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Inscrit le: 12 Nov 2015
Messages: 5433
Localisation: Roma, Palazzo Della Scala

MessagePosté le: Mer Juil 27, 2022 9:35 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant


    Reintegrazione di Delfina Isobelle Bardi Colonna Meridio [lory81]

    Noi, Arduino Della Scala, Cardinale Decano del Sacro Collegio, per volontà e decisione di Sua Santità Sisto IV, Sommo Pontefice e Papa della Chiesa Universale, dinnanzi all'Onnipotente e sotto lo sguardo dei Suoi Due Profeti, Aristotele e Christos,

    Facciamo annuncio della reintegrazione di Delfina Isobelle Bardi Colonna Meridio [lory81] in seno alla Comunità dei Fedeli.
    Dopo aver ricevuto e studiato la sua lettera di abiura e pentimento, Sua Santità ha deciso che fosse giunto il momento per la Santa Chiesa di riaprire le proprie braccia a questa figlia penitente.
    Pertanto, il Santissimo Padre, Sisto IV, per la Sua Suprema Autorità Apostolica, ha deciso e ordinato, e attraverso questo editto perpetuo e definitivo, dichiara, statuisce e ordina la rimozione della scomunica apostolica comminata alla suddetta Delfina Isobelle Bardi Colonna Meridio [lory81] e il suo pieno reintegro nei diritti di battezzata.
    Quale ultima penitenza e per redimere se stessa innanzi all'Altissimo, Sua Santità ha prescritto per lei l'obbligo di recarsi in pellegrinaggio presso le parrocchie della propria provincia di residenza, pregando in ogni chiesa facendo riferimento alla propria abiura, di corrispondere alla propria Diocesi un'ammenda di 200 ducati e di pubblicare una pubblica scusa per le proprie azioni. Infine, le consigliamo vivamente di frequentare i corsi di pastorale per approfondire la sua comprensione della fede.
    Possa ella sempre vivere d'ora innanzi nella Luce dell'Altissimo e secondo gli insegnamenti della Sua Santa Chiesa.

    Fortes in Fide!

    Fatto a Roma, il XXVI giorno del VII mese dell'Anno di Grazia MCDLXX, nel quarto anno del pontificato di Sua Santità Sisto IV.

    In nome di Sua Santità, Papa Sisto IV,
    Arduino Della Scala, Cardinalis Sacri Collegii Decanus.


Da Delfina Isobelle Bardi Colonna Meridio, meglio conosciuta come “lory81”

A Sua Santità, Eminentissimus ac Reverendissimus P.M. Sixtus IV
Alla Congregazione della Santissima Inquisizione
Alla Comunità dei Fedeli Aristotelici
A chiunque leggerà o udrà queste parole

I miei migliori e penitenti saluti.

Mi presento in questo giorno al Mondo e alla Comunità dei Fedeli, riuniti nella Santa Chiesa Aristotelica Universale e Romana, con le più sincere intenzioni di riconciliazione.
Sono consapevole, oggi più di ieri, dell'errore delle mie azioni passate, della bestialità dei miei pensieri e delle mie colpe.
Oggi, desidero fare ammenda innanzi al Mondo e rientrare nella Luce dell'Altissimo riaccostandomi alla Vera Fede.

A tutti voi che leggete o ascoltate queste mie sentite parole, voglio illustrare i miei torti affinché altri non seguano la medesima via che conduce alla tribolazione e alla Luna.
In particolare, mi sono resa rea 1) di aver aderito all'esercito "Esercito del Natale Passato (ENP)", comandato dall'eterodosso Epitaffio;

Dichiaro e ammetto innanzi a tutti voi:
Che non vi è altro Profeta all’infuori di Aristotele e Christos;
Che la simbiosi della loro Rivelazione costituisce il Messaggio Divino, perfetto e immutabile e che il loro messaggio è complementare ed indispensabile per la comprensione degli altri e della Fede Aristotelica;
Che la Santa Chiesa è stata istituita dal Messia Christos, Secondo Profeta del Creatore, e che Sua Santità il Papa, così come San Titus, è il Suo Venerabile Successore, posto a capo della Chiesa per volontà divina e incaricato di rappresentare Dio sulla terra come Suo Vicario;
Che la Santa Chiesa è stata costruita insieme agli Apostoli, i cui unici successori sono i vescovi e cardinali della Santa Chiesa Aristotelica così come Christos aveva previsto e voluto che fosse;
Che in virtù di questa successione apostolica esiste un’Unica, Vera, Santa e Universale Chiesa Aristotelica, unica detentrice del ministero divino, per la promozione, diffusione e applicazione della Volontà Divina. Che Essa è indivisibile e che nessun'altra cosiddetta chiesa possa pretendere di essere aristotelica o di essere l’Istituzione dell’Altissimo;
Che il Libro delle Virtù è la base del Dogma Aristotelico e della Santa Dottrina della Chiesa; che il Dogma è indiscutibile, inalienabile, indivisibile e imperituro;
Che la Salvezza delle Anime si ottiene solo attraverso una vita virtuosa, così come insegnato dal clero, e attraverso l’intercessione dei Sacramenti da esso celebrati;
Che il Diritto Canonico è la Santa Legge della Comunità Aristotelica ed è il prodotto diretto dalla Volontà Divina; che esso ordina e regola la Santa Chiesa e la Comunità dei Fedeli secondo il Dogma e che ogni aristotelico deve attenervisi per conformarsi alle Virtù.

Avendo pubblicamente riconosciuto i miei errori e peccati;
Affermando di avere piena coscienza delle loro conseguenze;
Rigettata ogni passata errata convinzione;
Considerando che credo e professo la mia convinzione nella Verità della Rivelazione Divina e nella Santa Chiesa incaricata di vegliarLa e conservarLa:

Imploro la divina misericordia per le mie trasgressioni passate, e che la Santissima Inquisizione e tutta la Santa Chiesa esaminino la mia abiura e il mio ardente desiderio, la mia sete inestinguibile di entrare a far parte della Comunità dei Fedeli Aristotelici e di trovarmi, ora e per sempre, in stato di grazia.

Che l'Altissimo guidi d'ora in poi ogni mio passo e mandi su di me la sua misericordia.

Dichiaro, inoltre, che, nel periodo di tempo in cui la Santa e Reverenda Chiesa e la Santissima Inquisizione vaglieranno la mia richiesta di perdono: 1) mi asterrò dall'indossare gioielli od ornamenti;: 2) di stracci 3) non indosserò armi di metallo; e 4) mangerò solo pane e mais.

Fatto in Roma il 12 luglio 1470 alla presenza di S.E. Alma Bianca Arnod Sforza "Almalibre" quale Madre Spirituale e S.Em. Reverendissima Pamelita, Inquisitore.

La penitente,

Delfina Isobelle Bardi Colonna Meridio

Monsignor Alma Bianca Arnod Sforza detta "Almalibre"

Inquisitore Generale Italofono

S.Em. Alexandra Pamela Cagliostro d'Altavilla
Vice Cancelliere della congregazione della Santa Verità




By Delfina Isobelle Bardi Colonna Meridio, better known as 'lory81'.

To His Holiness, Eminentissimus ac Reverendissimus P.M. Sixtus IV
To the Congregation of the Most Holy Inquisition
To the Community of the Faithful Aristotelians
To all who read or hear these words

My best and penitent greetings.

I present myself on this day to the World and to the Community of the Faithful, gathered in the Holy Aristotelian Universal and Roman Church, with the most sincere intentions of reconciliation.
I am aware, today more than yesterday, of the error of my past actions, the bestiality of my thoughts and my faults.
Today, I wish to make atonement before the World and to re-enter the Light of the Most High by returning to the True Faith.

To all of you who read or hear these heartfelt words of mine, I wish to illustrate my wrongs so that others will not follow the same path that leads to tribulation and the Moon.
Specifically, I am guilty of 1) joining the "Army of Christmas Past (ENP)", commanded by the heterodox Epitaph;

I declare and admit before you all:
That there is no Prophet other than Aristotle and Christos;
That the symbiosis of their Revelation constitutes the Divine, perfect and immutable Message and that their message is complementary and indispensable to the understanding of the others and of the Aristotelian Faith;
That the Holy Church was instituted by Messiah Christos, the Creator's Second Prophet, and that His Holiness the Pope, as well as Saint Titus, is His Venerable Successor, placed at the head of the Church by divine will and appointed to represent God on earth as His Vicar;
That the Holy Church was built together with the Apostles, whose only successors are the bishops and cardinals of the Holy Aristotelian Church as Christos had foreseen and willed it to be;
That by virtue of this apostolic succession there is One, True, Holy and Universal Aristotelian Church, the sole holder of the divine ministry, for the promotion, diffusion and application of the Divine Will. That It is indivisible and that no other so-called church can claim to be Aristotelian or to be the Institution of the Most High;
That the Book of Virtues is the basis of the Aristotelian Dogma and the Holy Doctrine of the Church; that the Dogma is indisputable, inalienable, indivisible and imperishable;
That the Salvation of Souls is achieved only through a virtuous life, as taught by the clergy, and through the intercession of the Sacraments celebrated by them;
That Canon Law is the Holy Law of the Aristotelian Community and is the direct product of the Divine Will; that it orders and regulates the Holy Church and the Community of the Faithful according to Dogma and that every Aristotelian must abide by it in order to conform to the Virtues.

Having publicly acknowledged my errors and sins;
Affirming that I am fully aware of their consequences;
Rejecting all past erroneous convictions;
Considering that I believe and profess my conviction in the Truth of Divine Revelation and in the Holy Church charged to watch over and preserve it:

I implore divine mercy for my past transgressions, and that the Most Holy Inquisition and the entire Holy Church will examine my abjuration and my ardent desire, my unquenchable thirst to join the Community of the Aristotelian Faithful and to find myself, now and forever, in a state of grace.

May the Most High guide my every step from now on and send his mercy upon me.

I declare, moreover, that during the period of time in which the Holy and Reverend Church and the Most Holy Inquisition will examine my request for pardon: 1) I will refrain from wearing jewels or ornaments; 2) from wearing rags 3) I will not wear metal weapons; and 4) I will eat only bread and corn.

Done in Rome on 12 July 1470 in the presence of H.E. Alma Bianca Arnod Sforza "Almalibre" as Spiritual Mother and H.Em. Most Reverend Pamelita, Inquisitor.


