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Inscrit le: 15 Oct 2013
Messages: 3814
Localisation: Ducato di Milano

MessagePosté le: Jeu Juil 16, 2020 11:20 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

The chancellor handed an old document over to the office.
I apologize if this interdiction document arrives two years late, but after a check we realized that it had never been registered in this office.


Provvedimento di Interdizione
Karmat è da considerarsi Interdetto

    Dio dunque chiese loro: "Vivete grazie a Me, poiché sono il vostro creatore. Vi cibate, vi riproducete, voi educate la vostra progenie. Ma non sapete perché vivete. Secondo voi, quale senso ho dato alla vita?".

    La maggior parte delle creature non sapeva cosa rispondere. Si osservavano reciprocamente, sperando di trovare nei loro vicini la risposta a questa domanda piuttosto strana. Si poteva osservare un pesce imbambolato, che non sapeva cosa dire, un cavallo sfregare il suolo con i suoi zoccoli, una quercia curvarsi, cercando disperatamente la risposta nelle sue radici, ed anche una colomba che si grattava la testa in segno di riflessione.

    Ma una fra loro avanzò. Sembrava sicura di essa e della sua risposta. Tutte le altre specie gli aprirono il passaggio e, presto, uno spazio si liberò attorno ad essa. Alzò gli occhi verso Dio, ma il suo sguardo era pieno di boria. Rispose: "Hai fatto le creature animate dalla necessità di nutrirsi. Hai fatto i forti capaci di divorare i deboli. Senza dubbio, si tratta dunque di garantire la sovranità del forte sul debole!".

    Aggiunse: "Ho come prova il fatto che sono l'ultimo rappresentante della mia specie. Solo il più forte è sopravvissuto fra i miei! Se mi chiami il "Tuo figlio", saprò mostrarti chi, tre tutte le creature, deve dominare il mondo.”

    Attese che Dio si congratulasse per la sua risposta, ma invano. Poiché non gli rispose.

dal Libro delle Virtù: La Creazione VI: La domanda

Noi, S. Em. Rev.ma Monsignor Arduino I "Gropius" Della Scala, Cardinale Romano della Parrocchia di San Silfaele Fuori le Mura, Prelato Plenipotenziario, Governatore della Provincia del Patrimonio di Tito e Conte di Civitavecchia, Primo Vice Primate CESE, Segretario Generale della Congregazione per la Diffusione della Fede, Protonotario Apostolico, Stella d'Oro dell'Ordine di Aristotele, Barone Palatino di San Giovanni in Laterano e Scudiero del Ducato di Camerino,

per grazia dell'Altissimo Arcivescovo di Pisa



che si è macchiato di atti contro i propri fratelli e le proprie sorelle, dissacrando il Tempio del Signore, assaltando i luoghi della Comunità, contravvenendo ai precetti di Dio, esibendo disprezzo per il prossimo e amore per l'uso sconsiderato e belluino della forza

Da oggi a tale Karmat non saranno e non dovranno essere concessi i sacramenti della Santa Chiesa Aristotelica.
Non gli sarà altresì concessa la sepoltura in terra consacrata.

La Santa Madre Chiesa è sempre disposta ad accogliere il sincero pentimento e a perdonare il peccatore che abbia restituito il maltolto e dimostrata contrizione e desiderio di fare ammenda.

Nella grande magnanimità della Santa Chiesa Aristotelica lasciamo la possibilità, in punto di morte, di poter essere confessato e battezzato in modo da raggiungere la salvezza eterna e non essere scaraventati all'inferno lunare.

Tutti i Fedeli Aristotelici debbono schivarlo, a lui non deve essere dato né aiuto né riparo, scacciatelo dalla vostra vista e dalla vostra terra.

L'eretico che a lei si accompagni, in opere o in spirito, verrà colpito da stesso provvedimento!

Il fedele che a lei si accompagni, in opere o in spirito, verrà condotto presso l'Inquisizione per essere processato!

Possa Aristotele illuminarlo affinché si converto e si penta per non cadere definitivamente nella dannazione eterna.

Scritto e ratificato a Pisa,
il giorno ventesimoquinto del mese di novembre dell'Anno di Grazia MCDLXVI


[color=green][b][size=18]Provvedimento di Interdizione[/size]
[url=http://www.iregni.com/FichePersonnage.php?login=Karmat]Karmat[/url] è da considerarsi Interdetto[/b][/color]

[quote][list]Dio dunque chiese loro: "Vivete grazie a Me, poiché sono il vostro creatore. Vi cibate, vi riproducete, voi educate la vostra progenie. Ma non sapete perché vivete. Secondo voi, quale senso ho dato alla vita?".

