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[RP] Basilica di San Giovanni dei Martiri
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Inscrit le: 19 Mar 2021
Messages: 14

MessagePosté le: Mer Déc 08, 2021 6:26 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

The young woman greeted the Cardinal as she should.

He welcomed them to the place, and Heloise took the opportunity to kiss the view with her eyes before returning them to the clergyman in front of her.

She then followed the two men towards the altar. A little surprised, the brunette raised an eyebrow but said nothing and sat down. She then listened to the man in front of them before turning to Frederick. She was not so bad in English but she clearly did not understand Kalixtus' question.

- Sorry the offertory time ?


La jeune femme salua le Cardinal comme il se doit.

Il leur souhaita la bienvenu dans ce lieu, Héloise en profita pour embrasser la vue de son regard avant de le reporter vers l'homme d'église devant elle.

Elle suivit ensuite les deux hommes vers l'autel. Un peu surprise, la brune haussa un sourcil mais ne dit mot et s'installa. Elle écouta ensuite l'homme face à eux avant de se tourner vers Frederick. Elle était pourtant pas si mauvaise en anglais mais elle ne comprenait clairement pas la question de Kalixtus.

- Sorry the offertory time ?
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Inscrit le: 24 Fév 2013
Messages: 13061
Localisation: Roma, Palazzo Doria-Pamphilj

MessagePosté le: Jeu Déc 09, 2021 8:49 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

    Ah... Well, the period between the banns and the wedding is meant - this time serves the inner reflection and the question whether there is love between the two of you. That is an important prerequisite. Without love it is not possible.

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Inscrit le: 13 Avr 2015
Messages: 13

MessagePosté le: Ven Déc 10, 2021 6:14 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Frederick nodded respectfully when Kalixtus greeted them. The Almighty knew how many differences he had had with Cardinals during his Imperial Regency, so he was happy to find a friendly face.

Thank you for receiving us.

THe habit of having office in a Basilica, and no less of one of the most important saints in the Canon, puzzled him somehow, but he prefered not to show his confusion and listened to the first words. No, the understanding of the sacrament wouldn't be a problem. At least he thought so. But the word "offertory" confused hmi as much as his fiancé, so he was happy when Heloïse mentioned it, and even more relieved when the Cardinal thoughtfully explained it.

Thank you for the clarification, your Emminence... I think this... offertory time... was respected. I have asked Heloïse to marry me in the Cathedral of Utrecht, months ago. On a late summer day, after a horse ride and after we enjoyed a performance by the choir, singing in polyphonia. Truly wonderful... After that day we waited until we found a right time... And we are still convinced of our love.
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Inscrit le: 19 Mar 2021
Messages: 14

MessagePosté le: Lun Déc 13, 2021 6:02 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Heloise smiled as she heard Kalixtus' explanation, oh the bans. She smiled as she heard Frederick's answer which was not exactly what Kalixtus expected, well according to the young woman of course.

- I believe Kalixtus wishes to know if we have announced a wedding date. No we have not announced a date. Indeed, after Frederick made his very beautiful and moving proposal to me, he fell ill. I was at his bedside for his recovery and we did not set a date.

But we could set it today. I think that was a bit of the objective of our coming. We were originally thinking of Christmas Day or the end of the year, but it's a bit late for this holiday. Maybe between Christmas and New Year's would be a good time? If we get the banns out in time of course.

She turned to Frederick to allow him to give his opinion. Indeed, it would shift the date but after all we were not a few weeks away, the most important thing was to find a suitable time and to do it according to the rules of the Church not to rush.

- As for our feelings, you can be sure that we are in love. Frederick signalled his interest a long time ago and I have never made any secret of the fact that I went to Holland in response to my uncle's request to accept at first. But I fell under Frederick's spell. I believe, Monsignor, that we are really made for each other in all aspects of life. We complement each other and understand each other without always having to talk much. He knows that if he needs help or support I am there, even though Dutch is a complicated language for me. I do my best to integrate into the economic life of my village to make myself useful. In short, I have built a life for myself on Heudsen and she is with Frederick.

She finished her mini-monologue by turning to Frederick and smiling at him. Yes she hadn't made a big statement to him in Utrech Cathedral but since then the feelings were quite different, a few months ago she felt the beginnings of love but since then it had grown stronger and stronger every day.

