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[GB]Book of Virtues - Story of Collagen Megara -

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Inscrit le: 24 Fév 2013
Messages: 13061
Localisation: Roma, Palazzo Doria-Pamphilj

MessagePosté le: Lun Juin 07, 2021 11:06 pm    Sujet du message: [GB]Book of Virtues - Story of Collagen Megara - Répondre en citant



Dernière édition par Kalixtus le Mar Nov 16, 2021 6:42 pm; édité 1 fois
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Inscrit le: 24 Fév 2013
Messages: 13061
Localisation: Roma, Palazzo Doria-Pamphilj

MessagePosté le: Lun Juin 07, 2021 11:13 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant


    Chapter I - The Oracle of Troy -

    I , Collagen of Megara , adjutant in the army of Alexander, can say that I have witnessed extraordinary events so often during thirty years of military campaigns that few things surprise me now, that is why the recruits have dubbed me the "Diogenes of the Phalanges" (Old hand of the army).

    But when our young Prince decided to leave in search of the ruins of the mythical City of Oanylone, on the advice of this old fool of a philosopher, simply because the latter had seen it in a dream, I stifled a cry of astonishment. Hiding alongside me behind a column was the young Callisthenes , the nephew of Aristotle , who stubbed his toe on a persian rug as he heard this amazing news, muttering "I'll have your skin Darius! " **

    And So it was that forty thousand soldiers left in pursuit of a dream, on a spring morning, heading straight as an arrow to the east.

    After crossing the Hellespont (Dardanelles), Alexander, beaming with enthusiasm from the stories of Homer that Aristotle had relayed to him left immediately to search and discover the ruins of Troy.

    The setting sun illuminated the moss that covered the remains of the giant walls, so that they appeared golden in colour, and a strange stillness permeated through the air.

    While the Prince was looking among the shadows of the headstones and graveyards of the legendary Troy for a trace of the hero Achilles who was a favourite from his childhood, I and the philosopher , accompanied by his nephew, we were attracted by a strange chanting that broke the silence.

    Investigating, we found within a circle of stones, some men who seemed to be as still as statues, petrified by the Pythia *** , whose singing defied reason.
    The men all wore around their necks the same amulet made of three metals.

    At our approach, a priest seemed to awake from a dream and he acted as interpreter, then greeted us with these words:

      "Foreigners it was many days ago that the Oracle announced your coming here today. Formulate the question that torments you and God through the mouth of Oenone, will deign to enlighten us."

    Then, he handed the Oracle some water and bay leaves to chew.

    It was an upset Aristotle that then asked: "What is the ultimate goal of my research?"

    Oenone, resuming her singing in the eerie twilight, this time even stranger and more intense - as if she was in a trance and the words were flowing like a raging river.

    "But what's she saying?" asked Callisthenes, "it appears to be nothing but gibberish!"
    But, little by little, the enigmatic river of words became intelligible:

    "Three, two, one, you will find the source.
    Troy you will find the home of the third children.
    The children of the first will be at Daisane,
    and finally the first that is Oane Will be found
    those that were elected to be the herald of the Most High."

    The priest nodding his head in deference to the oracle then translated for Arsitotle:

    "Your journey begins here at Troy, which was the third largest city of the children of Oane. Farther to the east, you will find Daisane, the second key to the passage and finally further to the east still you will find your goal: Oanylone the city of the first man to have the word of God, then you will become the messenger of God."

    That night was spent getting lost in conjectures about the cryptic message and the identity of this Oane who had somehow impregnated himself into the dialect of most of the known world languages.

    The strange priests we had met would not let us join them, but continued their prayers around our camp.

    These revelations were highlighted the next day, when our continuing business was interrupted by the Persian General Arsite and his armies.

    The outcome of this war of reprisals swung to our advantage when Aristotle suggested the prince to wait until the sun was behind us for the final attack. The Persians, dazzled by the sun that was now in front of them, and thus making their opponents hard to see lost their positional advantage. Consequently our Macedonian force triumphed as we headed east. It was our Eastward heading that gave us victory.

    ** Darius was the persian king. Famous for rug making. and also defeated by Alexander..

    *** Pythia is another word for Oracle, The Oracle here is Oenone. In the story of Troy, a different Oenone predicted the battle of Troy after Paris left her for Helen. Perhaps this is where the Oracle gets her name from here.

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Inscrit le: 24 Fév 2013
Messages: 13061
Localisation: Roma, Palazzo Doria-Pamphilj

MessagePosté le: Lun Juin 07, 2021 11:15 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant


    Chapter II - The Great Library of Angora -

    We took the road towards Gordian, the armies marched in four columns raising a lot of dust. Behind the banner of each Officer also walked the pilgrims who had joined the search with Aristotle, who they were calling "the Spirit" such had his influence been.
    The pilgrims marched with the rallying cry "God is with Us", and the number became greater each day including the clans of Wilusa, the Lukkas and those from Lycia.

    In the birthplace* of King Midas, Alexander the great, convinced that the actions of the sword would be a self fulfilling prohecy, decided to march on the city of Angora the next day. And we did reach the city, and Angora was subdued without any fighting at the sight of the army, on condition the army would not seek to enter the citadel.

    Passing through the city walls, and through 4 monumental gates we finally reached the royal palace which stood high and proud in the center of the city. At the foot of the palace was the necropolis and beside that was the reason for our visit here: the great library!

    Oenone had revealed to Aristotle the location of the fabled first city, and that there may be a manuscript here** that would reveal the journey of the original people.