La maggior parte delle creature non sapeva cosa rispondere. Si osservavano reciprocamente, sperando di trovare nei loro vicini la risposta a questa domanda piuttosto strana. Si poteva osservare un pesce imbambolato, che non sapeva cosa dire, un cavallo sfregare il suolo con i suoi zoccoli, una quercia curvarsi, cercando disperatamente la risposta nelle sue radici, ed anche una colomba che si grattava la testa in segno di riflessione.

Ma una fra loro avanzò. Sembrava sicura di essa e della sua risposta. Tutte le altre specie gli aprirono il passaggio e, presto, uno spazio si liberò attorno ad essa. Alzò gli occhi verso Dio, ma il suo sguardo era pieno di boria. Rispose: "Hai fatto le creature animate dalla necessità di nutrirsi. Hai fatto i forti capaci di divorare i deboli. Senza dubbio, si tratta dunque di garantire la sovranità del forte sul debole!".

Aggiunse: "Ho come prova il fatto che sono l'ultimo rappresentante della mia specie. Solo il più forte è sopravvissuto fra i miei! Se mi chiami il "Tuo figlio", saprò mostrarti chi, tre tutte le creature, deve dominare il mondo.”

Attese che Dio si congratulasse per la sua risposta, ma invano. Poiché non gli rispose.
[size=9]dal Libro delle Virtù: La Creazione VI: La domanda[/size][/quote]

[b][size=18][color=darkred]N[/color][/size][/b]oi, S. Em. Rev.ma Monsignor Arduino I "Gropius" Della Scala, Cardinale Romano della Parrocchia di San Silfaele Fuori le Mura, Prelato Plenipotenziario, Governatore della Provincia del Patrimonio di Tito e Conte di Civitavecchia, Primo Vice Primate CESE, Segretario Generale della Congregazione per la Diffusione della Fede, Protonotario Apostolico, Stella d'Oro dell'Ordine di Aristotele, Barone Palatino di San Giovanni in Laterano e Scudiero del Ducato di Camerino,

per grazia dell'Altissimo Arcivescovo di Pisa



che si è macchiato di atti contro i propri fratelli e le proprie sorelle, dissacrando il Tempio del Signore, assaltando i luoghi della Comunità, contravvenendo ai precetti di Dio, esibendo disprezzo per il prossimo e amore per l'uso sconsiderato e belluino della forza

Da oggi a tale [b]Karmat[/b] non saranno e non dovranno essere concessi i sacramenti della Santa Chiesa Aristotelica.
Non gli sarà altresì concessa la sepoltura in terra consacrata.

La Santa Madre Chiesa è sempre disposta ad accogliere il sincero pentimento e a perdonare il peccatore che abbia restituito il maltolto e dimostrata contrizione e desiderio di fare ammenda.

Nella grande magnanimità della Santa Chiesa Aristotelica lasciamo la possibilità, in punto di morte, di poter essere confessato e battezzato in modo da raggiungere la salvezza eterna e non essere scaraventati all'inferno lunare.

[u][color=darkred]Tutti i Fedeli Aristotelici debbono schivarlo, a lui non deve essere dato né aiuto né riparo, scacciatelo dalla vostra vista e dalla vostra terra.

L'eretico che a lei si accompagni, in opere o in spirito, verrà colpito da stesso provvedimento!

Il fedele che a lei si accompagni, in opere o in spirito, verrà condotto presso l'Inquisizione per essere processato! [/color]
[b]Possa Aristotele illuminarlo affinché si converto e si penta per non cadere definitivamente nella dannazione eterna.[/b]

[size=9][color=olive]Scritto e ratificato a Pisa,
il giorno ventesimoquinto del mese di novembre dell'Anno di Grazia MCDLXVI [/color][/size]


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Inscrit le: 19 Déc 2009
Messages: 668
Localisation: Luxeuil

MessagePosté le: Ven Juil 17, 2020 11:08 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Elle se saisit de l'annonce.

C'est ajouté au registre, je vous remercie.

She took the letter.

It's added to the registry, thank you.

Six pieds sous terre

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Inscrit le: 19 Déc 2009
Messages: 668
Localisation: Luxeuil

MessagePosté le: Dim Sep 13, 2020 11:05 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Parcourant les annonces place d'Aristote, la sous-préfète enregistra les derniers excommuniés.

Annonces excommunication : Lea_butterfly ; Nalinga ; Bartholomaeus .
Six pieds sous terre

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Inscrit le: 03 Avr 2016
Messages: 1987

MessagePosté le: Jeu Oct 08, 2020 12:20 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Hello, is this the most updated list?

