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[RP] Basilica di San Giovanni dei Martiri
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Inscrit le: 10 Mar 2020
Messages: 1598
Localisation: Villa Borghese

MessagePosté le: Mar Juil 12, 2022 5:21 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

The Spanish cardinal also recited the confiteor, whispering, because he needed to ask forgiveness for his sins and to be reconciled with God. He murmured the prayer at the same time as Kalixtus did in front of the altar, moments before blessing the Bread of Friendship.

Confiteor Deo omnipotenti,
Blessed Michaeli Archangelo,
beato Joanni Martirii, sanctis Apostoli Tito,
omnibus Sanctis, et tibi, pater, quia peccavi
nimis cogitatione verbo, et opere
mea culpa, mea culpa, mea maxima culpa.
Ideo precor beatum Michaelem Archangelum, beatum Joannem,
sanctos Apostolo Titus,
omnes Sanctos, et te, pater, orare pro me ad
Dominum Deum nostrum.

Friendship created peace, freedom, gave love, built bridges and ended sorrow: his words were accurate: it was very difficult to disagree with the dissertations of his Germanic friend, he envied him for his talent and oratory; compared to him, Felipe was but a beginner, an apprentice theologian who could only improve with patience, study, meditation and experience. In the meantime, he was glad to have numerous friends in Rome from whom he could learn those virtues and gifts.

Amen - he said just before Kalixtus broke the consecrated bread. Then, like other parishioners, he also received the Communion. A few moments later the cardinal gave the final blessing, and all were again crossed themselves.

Whenever a mass in the basilica ended, the young prelate waited a few moments to greet his friend, but that day something strange, mystical, different happened while the chords of the Te Deum were still playing: Kalixtus approached him, as a friend but with the authority of a father, and recited some prayers in Latin on Missio Joannem that Felipe did not know. Then he made a prayer to the archangel St Michael, asking for his protection: it was a blessing for Felipe, which he received ecstatically, kneeling and bowing his head like a humble believer. Not quite understanding what had happened, he kissed the hand of his friend and cardinal.

- Por supuesto, siempre lo hago -, he stammered, getting up and watching the cardinal and his acolytes walk away in the direction of the sacristy. He stood there, staring blankly and not realising that he had been left alone in the church, in solitude. He knelt there, and then he made a donation for the poor of the rione.

_______.______Sanctae Mariae Rotundae cardinalis episcopus | Archiepiscopus Burdigalensis
__________..Secretarius brevium ad Principes | Sanctae Sedis Vice-cancillarius et Magnus Auditor
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Inscrit le: 24 Fév 2013
Messages: 13072
Localisation: Roma, Palazzo Doria-Pamphilj

MessagePosté le: Dim Juil 31, 2022 4:25 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

    Baptism of Karsten

    Today was a day of joy, it was a day of baptism and so he stood in his basilica while the rays of the eternal sun smiled in through the window, illuminating the sacred beauty of this place of worship.

    The white marble baptismal font stood in the central axis and would soon be the centre of attention. Adorned with yellow and white flowers was both the baptismal font and the prayer bench in front of it. There Karsten would kneel and encounter the ceremony that would change her from believer to true faithful.

    The cardinal himself stood below on the central axis between the altar and the baptismal font, the mitre of St John the Martyr and his crozier in his hand. For this ceremony, he chose only two acolytes to assist him.

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Inscrit le: 19 Jan 2018
Messages: 4683
Localisation: Monte Real/Leiria - Palazzo Taverna/Roma

MessagePosté le: Dim Juil 31, 2022 8:46 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

    It was a memorable occasion. Dressed in a black cassock, Adonnis entered the Basilica of Saint John of the Martyrs to attend the ceremony that was to take place.

    Approaching his friend, Adonnis greeted him with a hug and a kiss on his forehead. He then sat down in one of the pews to watch.

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Inscrit le: 16 Juil 2022
Messages: 51

MessagePosté le: Lun Aoû 01, 2022 6:31 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

He'd learned in the study books a lot the past couple of weeks. All from church structures, to the sacraments to also get to know the City of Rome. It was then today, that he would receive the baptism in the Basilica di San Giovanni dei Martiri. An imposing building on the outside.Slowly he stepped in. He came alone from the also very imposing place he was staying in while he was in Rome. Rome turned out to be a lot, before he didn't visit the city and the time here wasn't dissapointing at all. Hot temperatures, during both day and night, incidentally caught him slightly off guard, as it made him sweat, but luckely he could make use of the facilities to cool off a little bit; even though the supposed to be cold water could also be rather hot.

