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[GB]Book of Virtues - The Eclipse -

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Inscrit le: 24 Fév 2013
Messages: 13061
Localisation: Roma, Palazzo Doria-Pamphilj

MessagePosté le: Mer Juin 02, 2021 2:06 am    Sujet du message: [GB]Book of Virtues - The Eclipse - Répondre en citant



Dernière édition par Kalixtus le Mar Nov 16, 2021 6:04 pm; édité 1 fois
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Inscrit le: 24 Fév 2013
Messages: 13061
Localisation: Roma, Palazzo Doria-Pamphilj

MessagePosté le: Mer Juin 02, 2021 2:07 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant


    Book of the eclipse
    Chapter I - « The Moon »

    1 The history that I will tell you may seem surprising, but, when you read it, you will know that there is much truth contained in it.

    2 One day, when the weather was nice, I walked with my dog along small paths crossing between the fields. I had just eaten and sought for myself a small, pleasant corner to take my nap in. On this May afternoon, the sky was of a pure blue and devoid of any cloud. The birds sang and my dog ran through the corn, chasing after small animals much faster than him. He barked mightily and happily, though he had lost the race in advance.

    3 The day seemed beautiful, but the presence of the moon in the sky in full day worried me. While the sun was the place intended to accommodate the virtuous after their judgement, the moon was the future place of torment of the sinners. The first was called Paradise, while the second was called Hell. The bringing together of these two divine stars in full day could only be heralding great misfortunes.

    4 I bent down to admire a small flower of the meadows, but the sudden darkness was such that I could not see it. The darkness, I asked myself? How could there be any darkness during so beautiful a day while the sun was high in its apogee? I raised my eyes to the sky and was seized by horror: the moon masked the sun now, preventing the divine light, source of life, from reaching the world below. Only a small halo the colour of fire, girding the star of night, still testified to the presence of the star of day.

    5 My dog stopped barking. I told myself, trying thereby to reassure myself, that it was only one of those regular cosmic events that the old ones had regularly kept track of, and which would soon be finished. But I was not convinced of it. The halo of fire gave to this eclipse a distressing atmosphere. But even this ended up disappearing when the moon completed its conquest of the sun. It covered the sky all around in blackness like ink. Even the stars gave way to this strange eclipse. At this point in time the moon decided to breach the rules of physics.

    6 In the centre of this disc of darkness, spots of colour were floating, like birds circling in the sky. They seemed to fight battles, mixing one with the other then separating abruptly. The mauve was thrown on the blue, which dodged toward the turquoise, whereas the green fled the red, itself assaulted by the yellow. Then the spots calmed their frolicking. I could not stop looking at the moon above, where I saw the colours being distributed upon the surface of the star of night, finally ordered in a coherent whole.

    7 They remained thus for a whole eternity, while my dog whined and hid himself in the cornfield. Then, the spots of colour emerged from the moon, like the squares drawn by a crossbow. One would have said six rays of lights tore through the sky in long coloured fingers. The colours joined in a true rainbow that fell down at my feet. I saw in front of me a streaked bridge of colours, forming an arch that spanned the distance separating me from the moon.

    8 I looked at it then and saw that the bridge of colours fell there in a true fall from white light. I looked then at my own feet and saw that they were sprinkled with the same soft milky light. The six rays, coupled over the entire length of the bridge, came at their ends to join together in the same whiteness.

    9 Although gripped by an indescribable anguish, I decided to set my foot on this lunar rainbow.


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Inscrit le: 24 Fév 2013
Messages: 13061
Localisation: Roma, Palazzo Doria-Pamphilj

MessagePosté le: Mer Juin 02, 2021 2:11 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant


    Book of the eclipse
    Chapter II - « Fog »

    1 I thus walked on a striped bridge of six colours with its destination the moon, under an empty sky of inky blackness with no star to be seen. The journey seemed to me to last an eternity. But, when I started to despair of the distance that remained yet to be traversed, I lost balance. Indeed, the bands of colours that constituted the bridge that I crossed mixed into a single white light. The bridge, like water, fell down on the surface of the moon in a milky cascade. I fell down pathetically to the ground and rose, strongly aggravated, brushing the dust from my clothing.

