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[RP] Saint Titus Feast: oaths to the Sovereign Pontiff
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Inscrit le: 26 Aoû 2014
Messages: 1486
Localisation: Blaye, Guyenne

MessagePosté le: Dim Sep 06, 2020 1:41 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Zwentibold va s'agenouiller devant le Saint Père pour prêter serment.

Je jure sur les Saintes-Écritures de servir fidèlement, avec foi, loyauté et obéissance, Sixte, Souverain Pontife de la Sainte Église Aristotélicienne et Romaine, ainsi que tous ses légitimes successeurs à venir. Je promets d'apporter fidélité, conseil, ainsi que toute l'aide que je serais en mesure de leur donner, sacrifiant mon propre intérêt ou confort au profit de la gloire de l’Église de Dieu sur Terre. Puisse le Très-Haut m'aider et m'inspirer dans cette tâche

Zwentibold bends his knees in front of the Holy Father to take oath.

I swear on the Holy Scriptures faithfully serve with faith, loyalty and obedience, Sixtus, Pontiff of the Holy Roman Church and Aristotelian and all his legitimate successors to come. I promise to bring loyalty consulting, and any help I would be able to give them, sacrificing my own comfort or interest in favor of the glory of the Church of God on Earth. May the Almighty help and inspire me in this task.

Après avoir baisé l'anneau, il retourne à sa place.

After having kissed the ring, he goes back to his place.

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Whoopie de la Rose Noire

Inscrit le: 20 Juin 2014
Messages: 49

MessagePosté le: Dim Sep 06, 2020 1:45 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

A son tour, elle vint s'agenouiller devant le Saint-Père et embrasser l'anneau, avant de faire ses serments.

Je jure sur les Saintes-Écritures de servir fidèlement, avec foi, loyauté et obéissance, Sixte, Souverain Pontife de la Sainte Église Aristotélicienne et Romaine, ainsi que tous ses légitimes successeurs à venir.
Je promets d'apporter fidélité, conseil, ainsi que toute l'aide que je serais en mesure de leur donner, sacrifiant mon propre intérêt ou confort au profit de la gloire de l’Église de Dieu sur Terre.
Puisse le Très-Haut m'aider et m'inspirer dans cette tâche.

In turn, she came to kneel before the Holy Father and kissed the ring, before taking her oaths.

I swear on the Holy Scriptures faithfully serve with faith, loyalty and obedience, Sixtus, Pontiff of the Holy Roman Church and Aristotelian and all his legitimate successors to come. I promise to bring loyalty consulting, and any help I would be able to give them, sacrificing my own comfort or interest in favor of the glory of the Church of God on Earth. May the Almighty help and inspire me in this task.
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Inscrit le: 10 Juil 2011
Messages: 18
Localisation: Pisa

MessagePosté le: Lun Sep 07, 2020 12:36 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Visto l’impedimento del Cardinale e a norma dei regolamenti araldici, la Scudiera, con le insegne della Viscontea di Roiate si fece avanti per giurare in nome del suo signore.

Io, Maria Teresa Morosini Stibbert [ Florenza ] in qualità di Scudiero a nome per conto di Sua Eminenza Reverendissima Stefano M.L. Frescobaldi [Stex86], Visconte di Roiate, giuro sulle Sacre Scritture, di servire fedelmente, con fede, lealtà e obbedienza, Sixtus, Sovrano Pontefice della Santa Chiesa Aristotelica Universale e Romana, così come tutti i suoi successori legittimi futuri.

Prometto di portare fedele consiglio e tutto l'aiuto che sarò capace di dare loro, sacrificando il mio proprio interesse o comodità in favore della gloria della Chiesa di Dio sulla Terra.

Possa l'Altissimo aiutarmi e ispirarmi in questo compito.


Given the impediment of the Cardinal and in accordance with heraldic regulations, the Scudiera, with the insignia of the Viscontea di Roiate, stepped forward to swear in the name of her lord.

I, Maria Teresa Morosini Stibbert [Florenza] as Squire on behalf of His Eminence Most Reverend Stefano M.L. Frescobaldi [Stex86], Viscount of Roiate, I swear on the Holy Scriptures, to serve faithfully, with faith, loyalty and obedience, Sixtus, Sovereign Pontiff of the Holy Universal and Roman Aristotelian Church, as well as all his future legitimate successors.

I promise to bring faithful advice and all the help I will be able to give them, sacrificing my own interest or comfort for the glory of God's Church on Earth.

May the Most High help and inspire me in this task.