His thoughts had been all over the place, overthinking life, overthinking the future, overthinking his ideals and goals. But for now those thoughts had to wait a bit. He was wondering if the others he knew who were supposed to be there already arrived. and slowely entered il silence, as a sign of respect to the place where he was walking into.

Upon entry he saw just one familiair face, and the other one not there yet. He trusted that he would still come. There was however one more person in the basilica. He wasn't aware of who everyone was and was uncertain how to greet; so he greeted Kalixtus first, hoping that he might be the one introducing him to the other gentleman. It also felt logic to go to Kalixtus first, maybe the gentleman was just here to witness what they were doing and not be introduced to him at all.

Your emminence, good day, and thank you for having me here. Karsten bowed slightly as a sign of respect and then awaited the greeting from Kalixtus.
"Seas wash away tracks you make, but you've made something great when those tracks remain" KdM

Graaf van Egmond, Noord-Kennemerland & Ehrenbreitstein, Burggraaf van Groningen, Heer van Amstelland
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Inscrit le: 24 Fév 2013
Messages: 13072
Localisation: Roma, Palazzo Doria-Pamphilj

MessagePosté le: Mer Aoû 03, 2022 10:27 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

    Kalixtus stepped out of the shadows of the sacristy in the liturgical vestments of white and a little gold. Baptism was a sacrament in the direct presence of God and so it was not at all surprising. His acolytes followed him with large candles and the crucifer carried the golden cross on the long ornate pole.

    He looked at the white marble basin, which was the baptismal font of his basilica. Yellow flowers were tied there as a wreath. They harmonised with the floral decorations of the basilica. An acolyte brought the incense which Kalixtus blessed and lit. Immediately the fragrance of the Arabic incense rose into the sky and perfumed the ether. The cardinal raised his hands and the shutters from the dome were removed, so that with each step Kalixtus took out of the apse, light entered the place of worship. His crosier held tightly in his hand as he stood at the font and watched the light flood the church, a beautiful moment. Framed by the light, he looked at Adonnis and Karsten. He stepped towards them. He drew a cross on Cardinal Adonnis' forehead and also on Karsten's: Ostende nobis, Domine, misericordiam tuam et salutare tuum da nobis. Amen. At this he made the sign of the cross over them and smiled.

    My brothers in the spirit, welcome to the Basilica di San Giovanni. Saint John was a just man who sent the message of peace and Aristotelianism to the world through Christos word in unity. It is because of that mission that we stand here today.

    Karsten, may I introduce Cardinal-Bishop Adonnis de Sagres. He is the Chancellor of the Congregation of the New Apostolate under which the ecclesiastical decisions of the Church leadership for the Netherlands fall. He is also one of my best and closest friends and allies. Adonnis, I can introduce you to Karsten Karandus de Mérode. A dazzling jewel from beautiful Holland.

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Inscrit le: 16 Juil 2022
Messages: 51

MessagePosté le: Jeu Aoû 04, 2022 5:33 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Karsten was welcomed with a greeting in latin, he wasn't entirely sure what it ment; although he did understand the word Lord, salvation and mercy. He was definetly not fully learned, especially not with his latin. After that they continued in a language which he did speak and was greeted by Kalixtus as a brother in the spirit, and as such in the Basilica di San Giovanni.

Karsten was there introduced by the Cardinal Bishop Adonnis de Sagres; the chancellor of the congregation of the New Apostolate. He studied the look of the cardinal and grinned slightly when Kalixtus called him a dazzling jewel from Holland.
A pleasure to meet you your eminence. And he bowed slightly with his head, up and down as a sign of respect. His eyes drifed for a short moment in the way he came from, then back to the gentleman who he was with. He was wondering when his vassal, Prince Didicus would show. Only after he arrived they could start, at least, that was what he learned in the books with his many studies.
"Seas wash away tracks you make, but you've made something great when those tracks remain" KdM

Graaf van Egmond, Noord-Kennemerland & Ehrenbreitstein, Burggraaf van Groningen, Heer van Amstelland
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Inscrit le: 19 Jan 2018
Messages: 4683
Localisation: Monte Real/Leiria - Palazzo Taverna/Roma

MessagePosté le: Sam Aoû 06, 2022 3:44 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

    Adonnis smiled, satisfied, as he was introduced to the young Dutchman after his friend's blessing.

    It is a great honor to meet you, my young, Adonnis said, holding the young catechumen's shoulders.

    I cannot tell you how i am happy to see the fruits of the Diffusion of the Faith in the Netherlands bearing fruit now. That is why I could not fail to appear to honor him.

