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[GB]Book of Hagiographies - Writings of the Saints -

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Inscrit le: 24 Fév 2013
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Localisation: Roma, Palazzo Doria-Pamphilj

MessagePosté le: Mer Nov 17, 2021 3:36 am    Sujet du message: [GB]Book of Hagiographies - Writings of the Saints - Répondre en citant



Dernière édition par Kalixtus le Mer Oct 18, 2023 9:54 pm; édité 4 fois
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Inscrit le: 24 Fév 2013
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Localisation: Roma, Palazzo Doria-Pamphilj

MessagePosté le: Jeu Nov 18, 2021 4:34 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant


    The order of things, seen by Mhour

    One day a party of our tribe plotted to usurp power from our tribe leader, because their desires did not match to those of our great leader. I, A. Mhour, stood before them to remind them of the order of things that we wanted: we're a community and the community must maintain its consistency and above all, the order that was created together with its customs and its laws.

    The establishment is run by the laws of God, the communities are run by the laws of men.
    Without the laws of God, humanity will have to fight animals because they won't be submissive any more; without the laws of God, the stone will move on its own and cannot be used to build anything, the clouds would be heavy and would crush us, the stars would no longer circle around the earth and we would be thrown into darkness.

    The laws of men are no less in importance because they are partly inspired directly to those by God
    No one can serve our Creator without complying with His laws, nor the creation nor society.
    Without laws, the nameless Creature would prevail, and the chief or leader because he is the strongest, and each day another would prove he is stronger than him and there will be no stability as its result.
    And stability is related to the conservation of society.
    The society must advance divine perfection, but in the stability. It must therefore be subjected to its leader, and the leader must be subject to God

    The leader is the head, the priest is the heart, and the faithful are the other members of the body.

    If the head does not have the heart, if members do not follow the head, the body can not function ...
    Sometimes it is better to cut your hand if it refuses to work in harmony with the rest of the body rather than let it tear the heart or decapitate the head.

    In our society, the head represents our political leader, it is he who governs the whole tribe, but if he thinks in behalf of his people, then he must think for the good of the majority without forgetting the least.

    The heart is there to remind him that the highest law is that of our Creator, and that while he rules the earth, he will still be judged like all the children of creation, and perhaps harsher than others.

    The only excuse we may have to stand up against our leader is in case of not abiding by the laws of the community and govern for himself and not for the society, if he is prevaricating or rejecting God's heart, for then it he cannot lead.


Dernière édition par Kalixtus le Lun Nov 22, 2021 2:22 am; édité 1 fois
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Inscrit le: 24 Fév 2013
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Localisation: Roma, Palazzo Doria-Pamphilj

MessagePosté le: Jeu Nov 18, 2021 4:37 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant


    Saint Apostle Paulos : Missive to Abderites

    Letter to the Abderites (against materialism)

    Dear Friends,

    one told me about your difficulties with certain sophists who teach monism. That is why I want to help you with your quest.

    The body derives from the creation of the world by the Almighty. All living creatures have a body, and it is of the same nature as the rest of the universe. It is material, restricted, heavy. It has all the features that were revealed already n his writings of the great Aristotle . By the way, you must fight under all circumstances the theories of Democritus who requires that all matter is composed of indivisible particles, which they called "atoms"! How can they imagine that all material is composed of these particles? If these particles exist and have a size, it possesses sides and weight, it can therefore by necessity be possible to separate these sides by cutting through the middle. If their indivisibility is their lack of dimension, then they can not be the source of the material as the scope is just the first characteristic of the latter.

    As for what concerns the soul, the mind it is an attribute distinctly human. We find this both in the Creation Chapter VIII Decision and in the third chapter of the Vita Aristotle. Only human beings have the power to decide on their behavior, to rethink and to change its behavior. And this comes from the divine favor. The Monism confounds the fleshy and the spiritual by identifying the soul within the material. The soul is immaterial, spiritual and eternal. A material soul would be heavy, breakable, subject to the laws of motion. Can you imagine a heavy soul? Can one imagine a soul split into two parts? A soul that bounces off a wall? But perhaps the one of the monistic got hit so hard, that it has been disrupted and lays in pieces.

    My friends, do not turn away from the path traced by the two prophets and always keep hope because the big change will come.