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Inscrit le: 11 Fév 2015
Messages: 5974
Localisation: Marche d'Ancône

MessagePosté le: Jeu Oct 08, 2020 1:17 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

No. The current list will soon be published.
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Inscrit le: 19 Déc 2009
Messages: 668
Localisation: Luxeuil

MessagePosté le: Sam Oct 10, 2020 9:12 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

It's here. I can't post it on "Aristote's Square".
Six pieds sous terre

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Inscrit le: 03 Avr 2016
Messages: 1987

MessagePosté le: Mar Oct 13, 2020 3:51 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Great thanks
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Inscrit le: 19 Déc 2009
Messages: 668
Localisation: Luxeuil

MessagePosté le: Mar Oct 27, 2020 10:46 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Astuzia a écrit:

    Pronuncia di Scomunica

    Noi, Cardinali del Concistoro Pontificio Italofono, davanti all'Onnipotente e sotto lo sguardo di Aristotele, per grazia di Dio e di Papa Sisto IV,

      Conformemente ai Can. 4.V.5, 10, 11 e 12; a causa delle sue azioni gravi e persistenti contrarie al Dogma, alla Dottrina e al Diritto Canonico, ed in particolare per essersi reso colpevole di aver ostacolato la Missione di Pace indetta dalla Santa Chiesa ed in ciò aver assistito l'eterodosso Epitaffio già messo al bando, violatore della Pace di Dio posta sulla città di Orbetello, voluta e sancita da Sua Santità Sisto IV, Sommo Pontefice e Papa della Chiesa Universale, abbiamo stabilito e ordinato, e con il nostro presente editto perpetuo e definitivo, diciamo, stabiliamo e ordiniamo la pronuncia della scomunica di Vincent Oliver Delchiaro Hol. Con le sue stesse azioni, egli si è escluso dalla Comunità Aristotelica. Non può ricevere la messa né i sacramenti, compresa la sepoltura in un luogo consacrato. Ogni credente dovrà evitarlo e rifiutargli ogni aiuto, materiale o spirituale. Coloro che gli si accompagnano rischiano di subire le stesse sanzioni.
      Santa Madre Chiesa, nella sua infinita misericordia, invita questo figlio perduto a redimersi e a fare penitenza, per ricongiungersi con la Comunità dei credenti.

    Ad Maiorem Dei Gloriam

    Dato a Roma il XXIV giorno del X mese dell'Anno di Grazia MCDLXVIII.
    Per il Concistoro Pontificio Italofono

    S. E. R.ma Astuzia Valentino Cardinale Borgia
    +Cardinale Presbitero di San Barnaba a Ripa
    +Vescovo In Partibus Infidelium di Augusta
    +Monaco Cistercense
    +Prefetto Locale della Congregazione delle Sante Armate per le Province Italofone

    Six pieds sous terre

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    Inscrit le: 14 Déc 2010
    Messages: 1244
    Localisation: Italia

    MessagePosté le: Jeu Oct 29, 2020 5:03 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant


      Pronuncia di Scomunica

      Noi, Cardinali del Concistoro Pontificio Italofono, davanti all'Onnipotente e sotto lo sguardo di Aristotele, per grazia di Dio e di Papa Sisto IV,

        Conformemente ai Can. 4.V.5, 10, 11 e 12; a causa delle loro azioni gravi e persistenti contrarie al Dogma, alla Dottrina e al Diritto Canonico, ed in particolare per essersi resi colpevoli di aver ostacolato la Missione di Pace indetta dalla Santa Chiesa, impedendo che le Sante Armate intercettassero per tempo l'eterodosso Epitaffio già messo al bando, violatore della Pace di Dio posta sulla città di Orbetello, voluta e sancita da Sua Santità Sisto IV, Sommo Pontefice e Papa della Chiesa Universale, abbiamo stabilito e ordinato, e con il nostro presente editto perpetuo e definitivo, diciamo, stabiliamo e ordiniamo la pronuncia della scomunica di Bosio I Sforza noto come Kleeotr e Heria Velle d'Altavilla nota come Velle. Con le loro stesse azioni, loro si sono esclusi dalla Comunità Aristotelica. Non possono ricevere la messa né i sacramenti, compresa la sepoltura in un luogo consacrato. Ogni credente dovrà evitarli e rifiutar loro ogni aiuto, materiale o spirituale. Coloro che li accompagnano rischiano di subire le stesse sanzioni.
        Santa Madre Chiesa, nella sua infinita misericordia, invita questi figli perduto a redimersi e a fare penitenza, per ricongiungersi con la Comunità dei Fedeli.

      Ad Maiorem Dei Gloriam

      Dato a Roma il XXVIII giorno del X mese dell'Anno di Grazia MCDLXVIII.
      Per il Concistoro Pontificio Italofono

      S. E. R.ma Astuzia Valentino Cardinale Borgia
      +Cardinale Presbitero di San Barnaba a Ripa
      +Vescovo In Partibus Infidelium di Augusta
      +Monaco Cistercense
      +Prefetto Locale della Congregazione delle Sante Armate per le Province Italofone

      Valentino Borgia, called "Astuzia", cardinal-presbyter
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      Inscrit le: 19 Déc 2009
      Messages: 668
      Localisation: Luxeuil

      MessagePosté le: Ven Oct 30, 2020 10:53 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

      It's added to the registry, thank you.

