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[RP] La Iglesia de San Pablo
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Roderick de Pirou

Inscrit le: 05 Nov 2017
Messages: 37
Localisation: Leiden, County of Holland

MessagePosté le: Mar Déc 19, 2017 9:33 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Roderick nodded at the Cardinal. I don't have any questions. And he smiles. When it is up to me, we can start the ceremonie.
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Inscrit le: 11 Mai 2009
Messages: 9180
Localisation: Dans les Cieux

MessagePosté le: Mer Déc 20, 2017 6:01 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

The Cardinal smiled, nodded, and went to take his place. Once everyone was seated, he began.

"Greetings, dear faithfuls, to this place and Church. I am His Eminence Hull de Northshire, whom will officiate today the baptism of a requesting believer.

But, we are not here for long monologues or great philosophical reflections, we are here before God, or Jah as the English like to name Him. Thus, let us begin with the pray Him for forgiveness. Let us pray and confess, and then let us recite the credo:

I confess to God Almighty
To All the Saints
And to you also my Friends,
Because I have sinned
In thoughts, words and actions
I beg All the Saints and You, My Friends
To pray to the Creator for me
May the Most High grant us forgiveness
Absolution and forgiveness of all our sins.


The next part, before the baptism, was the credo.

"I believe in God, the all powerful Father,
Creator of the Sky and the Earth,
Hell and Paradise,
Judge of our heart until the hour of death.

And in Aristotle, the prophet,
The son of Nicomaque and Phaetis,
Sent to teach wisdom
And the divine laws of the Universe to straying men.

I also believe in Christos,
Son of Mary and Joseph.
Who dedicated His life to show us the way to Paradise.
Thus after He suffered under Ponce,
He died as a martyr to save us.
He joined the Sun where Aristotle waited on the right-hand side of the Father.

I believe in Divine Action;
In the Holy Roman Aristotelian Church;
In the communion of Saints;
In the remission of sins;
In Eternal Life.
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Inscrit le: 16 Déc 2017
Messages: 12

MessagePosté le: Mer Déc 20, 2017 9:37 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

She sighs with relief when she hears Rick say that they haven't started yet. She smiles softly when he thanks her for agreeing to be his godmother. I wouldn't have dreamed it any other way, Rick. A quick grin, a wink and she follows the others into the chapel.

Being the godmother of Rick, she follows him and finally takes a sit on the first row. Not really knowing the credo in this language she hums and tries to listens silently.
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Roderick de Pirou

Inscrit le: 05 Nov 2017
Messages: 37
Localisation: Leiden, County of Holland

MessagePosté le: Mer Déc 20, 2017 10:27 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Smiling, walking along side Ariana does he enter the church. Whe he was seated he started to listen to the Cardinal and prayed.

I confess to God Almighty
To All the Saints
And to you also my Friends,
Because I have sinned
In thoughts, words and actions
I beg All the Saints and You, My Friends
To pray to the Creator for me
May the Most High grant us forgiveness
Absolution and forgiveness of all our sins.


When the pray was finished, the Cardinal started to sing the Credo and Rick followed.

I believe in God, the all powerful Father,
Creator of the Sky and the Earth,
Hell and Paradise,
Judge of our heart until the hour of death.

And in Aristotle, the prophet,
The son of Nicomaque and Phaetis,
Sent to teach wisdom
And the divine laws of the Universe to straying men.

I also believe in Christos,
Son of Mary and Joseph.
Who dedicated His life to show us the way to Paradise.
Thus after He suffered under Ponce,
He died as a martyr to save us.
He joined the Sun where Aristotle waited on the right-hand side of the Father.

I believe in Divine Action;
In the Holy Roman Aristotelian Church;
In the communion of Saints;
In the remission of sins;
In Eternal Life.

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Inscrit le: 01 Oct 2016
Messages: 6297
Localisation: Cardinal Chancelier de la Sainte Inquisition / Janitor of Curia / Concierge de la curie

MessagePosté le: Mer Déc 20, 2017 11:17 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Hello to you, my daughter, I am ....

Estevan was going to reply that Cardinal Hull introduced him before he could say a word. He smiled for his two interlocutors who had just introduced themselves. He then noticed a new guest who also introduced herself as a Countess in Holland. The blond returned his greeting and listened to the beginning of the ceremony before participating himself.

