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[GB]Book of Virtues - Demon Princes -

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Inscrit le: 24 Fév 2013
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Localisation: Roma, Palazzo Doria-Pamphilj

MessagePosté le: Jeu Juin 03, 2021 12:36 am    Sujet du message: [GB]Book of Virtues - Demon Princes - Répondre en citant



Dernière édition par Kalixtus le Mer Juin 07, 2023 2:37 pm; édité 2 fois
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Inscrit le: 24 Fév 2013
Messages: 13061
Localisation: Roma, Palazzo Doria-Pamphilj

MessagePosté le: Jeu Juin 03, 2021 12:42 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant


    Demonography of Asmodeus, Prince of Lust

    A precocious child

    Long ago was born at Samarra, a small farming village near Oanylone, a child that his parents named Asmodeus. He was vigorous and full of life. His eyes were a deep and bewitching black. His face was beautiful to the point that he could be mistaken for an angel. But great was the surprise of his parents when the found on his body a strange deformity. Since they had not invented hot water and that the thing seemed out of the ordinary, they decided to go see the old Gideon, healer of profession and living far away from mankind.

    The latter was an old fellow, shriveled by years and who had kept his faith in Jah intact. He took the infant for its mother's arm, placing it on a table and slowly undoing the swaddling clothes in order to examine it. Great was his stupor. The infant did not have one sex, it had two! It was both female and male. He then turned towards the parents.

      "You have given birth to an extraordinary being. This is beyond my skills. I do not know if this is a message that is sent to you by the Almighty or if ... "

    He had been unable finish his sentence. He hastily redressed the newborn child and returned it to the couple who was waiting for an answer to their anxiety.

      "You must not come back here with this child. I advise you to turn yourselves to Jah and pray again and again. As for... him, love him as best you can and turn it away from Evil. "

    It is in fear and worry that the little family returned home. It is in this atmosphere that the child grew.

    As soon as he could walk, trouble began plaguing the father and the mother.
    Asmodeus was particularly fond of observing animals in the barnyard. He was amazed every day to see them move, eat, and issue the most curious sounds. But it was above all fascinated to see them mate. Each time, it would put him in the greatest emotions. He uttered little cries that seemed to accompany the animals in their reproduction. He clapped his hands with each virile manifestation from the billy goat or the bull. Despite his father's scoldings, threats, and strikes, nothing worked.

    At five years of age, he tried some "experiments" on animals. He now knew very well the habits of species that lived around him. He decided to change the natural order of things, placing the dog on the sow or the cat on the duck. There led to cruel injuries that did not diminish his enthusiasm.

    The Revelation

    At the age of ten, while attending the harvest in July, an event occurred that changed his life. It was the end of the day; most of the peasants had gone home. He was alone in a field in the middle of piles of thatch expertly erected at regular intervals. He was watching a couple of beetles that were climbing on top of each other. Suddenly, his attention was diverted by hoarse noises that seemed to come from a grinding wheel. Attracted by these unusual sounds, he decided to approach as quietly as possible. There, he discovered something he had never seen before: a man and a woman, completely naked, their entwined bodies overflowing with sensuality and adopting animal postures that were very familiar to him. He did not show himself, watching as long as he could, feeling in the depths of his body unusual emotions.

    Once back home, he did not sleep that night, his spirit being totally devoured by what he had just seen.

    The next morning was like a second birth for him. He now looked at the girls and boys of his age in completely different manner. His genital constitution made him feel attracted evenly by one sex or the other. He approached all the boys and all the girls in his village, the lovely and beautiful, small and large, lean and fat.

    His method was unorthodox to say the least. The approach was often brutal, resembling a violent Soule tackle, which ended with a tumble into a ditch or stream. The partner would struggle, screaming, clawing, biting, banging and finally managing to tear themselves from, not without having lost part of his breeches or her dress.
    The scenario was repeated during a whole week. At the end, many village residents, angered by this intolerable conduct, stormed the family farm and missed by a hairbreadth the little Asmodeus who, terrorized, fled without a second thought.

    Arrival at Oanylone

    Oanylone was, at that time, the largest city that the earth bore. The city housed within it probably more than a million people. But acedia had won the hearts and corrupted the souls. The majority of the inhabitants had turned away from Jah. It is in this context taht arrived the little small Asmodeus, still in shock from what he had just experienced.

    He wandered for days and days on the streets, living by robbery and begging. He slept at night directly on the floor, in the middle of the most vile and despicable part of the city. Dirty as sin, muddy like a goat, his steps took him by chance in a district of the city that was very different from the others. Women of small virtues sold their charm to passing men. Some were still young and fresh, others worn and withered by the "toil". He noticed one of them, redhead, stronger than average and with a generous womanly chest. He approached and reached out with his hand, as if to grab a forbidden fruit. It was indeed a forbidden fruit, since a heavy slap of the hand reminded him of his age and condition.

    The woman began ranting words in a dry and fast tone.

    "Say the louse, do you think yourself permitted to do everything? And from where does this brat come from? Grime covered like you are, I give you a week before busting your nose in the creek."

    She burst into a loud and hearty laugh, both hands on her hips, taking as witness the women around her as well as bystanders. She bent down a bit to look more closely at Asmodeus, taking his chin in his hands.

      "And yet, under your darkness, you are pretty damn cute. If you were just a bit older, we would give you the good J ... "

    She could not finish the sentence. Like a snake on his prey, Asmodeus had placed his lips on hers, making the woman pull back in surprise. She started to laugh even more vulgarly then previously.

      "I definitely like you! Come with me inside, I want to show you a few things, just to teach you the way of life."

    The room they entered was dark because it had no windows. Torches were dimly lighting the inside, that consisted of four beds arranged at each of the four corners. What served as a bed was actually a thin mattress filled with straw and the frolicking could be hidden from the eyes of visitors by a fabric that was hanging all around the bed. On the walls, Asmodeus could not believe his eyes. Erotic scenes showed naked men and women, sometimes in acrobatic positions and often surreal. He realized that he had much to learn.

    The strong woman literally snatched him onto her bed. She undressed slowly before him, showing abundant forms and unsightly bulges. Then, she began to do the same thing to the child. A cry rang out. She could not restrain her surprise at Asmodeus' sexual anomaly.

      "My opinion is that you have a bright future all mapped out for you!"

    And on that day, he lost his virginity.

    The city sank into immorality.

    He lived for many years with this woman, becoming her lover, sharing her bed and her clients. He was particularly active and impressive, multiplying the acts frenetically as if his life depended on it.
    While growing old, his body developed itself and took shape. A firm breast embellished his chest. He decided to let his beautiful black hair grow but did keep his man clothes. He had become the center of interest for all the depraved people of the city.

    His reputation was so well known that he once got introduced at the king’s court in Oanlynone. This man was all evil. He was dishonest, greedy and rapacious. At all time, he was surrounded by women and flatterers. Orgies were followed by more orgies, feasts by binges. God has abandoned this place. He heard about this mysterious young man, capable of providing unprecedented pleasures. He had him sent for it.
    Asmodeus appeared in court one day, when the party was in full swing. Tables and chairs were turned round, bodies lying on the ground. Most were naked , entwined, clamped and as if chained by pleasure. Some slaves, also naked, trying to somehow step over men and women embracing each other in obscene positions. They brought, on ivory plates, all the necessary ingredients for orgiastic pleasures.

    When the king saw him enter the room, he pushed as best as he could the half-dozen drunken beings that were piled at his side. He stood up and stared into his eyes. All around him, men and women participating in this bacchanal, one after the other, stopped their work and turned their eyes on the newcomer. The silence was so complete.

    Asmodeus stepped forward. He wore a white frock, which contrasted with his aura of deep black and the dark color of her hair. Slowly he bared his shoulders and threw the garment shamelessly to the ground, showing his disconcerting anatomy to all. He crossed the room. People parted in his passage. He went to meet the king, who said nothing, and he threw himself on him in a bestial manner. People gave a wild cry and the party started up again, as if everyone now felt liberated.

    Asmodeus became the lover or the mistress of the king, depending on the chosen point of view. He acted as a catalyst for all the sexual energy of the court who, from now on, did not know any limit anymore.
    More importantly, this example coming from above spread in the upper layers of society and then touched the rest of the inhabitants of the city.
    In homes, in the streets or gutters, fields or barns, everything was debauchery and lust. Turpitude and vice had replaced the virtue and faith. Men had forgotten God, keeping their soul for pleasures only.

    The fall

    There was one being who, most of all, enjoyed the degeneration of the city. God had given him no name and he took delight in seeing how the work of the divine was degraded.

    At that moment, the sky did fill up with dark and menacing clouds. A violent wind started to blow. The Almighty spoke to the inhabitants of the city.

    “Although I gave you my love, you turned away and preferred listening to the words of the one who has No Name. You preferred letting yourselves go into the earthly pleasures instead of being grateful to me.”
    He added: “I created for you a place called Hell. I put this place on the moon where the worst among you will remain and will suffer eternal torments to redeem your sins. In 7 days, your city will be destroyed by the flames. Those of you who will have stayed there will spend an eternity in Hell. However, I am magnanimous. Those of you who will do penance, will spend the rest of time on the sun, where is the paradise.”

    After those terrible words, all men and women looked at each other without moving. They all feared their destiny. Many of them decided to leave this doomed city.
    But the Creature with No Name, cunning and sneaky personification of the evil, decided to act. It chose among the ones who stayed there, seven people who were each in their style a mass of humanity’s darkness. Asmodeus was one of them. The one that cannot be named did convince him that God would never dare to act as he said and that his decision was only a mark of jealousy. Thanks to the influence Asmodeus had on the king, he could in turn persuade him, the entire court and a large part of the inhabitants, to get back to the pleasure and the licentiousness.

    Nevertheless, a few righteous persons gathered around a woman named Raphaëlle who was inhabited by the spirit of God. She was member of a group of seven persons whose eyes had been opened by the godly speech and who were full of the love of God.

    She roamed the city in all directions, preaching repentance and directly opposing Asmodeus. She was ardently convinced of possessing the truth and many did follow her and saved their soul by doing so. But most Humans preferred to return to their vices.

    Seven days later, a very powerful earthquake did hit the city. The ground broke. Wide gaps appeared, releasing flames. In a few moments, Oanylone disappeared in the depths of earth. God had hit the ungodly city with his anger. All the dead did show in front of the Almighty in order for him to judge them. Raphaëlle and the six other human beings became Archangels next to God while those who were following them became angels.

    Asmodeus and the six other men who had chosen the creature with No Name have been sent to the moon. God placed them in a cold and lifeless location where there is a permanent mist. Their bodies transformed and became hideous and terrifying. Asmodeus received an abominable snake head with a disproportionate tongue. He has been given four pairs of breasts and a phallus of elephantine length. He was forced to carry it on his shoulder in order not to tread on it. His lustful instincts had been increased tenfold and he tormented day and night the unfortunate who were lost in hell, and he continually irritated his brothers demons by pursuing them with her passions.

    Thus he was doomed to live perpetually in the plains of hell.

    For the record, some have retained a few words of Asmodeus, pronounced in his lifetime:

    - Of all the sexual aberrations, the worst is chastity.
    - A woman sexually fulfilled is much more open.
    - We need to teach people to use their sex like the spoon and the fork.
    - In terms of sexual love, appetite comes with changing.