    Paulos of Caesarea

German translation and linguistic smoothing inter alia of Majun, McGlatze, Mavena.
English translation and linguistic smoothing by Teagan and Jolieen .


Dernière édition par Kalixtus le Lun Nov 22, 2021 2:22 am; édité 1 fois
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Inscrit le: 24 Fév 2013
Messages: 13062
Localisation: Roma, Palazzo Doria-Pamphilj

MessagePosté le: Jeu Nov 18, 2021 4:39 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant


    "Of the nameless creature and its influence on men" by Saint Origène

    On the Origin of the Creature without name

    Of all the creatures that Jah created, the creature without name is one that causes the most questions.

    Recall that we, the first creatures that Jah created, were imperfect, because only Jah is perfect. Therefore, after the Creation, each species of creatures evolved under the watchful eye of Jah. At that time, each creature believed themselves to be the most beloved of Jah, for each of these creatures had received a unique gift from Jah. Only humans thought themselves not to be loved, because they believed they had no special gifts. Given the plight of humans, Jah decided to bring together his creation to ask his creatures the question of the meaning of life. The gathering of Jah’s creatures, not knowing how to answer, were speechless.

    Only one creature approached and spoke:

    The Creation VI: The Question:

    It seemed confident of itself and its response. All the other species gave way to it and, soon, a space emerged around it. It looked up to Jah, but its eyes were full of conceit. It replied, "You made ​​the creatures live by the need to feed. You made the​ strong capable of devouring the weak. Without question it is therefore to ensure the dominance of the strong over the weak!”

    It added, "I can prove this for I am the last of my kind. Only the strongest survived among mine! If You call me "Your child," I will be able to show you who, of all creatures, should rule the world.”

    It waited until Jah congratulated it for its response, but in vain. For He did not answer.

    It’s here that appears for the first time the creature without name. This species was, originally, many in number, but at the meeting, there remained no more than one. This species had evolved in a spirit of domination of the strongest creatures over the weakest creatures. Therefore, for these creatures, only the strongest being the best, the elimination of rivals had become the rule, culminating in the result that at the meeting, only one creature of the species was still alive. Thus, as a consequence of its own experience, the creature without name revealed what it thought was the meaning of life that Jah gave to His Creation.

    This creature expected Jah’s congratulations, because it was sure it knew the truth. It was all the more certain, being the last of its kind, it considered itself the best of its own and therefore the best of all creatures of the Creation. Thus, at this time, the unnamed creature believed itself the most beloved creature of Jah and thought it had carried out the Creator's intentions.

    However, it was mistaken.

    The mission of the creature without name

    The Creation VIII: The decision:

    Then, Jah turned His voice in the direction of the creature who had affirmed the domination of the strong over the weak. He said to him: “Since you are so sure of your choice, I leave you the occasion to prove it. You will preserve your spirit, but your body will be made of shadow. Thus, you will live, alone, among the human ones, until I deliver you of your sorrow. Thus, nobody will see you and nobody will name you, because I decided Myself not to see or name you.”

    The creature without name extolled dominance of the strong over the weak as the meaning of life, and at this moment it was not much worse than other creatures. It was just misguided in a bad way. Jah could have destroyed it then, but He did not because He loved every one of His creatures, including the creature without name. Yet, the discussion with the creature without name resulted in a denial of the love He advocated.This was the result of the free will that He had given to all of His creatures.

    Therefore he transformed the creature without name into shadow, that no one should see it, but he let it live with humans, although not without a hold on the world, because although invisible, he gave it the opportunity to prove its theory. Thus, the creature without name could instill into the hearts and souls of the creatures of the earth its vision of the meaning of life, namely the domination of the strong over the weak.


    Pre-History I: Oanylone:

    Jah did not intervene any more in the world, letting His children live and thrive. He had given to the creature that He had not named freedom to try them so that they must choose between the way of the virtue and that of the sin.

    The non-intervention of Jah in his creation was for him the way to test his children, the humans, and see, by the free will he gave them, which path they chose. From that moment, the nameless creature became an instrument of Jah's judgment, for it was only through temptation and rejection of it that Jah could see the value of a man.