Estevan also recited

I confess to God Almighty
To All the Saints
And to you also my Friends,
Because I have sinned
In thoughts, words and actions
I beg All the Saints and You, My Friends
To pray to the Creator for me
May the Most High grant us forgiveness
Absolution and forgiveness of all our sins.


The next part, before the baptism, was the credo.

"I believe in God, the all powerful Father,
Creator of the Sky and the Earth,
Hell and Paradise,
Judge of our heart until the hour of death.

And in Aristotle, the prophet,
The son of Nicomaque and Phaetis,
Sent to teach wisdom
And the divine laws of the Universe to straying men.

I also believe in Christos,
Son of Mary and Joseph.
Who dedicated His life to show us the way to Paradise.
Thus after He suffered under Ponce,
He died as a martyr to save us.
He joined the Sun where Aristotle waited on the right-hand side of the Father.

I believe in Divine Action;
In the Holy Roman Aristotelian Church;
In the communion of Saints;
In the remission of sins;
In Eternal Life.

"I am painful but I assume" & " Je suis pénible mais j'assume"
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Inscrit le: 11 Mai 2009
Messages: 9180
Localisation: Dans les Cieux

MessagePosté le: Jeu Déc 21, 2017 1:43 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Once that was done, the Cardinal started the first part of the ceremony: his introductory speech

"My dear brothers, my dear sisters, we are gathered here today for an important event which is the first step of every faithful person in our community. Today we will welcome a new member among us, a new child of the Lord who has found the way and is committed to it, allowing him to take another step towards redemption and the solar paradise, as well as to live among the principles of our Church."

Hull smiled slowly.

"As we have recited the credo and confessed ourselves, I will now read the customary passage. This passage of the Dogma speaks of Faith and Baptism, and is often used during this ceremony. Pay close attention."

The Cardinal moved to the reading lectern, and started to recite the 12th Chapter of the Vita of Christos.

Chapter 12

When the crowd dissipated, the place was emptied, leaving room for the guards of the Roman procurator who controlled the city. It was then, my friends, that I experienced one of the major fears of my life; the soldiers, dressed in blood red, converged suddenly on the place, seeming to come from all directions at once.

Some emerged on the walls and others left various buildings, blocking all the exits and all the doors. A powerful orator then descended the steps from the palace of the governor, accompanied by a robust centurion.

Having arrived in the middle of the place, this powerful orator stopped his walk, and leaned over toward his centurion. This last then spoke and his large brutal voice cried to us: “You, Christos, who say you are the Messiah and the guide! I say that you do harm to this city. You are a fomenter of rebellion, a dangerous revolutionist, a man of chaos. I now demand that you follow me!”

We others, his apostles, were paralyzed by fear. We did not hear the whistle of the breeze that rustled the capes of the Romans. And we watched, anxiously, for the reaction of Christos. Daju was terrified, he who had been most upset not to be chosen by Christos to build his Church.

Christos said, then, to the centurion: “In truth, I say to you, man of little faith, I would not follow you, for it is you who will follow me!”

Then, the powerful orator ordered the centurion to seize Joshua, and the officer, with a ferocious expression, approached us with a slow step. I breathed at the rate and in the rhythm of his steps, trying to calm my heart, which beat at a panicked rate. When he was face to face with Christos, the Centurion looked him in the eyes, intensely and rather lengthily. Then, suddenly, he removed his helmet and knelt by our Messiah, clutching the hem of his robe.

“Teacher,” he begged, to the great surprise of his superior, “I would like to follow you and belong to this community of the faithful ones. What must I do? I know that I am sinning and that I have served a bad Master, but I request some word from you. Tell me how I may repent! ”

Then Christos raised him and under the spineless glance of the Romans, he pronounced these words: “Sinning, you have said, and you have just done the first thing that the faithful ones will have to do; to be humble and confess. Thus, if your repentance is sincere, God forgives you.”

Christos turned to his apostles, and continued: “And you, know that the sins made by your flocks are forgiven if they come to confess them to your ears; if they are ready to make penitence of it.”

Then Christos approached the fountain, and said to the Centurion: “By the grace of the Eternal, I will wash away your sins, renewing you of water, the source of life.”

And Christos plunged his hands joined under the jet of the fountain. He sprayed the figure of the Centurion in this water, whispering these words: “Lord, condescend to wash this man of his sin, and to thus give him a new birth among believers! I ask this in the name of The Most High. Amen.”