    2 I saw a pallid fog hanging all around me. The weather was hot and moist within this dense and unbreathable air. I tried to advance, but my movements were slow and awkward, since much the fog seemed to be clutched to my body. My feet sank deeply into the soft and viscous ground. I came to wish that the wind would rise in order to disperse this creamy mist that surrounded me. But this place gave to me the impression not to have known the least breeze since the beginning of time. It was the same moist atmosphere that had reigned ever since. I believed myself in a tomb.

    3 At this point in time, a long tongue flicked across my chest. Paralysed by terror, I froze in position. Looking around me, I was finally able to distinguish forms. They were innumerable and resembled human beings very little. One of them, of gigantic size, drew itself close to me, and I cannot describe in detail the ugliness of it. Entirely naked, this demon had smooth skin, a mouthful of sweat, and arched legs between which the attributes of masculinity were posted without decency. I also saw that its chest carried the attributes of femininity. I hoped to discover a human face, but in its place was a mouth similar to that of a snake, with a long tongue drawn up toward my left side.

    4 The monster said to me: “I am Asmodeus, Prince of Lust. Raphaella, Archangel of Conviction, is my opposite. Those who take pleasure in abusing the things of the flesh and in the most total nihilism come to join the rows of my damned.” I did not know what to say to so horrible a creature, but it did not expect any response and departed from me. At this point in time I saw a long corridor dug into the dense fog. I immediately began to move along it, seeking to escape these lustful animals. The ground was less and less pasty and became increasingly sandy. The pallid whitish colour left little by little, giving its place to a dark turquoise gleam.

    5 At the end of an indefinable time, I reached a gigantic cave. Titanic pillars supported its vault, which I had no difficulty to distinguish, given its great height. A lake of Homeric dimensions filled up every conceivable space. Its liquid, which no wave came to disturb, radiated a dark turquoise gleam, thus colouring all the surrounding rocks. No life seemed to be maintained in these places. I was no longer too surprised to see, among the rocks that piled up along the bank, obscure forms begin to rise. Their movements were slow, awkward, and not very marked.

    6 They seemed to have to make a superhuman effort to move at all. I heard them all bemoaning their decadent and amorphous state. At this point in time, a sheaf of turquoise liquid emerged from the lake surface. An enormous creature with the scaly skin and the long tail of a lizard emerged from the liquid. Surmounting a titanic jaw, two small eyes of emerald fixed me. It said to me: “I am Belial, Prince of Pride. Uriel, Archangel of Generosity, is my opposite. Those who believe themselves able to live outside of the community, or to be able to reach the status of the divine, come to join the rows of my damned.”


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Inscrit le: 24 Fév 2013
Messages: 13061
Localisation: Roma, Palazzo Doria-Pamphilj

MessagePosté le: Mer Juin 02, 2021 2:11 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant


    Book of the eclipse
    Chapter III - « The Plain »

    1 Belial turned back and submerged itself in the stagnant turquoise waters, which returned to their worryingly smooth surface. I then noticed a small boat on the bank. How had I been able not to see it before? I took it, not seeing any of the amorphous beings opposed to my doing so. I rowed then for hours, the gigantic pillars of rock following one another, one after the other. I advanced more and more quickly, but the joy that this brought to me was quickly changed to horror when I realized that it was only because I was caught in a whirlpool. Not being able to withdraw myself from it, I fell then through the bottom of this opening.

    2 When I awoke, my body sore and painful, I saw around me a dark corridor. The ground was covered with a soft, hot fabric, whose mauve colour was very much the same as the amethysts that composed the walls. I decided to follow this strange path. Throughout my way, I noted gigantic heaps of gold, silver and jewels along the walls. Delicious meats endowed the corridor with their appetizing scents. Men and women with splendid bodies paraded themselves in front of me. But I saw especially the many other people, debased, whose eyes devoured this formidable luxury.

    3 I wondered why they were not taking what was offered to them, but I soon came to understand. One of the damned took a gold coin, but quickly, with a howl of pain, dropped it. These cursed souls were condemned to covet such a luxury without ever being able to benefit from it. At this point in time I heard a noise of wings and I saw posed in front of me a creature of great size with the large wings of a bat and skin the colour of amethyst. It said to me: “I am Satan, Prince of Desire. Michael, Archangel of Justice, is my opposite. Those who wish to profit from the right rewards allotted to others, or which covet the goods or the happiness of their neighbours, come to join the rows of my damned.”