Cardinal-Bishop † Dean of the Sacred College of Cardinals † Grand Audiencier of the Holy See † Vice Chancellor of the Pontifical Chancellery † Archbishop of Strasbourg † Governor of the Patrimony of Titus † Prince of Viterbo † Marquis of Santa Marinella ♝Il cielo e la terra♗
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Inscrit le: 12 Nov 2015
Messages: 5433
Localisation: Roma, Palazzo Della Scala

MessagePosté le: Sam Juil 30, 2022 12:29 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant


    Polonia sanguinem fundit

    We, the Cardinals of the Holy Mother Aristotelian, Universal and Roman Church, gathered in Our Sacred College, under the Light of Saints and Prophets and by the Grace of the Most High and His Holiness Sixtus IV,

    To attack and occupy the house of God by force of arms is a crime against oneself even before it's against the Community of the Faithful and against the Truth.

    Unfortunately, Greczynka, Queen of Poland, decided to militarily occupy the Cracow diocese, transferring its management from its rightful owner, the Supreme Pontiff, to the Crown.

    This action dealt a severe blow to the path that the Kingdom of Poland had long been following together with the Holy Roman and Universal Church, for the good of its beloved Polish children and in the light of the Faith.

    Our attempts to talk to her, to bring her back to kinder counsel, to advise her and accompany her back to the right path were to no avail. Our attempts to communicate with her were ignored, our attempts to save her soul were in vain. She has made up her mind and we are forced to take note of her decision.

    We, the Cardinals of Holy Mother Church, officially pronouncing the Excommunication Latae Sententiae of Greczynka for the reasons pointed out above. She will be deprived of the state of grace until he withdraws and corrects her errors and decides to renounce her heresies. May she abstain from her pernicious mistakes so that she can return to us, when we can offer the fatherly charity and love inspired by the Divine Mercy. If, despite our warnings and prayers, she does not redeem herself, her soul will be doomed to eternal damnation in Lunar Hell and her body, a putrescent sign of the corruption of the nameless creature, will be condemned to remain without an earthly funeral. Everyone who follows her in her heretical madness will be subject to the same penalties.

    + Fortes in Fide! +

    Roma XXVII.VII.MCDLXX Sixtus IV PP anno IV

    For the Sacred College of Cardinals
    Arduino Della Scala
    Sanctae Romanae Ecclesiae Cardinalis Decanus


[size=18][color=#FFCC00][b]Polonia sanguinem fundit[/b][/color][/size]

[b]We, the Cardinals of the Holy Mother Aristotelian, Universal and Roman Church, gathered in Our Sacred College, under the Light of Saints and Prophets and by the Grace of the Most High and His Holiness Sixtus IV,[/b]

[i]To attack and occupy the house of God by force of arms is a crime against oneself even before it's against the Community of the Faithful and against the Truth.

Unfortunately, Greczynka, Queen of Poland, decided to militarily occupy the Cracow diocese, transferring its management from its rightful owner, the Supreme Pontiff, to the Crown.

This action dealt a severe blow to the path that the Kingdom of Poland had long been following together with the Holy Roman and Universal Church, for the good of its beloved Polish children and in the light of the Faith.

Our attempts to talk to her, to bring her back to kinder counsel, to advise her and accompany her back to the right path were to no avail. Our attempts to communicate with her were ignored, our attempts to save her soul were in vain. She has made up her mind and we are forced to take note of her decision.

We, the Cardinals of Holy Mother Church, officially pronouncing the Excommunication Latae Sententiae of Greczynka for the reasons pointed out above. She will be deprived of the state of grace until he withdraws and corrects her errors and decides to renounce her heresies. May she abstain from her pernicious mistakes so that she can return to us, when we can offer the fatherly charity and love inspired by the Divine Mercy. If, despite our warnings and prayers, she does not redeem herself, her soul will be doomed to eternal damnation in Lunar Hell and her body, a putrescent sign of the corruption of the nameless creature, will be condemned to remain without an earthly funeral. Everyone who follows her in her heretical madness will be subject to the same penalties.[/i]

[b]+ Fortes in Fide! +[/b]


[i]For the Sacred College of Cardinals
Arduino Della Scala
Sanctae Romanae Ecclesiae Cardinalis Decanus[/i][/list]


Cardinal-Bishop † Dean of the Sacred College of Cardinals † Grand Audiencier of the Holy See † Vice Chancellor of the Pontifical Chancellery † Archbishop of Strasbourg † Governor of the Patrimony of Titus † Prince of Viterbo † Marquis of Santa Marinella ♝Il cielo e la terra♗
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Inscrit le: 03 Juil 2014
Messages: 3985
Localisation: Sur les rives du Tibre

MessagePosté le: Dim Juil 31, 2022 2:53 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant



    Sixtus Episcopus, Servus Servorum Dei
    ............Ad perpetuam rei memoriam

    Venerabili fratri Petro Septesfontium Intensus , Electo Sanctae Romanae Ecclesiae Cardinali, salutem et apostolicam beneditionem.

    Cum Nobis sit visum te, venerabilis frater, claribus dotibus ornatum deque Aristotelica Ecclesia bene meritum, in Purpuratorum Patrum Collegium cooptare, hoc in Consistorio, Apostolica Nostra Potestate te Cardinalem Diaconum renuntiamus, cum omnibus iuribus et officiis Cardinalium tui Ordinii propriis, assignantis tibi insigne Huius Almae Urbis Templum

      Sancti Posidoni Monserrati

    Cuius rectori, clero ceterisque omnibus qui eidem sunt addicti, paterne suademus, ut te, cum eius possessinem capies, laetissimo animo suscipiant ac permanenter colant, ceterum dum summo afficimur gaudio quod, in Aristotelicae Ecclesiae Senatum allectus, ad suprema gerenda negotia Nobis es auxilio Romanaeque Sedi honori, Benignissimo Deo enixas admonemus praeces ut Suis te cumulet donis, gratia et ope iugiter confirmet.

    Ope Divinae Sapientiae et Apostolica Nostra Potestate, te Nostro Hispanico Concilio adiungimus pro pascendis fidelibus illius loci.

    Datum Romae, apud Sanctum Titum, die tricesimo, mensis Iulii, Anno Domini millesimo quadringentesimo septuagesimo, Pontificato Nostri quarto.




    Sixtus Episcopus, Servus Servorum Dei
    ............Ad perpetuam rei memoriam

    Al venerable hermano Pere Setzefonts i d' Entença, elegido cardenal de la Santa Iglesia Romana, saludos y bendiciones apostólicas.

    Porque Nos parece que usted, venerable hermano, está dotado de claras cualidades y se ha hecho digno de la Iglesia aristotélica, le anunciamos que, por Nuestro poder apostólico, en este Consistorio, le cooptamos en el Colegio de Cardenales, como Cardenal-Diácono, con todos los derechos y oficios de su Orden de Cardenales, asignándole en esta ciudad el Distinguido Templo de:

      San Possidonio de Montserrat

    a cuyos rectores y a todos los demás clérigos adscritos a ella invitamos paternalmente, una vez que toméis posesión de ella, a acogeros con un corazón dichoso y a honraros. Además, mientras nos llena de gran alegría, atribuida al Senado de la Iglesia Aristotélica, nos seréis de ayuda y al honor de la Sede Romana en la gestión de los más altos cargos, dirigimos fervorosas oraciones a Dios Benigno, para que os confirme siempre en gracia y asistencia.

    Con la ayuda de la Divina Sabiduría y por Nuestra Autoridad Apostólica, te adscribimos a Nuestro Consistorio Hispánico para pastorear a los fieles de sus tierras.

    Dado en Roma, en San Tito, en el trigésimo día del mes de julio del año del Señor de mil cuatrocientos setenta, cuarto de Nuestro Pontificado.



[b][size=22]Sixtus Episcopus, Servus Servorum Dei[/size]
[size=18][color=transparent]............[/color]Ad perpetuam rei memoriam[/size][/b]

Venerabili fratri [b]Petro Septesfontium Intensus [/b], [b]Electo Sanctae Romanae Ecclesiae Cardinali[/b], salutem et apostolicam beneditionem.

Cum Nobis sit visum te, venerabilis frater, claribus dotibus ornatum deque Aristotelica Ecclesia bene meritum, in Purpuratorum Patrum Collegium cooptare, hoc in Consistorio, Apostolica Nostra Potestate te [b]Cardinalem Diaconum[/b] renuntiamus, cum omnibus iuribus et officiis Cardinalium tui Ordinii propriis, assignantis tibi insigne Huius Almae Urbis Templum

[list][b][size=18]Sancti Posidoni Monserrati[/size][/b][/list]
Cuius rectori, clero ceterisque omnibus qui eidem sunt addicti, paterne suademus, ut te, cum eius possessinem capies, laetissimo animo suscipiant ac permanenter colant, ceterum dum summo afficimur gaudio quod, in Aristotelicae Ecclesiae Senatum allectus, ad suprema gerenda negotia Nobis es auxilio Romanaeque Sedi honori, Benignissimo Deo enixas admonemus praeces ut Suis te cumulet donis, gratia et ope iugiter confirmet.

Ope Divinae Sapientiae et Apostolica Nostra Potestate, te Nostro [b]Hispanico Concilio[/b] adiungimus pro pascendis fidelibus illius loci.

Datum Romae, apud Sanctum Titum, die tricesimo, mensis Iulii, Anno Domini millesimo quadringentesimo septuagesimo, Pontificato Nostri quarto.




[b][size=22]Sixtus Episcopus, Servus Servorum Dei[/size]
[size=18][color=transparent]............[/color]Ad perpetuam rei memoriam[/size][/b]

Al venerable hermano [b]Pere Setzefonts i d' Entença[/b], [b]elegido cardenal de la Santa Iglesia Romana,[/b] saludos y bendiciones apostólicas.

Porque Nos parece que usted, venerable hermano, está dotado de claras cualidades y se ha hecho digno de la Iglesia aristotélica, le anunciamos que, por Nuestro poder apostólico, en este Consistorio, le cooptamos en el Colegio de Cardenales, como [b]Cardenal-Diácono[/b], con todos los derechos y oficios de su Orden de Cardenales, asignándole en esta ciudad el Distinguido Templo de:

[list][b][size=18]San Possidonio de Montserrat[/size][/b][/list]
a cuyos rectores y a todos los demás clérigos adscritos a ella invitamos paternalmente, una vez que toméis posesión de ella, a acogeros con un corazón dichoso y a honraros. Además, mientras nos llena de gran alegría, atribuida al Senado de la Iglesia Aristotélica, nos seréis de ayuda y al honor de la Sede Romana en la gestión de los más altos cargos, dirigimos fervorosas oraciones a Dios Benigno, para que os confirme siempre en gracia y asistencia.

Con la ayuda de la Divina Sabiduría y por Nuestra Autoridad Apostólica, te adscribimos a Nuestro [b]Consistorio Hispánico[/b] para pastorear a los fieles de sus tierras.

Dado en Roma, en San Tito, en el trigésimo día del mes de julio del año del Señor de mil cuatrocientos setenta, cuarto de Nuestro Pontificado.