Then, Christos called us to him, and we, his apostles, one after another, were fortified by Christos in the water of the fountain, giving to us the second birth. He said to us: “My apostles, men and women, by the grace of God, you here have washed away your sins. Show Him that you could be worthy of this honour that He does you, because the sacrament of Baptism could be withdrawn from whoever betrays the substance of it.”

It was one of the most intense days of my life, and one which I never forgot, so much it is engraved in my memory. Our emotion was at its highest pitch when we realized that the soldiers had deserted the place.

"My dear assembled faithfuls, that is the why of the gesture. This sacred text nevertheless is not an explanation for those who do not know theology.

Thus, I shall explain the reason and commitment you will take, my son, in partaking in the baptism. Baptism is an important step in the life of every man and woman. It is the symbolic and effective act that leads to the entry into the community of the faithful, the first step on the path of purification to access the solar paradise, and the accession to an understanding of ideas that affect your soul and spiritual past, present and future. By this, you recognize that God is the motor of the world and you proclaim publicly your faith.

By baptism, you will be welcomed in the house of God and in our community, which will be for you a second family and a refuge. You will have many brothers and sisters who will help you and never leave you alone, sharing joy and pain. If you accept all this, my son, follow me to the baptistery. As Christos did, I will pour water on you. And as spiritual guidance, we would also invite the future godmother to come stand by the side of the baptized-to-be.

Hull then closed the book and moved to the baptistry, waiting for Rick to come... or to walk away, although that had never happened before.

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Inscrit le: 27 Juin 2013
Messages: 22

MessagePosté le: Ven Déc 22, 2017 4:46 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

She walks with the rest inside and she takes place. When Hull starts the ceremonie she looks at Rick. She knows that this is what he wanted the most and she is glad to be here for him.
Right after that the praying starts. She holds her hands together and she listen. Right after that the low voice of Hull starts with the credo and she sings along. The words she learned as a little kid with her parents, she will never forget.

And then the moment for Rick. He needs to stap towards Hull for one of the final parts of the baptizm


💕 Aidi 💕
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Roderick de Pirou

Inscrit le: 05 Nov 2017
Messages: 37
Localisation: Leiden, County of Holland

MessagePosté le: Sam Déc 23, 2017 7:15 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

A little hesitating does he walk in the direction of the Cardinal. He didn't doubt if he wanted to be baptised or not, he was quite sure, but for some reason was there a weird feeling. He walks slowly to the Cardinal and stops right in front of him. He nodded a little bit nervous at the Cardinal and waits for Ariana to come. He let his right hand fall down to his belt and searched for his rosary, he kept is in his hand for a short moment and let it go again, waiting for what was gonna happen next.
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Inscrit le: 16 Déc 2017
Messages: 12

MessagePosté le: Sam Déc 23, 2017 10:56 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Ariana smiles when the words of Hull reach her. Of course she will stand by Rick. Silently she waits until he stands up and goes to stand next to him. Quickly she lays a hand on his shoulder and then lets her arm fall back to her side.
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Inscrit le: 11 Mai 2009
Messages: 9180
Localisation: Dans les Cieux

MessagePosté le: Sam Jan 06, 2018 7:15 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

With a big heart, the Cardinal always managed to keep the water rather room temperature and not freezing... except, of course, in summer when it did not matter! The water was relatively warm for the occasion, so as to be a little less unpleasant.

There was only one little recitation left, and then he could deliver the baptism, hand in the certificate, finish up the ceremony... in truth, baptisms were relatively quick and painless to do. Unlike some weddings that dragged on and on and onnnnn. He continued with his monologue.

"Before performing this sacred ritual, I have to ask you, my child, if you wish, in all conscience of the commitments that this implies, to join the community of the faithful, to sing justly, to respect the dogma as well as the canon law of the Church and to defend the True and Unique Aristotelian Religion against those who oppose it or question it ... because when I say that, I imply that you need to defend your convictions and your faith... and not stand idly like so many.

If so, please repeat after me the baptized oath:

I recognize in God the motor of the world, the supreme thought and the efficient and final cause of the world.
I recognize the Aristotelian Church as my guide in the knowledge of God, and I swear to remain faithful to her and its authority, the only representative on earth of the divine Being.
I accept all this of my own will, for the salvation of my soul and for my future elevation near God in the eternal contemplation of His Beauty.
I want my name to appear as baptized and servant of Almighty God.