Héloïse sourit en entendant les explications de Kalixtus, oh les bans. Elle sourit en entendant la réponse de Frederick qui était pas exactement ce qu'attendait Kalixtus, enfin selon la jeune femme bien sûr.

- Je crois que Kalixtus souhaite savoir si nous avons annoncé une date de mariage. Non nous n'avons pas annoncé de date. En effet, après que Frederick m'est fait sa très belle et émouvante demande, il est tombé malade. J'ai donc veillé à son chevet pour son rétablissement et nous n'avons posé aucune date.

Mais nous pourrions la poser dès aujourd'hui. Je crois que c'était un peu l'objectif de notre venue. On envisageait au départ pour la Saint Noël ou la fin d'année mais pour cette fête c'est un peu tard. Peut-être qu'entre la Noël et le nouvel an cela serait un bon moment ? Si on publie les bans à temps bien sûr.

Elle se tourna vers Frederick pour lui permettre de donner son avis. En effet, cela décalait la date mais après tout on était pas à quelques semaines prêt, le plus important était de trouver un moment adapté et de faire cela dans les règles de l'Église pas de se précipiter.

- En ce qui concerne nos sentiments, vous pouvez être certains que nous sommes amoureux. Frederick a signalé son intérêt il y a déjà bien longtemps et je n'ai jamais caché être parti en Hollande pour répondre à la demande de mon oncle d'accepter au départ. Mais je suis tombée sous le charme de Frederick. Je crois Monseigneur qu'on est réellement fait l'un pour l'autre sur tous les aspects de la vie. On se complète et on se comprend sans avoir toujours à beaucoup se parler. Il sait que s'il a besoin d'aide ou d'appuie je suis là malgré que le hollandais reste une langue compliquée pour moi. Je fais de mon mieux pour m'intégrer à la vie économique de mon village pour me rendre utile. Bref, je me suis construit une vie sur Heudsen et elle est avec Frederick.

Elle fini son mini-monologue en se tournant vers Frederick et en lui souriant. Oui elle lui avait pas fait de grande déclaration dans la Cathédrale de Utrech mais depuis les sentiments étaient bien différent, il y a quelques mois, elle sentait un début d'amour naitre mais depuis ce sentiment c'était affirmé et il grandissait chaque jour.
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Inscrit le: 13 Avr 2015
Messages: 13

MessagePosté le: Ven Déc 24, 2021 11:53 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Let's do perhaps early January, my love. I'm afraid the agenda of the Cardinal is quite full, with the wishes and everything. Once we are in the new year, we could be the first marriage of 1470! How abour January the 6th?
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Inscrit le: 13 Avr 2015
Messages: 13

MessagePosté le: Mer Jan 05, 2022 10:46 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Well... Perhaps not early January than. Time is passing and I don't see any enthousiasm to that proposal...

How about January 22nd?
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Inscrit le: 24 Fév 2013
Messages: 13061
Localisation: Roma, Palazzo Doria-Pamphilj

MessagePosté le: Mer Jan 05, 2022 10:56 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

    Kalixtus looked at the two and then nodded. I need some data for the organisation:

    [char]Frederick[/char] (Residence) und [char]Heloise_duvaldhaine[/char](Residence),
    Wedding date:
    Engagement date/beginning of the banns:
    --> Baptismal certificate Frederick
    --> Baptismal certificate Heloise
      Names, first names of the couple: XX und XX
      Residence of the future couple:
      Place of marriage:
      Names of the witnesses:

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Inscrit le: 24 Fév 2013
Messages: 13061
Localisation: Roma, Palazzo Doria-Pamphilj

MessagePosté le: Sam Avr 16, 2022 1:03 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

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Inscrit le: 24 Fév 2013
Messages: 13061
Localisation: Roma, Palazzo Doria-Pamphilj

MessagePosté le: Dim Avr 17, 2022 5:59 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

    Kalixtus entered the Basilica with a smile. As always, he paused at the face of St. John and held communion with the saint before detaching himself from him and taking a look at his papal basilica. Acolytes from Regensburg brought Easter baskets with sweets and colourful eggs for the big and small children to pick up after the service.