      Six pieds sous terre

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      Inscrit le: 19 Jan 2018
      Messages: 4683
      Localisation: Monte Real/Leiria - Palazzo Taverna/Roma

      MessagePosté le: Dim Nov 08, 2020 11:05 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant


        Contra Perfidos Grassatores

        We, Adonnis Ferreira de Queirós Silva e Sagres, S. J., Cardinal-Bishop of Saint Valentine of Victories and Dean of the Sacred College of Cardinals, by the will and decision of His Holiness Sixtus IV, Supreme Pontiff and Pope of the Universal Church, before the Almighty and under the gaze of His Two Prophets, Aristotle and Christos,

          Having learned that the army "Esercito del Natale Passato (ENP)", belonging to the homonymous group and commanded by the banished heterodox Epitaffio, has breached the Peace of God, decreed by His Holiness the Supreme Pontiff on the city of Orbetello, by raising the said army, with which, once it left the city, it returned there attacking the army of the Holy Armies "Les valkyries sixtines" commanded by His Eminence Astuzia Valentino Borgia, killing the latter and attacking the city placed under papal protection,

          Having acknowledged that the above mentioned army was joined by baptized and unbaptized people who, by accepting to follow the general, made themselves accomplices and co-responsible for the crimes and blasphemies committed; that the aforesaid army ignored the warning made by the Cardinal Constable of Rome on the 30th of October of the same year, asking them to repent, make amends and desist from their blasphemous and criminal actions and, on the contrary, persist in violating the Peace of God, having set up camp in the city of Orbetello and having carried out further unmotivated attacks against innocent and defenceless Aristotelian passers-by,


          the inclusion of the said criminal and heretical group "Esercito del Natale Passato (ENP)" in the Index Hominum Prohibitorum - Liber Nigra Tabula


          of each of its baptised members, who by their own actions voluntarily excluded themselves from the Aristotelian Community. They will not be entitled to receive Mass or the sacraments, including burial in consecrated ground. Every faithful and believer must avoid them and refuse them any help, material or spiritual. Those who accompany them risk the same sanctions. The Holy Mother Church, in her infinite mercy, invites these lost children to redeem themselves and repent, to return into communion with the Most High and rejoin the Community of Believers.


          any of its unbaptised members, heterodoxes or Aristotelian believers, who by their own actions have brought grave disturbance to the Aristotelian Community and put its Orthodoxy at risk. They are excluded ab imis from the Aristotelian Community, they will not be able to receive Mass or the sacraments, including baptism and burial in a consecrated place. Every faithful and believer must avoid them and refuse them any help, material or spiritual. Those who accompany them risk the same sanctions. The Holy Mother Church, in her infinite mercy, invites these lost children to redeem themselves and repent, to redeem themselves in the eyes of the Most High and to show themselves worthy of His Love.

          Anyone who has contributed or will contribute in any way to the expansion, rootedness, propaganda, support or development of this criminal and heretical group will be brought before the Holy Inquisition and sentenced to excommunication or interdiction depending on their culpability. All Aristotelian Faithful and Believers must avoid them, they must be given neither help nor shelter, drive them from your sight and from your land. Since the Church is a Harsh Father but also a Merciful Mother, she is always ready to welcome those who show sincere and authentic repentance.

        Given in Rome, on the VIII day of the XI month of the Year of Grace MCDLXVIII, second of the pontificate of His Holiness Sixtus IV

        Ad Maiorem Dei Gloriam!

        In the name and on behalf of His Holiness, Pope Sixtus IV,
        Adonnis Ferreira de Queirós Silva e Sagres,
        Sanctae Romanae Ecclesiae Cardinalis Decanus


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      Inscrit le: 19 Déc 2009
      Messages: 668
      Localisation: Luxeuil

      MessagePosté le: Dim Nov 15, 2020 12:36 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

      Enregistrements faits.
      Six pieds sous terre

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      Inscrit le: 19 Jan 2018
      Messages: 4683
      Localisation: Monte Real/Leiria - Palazzo Taverna/Roma

      MessagePosté le: Jeu Mar 18, 2021 10:14 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant


        Tenebrae Factae Separationis

        We, the Cardinals of the Holy Mother Aristotelian, Universal and Roman Church, gathered in Our Sacred College, under the Light of Saints and Prophets and by the Grace of the Most High and His Holiness Sixtus IV,

          There is nothing sadder for a mother than feeling that she has lost her own child. Worse than that is perhaps believing it is not possible to recover him.

          For a long time, the Roman Emperors have taken attitudes that go against the True Faith and the Inalienable Teachings of the Prophets.

