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Lilly Riderikes

Inscrit le: 23 Mai 2012
Messages: 46

MessagePosté le: Mar Juin 01, 2021 6:48 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Lilly was happy de man didn't walk away. He seemed to try to make her feeling safe. She looked concerned when he gave her books to somebody who walked away to the library. The books were safe, Lilly sighed, she didn't have to take care of that. After that he started talking again, hope(hoop) good(goed) and drink(drinken) she could understand... the rest she didn't but those three words were enough to assume he did understand her. He took a parchment and drew some lines, Lilly looked carefully trying to understand them. She took the map and looked around to place it in the surrounding she was in. She took a thought and frowned a bit. She wasn't sure it would be wise to follow a man to a private place. On the other hand, this man is Archbishop, he wouldn't harm her. And she should follow if he wishes... And he seemed to wish her going there.
Lilly nodded.
Danke, Eminenz she stood a moment, but realized she wouldn't have understand if he had told her to go. Whit a thankful smile she did some steps backwards before she turned to follow the map.
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Lilly Riderikes

Inscrit le: 23 Mai 2012
Messages: 46

MessagePosté le: Lun Juin 14, 2021 11:19 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

-that evening-
Lilly walked back to her classroom. At one of the fountains she cleansed her face and took a mouthfull water... she would find out iff it was going to sicken her.
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Lilly Riderikes

Inscrit le: 23 Mai 2012
Messages: 46

MessagePosté le: Dim Juin 20, 2021 10:57 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

On the third day... before noon people can see Lilly running to the gate. Just outside she meets with the messenger who gave her earlier that day the message she was needed.

Although she didn't learn to ride a horse yet she climbs behind the messenger. And ties herself to him. She will be broken coming home... but it is the fastest way. After she spoke to the people there she will go in monastery for some days to recover from her bruises.
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Inscrit le: 24 Jan 2018
Messages: 57

MessagePosté le: Sam Nov 27, 2021 9:16 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Kalixtus - Tobias

Mon regard se pose sur le pickpocket qui sévit dans la rue et j’admire – malgré moi- la technique de celui qui déborde les biens personnels dans la rue. Fronce les sourcils et relève mon museau vers le cardinal en ouvrant serrant la mâchoire, désabusé. Il n’as pas totalement tort nous ne pouvons rien faire d’ici, pas même hurler au voleur vu le bruit de la rue qui nous parvient et empêche nos voix d’atteindre les passants. Je remue le museau dans le but de me détendre un peu et l’interrompt dans son explication, convaincu que nous pouvons toujours agir.

Mais Eminence ! C’est injuste les victimes … Et ses objets c’est sûrement très importants pour eux… Sentimentalement. Il n’y a rien de pire que cela je crois, les sentiments, l’attachement à quelque chose et instinctivement mes doigts ce pose sur l’écu dans ma poche un pauvre petit écu qui pourtant représente pour moi tellement plus. Le destin de…l’homme. Il n’a pas tort, le Très-Haut et le destin sont fatalement lié et nous n’avons pas vraiment le choix, cependant. Je suis têtu et possiblement borné.

Mais nous l’avons vu monsieur, n’est-ce pas briser le destiné qu’aller dénoncer cet homme ? N’est-ce pas faire preuve de vertus aussi, peut-être est-ce même ce que le Créateur attend de nous. N’y pensez vous pas ?

Je me décolle du balcon et accepte de prendre en sa compagnie le chemin du campus, pas très à l’aise dans la floue, mais pas spécialement inquiet non plus. Kalixtus pourra cependant remarquer que je ne marche jamais au devant de lui, préférant le retrait et lorsque la foule nous entoure, je pose sur la manche de sa veste deux doigts soucieux que je suis de le perdre, jamais dans l’irrespect ou la force, plutôt dans la crainte et le calme. Je suis nonchalant dans mes traits, mais assurément fougueux dans ma vision des choses qui m’entoure me perdant comme un papillon à la recherche de la lumière, posant mon regard sur le monde et en oubliant de suivre ce qui me force à lui courir après quelque fois et fini par mes doigts sur les manches de la veste qui sont très utile. Lorsque Kalixtus avance je suis fatalement tiré par ce morceau de tissu est sorti de mes pensées pour le retrouver.

Vous devriez dire cela à mes ennemis Eminence, ils vous répondraient que je suis idiot, immature, sot et sans importance. Je lui offre un sourire plus spécialement touché par le jugement des autres, tant j’ai entendu d’horreur. Hautain aussi et ô attaché à mes fiefs… Ils disent aussi que je dois avoir un tout petit… enfin vous savez. Je pointe le bas de mon corps et hausse les épaules. Mais vous êtes différent vous. Vous imposez une certaine présence, je parie que jamais vous n’avez été insulté ? Hein…dites ?