    Easter was a feast of communion and more than other feasts, the faithful drew close together on this day and would be one unit. Kalixtus loved this feast, far more than the feasts in December. Easter was truly a feast of renewal and a feast of resurrection.

    Kalixtus oversaw the draping of the baskets at the altar and also saw that the whole church was transformed into a spring fresh sea of flowers. Spring was finally here and spring brought warmth, sunshine and blossoms.

    He would now go to the sacristy where he would change for mass.

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Inscrit le: 10 Mar 2020
Messages: 1598
Localisation: Villa Borghese

MessagePosté le: Lun Avr 18, 2022 2:11 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Lent came to an end, and on that day the Aristotelian Easter was celebrated. The purple vestments of mourning and sacrifice were kept, because that day was like the dawn after the night, a true renewal. Felipe entered the basilica and was surprised by the floral scent. He dipped his fingers in the holy water and crossed on his forehead. Then he stopped in front of the altar and made a genuflection, finally he took a seat in one of the pews waiting for the ceremony to begin.

_______.______Sanctae Mariae Rotundae cardinalis episcopus | Archiepiscopus Burdigalensis
__________..Secretarius brevium ad Principes | Sanctae Sedis Vice-cancillarius et Magnus Auditor
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Inscrit le: 24 Fév 2013
Messages: 13061
Localisation: Roma, Palazzo Doria-Pamphilj

MessagePosté le: Mar Avr 19, 2022 4:47 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

    The basilica was an inner necessity for him and actually Kalixtus, although the invitation was advertised, had not expected many guests, he had scheduled the celebration mainly for himself, because he understood Easter also as a private conclusion of a long and for him always hard Lent. The cardinal had always carried out the Easter penitential period with particular rigor, often withdrawing from the public eye, and was above all in prayer and penance, including constant pain, which he inflicted on his body to recreate the suffering, who carried out their lives in the service of the Church and in mission of the Almighty. The partial total deprivation of food, the persistent internal poisoning by arsenic that caused the penitential spasms and bleeding, and the partial deprivation of water brought the Cardinal closer to God and the mission he provided for the Cardinal during the penitential days. It was also the time when he was atoning for his numerous sins, his confessor knew how seriously the Cardinal took penance and would have considered mere prayers ridiculous. The cardinal believed that true penance must hurt, because only pain teaches a person to refrain from doing things and to do the right thing.

    So the Cardinal was surprised to see a familiar face. Felipe. He once said that he would like to see the basilicas filled with life and that more services should be held. The essence of a service was the service to God and not the amount of people that showed up to a service. An important truth to learn in the diaspora. Of course, other residents of Rome lose themselves in the Basilica, that was normal and gratifying.

    For Kalixtus, with a small group of people present, it was clear that he would not make a grand entrance and therefore chose a somewhat slimmed down but still dignified interpretation of the ritual.
    So the Cardinal dispensed with these usual rituals, and instead began the Introit, that ritualized act for which the congregation naturally rose from their chairs. The altar servers and acolytes entered while Kalixtus raised the dogma, bound in white leather, and offered it to those present like manna. Because it was, it was manna, from heaven, the truth and wisdom of God - His essence, His creation, His promise, His path to salvation. It was God Himself who made this work so significant. It was the story of a love. The love between God and His children - human beings and our love for Him for which the greatest among us - the saints, the archangels and prophets gave their lives.
    The dogma was the cornerstone of the Western world. The revelations from this book formed the foundation for constitutions, for states, for people. It is the path of righteousness. Justice finds its origin here. Law, order, orientation. But also the spiritual science and the natural science have their roots deeply dug in here. Culture, art and poetry. Music written for the beauty and glory of God and His Church.

    Traditions like today's Feast of the Renewal - they form the foundation of a society - the Community of the Aristots in union with the Community of the Saints.

    Nothing in this world seems so precious as this knowledge born from it and the knowledge resting in it. If then they were fathomed and not abused. Because in this treasure also rests all the powers of darkness and all the abominations that man can think of. There is a great divine law - the law of dialectics. Everything has two poles - God alone creates harmony.

    Two altar boys led the way, each carrying a large candle symbolizing Christos and Aristotle - prophets and bringers of light to humanity.

    Behind them walked an altar boy carrying the thuribulum, from whose curved barrel the incense smoked, enveloping the church with holy fragrances.