    Pre-history II: Work:

    Over time, men and women became increasingly numerous, maintaining their love for Jah and rejecting into the darkness the creature without name. This one nourished each day a little more its bitterness and its anger towards these people so beloved of Jah, who had taken from him his place as ruler of Creation. The men and the women lived carefree while, in the darkness, their enemy prepared its revenge.

    Following the meeting, humans became the only children of Jah and therefore Jah's favorite species, and while this species developed an aura of trust in Jah, the creature without name, scorned, considering its fate as a grave injustice, brooded in the shadows on its revenge against the humans who had taken its place, but without managing to tempt men to prove its vision of Creation.

    Pre-History III: The Apathy:

    Jah was satisfied. His children had cultivated themselves in the place that He had given them. But He knew that this beautiful spring was going to see the flowers of virtue fading, because the Creature Without Name ruminated still on its rage and its anger. Lying low in the darkness, it awaited the moment to prove to the Most High that the answer that Oane had given was not the best. It continued in its error, denying the force of love and persisting to conceive the domination of the weak by the strong as the purpose of life.

    The repeated failures of the creature without name in its attempts to prove that it was right only served to darken even more its already twisted soul and it then gradually sank into the deepest abyss of evil.

    Then, before the darkness of the nameless creature, the humans began to hear its voice ...

    The near victory of the creature without name

    Pre-History IV: Sin:

    Then, the man and the woman developed pride. The strong started to scorn the weak ones, which could not be nourished as much as they wished it. Like the Creature Without Name, they thought now that the role of the strong was to dominate the weak. The Creature Without Name thus saw that the hour of its revenge had come. It then went forth in the darkness and approached those that were thus scorned. It asked them: “Why let these others make you thus, why not act to reverse these roles?”

    And the weak started to envy the strong. The strong, satisfied with their situation, did not see the weak ones wondering why they were less gifted than the strong. The Creature Without Name gloated in joy, because it felt the hour of its glory arrive. It murmured in the ears of the weak and poked their desire. Anger thundered in the heart of weak, which revolted internally against this injustice. It asked them why they bound this feeling in their spirit and did not let it be expressed?

    Then, man and woman struck their brothers and sisters. Taking knife and axe in hand, each one struck the other in a storm of violence and destruction. They had just invented war, which reached its paroxysm when each one started to burn the house and to devastate the fields of the other. The Creature Without Name came again close to those whom had listened to it and said to them that violence and hatred would henceforth enable them to dominate their neighbors.

    The man then took the woman and the woman took the man. The strong misused the weak and the weak one suffered the strong. All were linked in a bestial orgy of indecent assault and violence. Their mixed bodies reflected the flames of the houses that burned. Food was devoured and drink was guzzled down. The whispers encouraged the indecent gestures. A true orgy of vice took place. And no more thought was given to the love of Jah.

    The nameless creature had won. It was going to prove that Jah was wrong with his love, and that it was the nameless creature who had been right. The law of the jungle was indeed the meaning of life.

    In this situation Jah was ready to destroy his completely deficient creation, but then he saw that men and women continued to do works of Love in spite of the horrors that washed over them. So Jah took pity on those who, despite adversity, did not fall into easy temptation. He decided to destroy Oanylone but to allow those who so deserved to be saved.

    The creature without name, at the height of its power believing the final victory at hand, imagined itself himself back together with Jah and taking its place as the favorite creature of Jah. But the destruction of the Oanylone sent it back into the shadows and it seemed to disappear for a long time.

    Jah gave humanity a second chance, to prove that Love is the meaning of life. But he always left the creature without name alive, its power intact.

    The nameless creature today and its influence on men

    From all this it follows that the creature without name has today become totally bad, even if it is not absolute evil because this would imply it is the equal of Jah, and yet it is only one of His creatures and even aspires to become his favorite creature and because of that it is desperate to prove it was right at the Meeting.

    Since the fall of Oanylone, the nameless creature strives again to attain this, which is why it continues its mission of temptation. Men undergoing the temptations of the creature without name possess free will to surrender or not. But humanity can vary as to how strongly this temptation affects them. Thus, the creature without name will affect men to varying degrees, but there will always be a part of Jah in each of us.

    This is why some are tempted by the creature without name only for small sins, an occasional flight, a passing fit of anger, a sudden excess of vanity, and occasional selfish behavior. But others are more deeply affected by the creature without name, living violently, becoming murderers, yet at the same time maintaining some good aspects. For Jah is present in all of us, inspiring us to be good, but the nameless creature tries to divert us, and each of us with our free will be led in varying degrees to the dark side!