Dernière édition par Kalixtus le Jeu Juin 03, 2021 12:47 am; édité 1 fois
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Inscrit le: 24 Fév 2013
Messages: 13061
Localisation: Roma, Palazzo Doria-Pamphilj

MessagePosté le: Jeu Juin 03, 2021 12:47 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant


    Demonography of Azazel, Prince of Gluttony

    His Arrival to the World, already a Rupture

    Azazel came into the world at Oanylone, which a long time before had become a prosperous city. Its inhabitants began to live richly and, without completely turning away from the Most High, the first fruits of its fall inevitably appeared. His parents, who were in their forties, decided to have a child in the same way that they would decide to buy something. Without children for almost 22 years, on a flash of inspiration, the two spouses, Céline and Rene, turn towards a pregnant woman and offered to adopt her young child, making her believe that it would be a much better environment at their home. The young woman, whose father had fled with a beautiful seductress, eventually gave in and accepted at the request of the couple. Thus, Azazel, born poor, went to live in luxury and opulence, surrounded by demanding parents but not a true parental love.

    Azazel was quickly left on his own. Nothing forbidden ... except not to disturb his parents. In exchange? Access to everything, yes to everything. The child king enjoyed no limits. From a puny nature at birth, Azazel had become unrecognizable. He was soon known for his early stoutness which earned him the nickname 'the greedy'. His height imposed fear within his companions. His overall roundness, his fat and puffy fingers, surprised everyone who saw him. His smile and his eyes were hard to stand for whomever approached him that much; they disengaged with enmity and disdain.

    He was difficult to be around with friends in this situation. However, Azazel cultivated his loneliness and his rudeness. The eyes of others left him indifferent. He even added some. And when he decided differently, one should not be in his way. The more Azazel grew, the more his strength increased tenfold over the years. As a teenager, he already possessed a herculean strength. On the other hand, the little time spent to educate him made him stupid and lazy.

    Acedia reigned supreme within the household. The consequences were disastrous for Azazel. He only heard about the Most High and Oane very late. That was why he did not understand why the Most High created the world and installed the humans as his favorite species. He strove to affirm to anyone who would listen that the Most High had been unjust to his sheep. He could not identify perversion, mockery, and sadism with his eyes as the temptations were numerous.

    Contempt and renunciation of faith and the principles of virtue.

    One day, when Azazel was doing his main business, eating and drinking at a stall, he met a servant of Oane. The latter was stunned to see such an energetic act in this way:

    Servant of Oane : "My young friend, can I join your table?"

    Azazel : "Do so, dear friend, and serve yourself"

    Servant of Oane : « Thank you. But I just had lunch, and that's enough for me. »

    Azazel : "And your pleasure? Take and enjoy. These are delicious dishes."

    Servant of Oane : « My child, do you not want to repent from the weakness you show? Know that gluttony will break the bonds that unite men and women»

    Azazel : "Repentance? What a deal for so few benefits. Look around you; everyone goes about their business without worrying about others, and you, you allow yourself to make a judgment on my appetite. What a waste of time!»

    Servant of Oane: "There is no waste of time here, your moderation depends on your future in the kingdom of the Most High."

    Azazel : "You seem to forget something, My servant. The kingdom of the Most High is temperance and moderation and, well, I do not want it.

    As soon as I get up, I want to be able to eat as I please. All day long, I want to wallow in the food in quantity and so much so that once satiated I still have room for the pleasure of eating. The desire, the joy it gives me, is enough for me."

    Servant of Oane: "But,…"

    Azazel : "It is enough. You annoy me and I do not want to spoil my pleasure to listen to your nonsense.”

    Servant of Oane: "The mercy and patience of the Most High has its limits which you have just crossed. I guess in you the future turns darkest and tortured.

    Azazel : And although it is like this: This world and these principles to which I aspire please me. And, believe me, it will please more than one. Your Most High can not be very cautious about such thing. But, by the way, when you meet him, tell him that my table is reserved for him ...

    And the faithful retreated to go to join his brothers. Among these brothers were a certain George and a young girl Galadrielle. "I tell you my friends... Oanylone sees its last moments. The Most High can not let these beings act in this way any longer. It can not be this way. It's inconceivable. The gluttony I have just witnessed has convinced me of this idea, if I have ever had any doubts."

    The servant of the nameless Beast.

    At the death of his parents, Azazel inherited a considerable fortune. It did not take much for this young man to live a life of debauchery and corruption. The festivities he organized were sumptuous and all the young bourgeois of the city were present. There were some for all the vices and all the debauches.They had a real orgy there and, the more time passed, the longer they went on into the night and the days that followed.

    The food and the wine were in abundance, men and women satiated their most vile desires. Anyone trying to act with modesty, abstinence, and rationality fell in public vengeance. They suffered the wrath of these beings every moment of their lives.This harassment broke the weakest. Only a few faithful resisted. This young, reproachable Azazel was reluctant to cultivate and educate himself so much that the universities were emptying more and more.
    The work which was a synonym for slavery was hated and uninspiring only shaming to those who continued to live in virtue. At the slightest desire, Azazel and his disciples were using, or should we say stealing, everything along their way.
    As the instigators of evil progressively undermined them, it was logical that they united to install a climate of sins.

    The fight and the decay

    The Most High launched his anger against the city and the servants of Evil. The battle lasted seven days. The fight was rough and initially uneven. But, overestimating their strength, the evil ones first lost some fights and, finally, the battle.
    Azazel, in this fight, did honor to his titanic strength. Each coup was badly worn by the servants of the omnipotent. His fury and anger were equal to his valor in combat and his hatred of those pious "knights“ of good.
    The fight would have been favorable to Azazel if his men, filled with fear and cowardice, had not betrayed him when they saw the seven future archangels heading towards him. Abandoned by all, Azazel continued the struggle, and it was only on the sixth day that he bent. Using the chains forged by the Most High himself, the prince of gluttony was presented to the Creator...

    Azazel : great butler and sommelier of hell.

    Azazel, defeated, was presented towards the Most High. The glutton did not show any humility and it was with insolence that he looked right into the eyes of the merciful.

    "Me repent? Listen to me, oh so glorious, most grand. I come to you defeated and beaten. The victory today belongs to you. But even if I would return back, I will fight for the creature without name. The loser wishes you to savor your victory because I tell you, I will never abdicate. My fight alongside what you call evil is my destiny and my good pleasure. And if you are not convinced yet, then hear this:
    I deny you who claims to be our God, our superior.
    I believe in you as creator of heaven and earth.
    I denounce and wish to claim your fall.
    Because there can be no judge.

    I promise fidelity to my hatred and my fight against your will.
    I aspire to a world of freedom where everyone acts as he sees fit.
    I renounce your values that constrain us and alienate us.
    I call for rebellion against your will.

    May your servants turn their backs on you.
    May their eyes open to your message, your lie.
    May all see your delusion and your manipulation.
    Oh, I promise you, here, before You, to fight to destroy you.

    At these words, the Mist High stood up and, with all his greatness and magnificence, he sent Azazel to the moon.

    On the moon, since his fall, Azazel saw his body change to take a very particular form. He was nothing more than a huge mass of evil. Grand sommelier and butler, he makes sure that the souls of the fallen souls are thirsty.

    Translated by Caillen Jolieen MacKinnon Rose, reviewed and finalized by Conradh MacKinnon

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Inscrit le: 24 Fév 2013
Messages: 13061
Localisation: Roma, Palazzo Doria-Pamphilj

MessagePosté le: Jeu Juin 03, 2021 12:53 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant


    Demonography of Belial, Prince of Pride

    Birth of Belial

    Adiguaelle, wife of Théophile, was a virtuous woman. In the great city of Oanylone, this one took care of the poor and the needy. All her time was devoted to the latter. She passed through the filthy streets, reaching out those who were forgotten by the richest, since the inequalities in Oanylone were more and more pronounced. The rich involved themselves in opulence and lust, while the poorest became envious, jealous, and filled with anger.

    It was in these circumstances that Adiguaelle fell pregnant. She and her husband and were very happy and continued to live in the Divine love, despite every day, around her, people were slandering and spitting on her happiness. Why should she be happy? She had to suffer as all around her were suffering from misery. And it was in these circumstances of anger and jealousy that her sons were born. The first was named Miguaël, which accordingly to a legend meant "give and love" and the other was called Belial, which meant "give and you receive".

    Adiguäelle was exhausted by the labor as much as by the situation in the street that worried her. She did not suspect that the Unnamed Creature was fomenting the vilest nightmares against her family, since it was nourishing the pain, the anger and the hatred against the rich and the happy. And one night, when the family of Theophilus did not expect it, the crowd turned into a cloud of rage that fell upon them. In an ultimate instinct of survival, Theophilus took Miguael and his brother from her mother's hands and, after kissing them, hid them in a box. He barely had closed the box when those for whom Adiguaëlle worked every day entered. The men yelled at Theophilus and stabbed him before he could defend himself. Adiguaelle was raped over and over before being gutted. The blows succeeded each other, the blade passing from hand to hand, each carrying a fatal blow to the poor woman's body. But the children, in their box, were spared, since no one saw them.

    Childhood of Belial

    It is not known how, but the two children were saved from the ensuing fire. Was it a complaisant lady who helped them or the Nameless Creature who forgot them? No one really knows.
    However, we know with certainty that they were gathered by Menopus, an elderly and pious man who knew nothing of the origin of these "loves" as he liked to call them, and did not want to know anything about them. He gave these little ones the milk he produced thanks to his cow Minerva. These two young boys grew up without ever separating. There was such a bond between them which went beyond friendship and fraternal love, but unfortunately one of them would eventually turn away.

    The two brothers grew far from the temptations of the Nameless Creature. Belial breathed piety and continued to look after others rather than himself. He remained close to his brother Miguael, who, too, turned to his neighbor as Menopus had taught them. But Belial knew nothing of his parents and this bothered him. How did Menopus find them? What had happened to his parents so that no one around them had ever speak of them?

    The temptation of Belial

    One evening, when he had spent a long day of labor, Belial remained meditating on the roof of their house. The roof of their house offered a terrace which allowed him to see a large part of Oanylone. He remained there, long hours, asking himself questions about his past, his parents and his situation. A shadow came to him and wrapped it gently. The young boy was not frightened at all.
      Belial: Who are you? You who come to see me at nightfall, are you a friend or an enemy?
      Nameless Creature: I do not have a name because I can be whatever you want, Belial. Look around you. Why to privilege the others especially when they have nothing to offer you?
      Belial: Because they need me...
      Nameless Creature: So, serve the rich because they will pay you so you will not work for nothing...
      Belial: I have never worked for nothing. These people need me and if I did not do it, who will do it for me?
      Nameless Creature: What do they give you in exchange? Nothing. They plague you because the more you give them, the more they ask you. Turn away from them, for they will make you unhappy.

    That evening, Belial remained thoughtful long after the Shadow disappeared. Why to work to death while the rich could cover him with gold? This thought grew in him as the Shadow came to see him again and again, corrupting his mind.

    The corruption of Belial

    Thus, he began to ask the poor to pay him, a thing that they could not do. Then he stopped helping them, turning himself to idleness and sin. His vanity and pride had become visible in the eyes of all. Belial had become a handsome man and on his face, increasingly, his greed was taking shape. He gave himself only to the rich to receive more and more, turning away from his brother who lived in humility. Miguael begged him to return to his word and continue to serve those who really needed him, but his brother laughed at these words. Belial now wore an emaciated face and a long, black cloak threadbare everywhere. Those around him said that demonic horns were growing up on his head. But Belial did not bother about that. He knew from now on that every one of his gestures was of inestimable value. No one could be more pious than he was, selling his advice and services expensively.

    Men began to believe in him and listened to his word. Belial advocated his superiority over the common. No one had more talent than him. His fingers became long and angular to better grasp the gold he amassed. He felt indispensable to the city, he knew he was indispensable to the city.

    The eternal damnation

    Belial had become one of the most powerful and most listened men of Oanylone. While the Shadow whispered to his ear, he exhorted the crowds to find traitors like his brother who continued to listen the false precepts that Oane had distilled in everyone's mind. Very soon, Belial the Proud was part of the Inaudiendis (n.b: in Latin, those who do not hear) with six other blasphemers who, during the seven days given by the Most High before the destruction of the city, preached against the Creator and His works against the seven Men which represented the seven virtues, in which his brother Miguael was included.