Eskerrik asko Iñési sinaduragatik
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Inscrit le: 03 Juil 2014
Messages: 3985
Localisation: Sur les rives du Tibre

MessagePosté le: Dim Juil 31, 2022 2:54 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant



    Sixtus Episcopus, Servus Servorum Dei
    ............Ad perpetuam rei memoriam

    Venerabili fratri Urbano Mastiggia, Electo Sanctae Romanae Ecclesiae Cardinali, salutem et apostolicam beneditionem.

    Cum Nobis sit visum te, venerabilis frater, claribus dotibus ornatum deque Aristotelica Ecclesia bene meritum, in Purpuratorum Patrum Collegium cooptare, hoc in Consistorio, Apostolica Nostra Potestate te Cardinalem Diaconum renuntiamus, cum omnibus iuribus et officiis Cardinalium tui Ordinii propriis, assignantis tibi insigne Huius Almae Urbis Templum

      Sancti Nichomachi ad Esquilinum

    Cuius rectori, clero ceterisque omnibus qui eidem sunt addicti, paterne suademus, ut te, cum eius possessinem capies, laetissimo animo suscipiant ac permanenter colant, ceterum dum summo afficimur gaudio quod, in Aristotelicae Ecclesiae Senatum allectus, ad suprema gerenda negotia Nobis es auxilio Romanaeque Sedi honori, Benignissimo Deo enixas admonemus praeces ut Suis te cumulet donis, gratia et ope iugiter confirmet.

    Ope Divinae Sapientiae et Apostolica Nostra Potestate, te Nostro Gallico Concilio adiungimus pro pascendis fidelibus illius loci.

    Datum Romae, apud Sanctum Titum, die tricesimo, mensis Iulii, Anno Domini millesimo quadringentesimo septuagesimo, Pontificato Nostri quarto.




    Sixtus Episcopus, Servus Servorum Dei
    ............Ad perpetuam rei memoriam

    Au vénérable frère Urbain Mastiggia, Elu Cardinal de la Sainte Église Romaine, santé et bénédiction apostolique.

    Parce qu'il Nous semble que vous, vénérable frère, êtes dotés de qualités claires et que vous êtes devenus digne de l'Eglise Aristotélicienne, Nous annonçons que, par Notre puissance Apostolique, dans ce Consistoire, nous vous cooptons au Collège des Cardinaux, en tant que Cardinal-diacre, avec tous les droits et charges de votre Ordre des Cardinaux, en vous assignant le Temple distingué de Cette Ville de

      Saint Nicomaque de l'Esquilin

    dont les recteurs et tous les autres clercs qu'y sont liés, Nous invitons paternellement, lorsque vous en prendrez possession, à vous accueillir avec un cœur très heureux et à vous honorer. De même, alors que Nous sommes remplis d'une grande joie, Nous annonçons que vous, agrégé au Sénat de l'Eglise Aristotélicienne, aiderez Nous et l’honneur du Siège Romain à gérer les plus hautes fonctions, nous adressons des prières intenses à Dieu Très Bénin, car il vous confirme toujours avec grâce et assistance.

    Avec l'aide de la Sagesse Divine et par Notre Autorité Apostolique, Nous vous ajoutons à Notre Conseil Francophone pour que vous puissiez nourrir les fidèles de ce lieu[/b].

    Donné à Rome, à San Titus, le trentième jour du mois de juillet, l'An du Seigneur mille quatre cent soixante-dix, la quatrième de Notre Pontificat.



[b][size=22]Sixtus Episcopus, Servus Servorum Dei[/size]
[size=18][color=transparent]............[/color]Ad perpetuam rei memoriam[/size][/b]

Venerabili fratri [b]Urbano Mastiggia[/b], [b]Electo Sanctae Romanae Ecclesiae Cardinali[/b], salutem et apostolicam beneditionem.

Cum Nobis sit visum te, venerabilis frater, claribus dotibus ornatum deque Aristotelica Ecclesia bene meritum, in Purpuratorum Patrum Collegium cooptare, hoc in Consistorio, Apostolica Nostra Potestate te [b]Cardinalem Diaconum[/b] renuntiamus, cum omnibus iuribus et officiis Cardinalium tui Ordinii propriis, assignantis tibi insigne Huius Almae Urbis Templum

[list][b][size=18]Sancti Nichomachi ad Esquilinum[/size][/b][/list]
Cuius rectori, clero ceterisque omnibus qui eidem sunt addicti, paterne suademus, ut te, cum eius possessinem capies, laetissimo animo suscipiant ac permanenter colant, ceterum dum summo afficimur gaudio quod, in Aristotelicae Ecclesiae Senatum allectus, ad suprema gerenda negotia Nobis es auxilio Romanaeque Sedi honori, Benignissimo Deo enixas admonemus praeces ut Suis te cumulet donis, gratia et ope iugiter confirmet.

Ope Divinae Sapientiae et Apostolica Nostra Potestate, te Nostro [b]Gallico Concilio[/b] adiungimus pro pascendis fidelibus illius loci.

Datum Romae, apud Sanctum Titum, die tricesimo, mensis Iulii, Anno Domini millesimo quadringentesimo septuagesimo, Pontificato Nostri quarto.




[b][size=22]Sixtus Episcopus, Servus Servorum Dei[/size]
[size=18][color=transparent]............[/color]Ad perpetuam rei memoriam[/size][/b]

Au vénérable frère [b]Urbain Mastiggia[/b], [b]Elu Cardinal de la Sainte Église Romaine[/b], santé et bénédiction apostolique.

Parce qu'il Nous semble que vous, vénérable frère, êtes dotés de qualités claires et que vous êtes devenus digne de l'Eglise Aristotélicienne, Nous annonçons que, par Notre puissance Apostolique, dans ce Consistoire, nous vous cooptons au Collège des Cardinaux, en tant que [b]Cardinal-diacre[/b], avec tous les droits et charges de votre Ordre des Cardinaux, en vous assignant le Temple distingué de Cette Ville de

[list][b][size=18]Saint Nicomaque de l'Esquilin[/size][/b][/list]
dont les recteurs et tous les autres clercs qu'y sont liés, Nous invitons paternellement, lorsque vous en prendrez possession, à vous accueillir avec un cœur très heureux et à vous honorer. De même, alors que Nous sommes remplis d'une grande joie, Nous annonçons que vous, agrégé au Sénat de l'Eglise Aristotélicienne, aiderez Nous et l’honneur du Siège Romain à gérer les plus hautes fonctions, nous adressons des prières intenses à Dieu Très Bénin, car il vous confirme toujours avec grâce et assistance.

Avec l'aide de la Sagesse Divine et par Notre Autorité Apostolique, Nous vous ajoutons à Notre [b]Conseil Francophone[/b] pour que vous puissiez nourrir les fidèles de ce lieu[/b].

Donné à Rome, à San Titus, le trentième jour du mois de juillet, l'An du Seigneur mille quatre cent soixante-dix, la quatrième de Notre Pontificat.




Eskerrik asko Iñési sinaduragatik
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Inscrit le: 12 Nov 2015
Messages: 5433
Localisation: Roma, Palazzo Della Scala

MessagePosté le: Jeu Aoû 11, 2022 12:31 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant


    Nomination of the Vice-Dean of the Sacred College.

    We, Arduino Della Scala, Vice Chancellor of the Pontifical Chancellery, Grand Audientist of the Holy See, Archbishop of Strasbourg, Bishop of Viterbo, Prince of Viterbo and Marquis of Santa Marinella, as Cardinalis Sacri Collegii Decanus,

      Have ruled and ordered, and by our present perpetual and final edict, say and order the elevation of His Eminence Adonnis de Sagres [ Adonnis ] to the function of Vice-Dean of the Sacred College.

    Fortes in Fide

    Roma, XI.VIII.MCDLXX Sixti IV PP Anno IV

    For the Sacred College of Cardinals, H.E. Arduino Della Scala,
    Cardinalis Sacri Collegii Decanus


[size=18][color=#FFCC00][b]Nomination of the Vice-Dean of the Sacred College.[/b][/color][/size]

[b]We, Arduino Della Scala, Vice Chancellor of the Pontifical Chancellery, Grand Audientist of the Holy See, Archbishop of Strasbourg, Bishop of Viterbo, Prince of Viterbo and Marquis of Santa Marinella, as Cardinalis Sacri Collegii Decanus, [/b]

[list][color=black]Have ruled and ordered, and by our present perpetual and final edict, say and order the elevation of [/color][b][color=#FFCC00]His Eminence  Adonnis de Sagres[/color][/b][color=black] [size=9][ Adonnis ][/size] to the function of Vice-Dean of the Sacred College.[/color][/list]

[i][b]Fortes in Fide [/b][/i]

Roma, XI.VIII.MCDLXX Sixti IV PP Anno IV   


 [i]For the Sacred College of Cardinals, H.E. Arduino Della Scala,
Cardinalis Sacri Collegii Decanus[/i][/list]


Cardinal-Bishop † Dean of the Sacred College of Cardinals † Grand Audiencier of the Holy See † Vice Chancellor of the Pontifical Chancellery † Archbishop of Strasbourg † Governor of the Patrimony of Titus † Prince of Viterbo † Marquis of Santa Marinella ♝Il cielo e la terra♗
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Inscrit le: 19 Jan 2018
Messages: 4683
Localisation: Monte Real/Leiria - Palazzo Taverna/Roma

MessagePosté le: Sam Sep 24, 2022 12:37 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant


      Habemus Sanctae Romanae Ecclesiae Cardinalem Decanus

      We, the Cardinals of Holy Mother Aristotelian, Universal and Roman Church, gathered in Our Sacred College, under the Light of the Saints and Prophets and by the Grace of the Most High and His Holiness Sixtus IV

        With great joy, we announce the reelection of the Eminentissimum, Dominum Arduino, Sanctae Romanae Ecclesiae Cardinalem Della Scala for the office of Dean of the Sacred College of the Cardinals.

        In accordance with the rules set out in the Codex Iuris Canonici, his mandate will begin next October 1st, 1470.

        May the Grace of God and the Wisdom of the Prophets guide you in this prestigious mission.

      Ad Maiorem Dei Gloriam!

      Given at Rome, on the twenty-third day of September in the year of Our Lord MCDLXX. IV of the Pontificate of HH. Sixtus IV.

