien de l’origine de ces « amours » comme il aimait à les appeler, et qui ne souhaitait rien en savoir. Il donnait à ces petits du lait qu’il produisait grâce à sa vache Minerva. Ces deux jeunes garçons grandirent donc sans jamais se séparer. Il existait entre eux un lien si grand qu’il allait au-delà de l’amitié et de l’amour fraternel, mais malheureusement l’un d’eux allait finir par se détourner.

Les deux frères grandirent loin des tentations de la Créature Sans Nom. Bélial respirait la piété et continuait à s’occuper des autres plutôt que de lui-même. Il restait proche de son frère Miguaël qui, lui aussi, se tournait vers son prochain comme Ménopus le leur avait appris. Pourtant, Bélial ne connaissait rien de ses parents et cela le taraudait. Comment Ménopus les avait trouvés ? Qu’était-il arrivé à ses parents pour que personne ne leur entourage ne leur en parle ?

La tentation de Bélial

Un soir, alors qu’il avait passé une longue journée de labeur, Bélial resta à méditer sur le toit de leur maison. Le toit de leur maison offrait une terrasse qui lui permettait de voir une large partie d’Oanylone. Il resta là, de longue heures, à se poser des questions sur son passé, sur ses parents, sur sa situation. Une ombre vint le voir et l’enveloppa délicatement. Le jeune adolescent ne fut nullement effrayé.
    Bélial: Qui es-tu ? Toi qui viens me voir à la nuit tombée, es-tu une amie ou une ennemie ?
    Créature Sans Nom: Je n’ai pas de nom car je peux être tout ce que tu voudras Bélial. Regardes autour de toi. Pourquoi privilégier les autres surtouts quand ceux-ci n’ont rien à t’offrir ?
    Bélial: Parce qu’ils ont besoin de moi…
    Créature Sans Nom: Sers donc les riches car ils te paieront ainsi tu ne travailleras pas pour rien…
    Bélial: Je n’ai jamais travaillé pour rien. Ces personnes ont besoin de moi et si je ne le faisais pas qui le fera à ma place ?
    Créature Sans Nom: Que te donnent-ils en échange ? Rien. Ils pestent contre toi car plus tu leur en donnes, plus ils te demandent. Détournes toi d’eux, car ils te rendront malheureux.

Ce soir-là, Bélial resta pensif longtemps après que l’Ombre ait disparue. Pourquoi se tuer à la tâche alors que les plus riches pouvaient le couvrir d’or ? Cette pensée grandit en lui à mesure que l’Ombre vint le voir encore et encore, corrompant son esprit.

La corruption de Bélial

Ainsi, il commença à demander aux pauvres de le payer, une chose qu’ils ne purent faire. Alors il arrêta de les aider, et se tourna vers la paresse et le péché. Sa vanité et son orgueil étaient devenus visibles aux yeux de tous. Bélial était devenu un bel homme et sur son visage, de plus en plus, son avidité se dessinait. Il ne donnait qu’aux riches afin de recevoir plus et plus encore, se détournant de son frère qui vivait dans l’humilité. Miguaël le supplia de revenir sur sa parole et de continuer à servir ceux qui en avaient réellement besoin, mais son frère rit à ces propos. Bélial arborait maintenant un visage émacié et une longue cape noire élimée de toute part. Ceux qui le côtoyait disaient de lui que des cornes démoniaques lui poussaient de sur la tête. Mais Bélial ne se soucia guère de cela. Il le savait désormais que chacun de ses gestes étaient d’une inestimable valeur. Nul ne pouvait faire pieux que lui, vendant très cher ses conseils et ses services.

Des hommes commencèrent à croire en lui et écoutèrent sa parole. Bélial prônant sa supériorité sur le commun. Nul n’avait plus de talent que lui. Ses doigts devinrent longs et anguleux pour mieux saisir l’or qu’il amassait. Il se sentait indispensable à la cité, il se savait indispensable à la cité.

Représentation de Bélial lors de sa damnation

La Damnation Eternelle

Bélial était devenu l’un des hommes les plus puissants et les plus écouté d’Oanylone. Tandis que l’Ombre lui susurrait à l’oreille, il exhortait les foules à trouver les traitres comme son frère qui continuaient à écouter de faux préceptes qu’Oane avait distillé dans l’esprit de chacun. Très vite, Bélial l’Orgueilleux fit parti des Inaudiendis (NDLR : en latin, ceux qui n’entendent pas) avec six autres blasphémateurs qui, pendant les sept jours donnés par le Très Haut avant la destruction de la ville, prêchaient contre le Créateur et Ses œuvres contre les sept hommes qui représentaient les sept vertus, dans laquelle son frère Miguael a été inclus.