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Inscrit le: 24 Fév 2013
Messages: 13061
Localisation: Roma, Palazzo Doria-Pamphilj

MessagePosté le: Mar Sep 08, 2020 1:11 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

    Now the magic moment had come. The Cardinal was called and he stepped in his flowing robes before the throne of Titus and he looked up to him, the Holy Father. Kalixtus remembered John's mission:

      - Why are you, the most faithful and devoted of my followers, not ready to join my table and become an apostle?
      Flattered, John looked at him and then replied:
      - Christos, your role and that of the apostles is to enlighten the people of the holy Aristotelian faith... You are like a beacon that illuminates the darkness. But sometimes, after your departure, certain veils are lifted over weak minds. When I am at your side, the nations will no longer be enlightened by our message, but the veils will continue" .

    The smile reached the Cardinal's eyes and for a moment he closed them and smiled happily at His Holiness. It was joy that enveloped him. The Cardinal fell to his knees and looked up from there as if to say Father - look at me, I give you ... everything. Because with the cardinal an entire administration knelt before him - more than that, entire institutions and yet it only mattered what he did and he did it with the smile of the rising sun - sincere and honest.

    Gently the Cardinal's lips touched the ring of His Holiness like the beat of a lemon butterfly's wings kissing the delicate flowers, full of nectar and pollen - landed on it. An almost timeless, eternal weight. What was he here for? Where does this journey lead to? What paths might they reveal from the mist of a summer morning? Kalixtus felt the twists and turns of eternity in the ether. Pray for me and my soul, Holy Father, because I am lost ...

    I swear on the Holy Scriptures to faithfully serve with faith, loyalty and obedience, Sixtus, Pontiff of the Holy Roman Church and Aristotelian and all his legitimate successors to come.
    I promise to bring loyalty consulting, and any help I would be able to give them, sacrificing my own comfort or interest in favor of the glory of the Church of God on Earth.
    May the Almighty help and inspire me in this task.

    "Forever." His ice-blue eyes sought that of the Pope and lost themselves in it, dug in it for knowledge and wisdom - for space, time and eternity - he might have done so for the price of his soul forever, and yet a short moment, a brief meeting, an official act. They were not lost, they were not alone, they were lonely - this united them both perfectly. For the fraction of a heartbeat they beat in unison with the eternal music of God. For a moment they were united by more than the love of dogma, the love of God and the Church. For a moment they were lonely together but not alone. Surrounded by all those people, only difference and longing remained - to be seen, loved and liked for one's own sake, not for the sake of the ministry, not for the sake of titles and power. Only for its own sake. The Cardinal bowed his head and rose and whispered a message audible only to Sixtus - "thank you for everything."

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Inscrit le: 13 Jan 2015
Messages: 168
Localisation: Viale dei Crociati 1, Gaeta

MessagePosté le: Mer Sep 09, 2020 3:30 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Io, Marco Antonio, giuro sulle Sacre Scritture di servire fedelmente, con fede, lealtà e obbedienza, Sixtus, Sovrano Pontefice della Santa Chiesa Aristotelica Universale e Romana, così come tutti i suoi successori legittimi futuri.
Prometto di portare fedele consiglio e tutto l'aiuto che sarò capace di dare loro, sacrificando il mio proprio interesse o comodità in favore della gloria della Chiesa di Dio sulla Terra.
Possa l'Altissimo aiutarmi e ispirarmi in questo compito.

(english transalate)

I, Marco Antonio, swear by the Holy Scriptures to serve faithfully, with faith, loyalty and obedience, Sixtus, Sovereign Pontiff of the Holy Aristotelian Universal and Roman Church, as well as all his future legitimate successors.
I promise to bring faithful advice and all the help I will be able to give them, sacrificing my own interest or comfort for the glory of God's Church on Earth.
May the Most High help and inspire me in this task.

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Inscrit le: 24 Fév 2015
Messages: 14

MessagePosté le: Ven Sep 11, 2020 11:03 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Paolo emozionatissimo, dopo essersi inginocchiato e aver baciato l'anello pontificio, pronunciò il giuramento con voce chiara:

Io, Paolo Cesare Amerigo Castiglione, "Sir.paolocesare", giuro sulle Sacre Scritture di servire fedelmente, con fede, lealtà e obbedienza, Sixtus, Sovrano Pontefice della Santa Chiesa Aristotelica Universale e Romana, così come tutti i suoi successori legittimi futuri.
Prometto di portare fedele consiglio e tutto l'aiuto che sarò capace di dare loro, sacrificando il mio proprio interesse o comodità in favore della gloria della Chiesa di Dio sulla Terra.
Possa l'Altissimo aiutarmi e ispirarmi in questo compito.