    And, when the Wrath of the Most High came upon the city, cracking the land and flooding the streets with the fire coming from the center of the earth, he was among the damned, along with everyone else that stayed in the metropolis, convinced by the insidious words of the Nameless Creature. The Inaudiendis were sent to the depths of the abysses of the Lunar Hell, where the fire rages and the sinners are tortured.

    If you see, all beings of the creation are sinners, but the Most High, in His great goodness has proposed forgiveness, and who does not accept to receive it, keeps his sin and will suffer until the end of times. In his damnation, Belial turned into a terrible creature. It is said that today he has the body of a fiery horse and the head of a rabid bull.

    The exorcism of Belial

    At the beginning of the Church, the Church was still frail, and Belial thought that, to better destroy it, it was necessary to act from within. Always so proud, he decided to take possession of the body of the highest dignitary of the Church: the Pope. At that time, Pope Hygin was struck by a serious illness; Belial, filled with cowardice, took possession of him, and from that moment the traits of the Holy Father began to change. A servant, Mirall, realized this and begged the Most High to send someone. The Archangel Miguaël, patron saint of the counter-possession, later named exorcist, was sent.
    He departed as fast as he could, his six wings flapping until losing his breath; if the Church fell now the result would be atrocious. He entered Hygin's body, his virtuous thoughts had to stood out, but on his side Belial also struggled.

    Belial: «You dare to intervene against your own brother, Miguaël? Do not you see that your God is using you?»
    Miguael: «You are no longer my brother, Belial. I deny you, go back where you come from, come back to populate the abyss, only God is sovereign, only God is the master. That only the virtues of this man arise!»

    While this confrontation unfolded, the Solar Paradise and the Lunar Hell also seemed to clash in a decisive battle.

    Miguael: «Return from where you come, Prince of Demons and leave the soul of this man in peace, do you hear? Vade retro Belial! Go back where you come from!»

    At that moment, a flame sprung from the mouth of the possessed and went crashing far away in the star dominating the Night as the sky resumed its normal tincture.

    Saint Miguael ascended to heaven in glory, seated on a cloud and accompanied by a thousand celestial voices singing the glory of God because only God is sovereign.

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Inscrit le: 24 Fév 2013
Messages: 13061
Localisation: Roma, Palazzo Doria-Pamphilj

MessagePosté le: Jeu Juin 03, 2021 12:59 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant


    Demonography of Beelzebub, Prince of Avarice

    The Birth and Childhood of Beelzebub

    As Oanylone began its long descent to the abyss of sin and was already sitting on the ruins of virtue, Beelzebub, son of Grodass and Irenaeus, was born. Weighing six kilograms and sixty centimeters, he took many hours to leave his mother's womb and left the latter almost dead with fatigue. Exhausted and bruised in her body, a serious infection prevailed a few days later, leaving the good Grodass struggling with a small monster as big as he was insatiable.This man, a farmer renowned for the quality of his production, known for his kindness and his good nature, did not know how to raise the boy, indeed, so far, only his wife had taken care of this needy business, that was why he decided to take an au pair. His brother Guignol and Pimpon, laughed madly at the coming of this little being who, in the end, only represented one more mouth to feed. Beelzebub was thus breast-fed until the advanced age of five, his father showed him little affection, much too much taken by his work in the fields, but that did not prevent him from growing up raised by a woman hard and chubby, answering to the sweet name of Rita. The woman did not like this child, whom she found ugly and unsightly and added that an infant who had killed his mother to come into the world was already walking on dark roads, so she made life as hard as possible, passing him nothing and teaching him only the minimum.

    At around eight, when he was old enough to do without his stepmother, Beelzebub was taken away by Grodass, who decided to have his son accompany him to the fields, just to show him how to grow the grain and teach him some basic principles and values. Thus, every day, whether in rain, wind, or snow, the little man would get up at dawn and accompany his father to cultivate his land. The latter was never stingy with advice, most of which was aimed at making the kid an accomplished peasant:

    - "Do you see my son, a penny is a penny, preciously keep the least penny because it is important!"
    - "Use your head, damn it! You must learn to sell and trade, otherwise, what will you do with your grain?"
    - "Do not forget that if you want to be the best, you have to be convinced that you are the best"
    - "Do not think of others, think of yourself because it is you who will manage everything!"
    - "Life is like a stew, the less there is, the richer you are!"

    It is granted that today, such concepts have little meaning but it does not preclude that these precepts were those which marked the life of this young child. Thus, Beelzebub began very early to understand what made a land a good land, he quickly understood also how to trade and what to play to make the best profits. He did not care about his siblings, preferring to rub shoulders with his father who saw him as a promising successor. The latter often put him forward when he sold the fruit of his labor to the market, telling whoever wanted to hear that he would take his place when he died. This made his older brothers grow up with jealousy and animosity that gradually turned into visceral hatred so that they subjected him to a great deal of abuse and beat and jabbed him every time they passed each other. The young Beelzebub then cultivated an image of himself, sealed in pride and arrogance, thinking that if his own brothers cursed him, it was because he was better than them. The older he got, the closer he got to Grodass and the farther away from Pimpon and Guignol. He had become a prince in the eyes of his father and mortal enemy to his elders. Thus, Beelzebub thought only of himself and his future, he had become indifferent to his relatives, only his father still had his highest esteem.

    Ascension and accession to fortune

    When he was barely fifteen, his father Grodass, now worn out and aged by decades of work that persisted without fail, came to him. He asked him to sit down and listen to what he had to say to him:

    -"My son...I'm old and tired … look at me, I'm bent like an old shrew and I have not enjoyed my good years. You're the only one in the family who can build on what I've built over the years. These lands, my lands, are henceforth yours, and your brothers who cultivate for me, will have to help you. I trust you know how to sell, you know how to grow the best wheat and corn!"

    Beelzebub was proud that his father left him everything he had, even though he was ten years younger than his next youngest brother. He could not help asking:

    -"But father, what are you going to do with your time now? Will you abandon me as my mother did?"

    Grodass had always thought that before the end of his life he would have made great journeys, he knew it was time for him to leave and explained this to his son before leaving the family home forever. He had instructed him to announce this to his brothers and give them each a letter he had written for them. No one heard from him, and no one ever heard any news of Grodass in Oanylone. The young Beelzebub waited until his father had left the family home to tear up the letters he had to hand over and, knowing that his brothers would not be in the opinion of their father, decided at the time to hire a man at arms to protect what had been transmitted to him. He made some connections and found the man who needed him, a freed slave from the north, tall as a tree and strong as a rock, gashed and scarred, naming himself Astaroth. When Pimpon and Guignol returned from the fields, they found a closed door, and Beelzebub appeared behind them with his bodyguard at his side. It was with ferocity and assurance that he told them these few words:

    -"Father has gone off! He left me his lands and dwellings, henceforth everything that was his is mine! Out of question, that two shirkers like you, who have benefited shamefully from their father to screw around for years, benefit today from the fruit of his labor. I keep your belongings and the rest, leave! If, unfortunately, you want to return to my lands, I'll send you Astaroth, who will then take you from life to death, so stop and do not come back!"

    Beelzebub gestured to Astaroth, who approached the two men, then slapped them and threw them on the ground; the two brothers, put lower than anything, had no choice but to leave without asking for their rest. Thus began the ascent of Beelzebub. He took advantage of what he had learned, replaced his brothers with employees he had exploited on the market and he paid poorly, knowing that he would always have the manpower to accept the work. His fields gave great harvests because he was a connoisseur of cultures, so he began to earn a lot of money. But that was not enough for him, he knew he was the best but wanted more, he had put aside all he had earned and spent only when he was forced. Over the years, he decided to acquire other lands so that he became a great landowner recognized for his sense of commerce and especially for his intransigence in business. His products, he always drew the best profits, and what he earned, he kept at home in a safe, going so far as to avoid spending any money if it was not strictly necessary. For almost ten years, Beelzebub's eyes found grace only in himself, he developed an oversized ego, strutting in Oanylone, saying to whoever wanted to hear him that he was the best and the only one able to produce grain.

    At the dawn of his thirties, Beelzebub had acquired, by his intelligence and persuasiveness, half of Oanylone's cereal crops, his home had become a domain and his nest egg had turned into a fortune. Where others were taking advantage of their wealth, he forbade anyone to approach his properties; his faithful Astaroth at his side, he was feared and respected but also envied and frowned upon. Every month, the envoys of the leaders came to see him and asked him if he would not give some of his goods to help the community, each time Beelzebub told them:

    - "What? Dilapidate my fortune? I worked hard to amass all this and no one but me will benefit! I'm good and my crops are the best! Get out of my house and tell them that, in my lifetime, they will not have anything from me!"

    Thus, each time, the envoys left with discomfited expressions and reported to their rulers, testifying to the selfishness of Beelzebub and his inability to understand the concept of collective interest. To those who rumbled in front of the gates of his domain, the landlord sent his guard to terrorize them. To those who said he had more enemies than friends, Beelzebub replied that he did not care to have friends because they were first and foremost spongers.

    The dream and the revelation

    Beelzebub was thirty-five years old, and one night, when the heat of the summer had become unbearable, when he had great trouble falling asleep, he had a strange dream. He saw himself walking on a long desert road, alone, no light except the moonlight, no hovel, nothing but this winding road. As he walked aimlessly, a creature made of shadow appeared. Beelzebub stopped and tried to see his face, but he saw only a shadow; when he asked who was facing him, he had only silence to answer. It was when he went on his way that the creature told him:

    The shadow : "Beelzebub, Beelzebub, Beelzebub... where are you then?
    Beelzebub : "I do not know, I'm going in the dark, I'm going straight ahead."
    The shadow : "You go ahead but you do not know where you are going? So you do not want to know?"
    Beelzebub : "Know? Know what? Where does this road end?"
    The shadow: "No matter where it ends, the important thing is not where, but how!"
    Beelzebub : "What do you mean, creature?
    The shadow : "What I mean is that you just follow the road that has been laid out for you while you could trace your own route! Leave the beaten track and take another path."
    Beelzebub : "But.. I do not see any other path, creature, there is only this road!"
    The shadow : "Beelzebub, you're smarter than the others, you're richer than the others, you could have the men at your feet, you can build any road from here, you just have to want it! Use what you have learned, use your knowledge and use cunning to become the strongest in your field, you will see that it is only necessary to want a new road to be offered to you!"

    The shadow disappeared in a moment and, facing Beelzebub, a fork had emerged. On one side stood the winding road he had traveled for a long time, on the other, a narrow road, straight and upward. He decided to follow this path, feeling that he knew what was at the end. On awakening in the morning, Beelzebub took care to note the dream that had invaded him during the night. He summoned Astaroth and asked him to follow his orders to the letter. He sent him to the market and ordered him to buy all the grain available and sell it for twice the price he bought it. Then, taken with an incredible frenzy he ordered him to enter every owner of Oanylone's fields and culture to molest them and to force them to sell to him, at the best price, all their crops and their fields. In a few days, Beelzebub managed to become the sole grain producer of Oanylone, but that was not enough for him. To manage his land, he employed at such a low rate, that he did not allow the workers to assuage their hunger; having no alternative, they were forced to accept these dishonest practices. At that, he practiced equally high prices which made wheat and corn so expensive that the whole chain of commodities saw a record of inflation. Wheat and corn were used to make bread and flour, corn was also used to feed animals, and Beelzebub had taken control of most of the market and managed the local economy. Soon, the plebs came to scold and the authorities came to find Beelzebub to show their dissatisfaction. The latter, too happy to see that he aroused such interest, did not even bother to receive them. The man did not leave his domain any more, leaving to his faithful second the management of the dirty work, pretending that he was too important for that and that he could not mix with those lesser in Oanylone. His reputation said that his selfishness was matched only by his fortune, and that soon he would fall from a height. The inhabitants and the rulers decided to react and created a cooperative to compete with Beelzebub, the farmers each gave a portion of their field to replant grains and lower prices, if Beelzebub no longer sold, then perhaps they could deign to receive, they thought. It was much worse.