Et, lorsque la Colère du Très Haut s’abattit sur la ville, brisant la terre et inondant les rues avec le feu venant du centre de la terre, il fut parmi les damnés, avec tous ceux qui restèrent dans la métropole, convaincus par les mots insidieux de la Créature Sans Nom. Les inaudiendis, furent envoyés au plus profond des abysses de l'Enfer Lunaire, là où le feu gronde et où les pêcheurs sont suppliciés.

Si l’on regarde, tous les êtres de la création sont pêcheurs, mais le Très-Haut, dans sa grande bonté a proposé le pardon, qui n’accepte de le recevoir garde son pêché et le subira jusqu’à la fin des temps. Dans sa damnation, Bélial se mua en créature terrible. On raconte qu’il a aujourd’hui le corps d’un cheval fougueux et la tête d’un taureau enragé.

L’exorcisme de Bélial

Au commencement de l’Eglise, celle-ci était encore frêle, et Belial se dit que, pour mieux la détruire, il fallait agir de l’intérieur. Toujours aussi orgueilleux, il décida de prendre possession du corps du plus haut dignitaire de l’Eglise : le Pape. En ce temps-là, le pape Hygin était touché par une grave maladie; Bélial, empli de lâcheté, en pris possession, et dès ce moment les traits du Saint-Père commencèrent à changer. Un servant, Mirall s’en rendit compte et supplia le Très-Haut d’envoyer quelqu’un. L’archange Miguaël, saint patron de la contre possession, nommée plus tard exorciste, fut envoyé.
Il fusa aussi vite qu’il lui était possible, ses six ailes battant à perdre le souffle, si l’église tombait maintenant le résultat serait atroce. Il entra dans le corps d’Hygin, ses pensées vertueuses devaient ressortir, mais de son côté Bélial luttait aussi.

Belial: « Tu oses intervenir contre ton propre frère Miguaël? Tu ne voies pas que ton Dieu se sert de toi? »
Miguaël: « Tu n’es plus mon frère, Bélial. Je te renie, repars d’où tu viens, repars peupler les abysses, seul Dieu est souverain, seul Dieu est le maître. Que seules les vertus de cet homme surgissent ! »

Pendant que se déroulait cet affrontement, le Paradis Solaire et l'Enfer Lunaire semblaient eux aussi s’affronter dans un combat décisif.

Miguaël: « Repars d’où tu viens, Prince des Démons et laisse l’âme de cet homme en paix, tu entends ??
Vade retro Belial! Repars d’où tu viens ! ».

A ce moment-là, une flamme surgis de la bouche du possédé et parti s’écraser au loin sur l’astre dominant la Nuit pendant que le ciel reprenait sa teinture normale.

Saint Miguaël monta aux cieux en gloire, assis sur une nuée et accompagné de mille voix célestes chantant la gloire de Dieu car seul Dieu est souverain.

His Excellency NReis Ribeiro de Sousa Coutinho | Archbishop of Braga | Vice-Primate of the Kingdom of Portugal | General Secretary of the Roman Registers | Writer of the Saint Office | Translator on Villa San Loyats

Diploma Curso Professoral

Dernière édition par NReis le Lun Jan 29, 2018 12:44 am; édité 1 fois
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Inscrit le: 16 Sep 2007
Messages: 13676
Localisation: Roma

MessagePosté le: Ven Jan 26, 2018 11:00 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant


    Congregatio Sacti Officii et de Causis Sanctorum

    Brother Franc von Frayner, Writer of the Congregation

    We, Tibère de Plantagenêt, said Rehael, Chancellor of the Congregation of the Saint Office, Prefect of the Supreme Court of the Apostolic Signature, Dean of the Sacred College, Archbishop of Nicaea, Duke of Spoleto, Knight of Isenduil, Vice Dominus Veteranus of the Episcopal Guard, Grand Officer of the Order of the Star of Aristotle, Grand Officer of the Order of Saint Kyrène, by the grace of God and of His Holiness Innocent the Eighth,

      Have ruled and ordered, and by our present perpetual and final edict, say and order the appointment of Monsignor Franc von Frayner to the charge of Writer of the Sacti Officii.
      His mission will be to write, translate, transcribe and edit the documents passing through the diverse Scriptoriums.

    In the name of the Congregatio Sacti Officii et de Causis Sanctorum,

    Written, signed and sealed in Rome, at the 26th day of the month of January of the MCDLXV year of Our Lord.