Je suis détendu désormais en sa compagnie, heureux d’être en voyage ‘scolaire’ dans Rome et pouvoir admirer la citée sous d’autre angle le tout accompagné et loin du risque de me perdre donc.
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Inscrit le: 24 Fév 2013
Messages: 13061
Localisation: Roma, Palazzo Doria-Pamphilj

MessagePosté le: Lun Déc 06, 2021 7:09 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

    Kalixtus écouta attentivement le jeune Tobias et suivit les mimiques et les gestes de l'homme. Il le prit par la main et l'accrocha à lui pour qu'il ne se perde pas.

    Les gens m'évitent généralement, comme si j'étais un saint sur les routes de Dieu. Certains me craignent, d'autres m'admirent, mais beaucoup ne me connaissent pas. Ce sont des gens passionnants. J'aime me perdre et atterrir dans une taverne inconnue, remplie d'hommes et de femmes subversifs et dangereux. Mais ne vous inquiétez pas, j'ai l'habitude de me défendre.

    Kalixtus sentit la chaleur du corps de Tobias à ses côtés et le cardinal cligna de l'œil. Tes ennemis semblent mal évaluer tes qualités. Je trouve toute forme de sous-estimation remarquablement stupide. Je crois que chaque être humain est capable d'exploiter son potentiel. C'est important. On ne cesse jamais d'apprendre.

    Kalixtus se retourna et désigna l'université. Les salles ont été ajoutées récemment. Ce sont les salles de classe et de séminaire de l'université. Sa Sainteté Sixtus s'est inspiré de mes projets d'université jésuite pour créer ce centre d'éducation et de sagesse. C'est le cœur de la CDF - la Congrégation pour la Diffusion de la Foi. Ma congrégation, dont je suis le chancelier. C'est donc un bâtiment, mais aussi un instrument.

    Kalixtus rit et désigne les sentiers de la Via della Pilotta. Nous marchons sur d'anciens sentiers en direction des Giardini di Montecavallo. Kalixtus désigna les trottoirs qui s'enfonçaient dans le parc. Là, derrière mon université et sous les jardins, se trouve le Palais pontifical du Quirinal. Mon lieu de travail est donc proche du Pape, je peux le voir directement depuis certaines salles de classe.

    Kali sourit et montre la Via Cesare Battisti dans laquelle il s'engage. Une grande rue qui les mènerait vers le Tibre. Après un court trajet, il indiqua la Via des Corso - Voici ma rue, là se trouve mon Palazzo Doria Pamphilj, à quelques minutes du Palais pontifical et de l'Université pontificale.

    Je suppose que tu es habitué aux grands palais et aux châteaux ?

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Inscrit le: 24 Jan 2018
Messages: 57

MessagePosté le: Lun Déc 27, 2021 10:24 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Je n’emploierais pas le mot habitué, mais mon père était duc impérial en Saint-Empire et nous vivions dans des châteaux et des palais oui. Je dois cependant avouer que … Je n’ai jamais eu le sentiment d’avoir un foyer, j’ai de nombreux châteaux, beaucoup d’appartements et de demeure. Mais mon foyer, celui ou je me sens bien, en sécurité et heureux est étrangement une petite maison au cœur de Dijon. Je souris à la pensée de ladite maison et le regarde découvrant au passage des lieux énoncés et apprenant plus encore sur Rome, mais également son université jusque là inconnue.

J’ai pendant longtemps cherché cela, un foyer j’entends et je suis heureux de l’avoir trouvé finalement. Un endroit comme celui-ci est précieux dans la vie, je pense sincèrement que sans lui tout est différent. Je m’y sens bien, je sais que rien ne pourra jamais m’arriver là-bas. Vous avez-vous pareil endroit Monsieur ?

Je demande en m’accrochant à lui, trop craintif de me perdre dans cette ville peu connue et moi je ne suis qu’un petit papillon qui suit la lumière sans grande réflexion.
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Inscrit le: 26 Déc 2020
Messages: 16
Localisation: Leiden (Holland)

MessagePosté le: Mer Juin 01, 2022 12:48 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Nikolaas was kindly requested to come here.
He walks quietly and calmly through the campus.

Not quite sure what to expect yet.

Nikolaas di Saronno

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Inscrit le: 24 Fév 2013
Messages: 13061
Localisation: Roma, Palazzo Doria-Pamphilj

MessagePosté le: Jeu Juin 02, 2022 3:57 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

    The cardinal stood at the entrance to the university in tight black robes. His hand adorned a golden ring with a ruby. This was the cardinal's ring. A golden pectoral rested on his chest. The robes were high-collared down to his neck, underlining the strictures he embodied. His long, snow-white hair was braided into a French plait and hung down to his buttocks. The cardinal inhaled the smoke of a cigarette through the cigarette holder. He gleefully inhaled the smoke into his lungs where it produced a burning yet comforting sensation of relaxation and allowed the man's concentration to focus on the essential aspects of his metaphysical mind. This was one of the unalterable and crucial side effects of smoking. They were able to introduce substances into the body, which conducively projected one's thoughts and ideas into the foreground of consciousness.