    The advent of a destiny

    Faced with such audacity, Beelzebub was so angry that the walls of his house trembled. He ordered his faithful Astaroth to go to the lower quarters to recruit the worst miscreants and thus form a militia to defend his property. He asked him to take the best, and with them, to go to plunder the fields, kill the animals, and burn the homes of those who had joined this cooperative. The day after the night of terror, Oanylone was terrified at the thought of confronting someone who had the power to starve an entire population. The peasants were not soldiers and the militia of Beelzebub even scared the city guards, so that none could deny the evidence of his supremacy. In a few weeks, all came to his house to signify that they accepted his conditions, and so Beelzebub had only to impose what he liked. He forced the farmers to give him a percentage of their income in exchange for acceptable prices on the grain, and those who refused could not feed their animals properly; their cows and their sheep were so starved that they made little meat and milk. It took only a few months for the fortune of Beelzebub to increase exponentially at the cost of many sacrifices from the population of Oanylone. The peasants were now poor and landless, the ranchers had just enough to eat, and the only healthy men were those who had bowed to Beelzebub. The rulers had been bought for large sums of money, while the poorest were starving.
    One winter's day, Guignol and Pimpon went to their brother's house, accompanied by many villagers, both of whom were tall and thin, their faces tapered, and they asked for an audience. Beelzebub agreed to hear them :

    Guignol : "Beelzebub...we are ruined by your fault, we can not even buy our daily bread … we beg you to help us!"
    Pimpon : "I beg you, you are our brother, you can not abandon us..."
    Beelzebub : "You two are shabby, you have no quality, and you dare to beg for alms at home?... I will not give you anything if you do not have enough to feed yourselves because you are weak. I am rich, but my fortune is mine, only to me and to no one else"
    Guignol : "Think of our father who has been away for so long, is that what he taught you?"
    Beelzebub : "I am a self-made man, my little lads! I did not wait for anyone to become who I am. I will not give you any money because you do not deserve it! Those who are starving today are those who do not understand anything."
    Pimpon : "Are you not going to stop this madness? Are you going to let so many people die by your selfishness?"
    Beelzebub : "My selfishness? I am not selfish, I have succeeded and stirred up jealousy, the ones who lock themselves in their certainties and refuse to acknowledge the evidence. By their lack of foresight, they cause their own loss. Go away and never come back, if you die, you deserve it!“

    Pimpon and Guignol left the place discouraged and told the other inhabitants what had been said by the master of the place. All were displeased with such selfishness and understood that nothing would change this man. Beelzebub had become so powerful that he alone amassed more crowns than a king; he could have thrown them out of the windows without suffering any lack, and yet he kept everything and gave nothing. The suffering of his neighbor did not touch him, he had no friend and more enemies than any man had ever known in Oanylone. It was at this time that the Most High manifested his anger towards Oanylone and decided to punish those who had sinned so much that they had forgotten the meaning of life:

    "While I gave you my love, you turned away from it, preferring to listen to the words of the creature to whom I did not give a name. You preferred to abandon yourself to material pleasures rather than give thanks. I created for you a place called Hell, that I have arranged on the moon where the worst of you will experience an eternity of torment to punish them for their sins. In seven days your city will be engulfed in flames. And those who stay there will spend eternity in Hell. However, I am magnanimous, and those of you who will do penance will spend eternity in the sun, where Paradise is.“

    Thus, a large number of the inhabitants resigned themselves with great regret to leave this now cursed city.

    The rebellion

    It was at this moment that the nameless creature was once again interested in Beelzebub; the first time he appeared to him in a dream, but this time, he came to whisper in his ears the words here transcribed:

    Beelzzzzebub…Beelzzzebuuuub…listen to me! You showed men that you were the strongest, you showed them that the weak had no future among men. Soon, men will come and stand up to you, pretending that love is what binds men, they will talk about friendship and the wrath of the Most High. Do not listen to them because they are only lies and mischief.

    Beelzebub, who was not what could be called a believer, had little affinity with those who worshiped the Most High. The rites bequeathed by Oane were unknown to him and, to tell the truth, he found it rather stupid. Six other men had been approached by the nameless creature, each one, like Beelzebub, incarnating a vice, and all of them, preaching against god. Faced with them, seven righteous had given themselves the mission to defend the divine word, to preach friendship, temperance, justice, self-sacrifice, preservation, pleasure, and conviction. For him, laying his destiny in the hands of a divine entity made no sense, one could only rely on oneself and on no one else. Thus, he finally left his home with Astaroth by his side, and he roamed the streets and squares of the city to preach his truth:

    Do not listen to those who tell you that the end is near! Do not listen to those who make you believe that god is Almighty! God is weak and jealous of our success. God will never put his threats into action because he will not kill his own children! Do not leave Oanylone; continue to live as you live and send away to those who preach for him!

    Many listened to him and listened to the other preachers, and while Oanylone fell into the deepest vice and the most abject sin, Beelzebub kept his wealth and laughed at those who had nothing to live on. He had surrounded himself with faithful men and Astaroth, feared by the majority of those he met. The avarice he showed was unparalleled and those who tried to steal what he owned were brutally killed. Violence was the means he had found to protect himself, while he could have surrounded himself with an army of loyal and sincere men out of friendship, he had locked himself into a selfishness so great that he left even his own brothers starve while a few loaves of bread would have saved their lives. His self-assurance and his presence increased the echo of his oral arguments against god and those who preached for him. Wherever he appeared, his audience was conquered, when there were those who refused to listen to him or tried to refute his words, he ordered them beat unceremoniously, seeing only to his own interest. The city sank totally into the most absolute vice, this now cursed city lived thus dark-filled with hatred, violence, and sins. Beelzebub handled the crowds as well as he traded, he manipulated some with as much success as he handled money. Still he was not doing any of this for the others, no, he was doing it for himself because he felt that everything he had taken so long to build was proof that he was the smartest, he was the richest, because he had known how to become the strongest, and Beelzebub could not imagine for a moment that his destiny was the fruit of a divine will, or at least a god, whoever he is, had any impact on him. According to him, god had left men the choice not to love him and thus, had left the future of the world in the hands of humanity; he did not understand why He came then to claim that we venerate him. With the six other preachers, Satan, Belial, Azazel, Asmodeus, Lucifer and Leviathan, Beelzebub spread the venomous words of the nameless creature with so much fervor and pugnacity that he was convinced that nothing would happen.

    The first six days seemed to last forever, thunder rumbled and lightning struck, many decided to leave the city, but as Beelzebub knew it, only the weak bend to the will of others. The virtuous, when they had accepted the punishment of the Most High, had given even more reasons to Beelzebub to shout victory because he made everyone know that if the virtuous remained, it was because they also did not believe in the threats of the Almighty. The seventh day arrived and a gigantic cataclysm occurred, engulfing the city beneath the earth after purifying it from the flames of God's wrath. The few humans left behind were all carried away, those who had listened to the virtuous were accepted in paradise while the others came to swell the ranks of the lunar hell. Astaroth, who had remained with his master, was sent with him and witnessed the punishment which had been reserved for Beelzebub.

    An eternity of Avarice

    Beelzebub was present before god like every human being who remained in Oanylone; faithful to himself, he refused to recognize His omnipotence and was sent just like his six acolytes to lunar hell. His appearance took the form of his vice and his body was deformed so that he no longer looked like a human. He became the avarice he embodied in Oanylone and took the form of a gigantic spider covered with gold, with thousands of diamond eyes.

    Sinners who are avaricious nowadays still use his precepts and steal from the poor to enrich themselves, crush others in order to succeed, amass fortunes that a thousand lives can not spend, they are condemned by god to travel to the galleries of hell, alongside those who caused their loss.

    Since then, the demon prince Beelzebub reigns supreme over the galleries and chasms of hell, and the damned souls who have sinned out of greed join him for an eternity of torment under his tyrannical yoke.

    Translated from Greek by Bender.B.Rodriguez into french
    Translated from French by Caillen Jolieen MacKinnon Rose 1467
    edited and finalized by Conradh MacKinnon

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Inscrit le: 24 Fév 2013
Messages: 13061
Localisation: Roma, Palazzo Doria-Pamphilj

MessagePosté le: Jeu Juin 03, 2021 1:04 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant


    Demography of Leviathan, Prince of Anger

    A nightmarish childhood

    A long time ago, Leto, an honest and hardworking sailor, married a woman named Hecate. She was not the prototype of the loving and joyful woman, it was said she was rather temperamental and unstable. The years passed and the distance of Leto, too often gone for fishing, turned the young woman into a shrewish and uncomfortable stepmother, some would even say that she was cruel and nasty. Feeling abandoned and having little money, she spent her free time selling her virtue to the sailors passing through the docks of the port of Oanylone. Hecate became pregnant during one of her husband's absences and made him believe that she was expecting a child from him. The poor fellow had never been suspicious and thought he had simply fulfilled his conjugal duty.

    Thus came into the world a child whom both chose to call Leviathan. The child, from an early age, began to show the same signs as his mother. With a father still sailing at the mercy of the tides and too frequently absent, his education fell to Hecate, who, in her madness, made him undergo a life that no one wishes anyone. Struck from his earliest childhood because it was difficult to calm his tears, insulted daily because he was seen as a parasite, Leviathan enjoyed very little love and suffered incredible hatred for years. When he was hungry, his mother screamed at him and gave him her breast only once her sinful day was over; Leviathan would cry for hours. When he demanded a little love, Hecate shook him like a piece of straw to stop him from bothering her. And if, by misfortune, he happened to be in his clothes, he would remain unclean until the smell was so unbearable that Hecate ended up changing him. At no time were his young years pleasant.

    The times that followed were no less dreadful for the child, he saw his father very seldom, and took advantage of those moments of love that he could finally share. Leto and Hecate could not stand each other so that screams and slaps broke out in the household. In order to protect himself from his mother, Leviathan had made it a habit to lie to every piece of the field so as not to take a volley when he came home. In order to avenge Hecate's abuse, he had developed an unparalleled deceit, but that did not prevent him from wallops and other bullying. The young boy grew up in this way by not seeing very much of the one he loved and whom he considered to be his father. He saw men's cohorts parading in his home, who were still passing through, insulting him copiously when his presence was noticed. His mother had told him that she thought his “father“ had passed away, but he preferred to lie to his father to keep the love he lavished on him.

    Leto was madly hoping to make his son a confirmed sailor. Thus, as soon as he was old enough to go on the water, he decided to take him with him for his fishing. Leto showed him all the tricks of the trade, all that made a good sailor, and he noticed early on an aptitude for the thing. He noted, of course, the angry and vicious character of his son; he tried in vain to change him. Thus, Leviathan passed the last years of his childhood between the sea and his mother, between relatively happy moments and tragic periods. He soon became very good at the navy, and his father often left him on his ship, so that Leviathan was already a great sailor at the age of fifteen. At that time, the young teenager was already considered a man, and his fiery character combined with his fits of anger made him a formidable captain in power. Leto understood it only too well and thus gave him the command of one of his fishing vessels.