Paolo excited, after kneeling and kissing the papal ring, pronounced the oath in a clear voice:

I, Paolo Cesare Amerigo Castiglione, "Sir.paolocesare", swear by the Holy Scriptures to serve faithfully, with faith, loyalty and obedience, Sixtus, Sovereign Pontiff of the Holy Aristotelian Universal and Roman Church, as well as all his future legitimate successors.
I promise to bring faithful advice and all the help I will be able to give them, sacrificing my own interest or comfort for the glory of God's Church on Earth.
May the Most High help and inspire me in this task.
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Inscrit le: 01 Sep 2014
Messages: 50

MessagePosté le: Ven Sep 11, 2020 11:24 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Umberto, sentendo chiamare il suo nome, si alzò dal suo posto e pronunziò il giuramento dopo aver baciato l'anello pontificio:

Io, Umberto II Asburgo d'Argovia, "Umberto_ii ", giuro sulle Sacre Scritture di servire fedelmente, con fede, lealtà e obbedienza, Sixtus, Sovrano Pontefice della Santa Chiesa Aristotelica Universale e Romana, così come tutti i suoi successori legittimi futuri.
Prometto di portare fedele consiglio e tutto l'aiuto che sarò capace di dare loro, sacrificando il mio proprio interesse o comodità in favore della gloria della Chiesa di Dio sulla Terra.
Possa l'Altissimo aiutarmi e ispirarmi in questo compito.


Umberto was sitting, and listened his name, so he stranded up E pronounced his oath to the Pontiff after kissing his ring:

I, Umberto II Asburgo d'Argovia, "Umberto_ii" , swear by the Holy Scriptures to serve faithfully, with faith, loyalty and obedience, Sixtus, Sovereign Pontiff of the Holy Aristotelian Universal and Roman Church, as well as all his future legitimate successors.
I promise to bring faithful advice and all the help I will be able to give them, sacrificing my own interest or comfort for the glory of God's Church on Earth.
May the Most High help and inspire me in this task.

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Inscrit le: 12 Aoû 2018
Messages: 18

MessagePosté le: Ven Sep 11, 2020 2:23 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Sara si inginocchiò davanti al Pontefice e pronunciò il suo giuramento

Io, Sara Aurora Castiglione, “Sara8383”, giuro sulle Sacre Scritture di servire fedelmente, con fede, lealtà e obbedienza, Sixtus, Sovrano Pontefice della Santa Chiesa Aristotelica Universale e Romana, così come tutti i suoi successori legittimi futuri.
Prometto di portare fedele consiglio e tutto l'aiuto che sarò capace di dare loro, sacrificando il mio proprio interesse o comodità in favore della gloria della Chiesa di Dio sulla Terra.
Possa l'Altissimo aiutarmi e ispirarmi in questo compito.


Sara knelt down before the Pontiff and took her oath

I, Sara Aurora Castiglione, “Sara8383”, swear by the Holy Scriptures to serve faithfully, with faith, loyalty and obedience, Sixtus, Sovereign Pontiff of the Holy Aristotelian Universal and Roman Church, as well as all his future legitimate successors.
I promise to bring faithful advice and all the help I will be able to give them, sacrificing my own interest or comfort for the glory of God's Church on Earth.
May the Most High help and inspire me in this task.

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Inscrit le: 03 Mai 2018
Messages: 127

MessagePosté le: Ven Sep 11, 2020 11:19 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Aurora, dopo essersi inginocchiata e aver baciato l'anello pontificio, pronunciò il giuramento con voce chiara:

Io,Aurora Adelaide Malaspina ,"Lady.aurora" giuro sulle Sacre Scritture di servire fedelmente, con fede, lealtà e obbedienza, Sixtus, Sovrano Pontefice della Santa Chiesa Aristotelica Universale e Romana, così come tutti i suoi successori legittimi futuri.
Prometto di portare fedele consiglio e tutto l'aiuto che sarò capace di dare loro, sacrificando il mio proprio interesse o comodità in favore della gloria della Chiesa di Dio sulla Terra.
Possa l'Altissimo aiutarmi e ispirarmi in questo compito.

Aurora, after kneeling and kissing the papal ring, took the oath in a clear voice:

I, Aurora Adelaide Malaspina, "Lady.aurora" swear in the Holy Scriptures to serve faithfully, with faith, loyalty and obedience, Sixtus, Sovereign Pontiff of the Holy Universal and Roman Aristotelian Church, as well as all his future legitimate successors.
I promise to bring faithful advice and all the help I will be able to give them, sacrificing my own interest or comfort for the glory of God's Church on Earth.
May the Most High help and inspire me in this task.

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Inscrit le: 08 Oct 2017
Messages: 27

MessagePosté le: Dim Sep 13, 2020 1:52 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

The Baroness of Marta, after kneeling, pronounced the oath:

I, Shekinah Carafa della Spina, swear by the Holy Scriptures to serve faithfully, with faith, loyalty and obedience, Sixtus, Sovereign Pontiff of the Holy Aristotelian Universal and Roman Church, as well as all his future legitimate successors.
I promise to bring faithful advice and all the help I will be able to give them, sacrificing my own interest or comfort for the glory of God's Church on Earth.
May the Most High help and inspire me in this task.