    They were followed by two other altar boys, each carrying a torch - beacons of faith that can dispel all darkness.

    Behind them, the last altar boy carried the Aristotelian cross on a long pole. The union of the prophets and the inseparable connection with the one true faith.

    At the altar, the altar servers and acolytes bowed.

    The two candles of the prophets and the altar servers now stood behind the altar and the two torchbearers beside the ambo and pulpit, respectively.

    Kalixtus placed the book on the altar, kissed the cover, crossed himself and spoke with the usual vocal power that could fill cathedrals: E nomine Deus et prophetae duo Christos et Aristoteles. Amen!

    Then he took the thuribulum and waved it around the altar, a symbol of the constant consecration at the holiest point of the church.

    As he did so, the choir sang a Gloria. As expected of Kalixtus, he began this day of joy with heavenly music, asking the saints and angels to watch by their side and be present here today. As the voices floated up into the sanctity of light, Kalixtus closed his eyes for a blissful moment. He smiled mysteriously before opening them again. The fire in the ice-blue eyes was awake and flickering curiously, flickering knowingly, flickering with all senses.

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Inscrit le: 19 Mar 2015
Messages: 3601

MessagePosté le: Mar Avr 19, 2022 6:10 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Amen responds Father Silvio-in the intensity of incense
coming out of His Eminence’s oscillating censer
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Inscrit le: 10 Mar 2020
Messages: 1598
Localisation: Villa Borghese

MessagePosté le: Mar Avr 19, 2022 7:17 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

(Double post)

_______.______Sanctae Mariae Rotundae cardinalis episcopus | Archiepiscopus Burdigalensis
__________..Secretarius brevium ad Principes | Sanctae Sedis Vice-cancillarius et Magnus Auditor
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Inscrit le: 10 Mar 2020
Messages: 1598
Localisation: Villa Borghese

MessagePosté le: Mar Avr 19, 2022 7:17 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Symbolism in the liturgy was an essential part of the faith itself, a tangible manifestation of the care that priests and faithful had in officiating at the sacraments and mass, a demonstration of Love for their Creator. It was not, therefore, a sequence of empty events to impress those who entered the temple, it was not just another spectacle like those that took place in the streets of Rome. If anyone was a master of symbolism, of theology and also of staging, it was undoubtedly Kalixtus.

The Hispanic cardinal watched from his post the entrance procession, with the cross and the candles; then he watched the cardinal incense the altar and welcome the faithful. Felipe also said:
- Amen.

_______.______Sanctae Mariae Rotundae cardinalis episcopus | Archiepiscopus Burdigalensis
__________..Secretarius brevium ad Principes | Sanctae Sedis Vice-cancillarius et Magnus Auditor
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Inscrit le: 18 Mai 2020
Messages: 7

MessagePosté le: Mer Avr 20, 2022 4:32 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Filomena entered the basilica in a tasteful black dress that successfully covered her body. Over her head and shoulders she wore a mantilla of black lace. She crossed herself before the altar and curtsied before sitting down in one of the front rows of the rather empty basilica. She spent the summer at the country estate of her son Oberon. The matriarch of the House of the Sun and sister of Kalixtus had preferred to pick up her brother after Easter and travel with him to Senigallia. A few days on the beach in the sun was her traditional start to spring. Bathing in the Adriatic Sea was also one of those traditions without question. Katu wouldn't do it, or maybe she would? She didn't know if Kalixtus really preferred the cool water, the fine cardinal usually only bathed in his debauched baths like an old Roman emperor.

Filo had to smile, finding the sight of a puddle-wet Kalixtus entertaining. But she knew that her brother was always careful to maintain a certain dignity. So even the start of the service was a typical act of devotion to God himself. She expected nothing less from her brother. She has already been allowed to listen to hundreds of sermons. Each one was something precious, for the view that Kalixtus had of the world was exceptionally clear and full. She smiled at him as their eyes met but in the presence of the high clergy the matriarch would behave herself and take the opportunity later to greet her brother properly. Now it was time to serve God and her gaze slid to the altar. Although Filomena did not have the same access to the greatness of God, she was more than aware of his existence. She was certainly not sinless, nor was she the most devout person, but no one who had their senses together could deny a creator God. God was simply present everywhere.

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