    Youth in sin

    Scarcely old enough to sport with the damsels, Leviathan already commanded a beautiful fishing vessel with all its crew whose members he chose himself. The young man, who was already physically stronger than average, managed to take docile sailors who did not rebel against his authority and anger. Leviathan had suffered so much abuse and bullying as a child that he had been angry for too long. One evening when he was about to go to the sea, he went to his house to prepare the last details of his journey; he met his mother, round like a pan, who insulted him a lot and spit into his face under the smokey pretext that he was a bastard. Leviathan, who usually managed to master a minimum, saw red and a terrible anger seized him. He approached Hecate and grabbed her by the neck with both hands. Bloodshot eyes and a grin of hate drawn on his lips, he squeezed his hands, grunting; he squeezed so tight that his mother's face turned bright red with bulging eyes. It took only a few moments for Hecate to stop breathing, Leviathan dropped her to the ground like a bag of wheat; her body made a thud as it spread across the floor of the house. Leviathan thus remained an hour to observe his mother, who was stretched out on the ground, feeling no remorse for the gesture he had made; on the contrary, he felt even stronger and, above all, freed from a weight that had become too heavy for his young shoulders.

    With hatred in his heart and anger in his soul, Leviathan was now uncontrollable, as if his matricide had ratified a destiny that had been developing for many years. As he had planned, he embarked for a long week of with all his crew, having left Hecate lying on the ground without telling anyone; he thought that by finding her, one would think a murder perpetrated by one of the many men who came to pay for her services, who would have felt dissatisfied with the service. His crew, he had chosen with great care, he took men strong enough to work hard but at a nice pace. Leviathan liked to scream at those he was using, trying to spot the effect of his cries and tantrums, hoping to trigger a reaction to correct the brazen man who dared to stand in front of him. Among the crew members was a boy barely younger than him, a man named Gabriel. He had spotted him because of his kindness and apparent cowardice. He had thought that by recruiting him, he would have fun and already savored in advance all the harm he could do to him. What motivated the captain most in this situation was that he did not understand how one could be so calm and so placid, so he amused himself with quarreling regularly and provoking him.

    One day, he came screaming as usual, spitting on the fishermen not fast enough for his taste, bumping into them and triggering in them anger and resentment. Often, some people tried to rebel and strike Leviathan, but the latter, happy with the hatred they gave him, always avoided the blows and then tried to hit them with a smile. Gabriel had nothing that could be blamed on him, he did his job well, but Leviathan fell on him anyway. He reproached him for neglecting his labors, screaming at him to get a reaction, but Gabriel remained calm, showing no anger or hatred. Leviathan's insults and cries slid over him like rain on a smooth surface. Nothing he said penetrated him or aroused the slightest anger. Disappointed with this reaction, the captain punched him a good deal and went off to look elsewhere. Thus, regularly during their long voyages at sea, Leviathan was beating his men and especially Gabriel to whom he developed an unparalleled hatred, which materialized in an infinite anger towards him.

    The advent of hatred and anger

    A few years passed, and the men under the yoke of Leviathan could only see an aggravation of his faults, no one counted the sins he had made, they no longer counted the dead who had crossed his path, and Gabriel, he implored the Most High in silence to stop it. On the ship, it was not uncommon for a sailor to be thrown overboard, in his hysterical madness, Leviathan thus allowed some of his men to drown themselves without anyone being able to do anything about it. Oanylone's justice was not uncompromising at that time and many of the defendants were getting away with it, so it was the law of silence that prevailed first of all for fear of terrible retaliation. The hatred that emanated from the man was undoubtedly what attracted the nameless creature to Leviathan; he addressed him in the form of the lieutenant of the guard of Oanylone known to be a tyrant without faith or law, violent like no other. One evening when he was on the ground and came out of the harbor, lost in the vapors of alcohol, Leviathan saw the lieutenant, posted in his way blocking his path.

    Leviathan : "Get out of here if you do not want to feel my fists!"

    Man : "So... and you think you'll be able to hurt me, you idiot?"

    Leviathan : "I have killed for less than that..."

    Man : "Well …well … You have understood the power of hate … Your anger has made you much more powerful... Now, fulfill your destiny! "

    Leviathan : "What? What destiny?"

    Man : "Leviathan, you do not realize your importance yet. You are just starting to discover your power... If we combine our strength, we will put an end to this lie that is love and we will make the strong masters of Oanylone!"

    Leviathan : "My word, you're as drunk as me..."

    Man : "If only you knew the true power of anger... Your mother never told you what happened to your father... "

    Leviathan : "Oh, she told me enough! She told me that he was killed!"

    Man : "No Leviathan, I am your father!"

    Leviathan : "No ! It's not true... it's not possible!"

    Man: "Read in your heart and you will know I say the truth!"

    Leviathan : "Noooohoooo."

    Man: "Now fulfill your destiny and kill that usurper Leto. Sooner or later he will learn the secret of your birth and then you will have nothing."

    Leviathan : "And afterwards, I will see you again?"

    Man : "When Leto gets eliminated and you turn older, then I'll come back. Use your hatred, young sailor, let your anger run free and someday we will meet again."

    The creature had succeeded in injecting even more vice into the soul of the young Leviathan, and his lies made the captain even more arrogant and vindictive. The sailor was all black, intoxicated and prey to the worst access he had known until then, he waited for Leto to return from fishing. He thus prepared for the coming of the one whom he thought was his father, fomenting plans to eliminate him and sharpening his weapons to fight better. Leviathan, therefore, had no feeling for others except hatred. It was indeed what characterized this young man. Finally, the big night arrived, Leto, tired and exhausted from his journey, returned directly without passing through the tavern as usual. Since the death of his wife, a relief had invaded him and he could finally enjoy his home just like any sailor did. He crossed the threshold of the house and fell in front of Leviathan, a sextant standing in his hand and his eyes full of fury. Leto wanted to speak to him to understand what was going on here, but he did not have time; Leviathan burst on him like a fox in a hen house and gave him a vigorous strike from his sextant on the skull. The blood spurted and left marks on the walls of the entrance while Leto collapsed stiffly, dead in a pool of dark and viscous blood. No cry was heard and the young man, about thirty years old, left the body of the deceased on the spot to leave the place. Some claimed that Leto had died of an accident, but all of them knew that this was a stroke of Leviathan.

    It was thus that Leviathan inherited the fortune of his father, his ships, and became admiral of a fleet of fishermen composed of a dozen or so larger vessels. From now on, the man had no limit to his power; in addition to his public notoriety of hysterical screaming and ferocity, he now had that power because of the wealth of his goods. No one dared to oppose him, no one but one man: Gabriel. Leviathan's new status caused him to become even more out of control, unleashing his vice on all, and thus sparking anger among all his employees, only Gabriel remained unshaken while facing insults and harassment. The admiral remained incredulous, he did not understand how, despite all the waves of violence that he washed over Gabriel, he could remain calm, obedient, and hardworking. Their paths crossed less often afterwards because Leviathan had chosen to sail only on the Kraken, a large three-masted ship that made him proud and gave him the impression of being the master of the world. Moreover, it was not uncommon to see him go to the bow and shout that he was the master of the world, arms outstretched and looking towards the horizon, when the wind blew in the sails. Fishing had become a poor activity in his eyes and Leviathan decided to engage in piracy. He recruited seasoned sailors and was not afraid to go against the law, he flushed them from the ill-famed taverns of Oanylone docks, offering them alcohol and girls of joy to convince them to join him in his destructive and unhealthy quest.

    The reign of Leviathan began on the Sea of Oane which bordered the great city; he and his henchmen went on the assault of merchants and fishermen who sailed off the coast, showing a rare violence and, as a security measure, never leaving a survivor. Arraigning trawlers and other boats of all kinds, the Admiral constituted a large reserve of goods and merchandise that he sold for gold in the markets of Oanylone. In passing, he satiated his hateful and violent desires, massacring and smashing everything, leaving behind hundreds of corpses. The city authorities quickly realized that piracy had taken over the local waters, but since no one had ever managed to survive alive, it was unclear who it was. Leviathan had still retained his fishing fleet to keep face but some began to point at him, denouncing to whoever wanted to hear that the admiral was the pirate of the sea of Oane. This was futile, and Leviathan himself undertook to eliminate his accusers with a certain pleasure from elsewhere. We thus found several men slaughtered in plain sight in public places.

    At each of his returns to the mainland, Leviathan undoubtedly met Gabriel, believing that their history was linked in a common destiny. The latter was always trying to make the sailor angry, explaining to him how his vice was going to throw him into the abyss. Their interviews usually ended in the same way, with a big slap in Gabriel's face. An outside observer reported one of their games and it was about like this:

    Gabriel : "Leviathan ! Why so much hatred?"

    Leviathan : "Because in all mankind, my lad, there are only two types of men and only two. There is the one who stays in the place where he must be and the one who has his foot on the face of the other!"

    Gabriel : "My God, but what horror! What did you experience to cultivate so much hatred and anger towards others?"

    Leviathan : "You won't let me go, yes? You'll still pick up a five-petal stock in your wet if not..."

    Gabriel : "You know it, I'm not afraid of your threats and your shots will never make me react! I abhor violence because it is the mother of suffering!"

    Leviathan : "But that is not true! So you never learned to shut up? Should I roast you like a piglet, and your family with you, before you stop infuriating me?"

    Gabriel : "I would never stop, at least until you finally decide to change!"

    Leviathan : "I will never change, I would not let myself be crushed by a weakling like you! And this time you will take your punch!"

    Thus was the life of these two beings who, without knowing it, were bound by the future in a mad quest proper to each one. Gabriel never gave up on the idea of bringing Leviathan back on the right path, and that only worsened his contempt for him. The psychopathic character of Leviathan was well known so that most people who knew the infernal couple wondered when Leviathan would kill Gabriel, but some thinkers said with intelligence that the Admiral would never eliminate the virtuous because without him, he wouldn’t have a reason to live anymore.

    One fine day, Leviathan, ever more intrigued by Gabriel's temperance, made him come to him. When he arrived, he saw his father, Vorian, tied to a wooden pillar. The marine hater told him that his father had lost a whole load of fish, that it was a bad thing and deserved correction. Leviathan then began to strike Vorian, Gabriel begged him to stop, but the more he begged the more Leviathan hit hard. He hit so hard that he pierced Vorian's belly in an explosion of blood. The latter died instantly, accompanied by the tears of his son. Leviathan expected Gabriel to react and angrily try to avenge his father, but he did not; he turned his back and left the room, throwing at the assassin that hate and anger did not reach him and that his end was near. He added that god would punish Leviathan for his sins and that he would be condemned to an eternity of suffering. This time, he did not give Leviathan time to answer, and left, his soul in pain; and the admiral asked himself what he should do in order to cause his eternal adversary finally to deign to give him a reason to strike. Thus, for many years, there were periods of violence and hatred, murder and baseless assassinations, the pleasure that Leviathan took in killing and responding to angry attacks became more and more intense. He did not meet Gabriel for a long time, but cultivated a disdain for him that was out of all proportion to what it had been up to now. The Admiral's acts of piracy became legendary in the Sea of Oane, and his reputation was so great that he was paid to spare a ship. Once and for all, he gave up fishing and turned his fleet of boats into teams of buccaneers in his service, foaming the sea against all odds for him.

    The punishment of God

    Oanylone had sunk into vice and sin; hatred, war, and violence appeared and men definitely forgot the love for the Most High, all but seven virtuous who had always preached god's love and love to fellow man, each one having his own virtue. The city had become a real hell where the strong and the weak were killing each other for power. The creature without name was then in heaven and prepared his vengeance for the Most High, proving to him by the acts of mortals that his answer was the right one. But god, even though He was love, was far from stupid. He had not made men His children to behave in this way, he had not subordinated the other species nor left them the freedom to choose their destiny to destroy each other, so much so that he made the decision to punish those humans who then populated Oanylone, the cradle of civilization. He decreed that he would swallow the city in the abyss of the earth and the fires of divine punishment after seven days. In his eternal forbearance, he added that all those who would leave would be spared and that those who would have done penance would be admitted to paradise at his side.