          With his election, the Holy Mother Church nourished great hopes that being an Aristotelian from the cradle and a Noble Pontifical, Cesare Copona would be able to bring the Great Roman Empire closer to His Holy Mother again and would become the legitimate Holy Roman Emperor that our brothers and sisters in the Empire deserved and longed for.

          However, to the disappointment of the Holy Mother, after his ascension to the Throne, the actions of Cesare Copona showed exactly the opposite of these expectations, longings, and desires.

          In this way, unfortunately, the Holy See obliges itself, with sadness and regret, to admit that the Imperial Crown continues to distance itself from the True Faith - precisely the one that should be the Main Defender.

          All this began when the Holy Mother sought to organize the Coronation of the King of the Romans as the Holy Roman Emperor and explained to him that, to crown him, it was necessary for this King of the Romans to show his disagreement with the Heretical Law designated as the "Bull Aurea". The Holy Mother always showed the understanding that the Emperor, only by his will, would not be able to revoke any law, taking into account that only the Imperial Diet possesses this power. On the other hand, she hoped that, with his declared position, he would show that he did not agree with the aforementioned Law and that, in defense of the faith, he would seek to revoke it.

          Unfortunately, in response, the Holy See was surprised at the agreement of its beloved Son to submit to a pseudo-coronation, as a ritual foreseen and determined precisely by the above-mentioned Heretical Law, even knowing that His Holy Mother admonished him to depart from it. But, on the contrary, he embraced it. With this, Cesare.Copona forgot the Teachings brought by True Faith. For, as St. Thomas Aquinas wisely teaches us: "All power comes from God through the people. The temporal authority is autonomous only while keeping this principle in mind. Therefore, it can only govern according to the norm on which it is founded, and therefore with the consent of the Church. It must conform its actions to the opinions of the clergy and, in particular, to that of his Holiness the Pope, sovereign of all sovereigns."
          With the implementation of the pseudo-coronation, he accepted the heretical law, made it the basis of his rule, but this is not a basis, this is heresy and not an emperor but an actor without entertainment value. A usurper. This is nothing.

          Wisely, St. Thomas still teaches us that: "The king also derives his power from God. And since people are only fulfilling God's will by placing you on your throne, your power is divine from above and below. The sword you wield is entrusted to you by God, certainly not directly, but God being the primary cause of all causes and effects, he is undoubtedly the cause of your authority too. Now, as the church is the depository of the divine word, you must obey it. So it is unless you bow down like a tyrant."

          Thus, there can be no doubt that a Monarch ascends to the Throne by Divine Right and Will, and even if that ascent is by electoral suffrage, the Divine Inspiration in the Electoral Process is incontestable. A Sovereign must fulfill God's will and be accountable to God for his actions. That is why, in a Monarchy, the Monarch must be Crowned by Holy Mother Church and not in a Government building. It is by the sacred anointing that the connection of the Monarch with God is sealed and effected.

          It is written in the Hagiography of Saint Titus: "But not only these were there, the princes of the whole empire and even beyond had come. So it came about that the place itself and the surroundings were populated by languages, faces and colours. All waited, each in his own way, in unsettling silence. This astonishing following came to worship, or rather to pay homage to, the one whom they saw from now on as the new primus inter pares, the Pontifex Maximus. These patricians and these princes came to swear allegiance to the first Pope in history."

          To accept and submit to a secular coronation is to deny the mission entrusted to him by the Creator, is to reject the Grace that one receives with the sacred anointing. And worse, when that act is still performed in observance and fulfillment of a Heretical Law, that Monarch still commits schism and apostasy.

          These, unfortunately, are not all of the Grave Faults that Cesare.Copona has committed since he ascended to the Imperial Throne. By virtue of the Pastoral function of the Holy Mother, she cannot under any circumstances tolerate or ignore the pernicious poison of the errors below, without disgrace to the Aristotelian religion and without prejudice to the orthodoxy of the True Faith. We have decided to include some of these hard failures in this document; their substance is as follows:

          • Recognition and Fulfillment of Bulla Aurea - after being included in the Index Librorum Prohibitorum, incurring in Heresy and Apostasy;

          • The pressure for the dissolution of the Military Forces of the Church in Orbetello, preventing the maintenance of God's Peace, and preventing the Church from fighting against the Sienese Heretics, incurring in schism;

          • The accusation that the attacks by Swiss heretics were motivated by guilt and the responsibility of the Church, accusing the Church of harming the lives of Imperial citizens, which configures schism and apostasy;

          • The threat to persecute and destroy the Church's military forces if they fight heretics in the territories of the Empire, configuring in schism;

          • The taking, by force, of the control InGratibus of the Archdiocese of Utrecht and appointing a Diocesan Administrator, usurping to the Crown the functions of Holy Mother Church, configuring in schism and apostasy;

          • The prohibition of the action of the Holy Armies of Rome in the fight against the heretical Lions of Judah, acting in protection and collaboration with notorious heretics who aimed, through the use of force, to take control of the Diocese of Geneva, configuring in schism and apostasy;

          • The Death Threat against many Cardinals of the Holy Church, configuring in schism and apostasy;

          • Threatening to declare war against the Holy Mother Church and the Sovereign Pontiff if the Church continued to fight the heretics present in the Empire, configuring in schism and apostasy;

          • The declarations in Aristotle's Square of attacking the Church and attacking the life of its clerics, configuring in schism and apostasy.