    Christos, himself, during the forty days of his wandering in the desert, had to deal with the nameless creature and resist its tempting voice. But Christos pushed away the voice of ease offered by the creature without name and rejected sloth, gluttony, lust, pride, envy and avarice. The nameless creature then tried one last time to separate Christos from virtue and explain to him what was the meaning of life.

    Life of Christos - Chapter V

    Then the creature without name cried out: “Jah made us His children because we are the strongest of His creatures. Among us, I am His preferred, because I am the strongest of us all. I alone understood that the strong were always to dominate the weak, just as you men dominate the cows, the pigs and the sheep. Jah gave us His creation to experience the thousand pleasures of the body and the spirit that we deserve. How is it possible to better pay homage to Him than in appreciating the pleasures of His creation?”

    But Christos retorted: “Go away, tempter! Your presence among creation is an insult unto Jah. Know you that you are not His preferred. He relegated you to the darkness, because you were diverted from His light. He left you your existence only in order to test the faith of His children.”

    And he added: “Jah made us His children because we are the only ones with understanding that, as He loves us, so He desires our love in return. He did not give you this status, shameful creature, because you do not have a soul, because your heart is black like jet. Admittedly, the world, created by Jah, offers a thousand pleasures and more. Admittedly, we pay homage to Him in knowing to appreciate them with their right value. But these pleasures must be tasted and not devoured. Only virtue, such as was taught to us by Aristotle the prophet, allows us to appreciate these worldly pleasures without falling into vice and sin.”

    He concluded finally: “This is because sin is the negation of divine perfection. Total abandonment to the many pleasures is accompanied by diversion from the love of Jah, whereas the measured taste of the pleasures of divine creation can be done only in the love of its creator. Now take yourself away from me!”

    At once, the creature without name, that had crawled at Joshua’s side, disappeared, leaving him alone at the edge of the desert. He had crossed this country of temptations in forty days.

    As we can see, the false words of the nameless creature had no effect on Christos who resisted it. For the nameless creature is not invincible, on the contrary, the day when all humanity rejects it, as Christos did, then it will disappear.

    Humanity, by the free will given by Jah, holds the future in its hands. It is for each man to see he resists the creature without name to ensure that this leads to its final destruction.

    Treaty written by Saint Origène, August 10, 248, Tyre.

Translated from the Greek by Vincent Diftain in the Abbey Saint Origen Flavigny sur Ozerain in the year 1456.


Dernière édition par Kalixtus le Lun Nov 22, 2021 2:22 am; édité 1 fois
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Inscrit le: 24 Fév 2013
Messages: 13062
Localisation: Roma, Palazzo Doria-Pamphilj

MessagePosté le: Jeu Nov 18, 2021 4:41 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant


    On Prayer (by St. Origène)

    Prayer is not to be approached as an obligation, but above all a participation in the work and the will of the Most High. Here we will talk about individual prayer, as the collective prayer in church is more straightforward to practise since it takes place with the help of a cleric.

    The place of prayer

    All Aristotelians knows that every place is a part of the universe and that the universe itself is a temple of Jah. Therefore, in every place, the Aristotelian may pray to the Most High. However, it is necessary to choose a suitable place.

    Because of its sanctity, the church is the perfect place for prayer. However, it is known that Christos himself prayed almost everywhere. So we are also free to pray where we want; but we need to maintain the spirit of prayer. "All Aristotelians know that every place is a part of the universe and that the universe itself is a temple of Jah.”

    When praying, the Aristotelian will preferably turn toward the east, for this is where the sun rises, the heavenly abode of the Most High, the angels and the saints.

    Preparation for Prayer

    One who wishes to pray must collect themselves and prepare a little, so as to be quicker and more attentive to their prayers.

    They shall also cast out all anxieties and all troubling thoughts, and strive to attain the same serenity of the Most High.

    Reflect well that it is impious to pray to the Almighty without attention and without effort, with a casual and disinterested manner, which would only displease the Most High.

    How to present yourself to Jah in prayer?

    Coming to prayer, we must present, as it were, the soul before the hands, the spirit raised to Jah before his eyes, the mind cleared of earthly matters before rising to make the offering to the Most High.