    The nameless creature then decided to return to Leviathan because, in man's memory, no one had ever shown so much anger or so much hatred towards his neighbor. The creature thought that with such a man, he could convince a great world to adhere to the meaning it gave to human life. It was in the form of the lieutenant that he returned to the bloody man to ask him to preach anger. Leviathan, who had only lived through violence and madness, agreed with the fact that the strong dominated the weak and that it should always be. For him, love was reserved for the weak. The admiral, like six other men, decided to spread the message of the creature to whom god had not given a name. So, he landed on the port of Oanylone for the last time and went down to preach anger. Here is a quote from one of the Admiral Leviathan's sermons reported by a survivor from Oanylone who left the cursed city on the sixth day :

    Leviathan : "The march of men is strewn with obstacles, which are the altruistic enterprises which the work of the virtuous man does without end. Blessed is the man of good will who, in the name of anger, is the shepherd of the forts he leads in the valley of shadow of death and tears because he is the guardian of his brother and the providence of lost children. I will then bring down an arm of terrible anger, a furious and frightful vengeance on the impious hordes who preach and spread the message of god. And you will know why my name is the admiral when you will feel the revenge of the fishermen!"

    Six days passed under the deluge, the storm, the hail and the wind, many who left this cursed city that had become Onylone in the hope of surviving the apocalypse that would fall here. But Leviathan remained, convinced that he was right and that love was not the meaning of life. He preached again and again to say that the strong dominated the weak that anger and hatred were life saving when handled as he did. The admiral was convinced that god would not kill his own creatures because he was weak and had, according to him, proven that by leaving men free will. He instilled in the heart the worst the idea that if god had been strong, he would have been anger and revenge instead of being love and temperance. Leviathan cited Gabriel as an example, who, in his words, lost his time in preaching friendship and love, and proved by his actions his lack of courage. Many listened with interest to the sailor's words and many followed him in his crazy enterprise and killed those who refused to listen to Leviathan, many were those who kicked the bucket during his six, long days. But when he was preaching away from the port of Oanylone, a man, Admiral Alcisde, tried to silence Leviathan. The man was a close friend of Gabriel and undoubtedly intended to repair years of injustice, he had prepared with his friend the evacuation of a large number of citizens by the sea. Leviathan, mad with rage and anger at being taken to task, cast a huge beam on the ship packed with men and women, immobilizing it. All would thus perish with Oanylone. Leviathan witnessed Gabriel's feat which saved the boat and saw the survivors shouting cheers for him. This put him in a state of madness even more crazy but he decided to leave rather than intervene again in front of Gabriel.

    Finally, the seventh day came, the last day of Oanylone, which would sink into oblivion and remain in the memory of man only through sacred stories. The earth began to tremble and gaping faults opened up everywhere, infernal flames rose from the depths of the earth and burned the city. Leviathan, however, had decided to flee the city and embarked at the last moment on the Kraken, his fastest ship. He thought of escaping the wrath of the Most High while sailing out to the sea. It was there that he finally met Gabriel's gaze on the port; Leviathan thought that Gabriel was crazy to believe so much in the Almighty and did not understand why he had decided to be carried away with the city. Navigating at a brisk pace and coming out of the cables of the port, Leviathan believed himself out of danger, but the elements were unleashed and a terrible whirlwind formed around the Kraken and ended up engulfing it. Finally, came Oanylone’s turn, which disappeared into the abyss carried away by the purifying flames of the wrath of the Most High.

    An eternity of anger

    Leviathan, like the six other men who preached for the nameless creature, and like all those who remained at Oanylone, fishermen or virtuous, was led before the Most High. Even at that moment his anger was not weakening, his glowing eyes, streaked with veins, betrayed no appeasement, and his punishment was terrible. He had so incarnated anger that god sent him to lunar hell with the title of demon prince, He transformed his body so that it became the sin through which he had lived. Thus, Leviathan assumed the appearance of a huge muscular bull with bloodshot eyes, blowing flames through his nostrils. He was condemned to spend an eternity in the plains of hell.

    In that last judgement, mortals present themselves to god. According to the acts, the words, and the thoughts that they had during their terrestrial existence, and according to the path that they chose, they are sent to suffer an eternity of tortures in the service of the prince demons or to live an eternity of pleasure alongside the archangels.Those who have sinned by wrath and have abandoned themselves to the hatred of others, killing and spreading misfortune, those who have tried with all their strength to fight against their condition, join the rank of Leviathan, Demon Prince of anger.

    Translated from Greek by Bender.B.Rodriguez into french
    Translated from French by Caillen Jolieen MacKinnon Rose 1467
    edited and finalized by Conradh MacKinnon

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MessagePosté le: Jeu Juin 03, 2021 1:09 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant


    Demonography of Lucifer, Prince of Acedia

    The birth of an ideal child

    A long time ago, in a small village a few miles south of Oanylone, a happy wife and husband, happy in love and content with the little they had, gave birth to a little one who they named Lucifer. Both parents, Lucie and Ferdinand, lived in happiness, they did not roll in the gold but the output of their cattle was enough to feed them. They had always desired to have a son, and on this memorable day of joy, all their wishes were exalted. This is how Lucifer began his life, in the most cherished love and in the protection of two loving parents dedicated to his greatest care.

    Lucifer grew up too fast for his parents taste, but nothing had disturbed the perfect family balance that had developed with his arrival and Ferdinand was always praising the kindness and benevolence of his son. Lucie was full of praise for his ability and finesse. His father and mother were so proud to have given birth to his little boy so wise, so loving that they did not cease to rave about him. It was when he was a teenager that they realized that Lucifer would be destined for a great destiny.

    Lucifer's young friends were always happy to spend time with him, he was good company and had the confidence of many. He always had the praise of those he met and his parents had saved their last penny to allow him to have a proper education. Ferdinand always said he did not want his son to be a simple peasant and had the sweetest dreams about him, Lucie shared the same vision and both gave what they had to their son. Lucifer was honest, really good, benevolent, and a true friend; he put into practice all the love he had received from others. A noble knight, Calistan, who reigned over a remote area of the village, heard of this child so well depicted by rumor. He decided to meet him and make sure that he had not been told fantasies. Throughout the village, he questioned the inhabitants and all answered him the same thing:

    "Lucifer the good? You'll recognize him, he's a handsome young man with a kindly look. You can not fail to notice him."

    The brave knight was soon to meet the young man's loving gaze, he didn’t have to ask him if he was Lucifer because the boy's eyes could not lie about his reputation. He offered to go together to see his parents because he wanted to offer him a bright future. Calistan explained to Lucifer that he had been looking for a young squire for a long time; he wanted him to be fair and brave, good and honest, and the reputation of the young man had attracted him so far. Thus, he proposed to Ferdinand and Lucie to take the young adonis with him in order to teach him chivalry, which all three accepted without even blinking.

    Learning about virtue and faith

    Lucifer accompanied the knight in his field for an apprenticeship that would last for many years. He was first appointed squire in a ceremony led by a spiritual guide and committed to serve his new master, to respect the values of chivalry and to always live in virtue. Calistan had given himself the duty to make this young man a great knight and, to start, he told him about Oane :

    Calistan : "My young friend, do you know Oane?"

    Lucifer : "He is the founder of the great city of Oanylone, no?"

    Calistan : Not only my dear, he is a great figure of our would because it is thanks to him that we have a soul! I will tell you his story..."

    And Calistan told him the story of men, how they felt abandoned by god and how they thought they were deprived of talent, how they thought they were put aside; because of the inferiority they imagined themselves victims. He told how god had gathered his creations and the question he asked. He explained how a creature came forward and gave his answer, then how god ordered Oane to give him another. Finally, the knight revealed what were the words of Oane who gave us the status of children of the Most High. Lucifer was speechless before this man who had known the world, he himself shared this vision for a long time. He had never really understood what it was about, but Lucifer was sure of it, now that he had found the words to describe how he felt. Calistan then told him how Oane, who became a spiritual guide, led the men into a great plain after many years of travel. He chained this story by describing Oane's death and his acceptance of it, and ended with the creation of Oanylone and the worship devoted to Oane by those who worshiped the Most High. Lucifer was so seduced and touched that he sought to deepen his knowledge of Oane and the dawn of mankind for many years, in addition to his work as a squire serving his knight.

    The young squire was in unflinching servitude to Calistan and never made trouble, not only to give him the places of honor in all places but also to obey him or to wear his shield. This great subordination was to enable him to embrace the desire to render himself worthy of chivalry by his actions of valor and good conduct, but also by virtue, essential to make a perfect knight. Lucifer revered the Most High and shared this devotion with his knight, while he understood the meaning of life and prayed fervently, he trained in combat and the handling of weapons. His apprenticeship was long and difficult, for more than seven years he worked hard, behaved like a perfect knight and for all his preceptors he was a gifted pupil. One day, while he was talking to his master he questioned him:

    Lucifer : "Master, if the meaning of life is love and if we are all equal before the Most High, why do we train to fight? Shouldn't we explain the will of god? Share our love under all circumstances?"

    Calistan : "My young squire, god loves us and we love him, but He left us the choice to understand that, and therefore, to refuse this state of affairs! He also left us with the creature who gave the first answer to tempt us and allow us to make a free choice. Also many unfortunately follow the precepts of this infamous creature."

    Lucifer : "But, in this case, shouldn't we be content to kill the creature?"

    Calistan : "No, my young squire, to kill him would be to ignore god's will and above all, it would impose the love to the Most High by force. It is essential to understand how He loves us and how we should love Him in return."

    The two of them thus recounted and Calistan explained why the knight was to defend justice, honor, and bravery, he made him understand in what way a true knight should protect the weak and wring the neck of injustice. Thus, they discussed again and again in all the time that Lucifer accompanied his master. To finish his teaching, after ten long years of learning at the rank of squire in the service of the knight, the latter took him leagues from his estate to see the city of Oanylone they had talked about so much. The young man was very far from imagining what Calistan had reserved for him.

    The chivalry and glory of god

    Calistan and Lucifer rode to the foothills of the city of Oanylone, already greatly tainted by vice and sin. When the knight had told the story of this city, he had not forgotten to specify what it had become and how the marauders and other clowns sometimes made law. Lucifer was stunned by the imposing city, his eyes were marveling at the symbol it represented and he felt deep inside him the desire to restore this place to its legendary splendor.

    Calistan took Lucifer to Oane's tomb where those who were formerly priests began a grand ceremony. The knight considered that he had nothing more to teach to the young man, who had become reason and force, Lucifer who was twenty-five years old was thus dubbed Knight by Calistan. The latter offered him the lands he owned in Oanylone and a sizeable nest egg with the mission to right the wrongs of this city with such a brilliant past. Lucifer felt then invested with a divine mission and was for the first time proud of what he had accomplished so far.

    Sir Lucifer settled his fief in the area that had been given to him, he preached in the city to find men and women wishing to accompany him in his desire to restore the coat of arms of Oanylone, his presence and his great qualities added to his virtue and his faith, enabled him to convince many more souls than he thought. Lucifer thus founded the Order of the Righteous of Oane and undertook to defend justice, protect the weak, and fight misery by all the means at his disposal. In a few months, he became an inescapable figure in the city, fleeing the brigands and provoking the admiration of the powerful. He was received by the very leaders of Oanylone who gave him a blank check to correct the wrongs. His men spread the story of Oane and explained the meaning of life while he, armed with his courage, fought to make better the bad men he encountered. Lucifer never made reckless violence, he fought only in extreme recourse and only to defend himself or defend a weak man facing a stronger one. He took care not to do justice himself and worked with the authorities of Oanylone, ensuring that justice was dignified.