    4 Then, without anything further to add, Satan took off again. I thus began again my walk toward the end of the corridor, which I finally found. The exit was a small opening covered over by a black stone bracket, where craniums were carved. I hesitated to enter, but I remembered what there was behind me and did not want to make a point of going back there. I thus passed this cable length of door and found myself face to face with a plain that extended out into infinity. On the sides, I could see large red mountains circumscribing with precision the limits of this valley.

    5 This sight could almost resemble a terrestrial landscape, but the mountains and the grass were the colour of blood. The sun burned just above the plain. It filled up half of the sky and seemed to be stuck to the moon. It cut out in one starlit night that seemed to place all of its weight on me. I noticed a dizzying blue peak that rose in the middle of the plain and reached all the way up to the gigantic star of day. At its base was placed a great wooden construction. I decided to advance, in order to join this stone finger pointed upwards. But, halfway there, I understood that I could not reach it.

    6 Indeed, all around the blue peak, for hundreds of miles around, thousands of the damned fought like crazed ones. They did not have the least pity one towards the other. Each thought the occasion good to tear the flesh of his adversary. When the weapons and the fists were not enough any more, the teeth took over. Then, coming out of the gigantic fray, an enormous bull advanced toward me. Beneath its bloodshot eyes, flames leapt from its nostrils. It said to me: “I am Leviathan, Prince of Anger. Gabriel, Archangel of Temperance, is my opposite. Those who are given to the hatred of the other, or who with all their might fight against their condition, come to join the rows of my damned.”


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Inscrit le: 24 Fév 2013
Messages: 13061
Localisation: Roma, Palazzo Doria-Pamphilj

MessagePosté le: Mer Juin 02, 2021 2:12 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant


    Book of the eclipse
    Chapter IV - « Galleries »

    1 Then, Leviathan struck the bloody grass with its foot, and a crater was opened in the ground. I saw a stone staircase go down into the darkness. Seizing my courage, I entered there, while the Prince-demon returned to the combat. I descended the steps cautiously, because there was no light to help me know to where I advanced and the way seemed still long. To help me, I slid my hand along the wall, and I could tell by touch that the stair was simply and roughly carved into the ground itself.

    2 I started in fear when my fingers touched a viscous form. At this point in time the staircase filled up with a greenish colour. I turned my glance towards the cause of my fright and noted with disgust a huge earthworm crawling within the wall. It radiated a feeling of reluctance, just like the similar thousands of creatures that also crawled in the ground. Starting to have some small concept of lunar operation, I wondered which sin was punished in these places. I obtained my response at the bottom of the spiral staircase, where there were, ten galleries dug within the same ground, infested with these ignoble, greenish, small beasts.

    3 The Damned puffed up, which had evil to advance their bodies so, and they caught and devoured those others that passed into their range. I was overcome with nausea, when a new gallery opened, barely large enough to let pass the largest of the enormous ground worms. This one said to me: “I am Azazel, Prince of Greediness. Galadrielle, Archangel of Conservation is my opposite. Those who misuse the pleasure of the first needs, who do not have the measurement of the needs for their subsistence, come to join the rows of my damned.”

    4 Then it added: “Follow me.” It moved back and continued to dig its gallery. I followed it on for many miles, according to its multiple changes of direction. Then, the tunnel led to a large wood storage place. I understood that I was at the foot of the stone peak. Azazel, who awaited me close to the exit, set out again by digging a new tunnel. I looked around and saw that I was on a kind of hillock. All around, there was a pit that seemed bottomless.

    5 But there was certainly a bottom somewhere down there, for from it extended a multitude of raw and sharp wooden spikes, extending upward from somewhere and coming up almost level with my own position. The Damned were placed above. Even upright, they had to make difficult efforts in order to be maintained above and not to fall. But strangest was that each one held between his arms some treasure incomparable in value and beauty. They clutched these heavy trunks filled with gold, these large bags full of invaluable stones, as if their lives depended on it..

    6 Sometimes, a movement a little less measured than the others made some of this treasure fall. Those who made the error of trying to catch their lost treasure invariably ended up falling. A pale yellow gleam from the pit testified to the innumerable treasures which had fallen there, cursing those remaining above, of which none seemed to want to let escape the least part. Some had obviously been clinging for a long time, because their legs were atrophied. But they did not truly think in the least about escape, fearing to allow their gold to fall into the pit.