          • Denying Aristotelian rulers as just and worthy leaders of their Aristotelian homeland, configuring in schism and apostasy.

          • Preventing Aristotelians and Aristotelian Provinces of the Sacred Duty from hunting down heretics and pursuing them militarily, via ban, as required by the Papal Decree concerning Holy War, as well as the inalienable dogma, configuring in schism and apostasy.

          • The armed invasion of the Cathedrals of the Church and the taking, by force, of control of the Dioceses that belong solely and exclusively to the Holy See.

          Excerpt from the doctrine on the small treatise on practical heresiology:
            "So it is no longer a question of trying to save the souls of the unrepentant, who by definition are doomed to hell, but of saving the souls of all the other members of society, of this innumerable crowd vulnerable to the bad example of heretics, it is a question of preventing the heretical plague from contaminating us, Thus it is preferable to sacrifice a few heretical souls to save all the others, and when it is a question of saving souls, the bodies no longer matter, the spiritual being infinitely superior to the secular, one should not hesitate to have to take the lives of the wicked when it is a question of saving souls from the Hells of the Underworld! !! Such is the reason for being, the foundation, and justification of the idea and duty of CRUSADE."

          No one, no matter how much power his office, title or function grants him, can expect impunity for committing such abject and serious crimes. Today, the Holy Mother Church weeps, for being forced to admit that her Son has strayed from the path of True Faith, plotting against the Church, protecting heretics, preventing the fight against heresy, going against all the teachings he has learned and absorbed throughout his life.

          With his ascension to the Throne, the Holy Mother Church longed for the approach of the Imperial Crown with the True Faith and waited anxiously for Cesare.Copona to be the Emperor who would bring the True Faith closer to the Empire and its citizens.

          Excerpt from the doctrine on the small treatise on practical heresiology:
            "This situation unfortunately exists, which is an aberration since the State has only one raison d'être, which is to lead the peoples it contains towards Salvation, in any case, to organise materially the lives of its peoples in the best possible way so that they can achieve their Salvation in the best possible conditions.

            A wise opinion would then be to no longer consider that the Count is a Count, that the Duke is a Duke, or that the Mayor is a Mayor: go to your Bishop for advice, ask him for advice, and consider that his decisions and orders are worth more than those of the Dukes, Counts, and Mayors, even in secular matters."

          We, the Cardinals of Holy Mother Church, decided to separate the weeds from the wheat, officially pronouncing the Excommunication Latae Sententiae of Cesare.Copona for the reasons pointed out above, by virtue of the state of darkness and gloom he sought, on his own feet. He will be deprived of the state of grace until he withdraws and corrects his errors and decides to renounce his heresies. We recognise in him a usurper. In addition, due to the gravity of his act aiming to make an affront to the Most High and to His Holy Church, taking the Dutch Diocese by force, threatening the Church with war if it continued to fight against heresy, protecting and covering up heretics and opening the way for its action, we also anathematize it. May he abstain from his pernicious mistakes so that he can return to us, when we can offer the fatherly charity and love inspired by the Divine Mercy. If, despite our warnings and prayers, he does not redeem himself, his soul will be doomed to eternal damnation in Lunar Hell and his body, a putrescent sign of the corruption of the nameless creature, will be condemned to remain without an earthly funeral. Everyone who follows him in his heretical madness will be subject to the same penalties.

          It should not be necessary to emphasize that, with this excommunication, Cesare.Copona is deprived of all the Honors received by the Holy Mother Church, as well as the Nobiliatric Titles and Pontifical Fiefdoms.

        Given in Rome, on the XVIII day of March of the Year of Grace MCDLXIX, Third of the Pontificate of His Holiness Sixtus IV

        Ad Maiorem Dei Gloriam!