      By the Sacred College of the Cardinals,
      Adonnis Ferreira de Queirós Silva e Sagres
      Cardinal-Bishop of Saint Valentin of the Victories


      Habemus Sanctae Romanae Ecclesiae Cardinalem Decanus

      Nous, les Cardinaux de la Sainte Mère l'Église Aristotélicienne, Universelle et Romaine, réunis dans Notre Sacré Collège, sous la Lumière des Saints et des Prophètes et par la Grâce du Très Haut et de SS Sixtus IV,

        Avec une grande joie, nous annonçons la réélection de Eminentissimum, Dominum Arduino, Sanctae Romanae Ecclesiae Cardinalem Della Scala pour la position de Doyen du Sacré Collège des Cardinaux.

        Conformément aux règles énoncées dans le Codex Iuris Canonici, son mandat commencera le 1er octobre 1470.

        Que la Grâce de Dieu et la Sagesse des Prophètes vous guident dans cette prestigieuse mission.

      Ad Maiorem Dei Gloriam!

      Donné à Rome, dans le vingt-troisième jour de septembre de l'an de grâce MCDLXX. IV du Pontificat de SS. Sixtus IV.

      Par le Sacré Collège des Cardinaux,
      Adonnis Ferreira de Queirós Silva e Sagres
      Cardinal-Évêque de Saint Valentin des Victoires


      Habemus Sanctae Romanae Ecclesiae Cardinalem Decanus

      Nós, os Cardeais da Santa Madre Igreja Aristotélica, Universal e Romana, reunidos em Nosso Sagrado Colégio, sob a Luz dos Santos e Profetas e pela Graça do Altíssimo e de Sua Santidade Sixtus IV,

        Com grande alegria, anunciamos a reeleição do Eminentissimum, Dominum Arduino, Sanctae Romanae Ecclesiae Cardinalem Della Scala para o cargo de Decano do Sagrado Colégio dos Cardeais.

        De acordo com as normas previstas no Codex Iuris Canonici, seu mandato terá início no próximo dia 01 de outubro de 1470.

        Que a Graça de Deus e a Sabedoria dos Profetas o guiem nesta prestigiosa missão.

      Ad Maiorem Dei Gloriam!

      Dado em Roma, no vigésimo terceiro dia de Setembro do Ano de Nosso Senhor MCDLXX. IV do Pontificado de SS. Sixtus IV.

      Pelo Colégio Sagrado dos Cardeais,
      Adonnis Ferreira de Queirós Silva e Sagres
      Cardeal-Bispo de São Valentim das Vitórias


      Habemus Sanctae Romanae Ecclesiae Cardinalem Decanus

      Nosotros, los Cardenales de la Santa Madre Iglesia Aristotélica, Universal y Romana, reunidos en Nuestro Sagrado Colegio, bajo la Luz de los Santos y Profetas y por la Gracia del Altísimo y de Su Santidad Sixtus IV,

        Con gran alegría, anunciamos la reelección del Eminentissimum, Dominum Arduino, Sanctae Romanae Ecclesiae Cardinalem Della Scala para el cargo de Decano del Sagrado Colegio de los Cardenales.

        De acuerdo con las normas establecidas en el Codex Iuris Canonici, su mandato comenzará el 1 de octubre de 1470.

        Que la Gracia de Dios y la Sabiduría de los Profetas te guíen en esta prestigiosa misión.

      Ad Maiorem Dei Gloriam!

      Dado en Roma, el veintitrés días de septiembre del año de Nuestro Señor MCDLXX. IV del Pontificado de SS. Sixto IV.

      Por el Sagrado Colegio de los Cardenales,
      Adonnis Ferreira de Queirós Silva e Sagres
      Cardenal-Obispo de San Valentín de las Victorias


      Habemus Sanctae Romanae Ecclesiae Cardinalem Decanus

      Wir, die Kardinäle der Heiligen Mutter Aristotelischen, Universalen und Römischen Kirche, versammelt in Unserem Heiligen Kollegium, unter dem Licht der Heiligen und Propheten und durch die Gnade des Allerhöchsten und Seiner Heiligkeit Sixtus IV.

        Mit großer Freude geben wir die Wiederwahl von Eminentissimum, Dominum Arduino, Sanctae Romanae Ecclesiae Cardinalem Della Scala für das Amt des Dekan des Heiligen Kollegiums der Kardinäle.

        Nach den Vorschriften der Codex Iuris Canonici, seine Amtszeit beginnt am 1. Oktober 1470.

        Möge die Gnade Gottes und die Weisheit der Propheten Sie bei dieser prestigeträchtigen Aufgabe leiten.

      Ad Maiorem Dei Gloriam!

      Gegeben zu Rom, am dreiundzwanzigsten September im Jahr unseres Herrn MCDLXX. IV des Pontifikats von SH. Sixtus IV.

      Vom Heiligen Kollegium der Kardinäle,
      Adonnis Ferreira de Queirós Silva e Sagres
      Kardinal-Bischof von Sankt Valentin von den Siegen


      Habemus Sanctae Romanae Ecclesiae Cardinalem Decanus

      Noi, Cardinali della Santa Madre Chiesa Aristotelica, Universale e Romana, riuniti nel Nostro Sacro Collegio, sotto la luce dei Santi e dei Profeti e per la Grazia dell'Altissimo e di Sua Santità Sixtus IV,

        Con grande gioia, annunciamo la rielezione di Eminentissimum, Dominum Arduino, Sanctae Romanae Ecclesiae Cardinalem Della Scala per l'ufficio di Decano del Sacro Collegio dei Cardinali.

        In conformità con gli standard stabiliti dal Codex Iuris Canonici, il suo mandato avrà inizio il 1° ottobre 1470.

        Che la Grazia di Dio e la Saggezza dei Profeti ti guidino in questa prestigiosa missione.

      Ad Maiorem Dei Gloriam!

      Dato a Roma, il ventitreesimo giorno di settembre dell'anno del Signore MCDLXX. IV del Pontificato di SS. Sixtus IV.

      Dal Sacro Collegio dei Cardinali,
      Adonnis Ferreira de Queirós Silva e Sagres
      Cardinale-Vescovo di San Valentino delle Vittorie



    [size=18][color=#FFCC00][b]Habemus Sanctae Romanae Ecclesiae Cardinalem Decanus[/b][/color][/size]

    [color=black][b]We, the Cardinals of Holy Mother Aristotelian, Universal and Roman Church, gathered in Our Sacred College, under the Light of the Saints and Prophets and by the Grace of the Most High and His Holiness Sixtus IV[/b][/color]

    [list][i]With great joy, we announce the reelection of the [b]Eminentissimum, Dominum [color=#FFCC00]Arduino[/color], Sanctae Romanae Ecclesiae Cardinalem [color=#FFCC00]Della Scala[/color][/b] for the office of [color=#FFCC00][b]Dean of the Sacred College of the Cardinals[/b][/color].

    In accordance with the rules set out in the [url=http://rome.lesroyaumes.com/viewtopic.php?p=667761#667761]Codex Iuris Canonici[/url], his mandate will begin next October 1st, 1470.

    May the Grace of God and the Wisdom of the Prophets guide you in this prestigious mission.[/i][/list]
    [color=black][i][b]Ad Maiorem Dei Gloriam![/i][/b]

    [b]Given at Rome, on the twenty-third day of September in the year of Our Lord MCDLXX. IV of the Pontificate of HH. Sixtus IV.[/b][/color]

    [i]By the Sacred College of the Cardinals,
    Adonnis Ferreira de Queirós Silva e Sagres
    Cardinal-Bishop of Saint Valentin of the Victories[/i]




    [size=18][color=#FFCC00][b]Habemus Sanctae Romanae Ecclesiae Cardinalem Decanus[/b][/color][/size]

    [color=black][b]Nous, les Cardinaux de la Sainte Mère l'Église Aristotélicienne, Universelle et Romaine, réunis dans Notre Sacré Collège, sous la Lumière des Saints et des Prophètes et par la Grâce du Très Haut et de SS Sixtus IV,[/b][/color]

    [list][i]Avec une grande joie, nous annonçons la réélection de [b]Eminentissimum, Dominum [color=#FFCC00]Arduino[/color], Sanctae Romanae Ecclesiae Cardinalem [color=#FFCC00]Della Scala[/color][/b] pour la position de [color=#FFCC00][b]Doyen du Sacré Collège des Cardinaux[/b][/color].

    Conformément aux règles énoncées dans le [url=http://rome.lesroyaumes.com/viewtopic.php?p=195267#195267]Codex Iuris Canonici[/url], son mandat commencera le 1er octobre 1470.

    Que la Grâce de Dieu et la Sagesse des Prophètes vous guident dans cette prestigieuse mission.[/i][/list]
    [color=black][i][b]Ad Maiorem Dei Gloriam![/i][/b]

    [b]Donné à Rome, dans le vingt-troisième jour de septembre de l'an de grâce MCDLXX. IV du Pontificat de SS. Sixtus IV.[/b][/color]

    [i]Par le Sacré Collège des Cardinaux,
    Adonnis Ferreira de Queirós Silva e Sagres
    Cardinal-Évêque de Saint Valentin des Victoires[/i]




    [size=18][color=#FFCC00][b]Habemus Sanctae Romanae Ecclesiae Cardinalem Decanus[/b][/color][/size]

    [color=black][b]Nós, os Cardeais da Santa Madre Igreja Aristotélica, Universal e Romana, reunidos em Nosso Sagrado Colégio, sob a Luz dos Santos e Profetas e pela Graça do Altíssimo e de Sua Santidade Sixtus IV,[/b][/color]

    [list][i]Com grande alegria, anunciamos a reeleição do [b]Eminentissimum, Dominum [color=#FFCC00]Arduino[/color], Sanctae Romanae Ecclesiae Cardinalem [color=#FFCC00]Della Scala[/color][/b] para o cargo de [color=#FFCC00][b]Decano do Sagrado Colégio dos Cardeais[/b][/color].

    De acordo com as normas previstas no [url=http://rome.lesroyaumes.com/viewtopic.php?p=943101#943101]Codex Iuris Canonici[/url], seu mandato terá início no próximo dia 01 de outubro de 1470.

    Que a Graça de Deus e a Sabedoria dos Profetas o guiem nesta prestigiosa missão.[/i][/list]
    [color=black][i][b]Ad Maiorem Dei Gloriam![/b][/i]

    [b]Dado em Roma, no vigésimo terceiro dia de Setembro do Ano de Nosso Senhor MCDLXX. IV do Pontificado de SS. Sixtus IV.[/b][/color]

    [i]Pelo Colégio Sagrado dos Cardeais,
    Adonnis Ferreira de Queirós Silva e Sagres
    Cardeal-Bispo de São Valentim das Vitórias[/i]




    [size=18][color=#FFCC00][b]Habemus Sanctae Romanae Ecclesiae Cardinalem Decanus[/b][/color][/size]

    [color=black][b]Nosotros, los Cardenales de la Santa Madre Iglesia Aristotélica, Universal y Romana, reunidos en Nuestro Sagrado Colegio, bajo la Luz de los Santos y Profetas y por la Gracia del Altísimo y de Su Santidad Sixtus IV,[/b][/color]

    [list][i]Con gran alegría, anunciamos la reelección del [b]Eminentissimum, Dominum [color=#FFCC00]Arduino[/color], Sanctae Romanae Ecclesiae Cardinalem [color=#FFCC00]Della Scala[/color][/b] para el cargo de [color=#FFCC00][b]Decano del Sagrado Colegio de los Cardenales[/b][/color].