    Congregatio Sacti Officii et de Causis Sanctorum

    Frère Franc von Frayner, Scripteur de la Congrégation

    Nous, Tibère de Plantagenêt, dict Rehael, Chancelier de la Congregatio Sacti Officii et de Causis Sanctorum, Préfet du Tribunal Suprême de la Signature Apostolique, Doyen du Sacré-Collège, Archevêque de Nicée, Duc de Spolète, Chevalier d'Isenduil, Vice Dominus Veteranus de la Garde Épiscopale, Grand-Officier de l'Ordre de l’Étoile d'Aristote, Grand-Officier de l'Ordre de Sainte Kyrène, par la grâce de Dieu et de Sa Sainteté Innocent le Huitième,

      Avons statué et ordonné, et par notre présent édit perpétuel et définitif, disons, statuons et ordonnons la nomination du Monseigneur Franc von Frayner à la charge de Scripteur du Sacti Officii.
      Il aura pour mission d'écrire, traduire, transcrire et éditer les documents passant aux divers Scriptoriums.

    Au nom de la Congregatio Sacti Officii et de Causis Sanctorum,

    Rédigé, signé et scellé à Rome, le vingt-sixième jour du mois de janvier de l'année MCDLXV de Notre-Seigneur

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Inscrit le: 16 Mai 2012
Messages: 2658
Localisation: Chaves - Kingdom of Portugal

MessagePosté le: Lun Jan 29, 2018 12:57 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant


    Congregatio Sacti Officii et de Causis Sanctorum

    Validation of the Hagiography of the Blessed Liziers

    We, His Eminence NReis Ribeiro de Sousa Coutinho, Roman Elector Cardinal, Vice-Chancellor of the Congregatio Sacti Officii et de Causis Sanctorum, Count of Pesaro, Translator of the Villa San Loyats, General Secretary of the Roman Registers of Sacraments

      Have ruled and ordered, and by our present perpetual and final edict, say and order the validation and reconnaissance of the Hagiography of Liziers as Blessed. The document is hereby available in the Roman Library in French and English.

    In the name of the Congregatio Sacti Officii et de Causis Sanctorum,

    Written, signed and sealed in Rome, at the twenty-eighth day of the month of January of the year of our Lord MCDLXVI.

His Excellency NReis Ribeiro de Sousa Coutinho | Archbishop of Braga | Vice-Primate of the Kingdom of Portugal | General Secretary of the Roman Registers | Writer of the Saint Office | Translator on Villa San Loyats

Diploma Curso Professoral
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Inscrit le: 16 Mai 2012
Messages: 2658
Localisation: Chaves - Kingdom of Portugal

MessagePosté le: Jeu Mar 01, 2018 11:11 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant


    Congregatio Sacti Officii et de Causis Sanctorum

    Validation of the Hagiography of the Blessed Malo

    We, His Eminence NReis Ribeiro de Sousa Coutinho, Roman Elector Cardinal, Vice-Chancellor of the Congregatio Sacti Officii et de Causis Sanctorum, Count of Pesaro, Translator of the Villa San Loyats, General Secretary of the Roman Registers of Sacraments

      Have ruled and ordered, and by our present perpetual and final edict, say and order the validation and reconnaissance of the Hagiography of Malo as Blessed. The document is hereby available in the Roman Library in French and English.

    In the name of the Congregatio Sacti Officii et de Causis Sanctorum,

    Written, signed and sealed in Rome, at the first day of the month of March of the year of our Lord MCDLXVI.

His Excellency NReis Ribeiro de Sousa Coutinho | Archbishop of Braga | Vice-Primate of the Kingdom of Portugal | General Secretary of the Roman Registers | Writer of the Saint Office | Translator on Villa San Loyats

Diploma Curso Professoral
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Inscrit le: 16 Mai 2012
Messages: 2658
Localisation: Chaves - Kingdom of Portugal

MessagePosté le: Sam Avr 28, 2018 6:17 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant


    Congregatio Sacti Officii et de Causis Sanctorum

    Revocation of the Prefect of the Holy Office

    We, His Eminence NReis Ribeiro de Sousa Coutinho, Roman Elector Cardinal, Vice-Chancellor of the Congregatio Sacti Officii et de Causis Sanctorum, Count of Pesaro, Translator of the Villa San Loyats, General Secretary of the Roman Registers of Sacraments,

      Have ruled and ordered, and by our present perpetual and final edict, say and order the revogation of Franciscus Bergoglio as Prefect of the Saint Office, due to its prolonged absence.

    In the name of the Congregatio Sacti Officii et de Causis Sanctorum,

    Written, signed and sealed in Rome, at the twenty-eighth day of the month of April of the year of our Lord MCDLXVI.