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Onael d'Appérault

Inscrit le: 19 Avr 2013
Messages: 3498
Localisation: Palazzo Altemps

MessagePosté le: Dim Sep 13, 2020 3:18 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Quand son nom fut appelé, la Comtesse lescurienne se présenta devant le Saint Père à la suite des autres.
Selon les gestes coutumiers, elle ploya le genou sous ses jupons et mêlant gestes et paroles elle récita son serment.

Je jure sur les Saintes-Écritures de servir fidèlement, avec foi, loyauté et obéissance, Sixte, Souverain Pontife de la Sainte Église Aristotélicienne et Romaine, ainsi que tous ses légitimes successeurs à venir.
Je promets d'apporter fidélité, conseil, ainsi que toute l'aide que je serais en mesure de donner, sacrifiant mon propre intérêt ou confort au profit de la gloire de l’Église de Dieu sur Terre.
Puisse le Très-Haut m'aider et m'inspirer dans cette tâche.

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Inscrit le: 04 Juin 2007
Messages: 129
Localisation: Montpellier

MessagePosté le: Dim Sep 13, 2020 8:26 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Max suivait la cérémonie avec attention, grandiose était le mot qui venait à l'esprit du Comte, il s'avança à l'appel de son nom devant le Saint Père et mit un genou à terre.

- Je jure sur les Saintes-Écritures de servir fidèlement, avec foi, loyauté et obéissance, Sixte, Souverain Pontife de la Sainte Église Aristotélicienne et Romaine, ainsi que tous ses légitimes successeurs à venir.

Je promets d'apporter fidélité, conseil, ainsi que toute l'aide que je serais en mesure de donner, sacrifiant mon propre intérêt ou confort au profit de la gloire de l’Église de Dieu sur Terre.
Puisse le Très-Haut m'aider et m'inspirer dans cette tâche.

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Inscrit le: 08 Déc 2016
Messages: 769

MessagePosté le: Lun Sep 14, 2020 8:40 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Oberon had waited patiently for his turn and then stepped before the Pope, knelt down before him and took his oath: “I swear on the Holy Scriptures to faithfully serve with faith, loyalty and obedience, Sixtus, Pontiff of the Holy Roman Church and Aristotelian and all his legitimate successors to come. I promise to bring loyalty consulting, and any help I would be able to give them, sacrificing my own comfort or interest in favor of the glory of the Church of God on Earth. May the Almighty help and inspire me in this task.
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Inscrit le: 28 Mai 2010
Messages: 36

MessagePosté le: Mer Sep 16, 2020 8:47 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Lorsque son tour fut venu, le vieux prince vint ployer le genou, avec une relative difficulté, face à l'homme qui estait à la teste de son Eglise.

Nos, Riwenn de Castel Vilar de la Duranxie, Prince d'Appignano, jurons sur les Sent Écritures de servir fidèlement, avec foy, loyauté et obéissance, Sixte, Souverain Pontife de la Sent Église Aristotélicienne et Romaine, ainsi que tots ses légitimes successeurs à venir. Fidèle aristotélicien depuis des décennies, rien ne pourrait ébranler sa foy Nos promettons d'apporter fidélité, conseil, ainsi que tote l'aide que nos serions en mesure de donner, sacrifiant nostre propre intérest ou confort au profit de la gloire de l’Église de Dieu sur Terre. Et il conclut avec cet écho à ses prédécesseurs qui donnait encor plus de poids à son serment. Puisse le Très-Haut nos aider et nos inspirer dans cette tasche ! Ainsi attendit-il la reponse, sinon la bénédiction, du Souverain pontif.

Héraldique européenne
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Inscrit le: 29 Déc 2013
Messages: 3461
Localisation: [PT] Évora, Portugal

MessagePosté le: Mar Sep 22, 2020 4:04 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Palladio, after kneeling and kissing the papal ring, pronounced the oath in a clear voice:

I, Palladio Monforte, swear by the Holy Scriptures to serve faithfully, with faith, loyalty and obedience, Sixtus, Sovereign Pontiff of the Holy Aristotelian Universal and Roman Church, as well as all his future legitimate successors.
I promise to bring faithful advice and all the help I will be able to give them, sacrificing my own interest or comfort for the glory of God's Church on Earth.
May the Most High help and inspire me in this task.

His Eminence Palladio Monforte | Roman Elector Cardinal | Cardinal of St. John of the Martyrs | Vice-chancellor of the Congregation for the Dissemination of the Faith | Metropolitan Archbishop of Evora | Count of Orvieto & Viscount of São Bento | Professor at Seminário Menor de Viana do Castelo
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