    I pray to the Most High and the Prophets that today will be the beginning of a new and blessed trajectory of life.

    At the conclusion of his speech, the Sagres turned to Kalixtus and said: My esteemed brother and friend, may we reflect the image and message of St. John the Martyr. I am very happy to be here.

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Inscrit le: 16 Juil 2022
Messages: 51

MessagePosté le: Mer Aoû 10, 2022 6:39 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Karsten wasn't very used to a lot of touching; he smiled politely to the cardinal in responce but it wasn't very Dutch like to have a lot of touching. The time however in Rome made that a little easier as he figured it was a cultural thing here as he had a lot of bodily interaction, such as these light touches. Politely he answered the cardinal; I hope so too your eminence. I certainly hope we can move forward with our faith again in Holland and the area's around it.After that the cardinal turned to Kalixtus and spoke to him, he was very happy to be here.
"Seas wash away tracks you make, but you've made something great when those tracks remain" KdM

Graaf van Egmond, Noord-Kennemerland & Ehrenbreitstein, Burggraaf van Groningen, Heer van Amstelland
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Inscrit le: 24 Fév 2013
Messages: 13072
Localisation: Roma, Palazzo Doria-Pamphilj

MessagePosté le: Mer Aoû 10, 2022 8:22 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

    Kalixtus laughed tenderly. He sensed that Karsten was still having a hard time "putting up with" the touchy southerners.

    Yes Adonnis and I share this characteristic, we touch people, it is simply culturally ingrained in us. The Teutons don't like it at all either, but they endure it from me because they know - I have to touch everything to believe it exists.

    Kalixtus laughed in amusement. So where is our dear Didicus now - I seldom wait for people as a rule. Very suspicious, not that anything has happened to him. A lot can happen to a Dutchman in Rome. Good, profound experiences or the opposite - the pavement has tasted more blood than any other place in Europe, that much is certain. The stones thirst for the red juice of life every now and then. So they say in the Roman underground.

    Not that I know anything about that. I just like to stay informed. The magistrate who keeps track of the forums and the streets sends me a report from time to time discussing the security situation. Essential for me, because as Cardinal, Adonnis will agree, it is more important than ever to promote the affairs of the city. That is why I have made Campo Marzo my private sector project. You've seen it, the public park. It is elementary to create places for people to meet, even outside the university and the churches. Pleasure is just as important as work.


Dernière édition par Kalixtus le Mer Aoû 10, 2022 10:08 pm; édité 1 fois
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Inscrit le: 24 Avr 2020
Messages: 70

MessagePosté le: Mer Aoû 10, 2022 9:22 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

After a long trip from Bentheim to Rome, while passing Novara first so his wife could spend some time with her family, Didicus finally arrived in the Eternal city.
He looked on the invitation and read "Basilica of Saint John of the Martyrs".
He needed a moment to think it through,.. Saint John,.. Where was it again..

Aha! He remembered and made his way. The last time he was there, he was still a little boy living in Rome itself.

Arriving at the Basilica, he entered to see some familiar faces.

"Your Eminences, please forgive me the delay. I'm not used to travel with a wife. And according to my usual calculations I should have arrived a week earlier than I actually did." after which he took a deep bow kissing the hand of both Eminences.

He turned to Karsten and greeted him as well. "Count Karsten, you can't imagine how glad I am to see you in Rome. Especially on such on important day.

I hope I didn't keep you all waiting for to long?"

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Inscrit le: 24 Fév 2013
Messages: 13072
Localisation: Roma, Palazzo Doria-Pamphilj

MessagePosté le: Mer Aoû 10, 2022 10:16 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

    Kalixtus looked over Karsten's shoulder towards the axis and saw Didicus making his way to the small group.

    Smiling, he acknowledged the devotion and in turn greeted Didicus. My congratulations on the Roman nobility. I am glad his Holiness followed my advice. About the waiting. You should know that I have all the time in the world - Rome is called the eternal city.

    He pointed to the baptismal font. Let us begin.

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Inscrit le: 19 Jan 2018
Messages: 4683
Localisation: Monte Real/Leiria - Palazzo Taverna/Roma

MessagePosté le: Mer Aoû 10, 2022 10:33 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

    Adonnis stood up to greet Didicus.

    When he kissed the ring, Sagres blessed him, and when Kalixtus signaled to begin the ceremony, Adonnis returned to his seat.