    In barely five years, the Order of the Righteous of Oane became inescapable throughout the kingdom and the men who had joined Lucifer all shared the same faith and the same code of honor, he himself had knighted five knights and, in the whole community, the righteous were true friends. Calistan came to see him regularly and was proud of what his former squire had accomplished. His parents were also filled with pride at the destiny of their son, but in spite of his insistence refused to come and live in his domain, they had explained to him that they had to work because god had given them land and that to bask in idleness would do nothing to their happiness. Lucifer, with regret, understood their decision and was happy to welcome them whenever they wanted. The city of Oanylone seemed to be cured of its evils and the Righteous were feared and respected. They gave glory to god and led men to see the love that god gave them, not by force but by their deeds and words. The worship of the Most High was never so strong in Oanylone except after Oane's death.

    Inevitably, in those troubled times, Lucifer stirred hatred and vengeance. There were many who were languishing in the jails of the city by the mere fact of the knight’s works. The rich and greedy began to see him as a threat, thinking that he would eventually seek to govern Oanylone for them. Those who sinned and spread vice also felt threatened. The corrupt and the great robbers knew that they could not live by their crimes while the Order of the Righteous reigned supreme over the city, and they knew the reason for all this, Lucifer the good … so they regrouped and decided to make this bulky knight disappear.

    Unbearable suffering and temptation

    The powerful and rich frightened under the influence of temptation and sin, then financed the vilest villains of Oanylone for the sole purpose of reducing Lucifer to silence. They knew that they could not directly attack him at the risk of making him a martyr and make the worship of god even stronger. So they attacked everything Lucifer believed. A small army was mounted in order to attack the knight's native village. The inhabitants of the place were struck and bruised in their flesh so that Lucifer gave himself as a quest to bring peace into the small town. He went there with his knights to fight those who had brought hatred and violence. It was on the way to fight that a messenger came to find him and announced the death of his parents and his closest friends, all burned alive. Torn by sadness the Just knight and his people struck the evil victoriously in a few days but the suffering he had in him did not disappear.

    During these few days, others began to attack the spiritual guide who preached the love of the Most High, subjecting them to abuse and torture without anyone being able to oppose it. The marauders had taken care to attack the Order of the Righteous of Oane and when Lucifer and his knights returned, the news was equally dramatic. Almost all the guides had been killed and the crowd who listened to them regularly was terrified and did not understand why god did not intervene on their behalf. Followed by weeks of terror, violence, and murder which now accompanied every public appearance of the knights and guides, the population started to think that the righteous were cursed. The vile enterprise fomented by those who feared Lucifer continued, Calistan and his family were massacred, his estate burned and his children beaten to death. Lucifer was even more disappointed and slowly began to mope in the most terrible torment.

    All this was not enough to change the man who continued to believe that love could triumph over all this hate and all this violence. So the plotters decided to give him the coup de grâce and managed to shoot down his knights. All suffered horrible ends, their mutilated and lifeless bodies were found hanging in the four corners of Oanylone. It was there where Lucifer met the nameless creature, attracted by all the suffering and feelings in the depths of a tortured soul. The creature took the form of a spirit and went to the tomb of Oane, where Lucifer was trying to appease his moral pain, the meeting was brief.

    Spririt : "Young knight, I heard your dreadful story, the rumor says that everyone you loved was killed"

    Lucifer : "Who are you?"

    Spirit : "Who I am ? I am the one who lies in this tomb, the one who built this city."

    Lucifer : "Oane? You are Oane? How is this possible?..."

    Spirit : "My young friend, nothing is impossible for the one who found The Answer. If I came it is to ask you a question. Are you going to let these horrible atrocities go unpunished?"

    Lucifer : "I do not want to talk about it, my soul is torn and my nights are made of nightmares and tears. I do not know what to hang on to to survive so much hatred."

    Spirit : "Oanylone's justice will never be severe enough to appease your heart and your soul. Of all the men I have known, I have never encountered such a sad expression. Look deep inside yourself, you will see that you must do justice, and only after having killed the last assassin of yours, your sufferings will be appeased..."

    The good knight then let himself go to vengeance, and hate seized his heart. He had suffered too much pain and misfortune and succumbed to anger at not being able to protect his family, for not being able to save those dear to him. With immense violence, he fought to find the culprits and massacred them one by one, but only those who had committed atrocities were killed, those who had financed and fomented these projects escaped the fate of their mercenaries. However, after that, Lucifer was not at all appeased; on the contrary, his pain mingled with the horrors he commited, made him even worse.

    Thus, to complete their destructive and sinful work, the powerful corrupt owners decided on an ultimate plot against Lucifer himself. While the knight defended virtue, faith, justice, and bravery, he hastily massacred those whom he himself had condemned. Corrupt judges appeared at his estate and accused him of killing without justice, of sowing hatred and blindly killing. Lucifer, already in the depths of human suffering, was then thrown into pasture by the plebs, too happy to see that such an enviable hero was only a vile thief. He was dragged into the mire and reproached, accused of all evils and vices. In a public judgement, the sentence was exemplary and heavy for the knight accused of having usurped his reputation, his Order was dismantled, his guides were publicly executed and his friends were banished from Oanylone. When Lucifer, after many days of torture, was removed from his knighthood, his lands were seized and he was thrown into the jails of the city to languis until his death.

    The spiritual decay

    In his cell, Lucifer, bruised, dejected, abandoned, and in the depths of what the human soul could bear, cried for days and days. He could not understand how all this had happened and he felt abandoned by the Most High. He wondered how god who was only Love in his eyes could have let such things happen. Again, the nameless creature was powerfully drawn to this ordeal and this time he used another ruse to speak to him. The creature breathed its soul into a prisoner in a jail next to Lucifer's

    Creature : "Stop whining like a little girl!"

    Lucifer : "...leave me..."

    Creature : "I do not have to put up with this, so much time I've been crouching here for preaching the Amighty's love!"

    Lucifer : "Are you a guide? Do you want to pray with me?"

    Creature : "There is no prayer that god hears, he has left us for a long time."

    Lucifer : "No...God has left us free will..."

    Creature : "No, he abandoned us. I was told your story and it is the ultimate proof!"

    Lucifer : "What do you want to say?"

    Créature : "You have become one of the most powerful knights Oanylone has known, you have protected the weak and fought against injustice and look where it got you. Your loved ones were all killed, everything you knew has collapsed. Do you still need proof to understand that Love is a decoy? You have used strength and avenged yours and yet, are you relieved? There is no justice, there is no love, the strongest have dominated you. This is the only reality of our world and the only engine that must move us forward..."

    During that night, the creature put the prisoner to death in agony and Lucifer witnessed once again what he considered to be the abandonment of god. The days passed, then weeks turned into months and the months became years so that Lucifer attained the age of forty four imprisoned and still in love with an indescribable pain. As time passed, his faith had completely left him, he no longer believed in the Love of the Most High and his body transformed. His protruding muscles became dry and his prayers to god gave way to naps without dreams. The thirst for knowledge that had animated him had dried up and nothing animated the man who used to be a brave knight. While he was destined to remain imprisoned until his end, Lucifer was pardoned and released by some men moved by the fate that had been reserved for him. They gave him a small piece of arable land and enough money to live until his last breath.

    Weary of life and dissatisfied, Lucifer hired a few servants to take care of giving him the comfort he had not had. He did not cultivate his lands and spent his days moping in his misery. Idleness thus invaded him and Lucifer did nothing but sleep and eat, he who never had a minute to lose did nothing. Old listeners of his fervent sermons came to see him, and all were astonished to see him like this. Lucifer, for months had eaten more than he had moved, so he had become fat and unsightly. The men tried to understand and the older man stepped forward.

    Ancient : "Sir Lucifer, why you do not preach? Those who hurt you are all dead or gone."

    Lucifer : "Preach? There is nothing more to preach. God does not love us and it is questionable if he exists. Faith is only a decoy that we invented so as not to fear death. Meaningless, life does not have any. No pleasure for men except that of doing nothing. Life is only a path that we take without mastering anything."

    Ancient : "Lucifer, you would like to pray but your heart does not know about prayer anymore. Cold is the acedia that covers your body, you're just a marble statue sitting on your own grave"

    The elders were appalled to hear Lucifer's words and to see to what acedia he let himself go. Lucifer thus lived for more than ten years, having no taste for anything, ignoring all pleasures of life and denying the faith that once had animated him. To those who tried to convince him to regain a taste for life, he spoke the same discourse and all could only see that man was no more than the shadow of a soul, a living body but without illumination.

    At that time, Oanylone was experiencing a turbulent and stirring period by the swirls of vice and the foam of sins. Hatred and violence had seized the whole city, acedia had won the workers who preferred material goods to spiritual goods, idleness had won all the stages of the society of Oanylone so much that Lucifer was a new treatise as an example and elevated to the rank of myth. His lazy, idle attitude spread quickly through the cloak that had become the city and a true cult was devoted to him. The middle class and rich also indulged in laziness, making others work for them and, like Lucifer, began to believe in nothing. The sins of acedia, gluttony, greed, anger, envy, pride, and lust seized upon Oanylone. The nameless creature that roamed among men breathed his venom into the hearts of the weak who turned against the strong, that war broke out and violence, murder, and hatred became what guided the city. It was then that the Most High spoke to the men and gave them an ultimatum. He gave humans seven days to leave Oanylone, otherwise all those present would be destroyed with the city. Many were the ones who immediately left the cursed city, but many remained.

    The creature appeared one last time to Lucifer and entrusted him to spread his message calling for acedia. He preached to the vilest individuals who could be in Oanylone, and was listened to much more than he was in the past when he was spreading a virtuous message filled with love. Gradually, all quickly lost the taste of life and yielded to a limitless acedia. They came to hear him preach again in his own home against all forms of activity and spirituality. Many men attended his furious diatribes against the Most High advocating acedia. Lucifer had written precepts, six to this date, have been found:

    First precept : "Do not do what another can do for you, it would be a shame to lose one's own existence to wear oneself out at work."
    Second precept : "There is no need to lose oneself in prayer and meditation, since the rest of sleep nourishes the mind of man just as much."
    Third precept : "Believing in a spiritual and religious quest is illusory because man is intrinsically doomed to sin. By nature he is perverse and in essence he is vicious. Love is a lure that locks itself into an unfounded dogmatic belief."
    Fourth precept: "The only pleasure that a man should have is to do nothing because life is empty and its flavor has no taste. So, if this pleasure can not exist, one may as well have no pleasure."
    Fifth precept : "If doing nothing is fishing, then preaching sin is virtuous."
    Sixth precept: "Virtue is a vice when it is erected as a dogmatic icon and vice is a virtue when it leaves the man free to do nothing."

    In Oanylone, seven virtuous men, having accepted the fatality and punishment of god, did as much as Lucifer and the other men chosen by the nameless creature. Sylphael himself embodied pleasure and opposed Lucifer in every respect, as soon as he appeared in a place to preach god's love and virtuous pleasure, Lucifer went behind him to preach the opposite. It lasted six days, six long days during which the men and women who remained in Oanylone listened to Lucifer or Sylphael. Thus came the seventh day, and god in His anger poured forth from the depths of the earth the glowing and infernal lava that burned all life. The earth tore then to let Oanylone disappear in the abyss of oblivion.

    An eternity of Acedia

    Lucifer was presented to the Most High as every man and woman remained in Oanylone. Like the others, he abjured none of his sins and did not recognize the power of the Most High. In his holy wrath, god cast Lucifer on the moon to purge an eternity of acedia and pay for his earthly sins. The wrath of the Almighty was all the stronger because Lucifer had praised him for many years before yielding to the temptation of the nameless creature and sinking into vice. Having played acedia for much of his life, he was sent to the huge rocky peaks of hell and his appearance deformed, his muscles and fat melted, his skin tightened on his bones so that he looked like a skeleton. To punish him for spending too much time in idleness, god gave him the body of an old man with a shaggy beard and finally, because of the many years he had spent lamenting his fate without thinking to others, Lucifer was condemned to shed hot tears for eternity.