    Entering between the bronze pillars of the library, we entered a smoky atmosphere more lively and agitated than we could ever have imagined.
    In the reading room where they practised their divination techniques we witnessed many unusual sights: a fortune teller was bent over a cup deciphering his destiny by observing the the grinds of coffee, while his neighbor consulted the future by examining the result of bones thrown against a lectern. A Haruspex was examining the entrails of a chicken he had just killed on his desk.
    As Callisthenes and I were absorbed by the interpretation of the entrails Aristotle tore us from our contemplation of these questionable divination techniques to focus on the task at hand.

    Continuing into the heart of the darkest part of the museum, past the fabled bestiary, the clay tablets, the books of gibberish, the grand olde books, and scrolls we found the manuscript we were looking for.

    The Philosopher, despite being feverish with excitement held it delicately and read to us:

    "The people of the first born, in their exile, moved from east to west, in line with the course of the sun. When they arrived on a fertile plateau, protected by the foothills of a mountain range, a score of streams passed through as if one river.
    For it had been written that this land was to be passed onto the children, who were tired from wandering for many years, and they established a camp in this place. But the sky darkened suddenly and a flash of lightening ripped through the gloomy darkness and a voice said to them:
    "You Men of little faith, choose between the three calamities of water, fire and locusts, so that you may once again be tested by God".

    The people then pointed to the river called Daisane, and God decided to hit this river with the most tumultous flood and storm so that man may never forget to be afraid of the Most High.
    Ask your father, and he will tell you, just as his ancestors told him.
    And for him who will one day write this down, we pass on this knowledge of punishment so that through the writings those that may come after us will also be afraid»

    So, as the chronicles described, Daisane was the name of the Euphrates tributary around which the people had founded the city of Urhai.

    * Midas was born in Gordion. Gordion was only about 70km from Angora, which was a long march, but Alexander did it. Gordion was south east of Troy but was on the main road east from Troy. Angora was to the north east of Gordion.

    ** Collagen does not mention the manuscript in Part One. But the parts are meant to be read as a whole. {this is Teagan's interpretation/explanation}

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Inscrit le: 24 Fév 2013
Messages: 13061
Localisation: Roma, Palazzo Doria-Pamphilj

MessagePosté le: Lun Juin 07, 2021 11:21 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant


    Chapter III - The Tribe of Habram -

    On the path to Urhaï , the cohorts of soldiers and followers intermingled and were driven by the great quest similar to the way the incandescent plume of a shooting star lit up the horizon.
    Therefore the philosopher, resigned to his fate and submitting to the plan of the Most High, assumed the trappings of sublime prophet and accepted the charges to light the way for the followers.
    As for his nephew and myself, we had become his bodyguard.

    Below the arid slopes of the Taurus mountains, the people of Urhai, alerted to the arrival of Aristotle, sent boats to collect him and he finished his journey sailing the emerald waters of the Daisane.

    The chaotic turbulence of the river rocked and sickened Callisthenes such that he never saw the colorful shores and welcome signs of the inhabitants on the outskirts of the city, only the wet bottom of the hull as he clung to it with his fingernails.

    Strolling through the fortress I was surprised to see the large basins where the priests officiated some sort of perverse ceremony where they buried the heads of their "victims" in the water until they convulsed and then would you believe it the victims emerged full of joy!

    But stranger still was to see Aristotle humbly volunteer to endure the same torture!. At first I believed he wanted to refresh because the heat and humidity was intense but it did seem to me that he had lost his mind.

    The priest, moved to tears, humbly addressed his God as if it was his first time:

      "Almighty God accept your child who chooses to abandon the fate of animal life, and agrees freely to be reborn into life with the Almighty."

    The chronology of what happened next remains unclear but know that in the ponds surrounding the Priest and Aristotle huge fish began jumping, diving and finally they swirled around the two men and all the local people fell to their knees because they knew it was the sacred carp.

    Later, we learned that the fish were born of the miracle when the living fountain of the Callirhoe basin sprang to life with water just as Nemorod fell from the top of the citadel in a blaze, thus saving him. The Carp since that time have spawned in this miraculous water and preserved its sacredness.

    And then suddenly, the fish ceasing their chaotic swirling formed a perfect circle around the two men, perfect as the race of stars around the heart of creation.

    The descendants of Habram and the Macedonian army and followers then fell into the arms of each other at the sight of this miracle, and the soldiers wept:

      " Edessa," "Brothers, we are bound as one"

    When the outpouring of emotions faded, the high priest said:

      "we will share with you our secret because we now recognise you as our brother"

    Let us now walk to see the temple of Harran wherein lies the great sage of our tribe.

    In the great temple of Harran, a wise old man with a thick beard seemed to be waiting guests. His eyes sparkled in their hollow orbs as he launched into his revelation:

    "In times long past, when the people of the Most High fled the original city, God had mercy on our ancestors in their exodus and offered the stone of Oane to the Tribe of Anani Mhour but the writing on the tablet had now become a stranger to all eyes.

    For those who decided to follow the sun in its course, and so they do not forget their pact with him, God would grant them the shield alliance. The three metal disc forged in circles of bronze silver and gold. Legend has it that only the divine messenger under the guidance of God will discover the prophecy recorded in the center of the disc because gold is so pure that every human becomes blind in an attempt to uncover the text. "

    The prophet discreetly wiped his forehead, murmuring:

      "It is said that Homer was blind, will the same be said of Aristotle one day?"

    After many days spent in prayers and festivities, it was time to resume the quest. Close links have been forged between the people of Urhai and the soldiers and followers. Moreover, many conscripts swore to return here to enjoy rest after their warrior days were over .

    The Damned of the lunar moon could then see from their position an uninterrupted procession of humans full of conviction walking to fulfill the prophecy.

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