    Kalixtus observed the goings-on of his students on the campus of the powerful papal university. He, Kalixtus, had once founded it as a Jesuit university. Now it was under papal patronage and they had additionally moved into two large new buildings, forming a true campus. The university grew and would continue to grow and prosper. It was a miraculous work what was created here. The newest theologies, the most spectacular futures in Europe, developed here in these halls. Graduates of this university would become high clerics, politicians, diplomats and associates. It was a symbol of hope in the chaos of our times.

    From his position, the main entrance, he could look down the many steps from the entrance portal to the street. From there it was only a short distance to the papal palace and the Vatican archives. The other direction led to the university libraries and the seminar rooms. Here in the main building were the administration, registrations, teachers' rooms and conference rooms but also his own office at the top of the building. The new buildings enclosed the eastern flank of the campus with the St. Katarina Chapel of the Faculty of Theology next to it. In it, the students learned the sacred structure of a sacred space and, moreover, the locations of the individual participants. But of course it also serves for worship and prayer.

    That's when he saw Nikolaas walking around the campus. He was probably admiring the two gigantic statues of Christos holding a shepherd's crook and Aristotle holding the dogma. Both statues stood on large ashlars and flanked the stairs to the main portal. The two prophets looked benevolently but also admonishingly at the students. Only the combination of both teachings could lead to the unity of faith. Knowledge of the Word of God but also guidance, symbolised by the shepherd's crook leading the flock, embodied hope, healing and wisdom.

    Kalixtus beckoned Nikolaas up to him with a smile.

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Inscrit le: 26 Déc 2020
Messages: 16
Localisation: Leiden (Holland)

MessagePosté le: Ven Juin 03, 2022 9:45 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Nikolaas walks across the campus with admiration he looks at the colossal buildings.
For a moment he stops at two large statues one of Christos and the other of Aristotle.
As he stands looking at the statues he sees Kalixtus who gestures to him to come over.
Nikolaas walks up to Kalixtus nods to him kindly, And asks how are you Kalixtus?
Nikolaas di Saronno

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Inscrit le: 24 Fév 2013
Messages: 13061
Localisation: Roma, Palazzo Doria-Pamphilj

MessagePosté le: Mar Juin 07, 2022 5:44 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

    Kalixtus smiled at the Dutchman and invited him to take a walk. I heard that you were encouraged to come here so that we could have a concrete conversation. I expected that you would not come alone. But to answer your question, I am old but golden. Kalixtus smiled and wandered through the arcades with Nikolaas. 'Tell me how you are, how is Holland? I have on my desk the sad news of many Aristots who are dissatisfied with the situation in Holland, and I too am saddened that there are young, capable clerics who join a schism or a heresy instead of shaping the Church in Holland together with me. What might be the reason for that?

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Inscrit le: 26 Déc 2020
Messages: 16
Localisation: Leiden (Holland)

MessagePosté le: Jeu Juin 09, 2022 8:34 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Nikolaas walks with Kalixtus through the arcades.
It is true that I am encouraged to visit here again anyway, also because I am now Bishop of Holland.
And I personally have never turned my back on Rome.

I regret that you have had to receive letters that the faithful among us are not satisfied.
This has come that within the Dutch Roman Church there is hardly any communication and also to the outside world. Questions not answered baptisms not done.
In the end, the problem is not here in Rome.

It pains me that I am seen as a heretic(s) or schism.
Because we have taken a slightly different path, and this has come about because of what I have just explained.
While 80% is based on the Roman Church.

Nikolaas stands still for a moment, and looks for a moment how he is going to say this.
But now that I am here, I would still like to be seen officially as a bishop by Rome. So I might have to follow some courses here and there.
Nikolaas di Saronno

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Inscrit le: 24 Fév 2013
Messages: 13061
Localisation: Roma, Palazzo Doria-Pamphilj

MessagePosté le: Lun Juin 13, 2022 5:53 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

    Now Nikolaas. They say that all roads lead to Rome, and of course there is some truth in that, although the origin of this idea was and is different. A few courses will not be enough.