    The Aristotelian Friendship shall preside over the soul before addressing the Most High, so, we must forget all resentment of injuries believed to have been received, if we want Jah to forgive the sins we have committed.

    No one can get anything through prayer if they do not pray with the right attitude and a true faith. It cannot be said enough; one should not come to prayer with a soul troubled with resentment. It is not possible for those who pray to receive forgiveness of sins, if they have not first forgiven with all their heart their brother who asked for their forgiveness.

    Firstly then, the one who prays will be best served by adopting a humble attitude that helps him be in the presence of Jah and helps him speak with Jah with the realization that He is present and observing him, even more than usual during this privileged moment. Certain images or memories of past events may clutter and invade the mind; so it is useful to remember that Jah is there and knows the deepest secrets of our soul.

    On the attitude of the body during the Prayer

    Although there are countless postures the body can take, that we extend our hands and look to the sky must surely be preferred to all others, expressing with our body the same provisions of the soul during prayer.

    We should do this when there are no obstacles. But circumstances can sometimes lead to praying while sat, for example when we have sore feet; or even lying down because of fever. For the same reason, if, for example, we are on a boat or our business does not allow us to withdraw to fulfill the duty of our prayer, we can pray without taking any external attitude.

    The purpose of prayer

    We must be watchful of asking the Almighty for small, earthly things. By this I mean material things, wealth, honors ...

    The Prayer of the Sinner

    Of the kneeling prayer, this is necessary when someone accuses themselves before Jah of their own sins, beseeching Him to heal and absolve them. This symbolises prostration and submission. This is the spiritual kneeling, so called because every creature loves Jah and humbly submits to Him.

Translated by Brother Vincent Diftain of Embussy


Dernière édition par Kalixtus le Lun Nov 22, 2021 2:23 am; édité 1 fois
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Inscrit le: 24 Fév 2013
Messages: 13062
Localisation: Roma, Palazzo Doria-Pamphilj

MessagePosté le: Jeu Nov 18, 2021 4:43 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant


    Saint Gregory of Naziance : Letter of direction to Athenaeus

    Gregory of Nazianzen, a young priest, address its recommendations to Athénaïs. We find in this text the traces of the great experience of the life of a scholar cleric who studied and traveled. It thus recommends taking a median under attitude, without seeking perfection or excess in one direction or the other. He invites Athénaïs and the reader to refocus on hers, and her faith by not focusing on if external events whose origin is beyond us. Gregory having experienced it four times, he knows that God is the first cause of all things. However, understanding the causes is not always accessible to humans and it is useless to go get that side of the answer to our ills. It is more profitable to look at ourselves under the guidance of the holy man that are full of common sense and rich in teaching.

    Ruling letter to Athénaïs a écrit:

    A priest, friend of Gregory of Nazianzen, had a sister who had chosen Gregory as amaster. She asked him a rule of life. He answered this :

    To Athénaïs, pious and devout believer of our Church,

    Keep your soul higher than all sorrows, by taking care of what is the highest. Keep away from your spirit everything that is faraway from the virtue and unworthy of your thoughts ; apply this to piety, and all that is good ; exercise it to accept and decide nothing that would not have been seriously examined ; keep it stronger, everytime and in every manner, by meditating the advices of the Saints that lived before us.

    Put justice above all, for strangers and friend, in friendship and without grudge. Have as an unseparable friend temperance, which must been deeply and firmly rooted in your soul.

    Do not change of behaviour, with inequalities and vagaries of life, because it is not a good thing to lose one's dignity in poorness, and we are not assured of our consciousness if we take pride of wealth. The better is to apply moderation, when pleasant things come to us, and firmness in front of sorrows.

    You have to forget about your past opulence, only ask for what is necessary, love what you are given, hope for the best, bear gently illness, never complain and afflict yourself, give thanks to Providence, whatever happens, close the eyes on the causes of some events, and do not neglect your dignity. Your eyes on it, always consider before speaking what should be said, before acting what should be done.
    Believe that clothes are not an ornament.

    Consider that be happy with little is the true and firm wealth. The true wealth does not consist in having many things, but to not need them.This is for you, everything less is worthless.
    Rule your behaviour by decency, your manners by calmness, your words by short speeches.