    De acuerdo con las normas establecidas en el [url=http://rome.lesroyaumes.com/viewtopic.php?p=397378#397378]Codex Iuris Canonici[/url], su mandato comenzará el 1 de octubre de 1470.

    Que la Gracia de Dios y la Sabiduría de los Profetas te guíen en esta prestigiosa misión.[/i][/list]
    [color=black][i][b]Ad Maiorem Dei Gloriam![/i][/b]

    [b]Dado en Roma, el veintitrés días de septiembre del año de Nuestro Señor MCDLXX. IV del Pontificado de SS. Sixto IV.[/b][/color]

    [i]Por el Sagrado Colegio de los Cardenales,
    Adonnis Ferreira de Queirós Silva e Sagres
    Cardenal-Obispo de San Valentín de las Victorias[/i]




    [size=18][color=#FFCC00][b]Habemus Sanctae Romanae Ecclesiae Cardinalem Decanus[/b][/color][/size]

    [color=black][b]Wir, die Kardinäle der Heiligen Mutter Aristotelischen, Universalen und Römischen Kirche, versammelt in Unserem Heiligen Kollegium, unter dem Licht der Heiligen und Propheten und durch die Gnade des Allerhöchsten und Seiner Heiligkeit Sixtus IV.[/b][/color]

    [list][i]Mit großer Freude geben wir die Wiederwahl von [b]Eminentissimum, Dominum [color=#FFCC00]Arduino[/color], Sanctae Romanae Ecclesiae Cardinalem [color=#FFCC00]Della Scala[/color][/b] für das Amt des [color=#FFCC00][b]Dekan des Heiligen Kollegiums der Kardinäle[/b][/color].

    Nach den Vorschriften der [url=http://rome.lesroyaumes.com/viewtopic.php?p=983430#983430]Codex Iuris Canonici[/url], seine Amtszeit beginnt am 1. Oktober 1470.

    Möge die Gnade Gottes und die Weisheit der Propheten Sie bei dieser prestigeträchtigen Aufgabe leiten.[/i][/list]
    [color=black][i][b]Ad Maiorem Dei Gloriam![/i][/b]

    [b]Gegeben zu Rom, am dreiundzwanzigsten September im Jahr unseres Herrn MCDLXX. IV des Pontifikats von SH. Sixtus IV.[/b][/color]

    [i]Vom Heiligen Kollegium der Kardinäle,
    Adonnis Ferreira de Queirós Silva e Sagres
    Kardinal-Bischof von Sankt Valentin von den Siegen[/i]




    [size=18][color=#FFCC00][b]Habemus Sanctae Romanae Ecclesiae Cardinalem Decanus[/b][/color][/size]

    [color=black][b]Noi, Cardinali della Santa Madre Chiesa Aristotelica, Universale e Romana, riuniti nel Nostro Sacro Collegio, sotto la luce dei Santi e dei Profeti e per la Grazia dell'Altissimo e di Sua Santità Sixtus IV,[/b][/color]

    [list][i]Con grande gioia, annunciamo la rielezione di [b]Eminentissimum, Dominum [color=#FFCC00]Arduino[/color], Sanctae Romanae Ecclesiae Cardinalem [color=#FFCC00]Della Scala[/color][/b] per l'ufficio di [color=#FFCC00][b]Decano del Sacro Collegio dei Cardinali[/b][/color].

    In conformità con gli standard stabiliti dal [url=http://rome.lesroyaumes.com/viewtopic.php?p=667761#667761]Codex Iuris Canonici[/url], il suo mandato avrà inizio il 1° ottobre 1470.

    Che la Grazia di Dio e la Saggezza dei Profeti ti guidino in questa prestigiosa missione.[/i][/list]
    [color=black][i][b]Ad Maiorem Dei Gloriam![/i][/b]

    [b]Dato a Roma, il ventitreesimo giorno di settembre dell'anno del Signore MCDLXX. IV del Pontificato di SS. Sixtus IV.[/b][/color]

    [i]Dal Sacro Collegio dei Cardinali,
    Adonnis Ferreira de Queirós Silva e Sagres
    Cardinale-Vescovo di San Valentino delle Vittorie[/i]



------Sancti Valentini Victoriarum Cardinalis Episcopus - Altus Commissarius Apostolicus - Cardinalis Sacri Collegii Decanus
---Gubernator Latii - Primas Portugaliae - Archiepiscopus Metropolita Bracarensis - Episcopus Sine Cura Lamecensis et Ostiensis
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Inscrit le: 03 Juil 2014
Messages: 3985
Localisation: Sur les rives du Tibre

MessagePosté le: Mar Sep 27, 2022 12:15 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant


    Aeternae Sapientiae VIII
    Oprichting en reglement van de Utrechtse Domschool

    Sixtus Episcopus, Servus Servorum Dei, Ad perpetuam rei memoriam



    Can. 1 : De Utrechtse Domschool, verder genoemd als de School, is een onderwijsinstelling die door de Heilige Stoel canoniek is opgericht als de taalkundige tak van de Pauselijke Universiteit voor Aristotelische Studies voor het Nederlandstalige geodogmatische gebied.

    Can. 2 : Als taalkundige tak van de Pauselijke Universiteit voor Aristotelische Studies is de School rechtstreeks onderworpen aan dezelfde hiërarchieën, regels en voorschriften van de Pauselijke Universiteit voor alles wat niet in deze Grondwet is geregeld.

    Can. 3 : De School is symbolisch verbonden met de Utrechtse Dom en bevindt zich in een speciale vleugel van het Aartsbisschoppelijk Paleis in Utrecht.

    Can. 4 : De School wordt geleid door een decaan, die door de professoren uit hun midden is gekozen en door de rector van de Pauselijke Universiteit voor Aristotelische Studies in naam van de Heilige Stoel is aangesteld.

    Can. 5 : De decaan blijft levenslang in functie of tot zijn ontslag door de Hoge Paus, op eigen initiatief of op voorstel van de meerderheid van de professoren of de rector van de universiteit.

    Can. 6 : Sollicitaties voor de functie van decaan worden geopend door de vertrekkende decaan, de vice-decaan of de rector van de universiteit en hebben een duur van vijf dagen; alle professoren hebben het recht om binnen deze termijn te solliciteren.

    Can. 7 : De stemming wordt geïnitieerd door de vertrekkende decaan, vice-decaan of rector van de universiteit en duurt vijf dagen. De decaan wordt gekozen door een meerderheid van de stemgerechtigde professoren, alle professoren hebben stemrecht.

    Can. 8 : De decaan kan uit de professoren een vice-decaan aanwijzen om hem of haar bij te staan of om specifieke taken binnen de school uit te voeren.

    Can. 9 : Bij afwezigheid van de decaan oefent de vice-decaan zijn of haar functie uit tot er een nieuwe decaan wordt benoemd.

    Can. 10 : Bij de uitoefening van zijn of haar taken wordt de decaan op collegiale wijze bijgestaan door de professoren; in deze hoedanigheid treden zij op als een permanent orgaan voor overleg en beraadslaging en bespreken zij alle aangelegenheden die betrekking hebben op het beheer van de School. Nieuwe docenten worden benoemd door de decaan na het advies dat de professoren collegiaal hebben uitgebracht.

    Apostolische Constitutie voor de oprichting en regeling van de Domschool Utrecht,
    Gegeven te Rome, bij het meest vereerde graf van de heilige Titus Prins der Apostelen, op de vijfentwintigste dag van de maand september, op zondag, de dag van de heilige Marie de la Villeneuve Patrones van de wevers, van het Jaar van de Genade MCDLXX, het vierde van Ons Pontificaat, tweede van het Tijdperk van het Herstel van het Geloof.


    Aeternae Sapientiae VIII
    Institution and Regulation of the Cathedral School of Utrecht

    Sixtus Episcopus, Servus Servorum Dei, Ad perpetuam rei memoriam



    Can. 1 : The Cathedral School of Utrecht, henceforth simply the School, is an educational institution canonically established by the Holy See as the linguistic branch of the Pontifical University of Aristotelian Studies for the Dutch-speaking geodogmatic zone.

    Can. 2 : As a linguistic branch of the Pontifical University of Aristotelian Studies, the School is directly subject to the same hierarchies, rules and regulations of the Pontifical University for everything not regulated in this constitution.

    Can. 3 : The School is symbolically attached to the the Cathedral of Utrecht and is located in a dedicated building of the Archiepiscopal Palace in Utrecht.

    Can. 4 : The School is directed by a Dean, elected by the professors from among themselves and appointed by the Rector of the Pontifical University of Aristotelian Studies in the name of the Holy See.

    Can. 5 : The Dean remains in office for life or until his removal by the Supreme Pontiff, on his own initiative or on the proposal of the majority of the professors or of the Rector of the University.

    Can. 6 : Applications for the position of Dean are opened by the outgoing Dean, the Vice-Dean or the Rector of the University and have a duration of five days; all professors have the right to apply within this period.

    Can. 7 : The vote is called by the outgoing Dean, the Vice-Dean or the Rector of the University and lasts five days. The Dean is elected by a majority of the voting professors, all professors have the right to vote.

    Can. 8 : The Dean may appoint a Vice-Dean from among the professors to assist him or to accomplish specific tasks within the School.

    Can. 9 : In case of absence of the Dean, the Vice-Dean assumes his duties until a new Dean is appointed.

    Can. 10 : In the accomplishment of his duties, the Dean is assisted by the professors on a collegial manner; in this capacity, they act as a permanent advisory and decision-making body, discussing any matter concerning the management of the School. New teachers are appointed by the Dean following the advice expressed collegially by the professors.

    Apostolic Constitution for the institution and regulation of the Cathedral School of Utrecht,
    Given in Rome, on the most venerated tomb of Saint Titus Prince of the Apostles, the twenty-fifth day of the month of September, on Sunday, the day of Saint Mary of the Villeneuve Patroness of weavers, of the Year of Grace MCDLXX, the fourth of Our Pontificate, second of the Era of the Restoration of the Faith.