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Roderick de Pirou

Inscrit le: 05 Nov 2017
Messages: 37
Localisation: Leiden, County of Holland

MessagePosté le: Sam Jan 06, 2018 8:56 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

He has waited a little nervous till the Cardinal started to speak. This ceremony was important for him, because he becomes a member of the church, but it's also necessery for his ambitions. And when the Cardinal is stops speaking, then he felt a some relief and said the words he had to say.

I do..
I recognize in God the motor of the world, the supreme thought and the efficient and final cause of the world.
I recognize the Aristotelian Church as my guide in the knowledge of God, and I swear to remain faithful to her and its authority, the only representative on earth of the divine Being.
I accept all this of my own will, for the salvation of my soul and for my future elevation near God in the eternal contemplation of His Beauty.
I want my name to appear as baptized and servant of Almighty God.

He takes a quick look at Ariana, his godmother and dear friend. Then he looks to the Cardinal again.
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Inscrit le: 11 Mai 2009
Messages: 9180
Localisation: Dans les Cieux

MessagePosté le: Dim Jan 07, 2018 2:24 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

The Cardinal invited Roderick to look and bend over the baptistery. He then plunged his two joined hands into the lukewarm water and placed them above the head of the baptised-to-be. He let the water drizzle, in a thin stream, upon the hair and forehead

"Roderick , my son, I baptize you in the name of the Aristotelian Church and in the name of the Most High, for the friendship of all the Saints and for the love of the Father of humanity. By this act, I purify your soul of your sins and consecrate your accession to the community of the faithful: God having blessed your entry, the doors of Paradise are open to you as long as you lead an exemplary life. "

He handed a cloth to the newly baptized faithful so that he would not catch cold. It would be a shame to be carried away by the fever contracted for his baptism all the same, right? He smiled softly and went to take a candle

"Take this candle, my son, through him, God ask you to spread the radiant faith around you, keep this object as a remembrance of the light that you are in this world. Take it, and then give and share it with your spitirual godmother."

The Eminence then presented an Aristotelian medallion.

"May this symbol, which shows your belonging to the True Faith as a baptized person, be an object of pride and an object to everyone, do not be like all those people who, once baptized, forget it in the depths of a person. It marks our belonging, but also your will, tenacity and the work you have done so far.
I shall also do, after the ceremony, your certificate of baptism.


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Roderick de Pirou

Inscrit le: 05 Nov 2017
Messages: 37
Localisation: Leiden, County of Holland

MessagePosté le: Dim Jan 07, 2018 2:25 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

He felt a warm feeling when the water flowed over his head, not only because the water wasn't cold at all, but especially in the inside, within his heart he felt a warm feeling. Then the Cardinal gives him a cloth and he smiles back at the Cardinal.
First he gives Roderick a candle, which he should share with his godmother. Then he also gives Roderick a medallion, a medallion he saw many times before and he was so happy to have one on his own.
He turns to Ariana and shows her the candle. For a short moment he looks in her eyes and smiles softly.
Ariana, shall we share this candle and keep it together.

After that he turns to the Cardinal again, a little bit nervous because he wants to ask him something, probably something a little bit unusual
. Father.. Thank you for the baptism. It meant a lot to me. And. He thinks about what to say. Forgive my rudeness, I know I just have been baptised. But I want to devote my life to God. And do everything in my power to serve him. Therefor, father, could you please ordain me. So I can serve God and the Aristotelian Church.
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Inscrit le: 16 Déc 2017
Messages: 12

MessagePosté le: Dim Jan 07, 2018 9:31 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Ariana had listened quietly and when Rick finally had his medal and showed him the candle she couldn't help but smile. She took the candle from him and whispered: I'll hold it for you until we go back to our chambers. And Rick... I'm very proud of you. She gave him a quick peck on the cheek and listened as he want to ask to be ordained.
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Inscrit le: 11 Mai 2009
Messages: 9180
Localisation: Dans les Cieux

MessagePosté le: Dim Jan 07, 2018 10:49 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

The Cardinal was slightly surprised, but the fervor in the eyes of Roderick was visible. Holland needed such motivated priests. His choice was easy.

"If you are ready to take the 4 vows and become a priest, then I will honor God alongside you and make you one of His servants.

Monsignor Estevan, do you agree with us? I would require an ordained witness.

Dernière édition par hull le Mer Oct 17, 2018 9:34 pm; édité 1 fois
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