        His Eminence Adonnis Ferreira de Queirós Silva e Sagres
        Cardinal-Bishop of San Valentino delle Vittorie
        Dean of the Sacred College of Cardinals

        His Eminence Kalixtus Alain-Edmond de Montfort-Beaumont d'Autevielle
        Cardinal-Bishop of San Giovanni dei Martiri
        Vice-Dean of the Sacred College of Cardinals

        Her Eminence Fenice Maria Helena Deversi Aslann Borgia
        Cardinal-Bishop of Sant'Elena Inter Duos Pontes

        His Eminence Arnarion de Valyria-Borgia
        Cardinal Bishop of San Ripolino degli Angeli

        Her Eminence Alexandra Pamela Cagliostro D'Altavilla
        Cardinal-Bishop of San Domenico della Pace

        His Eminence Gianvitus Tarcisius de Reame
        Cardinal-Bishop of Sant'Adonia in Trastevere

        His Eminence Arduino Della Scala
        Cardinal-Bishop of San Silfaele Extra Muros

        His Eminence Ercole Iaudas de Nanteuil
        Cardinal-Presbyter of San Luigi dei Francesi

        His Eminence Valentino Astuzia Borgia
        Cardinal-Presbyter of San Barnaba a Ripa

        His Eminence Leopoldo Vicenzo Montenegro Viana
        Cardinal-Presbyter of Sant'Antonio dei Portoghesi

        His Eminence Tymothé de Nivellus
        Cardinal-Deacon of San Martino al Gianicolo

        His Eminence Neirin de Castelcerf
        Cardinal-Deacon of San Nicomaco all'Esquillino

        His Eminence Almásy Eer Geloof Eren de Calme
        Cardinal-Deacon of Santo Stefano delle Grazie

        His Eminence Attanasio Borgia
        Cardinal-Bishop Emeritus of San Lazzaro de Autun

        His Eminence Ludovi de Sabran
        Cardinal-Bishop Emeritus of San Polino il Perseverante

        His Eminence Cathelineau Botherel de Canihuel
        Cardinal-Bishop Emeritus

        His Eminence Tebaldo Foscari
        Cardinal-Bishop Emeritus of San Domenico de Burgos

        His Eminence Rodrigo Manzanarez
        Cardinal-Bishop Emeritus

        His Eminence Angus Portzmoguer
        Cardinal-Bishop Emeritus of San Brioco

        His Eminence Pie de Valence
        Cardinal-Presbyter Emeritus of San Bynarr

        His Eminence Profeta Pucci Guerra
        Cardinal-Presbyter Emeritus of Sant'Andrea Protokletos

        Her Eminence Vidigueira-Szapáry Kiscsillag
        Cardinal-Presbyter Emeritus of San Natale

        His Eminence Portalis de Vandimion
        Cardinal-Deacon Emeritus of San Bartolomeo

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      Inscrit le: 10 Mar 2020
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      Localisation: Villa Borghese

      MessagePosté le: Dim Mar 21, 2021 10:21 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

      —Bonjour, auriez-vous l'amabilité d'enregistrer cette excommunication latae sententiae, s'il vous plaît ? Merci beaucoup !


        + Congregación para el Nuevo Apostolado +

        Excomunión latæ sententiæ

        Nos, Reverendísimo y Eminentísimo señor, cardenal Arduino Della Scala, Primado del Sacro Imperio, Arzobispo de Trier y Pisa, Obispo de Viterbo, Gobernador del Patrimonio de San Tito, Marqués de Santa Marinella, Conde de Civitavecchia, Barón Palatino de San Juan de Letrán, Estrella de Oro de la Orden de la Estrella de Aristóteles, como canciller de la Congregación para el Nuevo Apostolado

        Dadas las pruebas presentados en contra de Guillermo de Cary i Valls, fiel aristotélico, bautizado en Tortosa el 27 de septiembre de 1466 por monseñor Pere Setzefonts:

        • Unión por rito pagano con la heterodoxa Guillermina Cáceres de la Cuadra, el 14 de febrero de 1468 en la ciudad de Valladolid
        • Abjuración como aristotélico y profesión de fe a la herejía reformada, comunicado mediante mensaje al primado de la Iglesia Hispánica, Monseñor Diego, el 20 de marzo del presente año.

        Siendo tales actos contrarios a nuestro Dogma y Leyes, además de una grave ofensa contra el Todopoderoso por abandonar el camino de la virtud y habiendo puesto en grave peligro su alma inmortal al cometer doblemente el delito de apostasía, mediante el cual el interesado renuncia voluntariamente a la Única y Verdadera Fe en la que fue una vez bautizado.

        Habiendo sido comprobadas y refutadas todas las pruebas presentadas, y habiendo valorado la gravedad de los crímenes cometidos, declaramos al acusado como apóstata.

        En virtud del Libro 4: sección A y sección B del Derecho Canónico, confirmamos la Excomunión latæ sententiæ del fiel Guillermo de Cary i Valls en la que él mismo incurrió en el momento en que doblemente apostató. Por tanto, igualmente quedará excluido de la Comunión de los Santos y de la Amistad Aristotélica, privado de misas y sacramentos, y no podrá acceder ni ser enterrado en un lugar sagrado y en consecuencia no podrá alcanzar el Paraíso Solar. Igualmente, todo fiel queda libremente dispensado de la observancia de cualquier juramento que sea contrario a los principios y valores aristotélicos, que haya sido o sea pronunciado a favor del excomulgado.

