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Inscrit le: 30 Juil 2020
Messages: 21

MessagePosté le: Jeu Juin 16, 2022 6:22 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Dieter recieved an offer he couldn't refuse from His Princely Highness let us say. To leave his heretic ways behind and accept a chance to get educated once more in the proper Roman ways. He packed the little belongings he had and made his way towards Rome to catch up with a ongoing conversation. He saw 2 familiar faces and a 3rd one he remembered from a long time ago. It was His Emenince. He approached them and made a bow while kissing the hand of His Emincence.

Please forgive me for my past mistakes. Your Emincence did his best to teach me before in the proper courses of Rome. But since my lack of knowledge, I felt disgraced and ran off to Holland to help found the Schism we call the Reformed Church of Holland.
I hope Your Emincence can forgive me for my mistakes and offer me a way to redeem my soul.
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Inscrit le: 24 Fév 2013
Messages: 13061
Localisation: Roma, Palazzo Doria-Pamphilj

MessagePosté le: Dim Juin 19, 2022 5:28 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

    Kalixtus smiled when he heard Dieter and he made a sign of blessing over them all. Welcome to Rome. Marigold how nice to meet you. Dieter it has been a while since we have seen each other. But I am very happy to see that you are well.

    It is wonderful to see you all here and to meet each other.

    He heard Dieter's words and he felt a pain in his own heart.

    It is God who has brought us together to solve this problem, my friends, and we will do God's work, because he is wise and his decisions are binding.

    He led the small group through an archway towards the Tiber.

    Can you imagine what it must have looked like here when the Romans ruled. Now it's a divine state. The place with a thousand churches and cathedrals. Once it was a place of palaces.

    This river has seen so many centuries. The triumph of Aristotelianism over heresy is God's work.

    I confess that I did not put all my energy into the needs of Holland as I should have. My energy had not been sufficient. Perhaps it would have been possible for me to save relations with Holland before it came to this decision out of desperation.

    God had already sent me the Dutch once and I ignored his request. This mistake will not happen to me again and therefore it is a wonderful event that you are here today and that we meet each other.

    The way back to Rome is possible. For everyone. The Reformed Church of Holland must end. The Diocese of Utrecht must be put back into the hands of the Holy See. The members of the Reformed Church must publicly declare their transgression in a letter and formally affirm therein that they will return to the hands of Universal Roman Aristotelianism.

    Since all of you are not baptised in the Roman way, we can then take care of this, just as Christos baptised the centurion.

    Kalixtus pointed to the benches facing the Tiber.

    I can promise you that we will finish the translations of the seminary into Dutch. I can promise that we will have a Dutch seminary where people who want it can be educated in their mother tongue.

    I can hold out the prospect that we are ready to welcome Holland with open arms and give them the place they deserve and that we have always intended. As a strong Roman Aristotelian Church in Holland.

    I will gladly write a letter to Findecano and deliver it personally to Holland. For me this event is of outstanding importance and I hope you will follow my thoughts and that together we will rebuild what has been lost and regain trust for the sake of all our souls.

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Inscrit le: 28 Aoû 2022
Messages: 75

MessagePosté le: Ven Sep 09, 2022 9:35 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant


Verany hatte die erste Unterrichtseinheit beendet und trat heraus ins Sonnenlicht. Die Gespräche und auch der Lernstoff und die Prüfung rasten noch durch ihren Kopf. langsam suchte sie sich einen Platz, auf dem sie verweilen könnte und nachdenken. Nachdenken über die Prüfung, ihr fiel so viel ein, was sie hätte noch schreiben sollen, nachdenken über die Gespräche, über die Hagiographie der heiligen Raphaelle und die taufe des Zenturios,

Sie fühlte sich dennoch fremd und hatte keine Ahnung von den Gebäuden rings herum oder den Menschen, die hier ebenfalls studierten oder lehrten. Es war angenehm ruhig, fast zu ruhig, fand sie. Sie trank von dem Schlauch Wasser und aß etwas Brot, aber richtig Hunger hatte sie keinen. Lieber schaute sie sich die Umgebung an und versuchte, die Bilder einzuordnen.
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