    7 Then, I saw descending down from the ceiling, attached to its wire, a gigantic spider of gold, its great eyes diamonds of thousands of facets. Arriving close to me, it said to me: “I am Beelzebub, Prince of Avarice. George, Archangel of Friendship, is my opposite. That whose selfishness is equalled only by its contempt of the other comes to join the rows of my damned.” Then, without saying anything more, the Prince-demon wove a bridge with its fabric, connecting my small island and the edge of the wooden store room.


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Inscrit le: 24 Fév 2013
Messages: 13061
Localisation: Roma, Palazzo Doria-Pamphilj

MessagePosté le: Mer Juin 02, 2021 2:12 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant


    Book of the eclipse
    Chapter V - « The Peak »

    1 At the end of the bridge of fabric was a small wooden door. I turned the handle, but it did not open. For a good long moment I struggled with it, before it finally yielded. It seemed like it must have been an eternity since it last had been used. When the door was open, I was in front of a blue stone mass. I passed through and raised my eyes. The peak that I had been able to observe a few moments ago pointed to the sun, which, from where I was, filled up the entire sky.

    2 Not wanting to remain in Hell for eternity, I undertook to climb the rock peak. For hours, I clung after a fashion to each asperity, advancing only very slowly because of the difficult conditions. I was not the only one to try this terrible ascent. Many people were pained as much as me in this difficult test. They cried out in the face of this superhuman task, and some ended up giving up.

    3 These did not find any more the strength to continue and tried to go down again. But it was even harder to move in this direction than to move towards the top of the blue peak. All those that were resigned thus ended up releasing their hold and falling to be crushed in a heap at the bottom with a terrible noise. Each fall seemed to weaken the will of the survivors, but I clung to my will and continued. After a time, I alone was still struggling to climb.

    4 When I thought that I had reached my own end, and my muscles cried out for me to stop, I saw an outcropping not far from me. Delighted by this unhoped-for discovery, I moved there. Once I arrived at this haven, I finally decided to look toward the ground, in order to see how high I had climbed. When I looked, I saw the entire moon beneath my eyes, under volumes of blue smoke similar to clouds. No mountain on Earth could be so high! I was pleased with the effectiveness of my efforts, but I remembered also that there was much distance yet until the top.

    5 I had collapsed on the cornice to try to find some rest, when I heard tears. I turned my head and saw an old man with a thick beard, drenched with his own hot tears. His body was so dry that it appeared skeletal. It said to me: “I am Lucifer, Prince of Apathy. Selaphiel, Archangel of Pleasure, is my opposite. Those who surrender to spiritual depression, who remain passive, who do not have any more taste for life, and who are unaware of their own satisfaction join the rows of my damned, which cannot manage to reach the sun.”

    6 I saw a cave behind him. It beckoned to me to go there, without saying a word. A long paved corridor moved towards a metal door, which presented a strange vertical veining in its medium. I sought a handle, but did not find any. After long effort, I collapsed against the side of it, exhausted. I then heard a small noise like a bell and the door opened, split into two, and the two halves of the door slid out into the sides. Much surprised, I looked inside and saw there a splendid mirror, which reflected like any other my image.

    7 I entered the small space where the mirror was. I heard a voice then say to me, in calm and soothing tones: “Going up?” I was shocked, silenced by so strange a question and saw a smiling person awaiting an answer. We were together in a tiny part where only a half-dozen people at most could have stood. It was rather well lit, although the white light, which came down from the ceiling, seemed to me a little dull. It being the only thing I could think of to say, I answered “Yes.” Then, the person posed her finger on a square where was written the words “Last stage.” The door closed again, its two halves again joining, and I felt movement as though ascending.


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Inscrit le: 24 Fév 2013
Messages: 13061
Localisation: Roma, Palazzo Doria-Pamphilj

MessagePosté le: Mer Juin 02, 2021 2:13 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant


    Book of the eclipse
    Chapter VI - « The Sun »

    1 When the small room where I was with this strange unknown person went up, I had the unpleasant feeling as though I were suddenly heavier than I had been before. But when it stopped, I felt one extremely light moment. However, I had become neither bigger nor smaller during this short span of time. The door opened again into two halves, as I had seen before. The unknown one turned again towards me and said: “You have arrived.” It gave to me a smile full of kindness and softness. This restored to me a little spirit and I dared finally to ask him: “But who are you?”