    The Most High had created the hell that was on the moon to send the most vile human souls. While He had given them love and He had made His children, many turned away from Him and manifested only vice and sin, forgetting virtue and friendship. Thus, among men, those who let themselves go, those who forget themselves in idleness and spiritual laziness or those who indulge in the negation of life and ignore their own satisfaction, join the ranks of the damned souls of Lucifer, Prince of Acedia.

    Translated from Greek by Bender.B.Rodriguez into french
    Translated from French by Caillen Jolieen MacKinnon Rose 1467
    edited and finalized by Conradh MacKinnon

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MessagePosté le: Mer Juin 07, 2023 2:36 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant


    Demonography of Satan, Prince of Envy

    The Birth of Satan

    Once upon a time, when Oanylone had a pleasant and peaceful life, a young man of good family, named Gaël Sybarite, fell head over heels in love with one of the most beautiful women in the city. Her name was Aurore. The blondness of her hair matched perfectly with the clarity of her blue eyes. Her kindness and benevolence were known to all. Gael undertook an assiduous courtship, and the beautiful Aurore was not insensible to it. After a while, she gladly accepted Gael’s offer for her hand, who had secretly loved him from the depths of her heart for many years.

    The years passed and the couple was very happy. The only thing that the couple missed, was having children. Aurore felt guilty for not being able to give her husband a son that he longed for so much. She went to see the best doctors of Oanylone, who gave her all valuable advice. But over time, nothing had helped, she could not get pregnant. So Aurore prayed with all her soul, with all her being. And the woman, in her prayers, with a heart as pure as snow, was determined to have a boy at any price. She would do anything to make Gaël happy and proud of her.

    Her desire, so intense, must have done its work, because she got pregnant and after nine months a son was born. This was in the first days of spring, and the child was of an obvious beauty. His hair was ebony black, eyes of a green of jade. His birth made these good people happy and pride and they shared this with their neighbors. The baby was never satisfied with his mother's breast, Gaël therefor decided to give him the name Satan. Aurore and Gaël quickly forgot these years of torments and enjoyed Satan, the child-king desired for so long.

    The first years of their life together were blessed. Everything seemed to be conducive to happiness without any problems. Gaël was successful in his business and constantly earned more money. Aurore was a busy housewife and a loving mother. Satan was a lively and curious child. He was interested in everything and it did not matter whether he was doing stupid things or not, everyone forgave him all the time.

    But such happiness did not seem to last forever. So, when Satan reached his twelfth birthday, Aurore suddenly fell seriously ill. After several months of great suffering, she died without anyone being able to save her. Gaël, consumed by grief from loss of his wife couldn't cope with this at all, left the city and threw himself off the cliffs near Oanylone.

    Satan was on his own, abandoned by his loving parents, realizing every day that they were absent when he needed them. He remained in the great house that they had left him, the toxic legacy of a destroyed family. He had to find the prosperity of his childhood, at all costs. The young adult set out to amass everything in Oanylone that was of any value. He was never satisfied. He could never have enough. Nothing he acquired was good enough for him. Nothing that Life offered him could fill the gaping void that animated the young man with the shady look.

    He was changing irrevocably and losing little by little the youthful brightness that his mother had bestowed upon him.

    His dark thoughts and endless sorrows drew the Nameless One to the young man. Seeing in him a guest predestined to carry one of the sins of the world, it finally overwhelmed Satan's young heart with bitterness and regret, leaving him with an insatiable and inexhaustible desire.

    For ever and ever, wealth accumulated...

    Satan was still a young man when he made his estate outrageously profitable at the expense of the surrounding peasants. He was relentless in his efforts to impoverish them without any remorse, demanding half of their income, and even though he had earned in one day what would have been enough for anyone to live on for a lifetime, it still didn't seem to suit him.

    The misfortune of these men pleased him, the misery of the woodcutters pleased him. And every day and every hour he wanted to cause even more sadness, even more despair, even more resentment. For nothing in his eyes was worth what he felt in the depths of his being. For his feelings had turned into hatred towards humanity, towards those who could still claim happiness.

    This was his vital nutrition, his revenge on life, his life in itself.

    And innocence came to resist him ...

    One winter day, as he was walking on his land, Satan saw a small hut hidden behind some tall trees. Furious to see that some people were hiding and not paying the debts they owed him, he opened the door with a bang. In front of him appeared a young girl of divine grace, with milky skin and red lips.

    He knew at once that she should belong to him, like all the beautiful things in this world. He urged her to follow him so that she could come to his estate and be his bride. Unfortunately for him, Eleanor, for that was the name of this young woman, had dedicated her existence to the Most High and refused to marry the beautiful and dark Satan. He then undertook to seduce her as his father Gaël had done for his mother Aurore. For it was clear in the young man's troubled mind that Eleanor would bear his seed. But Eleanor, every day, refused his advances, whether they were gentle, passionate or of unparalleled violence. Every day Satan returned home intoxicated with rage and every day he had one of his slaves executed.

    On the evening of the ninety-ninth day, enraged at being rejected by a slut, he ordered his henchmen to seize her and torture her before burning her alive. The henchmen belonged to the young lord's bodyguard and worked on his lands, taking care of the inhabitants' property and making them suffer a thousand pains if they refused. They did as he wished.

    Eleanor's cries filled the estate and the poor woman burned for hours. At nightfall, on the still smoldering corpse of the virgin, Satan retrieved a blood-colored carnelian that she wore around her neck and that was to be her one and only treasure. Hanging the pendant on his neck, he proudly displayed the victory he had had against the girl.

    Satan continued on his path toward Extreme Vice, toward destruction. Two days after this incident, one of his trusted lieutenants, Simplicio, fell in love with a woman who lived in the city. Unable to seduce her, he still tried to win her by force. But a man intervened and put out his right eye.

    His name was Michael.

    Humiliated, Simplicio went to complain to his cruel master, who, disgusted with the female sex after the death of Eleanor, sent a whole troop to arrest the family of this Emmelia.

    Thereafter, he ordered his henchmen to kidnap a woman from the city every day so that she would give herself to him and fulfill his wishes. All those who refused would die. The others would live a little longer.

    Yet this was not enough to make him happy, and he still wanted more: mothers and virgins, treasures and fields.... Nothing could appease Satan, and his body was marked a little more each time by the atrocities he made others suffer.

    His envy knew no rest. Neither did the suffering endured by the inhabitants of Oanylone. From that moment, Satan no longer had anything human about him, and anyone who crossed his path was frightened by his beastly appearance. Some excrescences deformed his head and every inch of his skin was covered with scars, vestiges of his sadistic impulses.

    God punishes men ...

    In those days, Satan wasn't the only man to indulge in sin. The city of Oanylone, another prosperous stronghold, had become a den of vice, and the Nameless One enjoyed the chaos that reigned there.
    Furious, God decided to punish the human race by destroying the entire city of Oanylone. Those who didn't realize how great their faults had been and who couldn't accept the idea of leaving this life of sweet flavors and certain decrepitude, decided to flee to escape the Divine Wrath. Others, seven in number and perfectly aware of the vices they embodied, were chosen by the Nameless One. Under his orders, they preached rebellion against the Most High, and succeeded in rallying many followers to their cause.

    Satan preached his hatred with all his might. His energy, multiplied tenfold by the support of the Nameless One, guided him to instill in everyone the Desire that every man must have. This Desire was the embodiment of all human perversity, and Satan personified it. He shouted at them to want, always and without respite. He urged them to desire more and more, to become a desire in its own right, an end in itself. The Sybarite Prince was so convinced of what he was saying, he persuaded poor souls. He was exultant, jubilant.

    His green eyes with their morbid luminescence captivated the crowd, and his wealth and demonic beauty became the first desires of those listening to him. Everyone praised his presence and virility. The crowd came to desire one another. Envy became the bile oozing from all sides. In the permanent flood of Vice that inundated the Cursed City, horrors became nameless legions, and on the putrefied refuse of the remnants of the past, Satan stood proudly with his six other demonic incarnations in defiance of the One.

    On the seventh day after God's sentence, the city was swallowed up and, with it, the seven incarnations of sin. Satan felt no pain, so much so that his spirit had taken possession of his body and become engulfed in the number of desires within him. Having lost his mind, he didn't realize that he no longer desired anything. All he had in his being was the ultimate desire to want to desire.

    He remains for eternity with his sins ...

    Satan was sent with the other six Demon Princes to the Moon and was punished to an eternity of agony under the name of Demon Prince.

    His body, already bruised to the extreme, was transformed until it reflected the darkness of his soul.

    His hair, which had once been his pride, grew longer and soaked his body to form two large chitinous bat-like wings on his back. The tears in his beautiful eyes, which flowed out of unreasonable rage and desire, then merged with Eleanor's stone and ended up gradually coloring his body. His skin took then an amethyst color. The stone of Eleanor became embedded in his flesh and thus reminded him for eternity of his lost love.

    He surrounded himself, in his endless torments, with gold, silver and jewels, with the most exquisite dishes, with men and women whose bodies rivaled in beauty. He let each of them devour his treasures and wonders with their eyes until they devoured themselves inside.

    Indeed, in his most total cruelty, he decided that whoever would touch what he stored would suffer a terrible pain. So, he kept his spoils, so he could see his own desire in the eyes of others. And he took pleasure in observing the suffering that was gnawing at them.

    The Demon Prince opposes the Archangel ...

    The Prince of Envy, Satan, is opposed by the Archangel Michael of Justice. The latter was, when he was alive, the brother of the beautiful Emmelia, with whom one of Satan's lieutenants fell in love.

    We find Satan fighting against him in the famous legend of Mont Saint-Michel, which dates back to the time when some Barbarians worshiped the drunk gods. One of them, named Saathan, honored his God by sacrificing children to him. This barbarian pursued a tribe of worshipers who tried to flee but were stranded in the forest near the ocean. Preferring to die in the arms of the sea than in those of Saathan, the faithful prayed to the Holy Michael to prepare their arrival.

    The Most High, who disagreed with this decision because it is not for man to decide when he will join the Sun, ordered them through a celestial messenger to build a palisade with the trunks of trees. When it was built, they should light a big fire so that the Barbarian would discover their position. The faithful carried out God's wish, and after seven days the fire was lit. Saathan's troops then arrived and began to attack the palisade. Just as the community was about to defend itself with stones and spears, the archangel Michael, dressed in armor and carrying a spear and shield, appeared in the midst of the flames that had been lit a few hours earlier.

    The holy Michael threw his weapon towards the horizon and the sea aroused and overwhelmed the troops of the Barbarian. Archangel Michael immediately recognized Saathan as his intimate enemy. His green eyes with their cadaverous luminescence left no doubt. The pagan had been possessed by the Demon Prince and corrupted by the same sins as Satan: the unquenchable desire to have what he wanted, without resistance.

    In the hearts of sinner, resonates the Song of Satan...

    Satan, while still young and alive, was known to hum these words at all hours of the day and night. These words have not been lost, since anyone who allows his heart to be blackened by the vice of desire has this refrain in mind:

    Desire seeks,
    A precious heart, it seeks.
    Let me see if it's yours
    And then, it will belong to me.
    And if you do not have it?
    The Desire seeks,
    Everything you own it seeks.
    Let me destroy you to enrich myself,
    to become mine.

    First translation by Monseigneur Aranwae
    Translated from French into English by Caillen Jolieen MacKinnon Rose, edited by Arctaurus, reviewed by William Blazing, OFM for the Villa of San Loyats.
    Final version by Cinead of Twynholm, June 6th 1471

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