[color=#FFCC33][i][b][size=25]Aeternae Sapientiae VIII[/size] [/b][/i][i]
[size=12][b]Oprichting en reglement van de Utrechtse Domschool[/b][/size][/i][/color]

[b][size=16]Sixtus Episcopus, Servus Servorum Dei, Ad perpetuam rei memoriam [/size][/b]



[b]Can. 1 : [/b]De Utrechtse Domschool, verder genoemd als de School, is een onderwijsinstelling die door de Heilige Stoel canoniek is opgericht als de taalkundige tak van de Pauselijke Universiteit voor Aristotelische Studies voor het Nederlandstalige geodogmatische gebied.

[b]Can. 2 : [/b]Als taalkundige tak van de Pauselijke Universiteit voor Aristotelische Studies is de School rechtstreeks onderworpen aan dezelfde hiërarchieën, regels en voorschriften van de Pauselijke Universiteit voor alles wat niet in deze Grondwet is geregeld.

[b]Can. 3 : [/b]De School is symbolisch verbonden met de Utrechtse Dom en bevindt zich in een speciale vleugel van het Aartsbisschoppelijk Paleis in Utrecht.

[b]Can. 4 : [/b]De School wordt geleid door een decaan, die door de professoren uit hun midden is gekozen en door de rector van de Pauselijke Universiteit voor Aristotelische Studies in naam van de Heilige Stoel is aangesteld.

[b]Can. 5 : [/b]De decaan blijft levenslang in functie of tot zijn ontslag door de Hoge Paus, op eigen initiatief of op voorstel van de meerderheid van de professoren of de rector van de universiteit.

[b]Can. 6 : [/b]Sollicitaties voor de functie van decaan worden geopend door de vertrekkende decaan, de vice-decaan of de rector van de universiteit en hebben een duur van vijf dagen; alle professoren hebben het recht om binnen deze termijn te solliciteren.

[b]Can. 7 : [/b]De stemming wordt geïnitieerd door de vertrekkende decaan, vice-decaan of rector van de universiteit en duurt vijf dagen. De decaan wordt gekozen door een meerderheid van de stemgerechtigde professoren, alle professoren hebben stemrecht.

[b]Can. 8 : [/b]De decaan kan uit de professoren een vice-decaan aanwijzen om hem of haar bij te staan of om specifieke taken binnen de school uit te voeren.

[b]Can. 9 : [/b]Bij afwezigheid van de decaan oefent de vice-decaan zijn of haar functie uit tot er een nieuwe decaan wordt benoemd.

[b]Can. 10 : [/b]Bij de uitoefening van zijn of haar taken wordt de decaan op collegiale wijze bijgestaan door de professoren; in deze hoedanigheid treden zij op als een permanent orgaan voor overleg en beraadslaging en bespreken zij alle aangelegenheden die betrekking hebben op het beheer van de School. Nieuwe docenten worden benoemd door de decaan na het advies dat de professoren collegiaal hebben uitgebracht.

[i]Apostolische Constitutie voor de oprichting en regeling van de Domschool Utrecht,
Gegeven te Rome, bij het meest vereerde graf van de heilige Titus Prins der Apostelen, op de vijfentwintigste dag van de maand september, op zondag, de dag van de heilige Marie de la Villeneuve Patrones van de wevers, van het Jaar van de Genade MCDLXX, het vierde van Ons Pontificaat, tweede van het Tijdperk van het Herstel van het Geloof.



[color=#FFCC33][i][b][size=25]Aeternae Sapientiae VIII[/size] [/b][/i][i]
[size=12][b]Institution and Regulation of the Cathedral School of Utrecht[/b][/size][/i][/color]

[b][size=16]Sixtus Episcopus, Servus Servorum Dei, Ad perpetuam rei memoriam [/size][/b]



[b]Can. 1 : [/b]The Cathedral School of Utrecht, henceforth simply the School, is an educational institution canonically established by the Holy See as the linguistic branch of the Pontifical University of Aristotelian Studies for the Dutch-speaking geodogmatic zone.

[b]Can. 2 : [/b]As a linguistic branch of the Pontifical University of Aristotelian Studies, the School is directly subject to the same hierarchies, rules and regulations of the Pontifical University for everything not regulated in this constitution.

[b]Can. 3 : [/b]The School is symbolically attached to the the Cathedral of Utrecht and is located in a dedicated building of the Archiepiscopal Palace in Utrecht.

[b]Can. 4 : [/b]The School is directed by a Dean, elected by the professors from among themselves and appointed by the Rector of the Pontifical University of Aristotelian Studies in the name of the Holy See.

[b]Can. 5 : [/b]The Dean remains in office for life or until his removal by the Supreme Pontiff, on his own initiative or on the proposal of the majority of the professors or of the Rector of the University.

[b]Can. 6 : [/b]Applications for the position of Dean are opened by the outgoing Dean, the Vice-Dean or the Rector of the University and have a duration of five days; all professors have the right to apply within this period.

[b]Can. 7 : [/b]The vote is called by the outgoing Dean, the Vice-Dean or the Rector of the University and lasts five days. The Dean is elected by a majority of the voting professors, all professors have the right to vote.

[b]Can. 8 : [/b]The Dean may appoint a Vice-Dean from among the professors to assist him or to accomplish specific tasks within the School.

[b]Can. 9 : [/b]In case of absence of the Dean, the Vice-Dean assumes his duties until a new Dean is appointed.

[b]Can. 10 : [/b] In the accomplishment of his duties, the Dean is assisted by the professors on a collegial manner; in this capacity, they act as a permanent advisory and decision-making body, discussing any matter concerning the management of the School. New teachers are appointed by the Dean following the advice expressed collegially by the professors.

[i]Apostolic Constitution for the institution and regulation of the Cathedral School of Utrecht,
Given in Rome, on the most venerated tomb of Saint Titus Prince of the Apostles, the twenty-fifth day of the month of September, on Sunday, the day of Saint Mary of the Villeneuve Patroness of weavers, of the Year of Grace MCDLXX, the fourth of Our Pontificate, second of the Era of the Restoration of the Faith.



Eskerrik asko Iñési sinaduragatik
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Inscrit le: 12 Nov 2015
Messages: 5433
Localisation: Roma, Palazzo Della Scala

MessagePosté le: Ven Oct 07, 2022 6:11 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant


    Nomination of the Vice-Dean of the Sacred College.

    We, Arduino Della Scala, Vice Chancellor of the Pontifical Chancellery, Grand Audientist of the Holy See, Archbishop of Strasbourg, Bishop of Viterbo, Prince of Viterbo and Marquis of Santa Marinella, as Cardinalis Sacri Collegii Decanus,

      Have ruled and ordered, and by our present perpetual and final edict, say and order the elevation of His Eminence Adonnis de Sagres [ Adonnis ] to the function of Vice-Dean of the Sacred College.

    Fortes in Fide

    Roma, VII.X.MCDLXX Sixti IV PP Anno IV

    For the Sacred College of Cardinals, H.E. Arduino Della Scala,
    Cardinalis Sacri Collegii Decanus


[size=18][color=#FFCC00][b]Nomination of the Vice-Dean of the Sacred College.[/b][/color][/size]

[b]We, Arduino Della Scala, Vice Chancellor of the Pontifical Chancellery, Grand Audientist of the Holy See, Archbishop of Strasbourg, Bishop of Viterbo, Prince of Viterbo and Marquis of Santa Marinella, as Cardinalis Sacri Collegii Decanus, [/b]

[list][color=black]Have ruled and ordered, and by our present perpetual and final edict, say and order the elevation of [/color][b][color=#FFCC00]His Eminence  Adonnis de Sagres[/color][/b][color=black] [size=9][ Adonnis ][/size] to the function of Vice-Dean of the Sacred College.[/color][/list]

[i][b]Fortes in Fide [/b][/i]

Roma, VII.X.MCDLXX Sixti IV PP Anno IV   


 [i]For the Sacred College of Cardinals, H.E. Arduino Della Scala,
Cardinalis Sacri Collegii Decanus[/i][/list]


Cardinal-Bishop † Dean of the Sacred College of Cardinals † Grand Audiencier of the Holy See † Vice Chancellor of the Pontifical Chancellery † Archbishop of Strasbourg † Governor of the Patrimony of Titus † Prince of Viterbo † Marquis of Santa Marinella ♝Il cielo e la terra♗
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Inscrit le: 03 Juil 2014
Messages: 3985
Localisation: Sur les rives du Tibre

MessagePosté le: Lun Oct 10, 2022 7:06 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

FR a écrit:

    Sixtus Episcopus Romanus
    Omnibus has litteras lecturis,
    Salutem in Domino sempiternam.

    En vue de la vacance des fonctions de Grand Officier Héraut et d'Officier Héraut, suite à la présentation de candidatures spontanées auprès des Collèges Héraldiques Pontificaux, ayant entendu l'avis de nos estimés hérauts, en accomplissant notre devoir sacré de Souverain Pontife, par notre suprême autorité apostolique, nous avons décidé, établi, décrété et statué, et nous décrétons et statuons la nomination de Noely Serena Corleone [ Noely ] et Marco Ibleto Polo D'Oria Borbone [ Marcodepolis] comme apprentis héraldiques. Ces nominations s'accompagnent du droit de siéger au sein des Collèges Héraldiques, au Palazzo San Benedetto.

    Datum Romae, apud Sanctum Titum, die decimo, mensis Octobris, Anno Domini millesimo quadringentesimo septuagesimo, Pontificato Nostri quarto, Restitutionis Fidei Aetatis secundo.

      Décret Papal XVI - A. MDCLXX

EN a écrit:

    Sixtus Episcopus Romanus
    Omnibus has litteras lecturis,
    Salutem in Domino sempiternam.

    In view of the vacancy of the offices of Grand Officer Herald and Officer Herald, following the submission of spontaneous applications to the Pontifical Heraldic Colleges, having heard the opinion of our esteemed heralds, pursuant to our sacred duty as Supreme Pontiff, by our supreme apostolic authority, we have decided, established, decreed and ruled, and we decree and rule the appointment of Noely Serena Corleone [ Noely ] and Marco Ibleto Polo D'Oria Borbone [ Marcodepolis] as heraldic apprentices. These appointments are accompanied by the right to sit in the Heraldic Colleges, in Palazzo San Benedetto.

    Datum Romae, apud Sanctum Titum, die quarto decimo, mensis Februarius, Anno Domini millesimo quadringentesimo septuagesimo, Pontificato Nostri quarto, Restitutionis Fidei Aetatis secundo.