    2 It answered me: “I am the frontier runner, the only angel to remain for eternity apart from Paradise. My role is to accompany, to this point, those who have not made their choice yet.” “Which choice? ” I asked, disconcerted. But, without answering, it smiled and motioned its hand towards the outside of the room, clearly asking me to advance. Realizing that nothing could glean more information from him, I decided to advance. Once I left, the door was closed again behind me, its two parts meeting, and I heard the room go down again.

    3 I expected to find an idyllic landscape, but, instead, I still saw this hateful blue stone that composed the infernal peak. It had been cut to form a kind of terrace. I wondered how to leave what I then believed to be a wretched trap. Indeed, I had reached the top and did not have any chance to not fall if I tried to go down. As for the strange door, I did not know how to open it. I thus sat down, in tears, asking myself which horrible sin I had been guilty of to be thus punished.

    4 A few moments later, I heard the beating of wings. I raised my eyes and saw a splendid spectacle: seven angels were arriving onto the blue terrace. I recognized the Archangel Michael, patron saint of Justice, in full armour, holding in his hand a splendid sword and a large shield with the most marvellous ornaments. But my theological knowledge was limited and I asked, ashamed, who, exactly, had appeared before me. I expected to hear some reproach, but this was not the case. All looked at me with a glance full of softness and love.

    5 One of them advanced and said to me: “I am George, Archangel of Friendship. And here are Gabriel, Archangel of Temperance, Michael, Archangel of Justice, Uriel, Archangel of Generosity, Galadrielle, Archangel of Conservation, Selaphiel, Archangel of Pleasure, and Raphaella, Archangel of Conviction. We seven, under the orders of the Prophet, Aristotle, and the Messiah, Christos, are charged to guide the human ones on the path of virtue, which carries them toward God and His Paradise.”

    6 I had opposite me seven beings, the most important born as humans in history, excepting Aristotle and Christos. In the face of such a privilege, I could only prostrate myself at their feet, face against the ground. But George said to me: “Do not prostrate yourself in front of us: we are ultimately only human. Only God deserves that reverence. We are His humble servants, important only in achieving His divine will. But come with us, because the hour fast approaches that you make the choice. We are here to lead you to the sun.”


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Inscrit le: 24 Fév 2013
Messages: 13061
Localisation: Roma, Palazzo Doria-Pamphilj

MessagePosté le: Mer Juin 02, 2021 2:13 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant


    Book of the eclipse
    Chapter VII - « Paradise »

    1 The seven Archangels stood face to face with me. They raised their great smiles full of kindness, emphasized by their gazes, so full of tenderness. For the first time since I had left my dog alone in the field, I relaxed and allowed myself to partake in the serenity that they radiated. They helped me to stand and Michael, the most robust, hoisted me up onto his back. I reddened at the idea of riding an Archangel like a horse. But they all laughed, seeing the embarrassment on my face. This laughter was not in mockery, but full of friendship.

    2 Then, seven large pairs of splendid wings extended. They approached the edge and allowed themselves to fall from it. I howled in terror, but my cry was choked off when the Archangels rectified their flight and headed off toward the sun. I could see under me the whole of the moon and I promised to myself, if the occasion were given to me, to always live in the virtue, according to the precepts of Aristotle and Christos, in order to never return to such a sordid place. Galadrielle granted me another smile and said to me: “It is well. You have made a judicious decision. May the other living ones make the same one.”

    3 I wondered how she had been able to so well know the bottom of my thoughts. But my spirit was gladdened quickly, rather interested by the spectacle which was offered to me. We had just left the moon and we flew in the space that separates it from the sun. The stars were offered to my glance like as many magic spectacles. I could even distinguish many other stars whose existence I had not known of, not being able to be seen from the world. This immense sun, which I had never seen so near, occupied the essence of my vision. I felt like a fly in comparison to a cow: tiny.

    4 We approached so close to the divine star that flames of several miles in length passed very close to us. I wondered whether I was not going to share with the seven Archangels a quite disastrous end. However, Michael, on whom I was always perched, said to me: “Do not fear that which you see here.” I then saw the flames that covered the sun part, giving way to a splendid spectacle. Under this outer layer of flame was that about which I had intended to speak since my more tender childhood, without ever knowing of what it consisted: Paradise!