    Adorn your head by covering it ; your eyebrows by keeping them down ; your eyes by only glancing fastly and modestly ; your mouth by saying nothing unwarranted ; your ears by only listening serious speeches ; your face by covering it with modesty's colors.

    Everytime and everywhere, keep yourself pure as an untouched treasure, because the best women's ornament is solemnity, consciousness and chastity.

    Consider as the finest and easy pleasure to have a strictly adequate food. It is necessary for a pure life, good for the health, and useful for life's regularity, order and instruction.

    Gregory of Nazianzen.

Introduction of UterPendragon
Translated from the Greek letter by Bishop Calixte de Béarn
Translated in English by Eilinn Melani

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Inscrit le: 24 Fév 2013
Messages: 13062
Localisation: Roma, Palazzo Doria-Pamphilj

MessagePosté le: Mer Oct 18, 2023 9:46 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant


    Letter of Linus to Paulos followed by Letter of Paulos to Linus


      Paulos friend and master,

      I write to you with a broken heart to deliver terrible news. Our guide, the rock of God, the one whom the savior Christos had chosen to guide us, has died. As you know, the pagan emperor held him captive for a long time and mistreated him. Even in his last moments, he was guided by faith and acted as the leader he was, sacrificing himself in exchange for the release of many of our brothers and sisters who had been captured along with him. The evil emperor had him taken to the circus, where he had nine giant crosses planted, telling him that for every cross he pulled out, one of the prisoners would be released. He hoped that after the harsh imprisonment, Titus would not be able to save his own life and that of the others, but bolstered by faith, our father succeeded in rooting out all the crosses except the one intended for him. Once again, Titus was the titan that Christos had seen.

      The friend Samoth brought him back to the crypt where we gathe, exhausted but still close to life, and there, after three days, one last prodigy occurred: the Roman nobles, the princes of the empire, came to pay homage to Titus, moved by the extraordinary strength of his faith, all converted to the message of the messiah Joshua. For days they continued to arrive, for days they queued up, until today, when no one showed up and Titus, summoned by the Most High, left us.

      During his imprisonment he sent me a letter, asking me to continue the mission of Christos, your mission, that of the apostles, to find you, to organize the spreading of the faith and the education of the new pastors, so that the divine message may never again be diverted but be kept by those whom he called bishops among the bishops. Titus has left me a list of the faithful I can count on. What am I, a mere bishop, to do? I am writing to you first, Paulos, because you are very wise and you are the only apostle, apart from Samoth, who is already planning to leave with his disciples to spread the faith in distant lands, whose location I know, since you have remained in Caesarea. You, the apostles, have been our guides, our teachers, and that is why I ask you to guide me once again in the task that Titus entrusted to me.

      Linus of Rome


      Linus, first among us, our guide,

      I call you like that because that's what you are now. You are no longer a mere bishop, you are the successor of Titus, the successor of Christos, the head of our community, of the church that we, the apostles, founded with Christos. Just as Christos chose Titus among us, the apostles, to guide us after his death, so did Titus choose you among all of us to guide us now that the rock of God is no longer on earth. Do not ask us, the apostles, to guide you, because today it is us, apostles, bishops, priests and simple faithful, who ask you to guide us. As we have all been loyal to Christos, we have also been loyal to Titus and now we will be loyal to you, as will all the bishops we have ordained and who will succeed us.

      We, the apostles, were the closest disciples of Christos and the closest friends of Titus, but we are humans and we too will die one day. That is why you too must find your apostles, those who will help you and be close to you, as we were to Christos and Titus. Look at those names that Titus left you and if you trust them, make them bishops and if they prove to be skillful and loyal in the faith, place them by your side to help you lead the church, impose on them the same rules that Christos asked us to follow as apostles because they will have to be ready to make any sacrifice for the faith and the church, even death. Thus, they will be the bishops among the bishops Titus wrote to you about, the guides of the church who, with you, the pastor of the pastors, will keep the faith alive and firm. And one day, when you too will reach Titus on the Sun, the new head of the church we have founded will be chosen from among these bishops among bishops, and he in turn will choose the bishops from among the bishops who will help him and among whom his successor will be chosen. In this way, the mission of Christos will survive and the faith will never be corrupted.

      Paulos of Caesarea

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