        Otrossí, dado que la excomunión es una condena temporal, esta podrá ser levanta sólo después de la absolución y la reparación de las faltas cometidas y la reconciliación del penitente con Dios y la Santa Iglesia a través del sacramento de la confesión y el cumplimiento de su penitencia. El levantamiento de la excomunión implica la recuperación de los derechos del bautizado. Por lo tanto, el fiel podrá reintegrarse en la comunidad aristotélica y tendrá acceso a las misas, sacramentos y a los derechos concordatarios.

        Hágase cumplir.

        + Fortes in Fide +

        Roma, Palatio Convertendi, XX.III.MCDLXIX Sixti IV PP Anno III

        Arduino Eminentissimus ac Reverendissimus Sanctæ Romanæ Ecclesiæ Cardinalis Episcopus Della Scala



      [color=green][b][size=12]+ Congregación para el Nuevo Apostolado +[/size][/b]

      [size=18][b]Excomunión latæ sententiæ[/b][/size][/color]

      [b][color=darkred][size=20]N[/size][/color]os, Reverendísimo y Eminentísimo señor, cardenal Arduino Della Scala, Primado del Sacro Imperio, Arzobispo de Trier y Pisa, Obispo de Viterbo, Gobernador del Patrimonio de San Tito, Marqués de Santa Marinella, Conde de Civitavecchia, Barón Palatino de San Juan de Letrán, Estrella de Oro de la Orden de la Estrella de Aristóteles, como canciller de la Congregación para el Nuevo Apostolado[/b]

      Dadas las pruebas presentados en contra de [url=www.renaissancekingdoms.com/FichePersonnage.php?login=guillermo_de_cary]Guillermo de Cary i Valls[/url], fiel aristotélico, bautizado en Tortosa el 27 de septiembre de 1466 por monseñor Pere Setzefonts:

      [list][*] Unión por rito pagano con la heterodoxa [url=https://www.renaissancekingdoms.com/FichePersonnage.php?login=guillermina]Guillermina Cáceres de la Cuadra[/url], el 14 de febrero de 1468 en la ciudad de Valladolid
      [*] Abjuración como aristotélico y profesión de fe a la herejía reformada, comunicado mediante mensaje al primado de la Iglesia Hispánica, Monseñor Diego, el 20 de marzo del presente año.[/list]

      Siendo tales actos contrarios a nuestro Dogma y Leyes, además de una grave ofensa contra el Todopoderoso por abandonar el camino de la virtud y habiendo puesto en grave peligro su alma inmortal al cometer doblemente el delito de apostasía, mediante el cual el interesado renuncia voluntariamente a la Única y Verdadera Fe en la que fue una vez bautizado.

      Habiendo sido comprobadas y refutadas todas las pruebas presentadas, y habiendo valorado la gravedad de los crímenes cometidos, declaramos al acusado como apóstata.

      En virtud del Libro 4: sección A y sección B del Derecho Canónico, [color=darkred][b]confirmamos la Excomunión [i]latæ sententiæ[/i] del fiel Guillermo de Cary i Valls[/b][/color] en la que él mismo incurrió en el momento en que doblemente apostató. Por tanto, igualmente quedará excluido de la Comunión de los Santos y de la Amistad Aristotélica, privado de misas y sacramentos, y no podrá acceder ni ser enterrado en un lugar sagrado y en consecuencia no podrá alcanzar el Paraíso Solar. Igualmente, todo fiel queda libremente dispensado de la observancia de cualquier juramento que sea contrario a los principios y valores aristotélicos, que haya sido o sea pronunciado a favor del excomulgado.

      Otrossí, dado que la excomunión es una condena temporal, esta podrá ser levanta sólo después de la absolución y la reparación de las faltas cometidas y la reconciliación del penitente con Dios y la Santa Iglesia a través del sacramento de la confesión y el cumplimiento de su penitencia. El levantamiento de la excomunión implica la recuperación de los derechos del bautizado. Por lo tanto, el fiel podrá reintegrarse en la comunidad aristotélica y tendrá acceso a las misas, sacramentos y a los derechos concordatarios.

      Hágase cumplir.

      [color=darkred][b]+ Fortes in Fide +

      Roma, Palatio Convertendi, XX.III.MCDLXIX Sixti IV PP Anno III[/b][/color]

      [i]Arduino Eminentissimus ac Reverendissimus Sanctæ Romanæ Ecclesiæ Cardinalis Episcopus Della Scala[/i]




      _______.______Sanctae Mariae Rotundae cardinalis episcopus | Archiepiscopus Burdigalensis
      __________..Secretarius brevium ad Principes | Sanctae Sedis Vice-cancillarius et Magnus Auditor
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      Inscrit le: 05 Fév 2014
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      MessagePosté le: Mar Mar 23, 2021 10:41 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

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