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Inscrit le: 16 Juil 2022
Messages: 51

MessagePosté le: Mer Aoû 17, 2022 2:35 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Karsten smiled towards Didi. It was rather a long time since they saw each other and it was good to see him again. When Kalixtus said they could begin he awaited his instructions.
"Seas wash away tracks you make, but you've made something great when those tracks remain" KdM

Graaf van Egmond, Noord-Kennemerland & Ehrenbreitstein, Burggraaf van Groningen, Heer van Amstelland
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Inscrit le: 24 Fév 2013
Messages: 13072
Localisation: Roma, Palazzo Doria-Pamphilj

MessagePosté le: Jeu Aoû 18, 2022 5:40 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

    Kalixtus made the sign to Didicus and Karsten that they should follow him to the marble baptismal font. The cardinal raised his hands and, as if by supernatural command, the shutters on the windows closed silently. The focus of the celestial star now fell on the baptismal font and the three people standing around it. Behind Kalixtus, two strands of smoke from the incense swirled into a great spiral, illuminated in the half-shadow, rising up to the vault of the church.
    Even before the cardinal spoke, the bell of St John's chimed the time. Everything seemed somehow to be timed, but that couldn't be because they had all been waiting for Didicus. However, with Kalixtus you never know if he didn't plan everything exactly the same way and everything threw itself at his feet. Time, nature, the elements, people, animals and who knows what other powers. There were no coincidences, that was one of the cardinal's elementary sentences, and he was right. They did not exist, there was only God. Everything falls into place the way it should.

    Welcome, the dark, melodious voice spoke through the nave. The Cardinal's impressive power of words filled the basilica as if he were speaking to thousands. Eerie.
    But for Kalixtus this was only normal, because that was how he was. He spoke to each and every one whether to a thousand a hundred or one. Everyone was important.
    The dazzling eyes of arctic blue regarded Karsten with a burgeoning interest. Welcome to the Basilica of St John the Martyr in Rome. One of the few papal basilicas. Welcome to Karsten's baptism.

    A honey-sweet fragrance rose from the floral decorations around the baptismal font, blending harmoniously with the Arabic incense. It was an eerily complex moment in which all the senses could find themselves, if anyone would open themselves to the possibility of the Opus Magnum. Kalixtus held the crosier loosely in his hand and regarded Karsten and then Didicus.

    Baptism is an infinite mystery revealed through God. It is the washing of our soul, it is healing, it is revelation and friendship. In baptism we place ourselves in the hands of God and remain there, for once concluded it is valid and this for all eternity. God's offered hand, is joined together eternally in the act of sacramental baptism, provided it is accepted.
    God extends this hand to us in the act of creation and it remains, it remains extended until we take it, even at the hour of our death this opportunity remains. Is this not an act of grace? In baptism itself we encounter ourselves, God and the world in a harmonious metaphysics. We recognise our free choice. Baptism is something we do only for ourselves. Not for others, not for a job, not for a person and not even for God. The will alone must come forth from our midst.

    Then, and only then, will this sacrament receive its fulfilment. In baptism, however, we do not only recognise the relationship between God and the person being baptised. No, also between the person being baptised and the community of the aristotum into which he or she is solemnly admitted through the act of baptism. Wonderful.

    Let us pray together:

      Lord, we ask you to give Karsten strength, energy and courage to master life and to find peace with you, himself and the world. Lord, my God, fill your baptised child with your goodness and let him become kind to those who need his kindness in later years.


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Inscrit le: 16 Juil 2022
Messages: 51

MessagePosté le: Ven Aoû 19, 2022 9:55 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

The warm welcome voice of the cardinal sounded in the basilica. The few people who were there with him were welcomed to his baptism. A honey sweet fragrance came into his nostrils and he could smell it very clearly, coming from the decorations around the baptismal fond. The smells here were mysterious, with some of the smells completely unknown to him. New smells were introduced to him and he smiled gladly as the smell was comforting him a bit. The hands of the cardinal rose and like magic, the shutters of the windows shut so the focus of the sun now came onto the baptismal font.

Kalixtus told them about the baptism as the infinite mystery revealed through God. The washing of the soul, the healing, the revelation and the friendship within the Roman community. The words Kali spoke were smooth, they were like if he spoke them already many many times.

He then asked them to pray together and so he spoke the words Kali also spoke.
Lord, we ask you to give Karsten strength, energy and courage to master life and to find peace with you, himself and the world. Lord, my God, fill your baptised child with your goodness and let him become kind to those who need his kindness in later years.


After that he awaited the further instructions of Kalixtus for the next part of the baptism.

"Seas wash away tracks you make, but you've made something great when those tracks remain" KdM

Graaf van Egmond, Noord-Kennemerland & Ehrenbreitstein, Burggraaf van Groningen, Heer van Amstelland
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