    I think Rome and the CESE would be happy if the schism or heresy would end. It is with the utmost clarity the condition for the recognition of priests and bishops and it is also, in my view, the only way to truly establish the Dutch in the arms of Mother Church and back on the golden path of God. I know that your reformed way was a cry for help against the problematic structures of the Roman clergy in Holland. I am equally unenthusiastic about the inactivity. It is a constant battle that we have to fight in many places.
    The university and the CDF want to play a part in offering help in the right place. I heard from our mutual friend and acquaintance Didicus that it is difficult for many Dutch people to follow the English courses. I have already spoken to the Pope about this problem and he agreed that if it is the wish of the Dutch, then we will introduce a Dutch seminar at the university. Then a native speaker would only have to translate the courses into Dutch and then also act as a teacher for Dutch students. We have the administration for that.
    I think that would be a step in the right direction. With this training then and the options, a whole new tribe of clergy can be established in Holland when, yes when, the Reformed Aristotelian Church dissolves and you come back to the Roman Church united. I believe it is the best way forward for all concerned. It would reconnect Holland with the rest of the CESE, there would be no political squabbling over the episcopal see of Utrecht and the priests would receive a Dutch education in the Dutch seminary of the papal university. A dean of their own and there would be peace. For the people, for the clergy, for Rome and Holland itself. The Pastoral Prima, for example, already exists in Dutch. This serves as baptismal preparation and is one of the three basic courses.

    Kalixtus looked at Nikolaas. I wish that you would become part of the family again and that we would have back the bridges that should unite us as brothers. It pains me very much that these rifts exist. How I would have liked to welcome you to Strasbourg in the cathedral. But the laws are written. But we can change the status. You can and I want to do my utmost to make this great step possible.

    Imagine what we could achieve together. Society in Holland would be enriched and the powerful seat in Utrecht would be a place where we can meet each other. The CESE bodies and councils would be enriched by the clergy of Holland. I find such a future appropriate and worthy and it is in keeping with our nature, my dear Nikolaas. I would teach you personally and, if you like, the translations can be made at the same time, while the Pope then prepares the Dutch seminary juridically for the soil in which we sow the seeds of a close friendship.

    Let us do this.

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Inscrit le: 26 Déc 2020
Messages: 16
Localisation: Leiden (Holland)

MessagePosté le: Mer Juin 15, 2022 8:07 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Nikolaas had to laugh a little at the statement that all roads lead to Rome.
And in the end there are many roads to Rome, it just depends on which one you take.

Nikolaas look Kalixtus in the eye for a moment and then says.
I, Nikolaas di Saronno will follow the Roman faith again. And will do everything to get the Roman faith back to the attention of the Dutch people.

It will take some time to get the Reformed Aristotelian Church dissolved. I've had some conversations here and there in Holland, and the response has been positive.

It is indeed true what you have heard from our mutual friend Didicus, that many among the Dutch find it difficult to follow the courses in English.
And I am positive about translating the course into Dutch together with you, and possibly also giving courses myself.
I think we will make the road to Rome and the lecture halls more accessible this way.

Nikolaas gives Kalixtus a small pat on the shoulder.
Don't worry too much about what happened in Strasbourg Cathedral, I know that wasn't meant personally.
Nikolaas di Saronno

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Inscrit le: 16 Juin 2022
Messages: 6
Localisation: Holland

MessagePosté le: Jeu Juin 16, 2022 11:56 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

She was late. Way too late. The coach had arrived at the university on time, but then it had all gone wrong. On a note, Mari had directions to where she was supposed to be, but she must have gone in the wrong direction at least three times. Then, luckily, she saw Kalixtus and Nikolaas walking under the imposing arches of the impressive arcades. Mari hadn't even taken the time to admire all the beautiful statues and architecture. She didn't like being late, especially at such an important meeting.

With a blush on her cheeks, advising her guards to wait for her at the carriage, she approached the two men.

"Uh, good day! My apologies for being late... And for interrupting you, but," she paused, because the stress had caused her to breathe shallow and now seemed out of breath as she spoke, "Prince Didicus asked me to join this meeting too? About the churches in Holland? And how to move forward into -hopefully- a joint future?" She looked at Nikolaas for a moment, hoping she worded it all correctly. "Oh! And I'll introduce myself..." Because Nikolaas already knew her, of course, but Kalixtus didn't yet. She knew who the cardinal was, he was quite a big name within the church and because she had been to Didicus' wedding. "I'm Marigold di Saronno de Ligne, baroness of Terschelling and priest in Utrecht and, well, a lot more."

The sixteen-year-old took a deep breath. "Is it okay if I join?"
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Inscrit le: 26 Déc 2020
Messages: 16
Localisation: Leiden (Holland)

MessagePosté le: Jeu Juin 16, 2022 1:06 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Nikolaas looked up when he saw his niece Marigold approaching.
Glad you came after all, did your trip to Rome go as you wished?

Kalixtus this is my niece Marigold, she also decided to follow the way of the church.

Nikolaas look Marigold.
I don't mind if you want to join the conversation and I don't think Kalixtus has a problem with that either.
Walk with us, and catch your breath.

Nikolaas di Saronno

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