      Papal Decree XVI - A. MDCLXX

[i][size=16]Sixtus Episcopus Romanus[/size]
Omnibus has litteras lecturis,
Salutem in Domino sempiternam.[/i]

En vue de la vacance des fonctions de Grand Officier Héraut et d'Officier Héraut, suite à la présentation de candidatures spontanées auprès des Collèges Héraldiques Pontificaux, ayant entendu l'avis de nos estimés hérauts, en accomplissant notre devoir sacré de Souverain Pontife, par notre suprême autorité apostolique, nous avons décidé, établi, décrété et statué, et nous décrétons et statuons la nomination de [b]Noely Serena Corleone [size=9][ Noely ][/size][/b] et [b]Marco Ibleto Polo D'Oria Borbone [size=9][ Marcodepolis][/size][/b] comme [b] apprentis héraldiques[/b]. Ces nominations s'accompagnent du droit de siéger au sein des Collèges Héraldiques, au Palazzo San Benedetto.

[i]Datum Romae, apud Sanctum Titum, die decimo, mensis Octobris, Anno Domini millesimo quadringentesimo septuagesimo, Pontificato Nostri quarto, Restitutionis Fidei Aetatis secundo.[/i]


[list][size=8]Décret Papal XVI - A. MDCLXX[/size][/list]


[i][size=16]Sixtus Episcopus Romanus[/size]
Omnibus has litteras lecturis,
Salutem in Domino sempiternam.[/i]

In view of the vacancy of the offices of Grand Officer Herald and Officer Herald, following the submission of spontaneous applications to the Pontifical Heraldic Colleges, having heard the opinion of our esteemed heralds, pursuant to our sacred duty as Supreme Pontiff, by our supreme apostolic authority, we have decided, established, decreed and ruled, and we decree and rule the appointment of [b]Noely Serena Corleone [size=9][ Noely ][/size][/b] and [b]Marco Ibleto Polo D'Oria Borbone [size=9][ Marcodepolis][/size][/b] as [b] heraldic apprentices[/b]. These appointments are accompanied by the right to sit in the Heraldic Colleges, in Palazzo San Benedetto.

[i]Datum Romae, apud Sanctum Titum, die quarto decimo, mensis Februarius, Anno Domini millesimo quadringentesimo septuagesimo, Pontificato Nostri quarto, Restitutionis Fidei Aetatis secundo.[/i]


[list][size=8]Papal Decree XVI - A. MDCLXX[/size][/list]



Eskerrik asko Iñési sinaduragatik
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Inscrit le: 03 Juil 2014
Messages: 3985
Localisation: Sur les rives du Tibre

MessagePosté le: Lun Oct 10, 2022 7:16 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

FR a écrit:

    Sixtus Episcopus Romanus
    Omnibus has litteras lecturis,
    Salutem in Domino sempiternam.

    En vue du vote interne du Sénat Romain pour la désignation des candidats à la fonction de Censeur, ayant décidé d'accepter la désignation exprimée par nos sénateurs réunis, en accomplissant notre devoir sacré de Souverain Pontife, par notre suprême autorité apostolique, nous avons décidé, établi, décrété et statué, et nous décrétons et statuons la nomination de Monsigneur Arthur de Nivellus [ ArthurII.de.Nivellus ] comme Préfet et Censeur du Sénat Romain. Nous tenons à remercier le Censeur sortant, Son Altesse Inés Álvarez de Toledo y Josselinière [ Ines.. ], pour son excellent travail jusqu'à présent.

    Datum Romae, apud Sanctum Titum, die decimo, mensis Octobris, Anno Domini millesimo quadringentesimo septuagesimo, Pontificato Nostri quarto, Restitutionis Fidei Aetatis secundo.

      [size=8]Décret Papal XVII - A. MDCLXX

EN a écrit:

    Sixtus Episcopus Romanus
    Omnibus has litteras lecturis,
    Salutem in Domino sempiternam.

    In view of the internal vote of the Roman Senate for the designation of candidates for the office of Censor, having decided to accept the designation expressed by our assembled senators, pursuant to our sacred duty as Supreme Pontiff, by our supreme apostolic authority, we have decided, established, decreed and ruled, and we decree and rule the appointment of Monsignor [b]Arthur de Nivellus [ ArthurII.de.Nivellus ] as Prefect and Censor of the Roman Senate. We wish to thank the outgoing Censor, Her Highness [b]Inés Álvarez de Toledo y Josselinière [ Ines. ], for her excellent work up to this moment.

    Datum Romae, apud Sanctum Titum, die decimo, mensis Octobris, Anno Domini millesimo quadringentesimo septuagesimo, Pontificato Nostri quarto, Restitutionis Fidei Aetatis secundo.

      [size=8]Papal Decree XVII - A. MDCLXX

[i][size=16]Sixtus Episcopus Romanus[/size]
Omnibus has litteras lecturis,
Salutem in Domino sempiternam.[/i]

En vue du vote interne du Sénat Romain pour la désignation des candidats à la fonction de Censeur, ayant décidé d'accepter la désignation exprimée par nos sénateurs réunis, en accomplissant notre devoir sacré de Souverain Pontife, par notre suprême autorité apostolique, nous avons décidé, établi, décrété et statué, et nous décrétons et statuons la nomination de Monsigneur [b]Arthur de Nivellus [size=9][ ArthurII.de.Nivellus ][/size][/b] comme [b] Préfet et Censeur du Sénat Romain[/b]. Nous tenons à remercier le Censeur sortant, Son Altesse [b]Inés Álvarez de Toledo y Josselinière [size=9][ Ines.. ], pour son excellent travail jusqu'à présent.

[i]Datum Romae, apud Sanctum Titum, die decimo, mensis Octobris, Anno Domini millesimo quadringentesimo septuagesimo, Pontificato Nostri quarto, Restitutionis Fidei Aetatis secundo.[/i]


[list][size=8]Décret Papal XVII - A. MDCLXX[/size][/list]


[i][size=16]Sixtus Episcopus Romanus[/size]
Omnibus has litteras lecturis,
Salutem in Domino sempiternam.[/i]

In view of the internal vote of the Roman Senate for the designation of candidates for the office of Censor, having decided to accept the designation expressed by our assembled senators, pursuant to our sacred duty as Supreme Pontiff, by our supreme apostolic authority, we have decided, established, decreed and ruled, and we decree and rule the appointment of Monsignor [b]Arthur de Nivellus [size=9][ ArthurII.de.Nivellus ][/size][/b] as [b]Prefect and Censor of the Roman Senate[/b]. We wish to thank the outgoing Censor, Her Highness [b]Inés Álvarez de Toledo y Josselinière [size=9][ Ines. ], for her excellent work up to this moment.

[i]Datum Romae, apud Sanctum Titum, die decimo, mensis Octobris, Anno Domini millesimo quadringentesimo septuagesimo, Pontificato Nostri quarto, Restitutionis Fidei Aetatis secundo.[/i]


[list][size=8]Papal Decree XVII - A. MDCLXX[/size][/list]



Eskerrik asko Iñési sinaduragatik
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Inscrit le: 12 Nov 2015
Messages: 5433
Localisation: Roma, Palazzo Della Scala

MessagePosté le: Mer Oct 12, 2022 12:51 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant


    Removal of the Cardinal emeriti's charge

    We, Arduino Della Scala, Dean of the Sacred College of Cardinals, Cardinal-bishop of Saint Silphael Extra Muros, Vice Chancellor of the Pontifical Chancellery, Grand Audientist of the Holy See, Archbishop of Strasbourg, Governor of the Patrimony of Titus, Prince and Bishop of Viterbo, Marquis of Santa Marinella, Baron Palatine of St. John Lateran, Golden Star of the Order of the Star of Aristotle, before the Most high and under the gaze of his two holy prophets, Aristotle and Christos,

      We announce, by the will and decision of the Sacred College of Cardinals and in the name of His Holiness Sixtus IV, Sovereign Pontiff and Pope of the Universal Church, Have ruled and ordered, and by this perpetual and final edict, let us say, rule and order the removal, from the role of Cardinal Emeritus of the names listed below:


      Ivrel [ Ivrel ]
      Cyril Kad d'Azayes [ Kad ]
      Robert Savoie [ Savoie ]
      Filippo Benedetto Spadalfieri Borgia da Pontiregi [ Philipdikingsbridge ]
      Alessandro III de Montemayor Borgia [ Giarru ]
      Ysabet von Rubinstein-Kronburg [ Ysabet ]
      Tibère de Plantagenest [ Rehael ]
      Edoardo Borromeo Galli [ Egal ]
      NReis Ribeiro de Sousa Coutinho [ NReis ]
      Gianvitus Tarcisius de Reame [ Gianvitus ]
      Dainsleif [ Dainsleif ]
      Susanetta [ Susanetta ]
      Luznik [ Luznik ]
      Sépia [ Sepia ]
      Gaspare "Kayon" Borgia [ Kayon ]
      Eduardo de Laguna [ Eduardo_de_laguna ]
      Almásy Renegade [ Renegade ]
      Portalis de Vandimion [ Portalis ]
      Nicolas Borja D'Agnillo [ Nicolino ]
      Endymion d'Abbadie [ Endymion ]

      Removing these brothers and sisters of ours from the office of cardinal is not and must not be seen as some kind of punishment or condemnation to oblivion. We recognise and will always recognise the important role that each of them played for the Glory of the Church and the Strength of Faith, and for that reason their names will not be obscured by the flow of time.

      Upon each of them we call the protection of the Prophets and the blessing of the Most High.

    Fortes in Fide!

    Roma, XII.X.MCDLXX, Sixti IV PP anno IV

    His Eminence Arduino Della Scala
    Sanctae Romanae Ecclesiae Cardinalis Decanus.


[size=18][color=#FFCC00][b]Removal of the Cardinal emeriti's charge[/b][/color][/size]

[i][b]We, Arduino Della Scala, Dean of the Sacred College of Cardinals, Cardinal-bishop of Saint Silphael Extra Muros, Vice Chancellor of the Pontifical Chancellery, Grand Audientist of the Holy See, Archbishop of Strasbourg, Governor of the Patrimony of Titus, Prince and Bishop of Viterbo, Marquis of Santa Marinella, Baron Palatine of St. John Lateran, Golden Star of the Order of the Star of Aristotle, before the Most high and under the gaze of his two holy prophets, Aristotle and Christos,[/i][/b]

[list]We announce, by the will and decision of the Sacred College of Cardinals and in the name of His Holiness Sixtus IV, Sovereign Pontiff and Pope of the Universal Church, Have ruled and ordered, and by this perpetual and final edict, let us say, rule and order the [b][color=#FFCC00]removal[/b][/color], from the role of Cardinal Emeritus of the names listed below:

Ivrel [ Ivrel ]
Cyril Kad d'Azayes [ Kad ]
Robert Savoie [ Savoie ]
Filippo Benedetto Spadalfieri Borgia da Pontiregi [ Philipdikingsbridge ]
Alessandro III de Montemayor Borgia [ Giarru ]
Ysabet von Rubinstein-Kronburg [ Ysabet ]
Tibère de Plantagenest [ Rehael ]
Edoardo Borromeo Galli [ Egal ]
NReis Ribeiro de Sousa Coutinho [ NReis ]
Gianvitus Tarcisius de Reame [ Gianvitus ]
Dainsleif [ Dainsleif ]
Susanetta [ Susanetta ]
Luznik [ Luznik ]
Sépia [ Sepia ]
Gaspare "Kayon" Borgia [ Kayon ]
Eduardo de Laguna [ Eduardo_de_laguna ]
Almásy Renegade [ Renegade ]
Portalis de Vandimion [ Portalis ]
Nicolas Borja D'Agnillo [ Nicolino ]
Endymion d'Abbadie [ Endymion ]


Removing these brothers and sisters of ours from the office of cardinal is not and must not be seen as some kind of punishment or condemnation to oblivion. We recognise and will always recognise the important role that each of them played for the Glory of the Church and the Strength of Faith, and for that reason their names will not be obscured by the flow of time.