His Excellency NReis Ribeiro de Sousa Coutinho | Archbishop of Braga | Vice-Primate of the Kingdom of Portugal | General Secretary of the Roman Registers | Writer of the Saint Office | Translator on Villa San Loyats

Diploma Curso Professoral
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Inscrit le: 21 Fév 2015
Messages: 4120
Localisation: Château de Quintin

MessagePosté le: Ven Juin 15, 2018 1:55 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant


    Congregatio Sacti Officii et de Causis Sanctorum

    Reconnaissance de Son Ém. Hull de Northshire comme théologue

    Je, Cathelineau, Cardinal Romain Électeur, Vice-Chancelier du Saint Office, évêque in partibus d'Acropolis, Primat de Bretagne, Duc de Spolète, fais annonce, au nom du cénacle des théologues, de :

      La reconnaissance de Son Éminence Hull de Northshire [Hull] en tant que théologue du Saint-Office, due à sa fonction passée de Chancelier de la Congrégation.

    Rédigé & scellé à Rome le quinzième jour du sixième mois de l'an de grâce MCDLXVI, sous le Pontificat d'Innocent VIII.


    Congregatio Sacti Officii et de Causis Sanctorum

    Reconnaissance de Son Ém Tibère de Plantagenêt comme théologue

    Je, Cathelineau, Cardinal Romain Électeur, Vice-Chancelier du Saint Office, évêque in partibus d'Acropolis, Primat de Bretagne, Duc de Spolète, fais annonce, au nom du cénacle des théologues, de :

      La reconnaissance de Son Eminence Tibère de Plantagenêt [Rehael] en tant que théologue du Saint-Office, due à sa fonction passée de Chancelier de la Congrégation.

    Rédigé & scellé à Rome le quinzième jour du sixième mois de l'an de grâce MCDLXVI, sous le Pontificat d'Innocent VIII.


    Congregatio Sacti Officii et de Causis Sanctorum

    Recognition of His Eminence Hull de Northshire as Theologian

    We, Cathelineau Botherel de Canihuel, Roman Elector Cardinal, Vice-Chancellor of the Congregatio Sacti Officii et de Causis Sanctorum, Bishop in partibus of Acropolis, Primate of Brittany, Duke of Spoleto, announce, on behalf of the Cenacle of Theologians:

      The recognition of His Eminence Hull de Northshire [Hull] as theologian of the Saint-Office, due to his past function as Chancellor of the Congregation.

    Written, signed and sealed in Rome, at the fifteenth day of the month of June of the year of our Lord MCDLXVI, under the Pontificate of Innocent VIII


    Congregatio Sacti Officii et de Causis Sanctorum

    Recognition of His Eminence Tibère de Plantagenêt as Theologian

    We, Cathelineau Botherel de Canihuel, Roman Elector Cardinal, Vice-Chancellor of the Congregatio Sacti Officii et de Causis Sanctorum, Bishop in partibus of Acropolis, Primate of Brittany, Duke of Spoleto, announce, on behalf of the Cenacle of Theologians:

      The recognition of His Eminence Tibère de Plantagenêt [Rehael] as theologian of the Saint-Office, due to his past function as Chancellor of the Congregation.

    Written, signed and sealed in Rome, at the fifteenth day of the month of June of the year of our Lord MCDLXVI, under the Pontificate of Innocent VIII

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Inscrit le: 21 Fév 2015
Messages: 4120
Localisation: Château de Quintin

MessagePosté le: Jeu Juin 21, 2018 1:16 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant


    Congregatio Sacti Officii et de Causis Sanctorum

    Nomination d'un Vice Préfet Italophone

    Je, Cathelineau, Cardinal Romain Électeur, Vice-Chancelier du Saint Office, évêque in partibus d'Acropolis, Primat de Bretagne, Duc de Spolète, fais annonce de :

      La nomination de Monseigneur Gianvitus De Reame [Gianvitus] à la charge de Vice Préfet Italien.
      Il sera désormais chargé de diriger les travaux du Scriptorium Italophone

    Rédigé & scellé à Rome le vingtième jour du sixième mois de l'an de grâce MCDLXVI, sous le Pontificat d'Innocent VIII.


    Congregatio Sacti Officii et de Causis Sanctorum

    Appointment of a Italian Vice-Prefect

    We, Cathelineau Botherel de Canihuel, Roman Elector Cardinal, Vice-Chancellor of the Congregatio Sacti Officii et de Causis Sanctorum, Bishop in partibus of Acropolis, Primate of Brittany, Duke of Spoleto, announce,

      The appointment of Monsignor Gianvitus De Reame [Gianvitus] to the post of Italian Vice-Prefect.
      He will now be in charge of directing the work of the Italian-speaking Scriptorium

    Written and sealed in Rome the twentieth day of the sixth month of the year of grace MCDLXVI, under the Pontificate of Innocent VIII.

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