    5 We landed in a magic place. All was bathed in a soft light. Wherever I looked I did not find the least darkness. As far as the eye could see, there was no dwelling, nor the least construction of any sort. Those that were hungry plucked of the fruit trees. Those that appreciated the pleasures of relaxation stretched out in the grass. Children played innocently, laughing and running through tall grasses. The seven Archangels told me that they were to leave me here, their mission being finished. I thanked them greatly and said to them my goodbyes.

    6 I decided to walk about and view this enchanted place. All those that I met wished me welcome and smiled at me. I returned their smiles and thanked them. All breathed happiness, kindness and joy. When I approached a small fountain where water seemed so clear that I could not resist refreshing myself there, I noticed two men deep in discussion. They noticed me also and beckoned to me to approach. I realized then that opposite me were no less than Aristotle and Christos. They accommodated me with the greatest kindness. They asked me whether I liked the place and if I had been on a happy journey. I was so moved that I could not even answer. I stammered some vague words, while I still tried to comprehend who was in front of me. At this point in time I heard a voice.


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Inscrit le: 24 Fév 2013
Messages: 13061
Localisation: Roma, Palazzo Doria-Pamphilj

MessagePosté le: Mer Juin 02, 2021 2:14 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant


    Book of the eclipse
    Chapter VIII - « Resurrection »

    1 This voice that I heard, while I was in the company of Aristotle and Christos, was calm and penetrating. They explained to me that it was God Himself who was going to ask me the necessary question. I finally came to understand that this was that moment. The divine voice said to me: “You, the human that holds the name among them Sypous, you came to Me, discovering all that a human will be able to know after its death. You visited each of the seven Hells, where you met each Prince-demon. All this was presented to you in accordance with My will. What did you retain from your journey?”

    2 I answered: “I understood the direction of the Hells. When humans live in the virtue, being thus conformed to Your divine word, transmitted by the Prophet, Aristotle, and the Messiah, Christos, You grant the right to him to reach this place, Your Paradise, the Sun. If he is diverted from virtue, refusing to listen to Your divine word, and he gives himself up to the terrestrial pleasures, selfishness, temptation, false divinities, Your infinite wisdom brings to you to send him to Hell, in the Moon, to be punished there for all Eternity. You love us, but it is also needed for us to love You.”

    3 God said to me: “Now comes time for you to make your choice. You can decide to accept death. In this case, I will judge your life, the moments when you knew to work for the virtue and those where you were diverted from it. If, then, I judge that you deserve it, you will join the elect for an eternity of joy and happiness. But if I judge, rather, that your life was not virtuous, you will know an eternity of torments in Hell. Or, if you think that your time has not yet been achieved, that your life will not yet prove reliable in front of Me, you can decide to return to life.”

    4 I could not answer. Had I deserved to join the Paradise or would I finish in Hell? Then, I heard voices. These were those of my friends, who prayed for the safety of my heart. Although they were on Earth, I heard them distinctly. This made me hot in the middle seeing that they were concerned so much with what was going to happen to me. I had to show them that their prayers were not useless. I decided to accept resurrection, in order to be able to live in virtue and to deserve the Paradise. I owed them that, at least as much as I owed it to myself.

    5 God said to me then: “Since I decided to change the spirit of humans to eternal soul, so that, at their death, each one of them is judged by the way which led you to Me at their end, I put the same question to each one of them. Some have the same prudence that you have shown, others reach to the Paradise, and others overestimate the quality of their lives and are sent to Hell.”

    6 “Those who chose, like you, for resurrection, do not keep the traces of their celestial tour in their memory. Thus, their behaviour changes only if the lesson has been engraved at the very bottom of their hearts. However, so that all may know which terrible fate awaits them if they are diverted from My love, I leave you these memories. You will be able to thus testify to your journey, and your testimony will remain for century after century. Now that you know this task which I have entrusted to you, return to your life, until you return here to make your choice anew.”

    7 Then, my sight was scrambled. I had just time to see Aristotle and Christos once more before losing consciousness. When I awoke, I was in my bed, my arms crossed in front of me. Around me were lit candles and my friends were deep in earnest prayer. In tears, but obviously relieved, they explained me that nine days previous I had died. I rose, went to the window, and saw that the sun again diffused its cordial light on the world. I told my friends about my incredible tour and decided to put down on paper all that I had been shown during my death.


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