Upon each of them we call the protection of the Prophets and the blessing of the Most High.


[i][b][color=black]Fortes in Fide![/color][/b][/i]

Roma, XII.X.MCDLXX, Sixti IV PP anno IV

[i]His Eminence Arduino Della Scala
Sanctae Romanae Ecclesiae Cardinalis Decanus.[/i]




Cardinal-Bishop † Dean of the Sacred College of Cardinals † Grand Audiencier of the Holy See † Vice Chancellor of the Pontifical Chancellery † Archbishop of Strasbourg † Governor of the Patrimony of Titus † Prince of Viterbo † Marquis of Santa Marinella ♝Il cielo e la terra♗
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Inscrit le: 12 Nov 2015
Messages: 5433
Localisation: Roma, Palazzo Della Scala

MessagePosté le: Dim Oct 23, 2022 8:18 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant


    Reintegrazione di Victoria Nerissa Jaqueline Benedetta Meridio [ Vic. ]

    Noi, Arduino Della Scala, Cardinale Decano del Sacro Collegio, per volontà e decisione di Sua Santità Sisto IV, Sommo Pontefice e Papa della Chiesa Universale, dinnanzi all'Onnipotente e sotto lo sguardo dei Suoi Due Profeti, Aristotele e Christos,

    Facciamo annuncio della reintegrazione di Victoria Nerissa Jaqueline Benedetta Meridio [ Vic. ] in seno alla Comunità dei Fedeli.
    Dopo aver ricevuto e studiato la sua lettera di abiura e pentimento, Sua Santità ha deciso che fosse giunto il momento per la Santa Chiesa di riaprire le proprie braccia a questa figlia penitente.
    Pertanto, il Santissimo Padre, Sisto IV, per la Sua Suprema Autorità Apostolica, ha deciso e ordinato, e attraverso questo editto perpetuo e definitivo, dichiara, statuisce e ordina la rimozione della scomunica apostolica comminata alla suddetta Victoria Nerissa Jaqueline Benedetta Meridio [ Vic. ] e il suo pieno reintegro nei diritti di battezzata.
    Quale ultima penitenza e per redimere se stessa innanzi all'Altissimo, Sua Santità ha prescritto per lei l'obbligo di recarsi in pellegrinaggio presso le parrocchie della propria provincia di residenza, pregando in ogni chiesa facendo riferimento alla propria abiura, di corrispondere alla propria Diocesi un'ammenda di 200 ducati e di pubblicare una pubblica scusa per le proprie azioni. Infine, le consigliamo vivamente di frequentare i corsi di pastorale presso l'Università Pontificia per approfondire la sua comprensione della fede.
    Possa ella sempre vivere d'ora innanzi nella Luce dell'Altissimo e secondo gli insegnamenti della Sua Santa Chiesa.

    Fortes in Fide!

    Fatto a Roma, il XXIII giorno del X mese dell'Anno di Grazia MCDLXX, nel quarto anno del pontificato di Sua Santità Sisto IV.

    In nome di Sua Santità, Papa Sisto IV,
    Arduino Della Scala, Cardinalis Sacri Collegii Decanus.

Vic. a écrit:


Da Victoria Nerissa Jaqueline Benedetta Meridio conosciuta come "Vic."

A Sua Santità, Eminentissimus ac Reverendissimus P.M. Sixtus IV
Alla Congregazione della Santissima Inquisizione
Alla Comunità dei Fedeli Aristotelici
A chiunque leggerà o udrà queste parole

I miei migliori e penitenti saluti.

Mi presento in questo giorno al Mondo e alla Comunità dei Fedeli, riuniti nella Santa Chiesa Aristotelica Universale e Romana, con le più sincere intenzioni di riconciliazione.
Sono consapevole, oggi più di ieri, dell'errore delle mie azioni passate, della bestialità dei miei pensieri e delle mie colpe.
Oggi, desidero fare ammenda innanzi al Mondo e rientrare nella Luce dell'Altissimo riaccostandomi alla Vera Fede.
A tutti voi che leggete o ascoltate queste mie sentite parole, voglio illustrare i miei torti affinché altri non seguano la medesima via che conduce alla tribolazione e alla Luna.
In particolare, mi sono resa rea di aver aderito all'esercito "Esercito del Natale Passato (ENP)", comandato dall'eterodosso Epitaffio;

Dichiaro e ammetto innanzi a tutti voi:
Che non vi è altro Profeta all’infuori di Aristotele e Christos;
Che la simbiosi della loro Rivelazione costituisce il Messaggio Divino, perfetto e immutabile e che il loro messaggio è complementare ed indispensabile per la comprensione degli altri e della Fede Aristotelica;
Che la Santa Chiesa è stata istituita dal Messia Christos, Secondo Profeta del Creatore, e che Sua Santità il Papa, così come San Titus, è il Suo Venerabile Successore, posto a capo della Chiesa per volontà divina e incaricato di rappresentare Dio sulla terra come Suo Vicario;
Che la Santa Chiesa è stata costruita insieme agli Apostoli, i cui unici successori sono i vescovi e cardinali della Santa Chiesa Aristotelica così come Christos aveva previsto e voluto che fosse;
Che in virtù di questa successione apostolica esiste un’Unica, Vera, Santa e Universale Chiesa Aristotelica, unica detentrice del ministero divino, per la promozione, diffusione e applicazione della Volontà Divina. Che Essa è indivisibile e che nessun'altra cosiddetta chiesa possa pretendere di essere aristotelica o di essere l’Istituzione dell’Altissimo;
Che il Libro delle Virtù è la base del Dogma Aristotelico e della Santa Dottrina della Chiesa; che il Dogma è indiscutibile, inalienabile, indivisibile e imperituro;
Che la Salvezza delle Anime si ottiene solo attraverso una vita virtuosa, così come insegnato dal clero, e attraverso l’intercessione dei Sacramenti da esso celebrati;
Che il Diritto Canonico è la Santa Legge della Comunità Aristotelica ed è il prodotto diretto dalla Volontà Divina; che esso ordina e regola la Santa Chiesa e la Comunità dei Fedeli secondo il Dogma e che ogni aristotelico deve attenervisi per conformarsi alle Virtù.

Avendo pubblicamente riconosciuto i miei errori e peccati;
Affermando di avere piena coscienza delle loro conseguenze;
Rigettata ogni passata errata convinzione;
Considerando che credo e professo la mia convinzione nella Verità della Rivelazione Divina e nella Santa Chiesa incaricata di vegliarLa e conservarLa:

Imploro la divina misericordia per le mie trasgressioni passate, e che la Santissima Inquisizione e tutta la Santa Chiesa esaminino la mia abiura e il mio ardente desiderio,
la mia sete inestinguibile di entrare a far parte della Comunità dei Fedeli Aristotelici e di trovarmi, ora e per sempre, in stato di grazia.

Che l'Altissimo guidi d'ora in poi ogni mio passo e mandi su di me la sua misericordia.

Dichiaro, inoltre, che, nel periodo di tempo in cui la Santa e Reverenda Chiesa e la Santissima Inquisizione vaglieranno la mia richiesta di perdono: 1) indossero' abiti neri in segno di lutto poiché è così che vivo la mia situazione fuori dalla Comunità dei Fedeli
2) Mi nutrirò solo di di pane e mais
3) non indosserò armi di metallo
4) non indosserò gioielli di alcuna foggia.

La penitente

S.Ecc. Alma Bianca Arnod Sforza detta "Almalibre", Madre Spirituale della penitente Vic.

Inquisitore Generale Italofono

S.Em. Alexandra Pamela Cagliostro d'Altavilla
Vice Cancelliere della congregazione della Santa Verità




By Victoria Nerissa Jaqueline Benedetta Meridio known as "Vic."

To His Holiness, Eminentissimus ac Reverendissimus P.M. Sixtus IV
To the Congregation of the Most Holy Inquisition
To the Community of the Aristotelian Faithful
To all who read or hear these words

My best and penitent greetings.

I present myself on this day to the World and to the Community of the Faithful, gathered in the Holy Aristotelian Universal and Roman Church, with the most sincere intentions of reconciliation.
I am aware, today more than yesterday, of the error of my past actions, the bestiality of my thoughts and my faults.
Today, I wish to make atonement before the World and to re-enter the Light of the Most High by returning to the True Faith.
To all of you who read or hear these heartfelt words of mine, I wish to illustrate my wrongs so that others will not follow the same path that leads to tribulation and the Moon.
In particular, I have made myself guilty of joining the "Army of Christmas Past (ENP)", commanded by the heterodox Epitaph;

I declare and admit before you all:
That there is no Prophet other than Aristotle and Christos;
That the symbiosis of their Revelation constitutes the Divine, perfect and immutable Message and that their message is complementary and indispensable to the understanding of the others and of the Aristotelian Faith;
That the Holy Church was instituted by Messiah Christos, the Creator's Second Prophet, and that His Holiness the Pope, as well as Saint Titus, is His Venerable Successor, placed at the head of the Church by divine will and appointed to represent God on earth as His Vicar;
That the Holy Church was built together with the Apostles, whose only successors are the bishops and cardinals of the Holy Aristotelian Church as Christos had foreseen and willed it to be;
That by virtue of this apostolic succession there is One, True, Holy and Universal Aristotelian Church, the sole holder of the divine ministry, for the promotion, diffusion and application of the Divine Will. That It is indivisible and that no other so-called church can claim to be Aristotelian or to be the Institution of the Most High;
That the Book of Virtues is the basis of the Aristotelian Dogma and the Holy Doctrine of the Church; that the Dogma is indisputable, inalienable, indivisible and imperishable;
That the Salvation of Souls is achieved only through a virtuous life, as taught by the clergy, and through the intercession of the Sacraments celebrated by them;
That Canon Law is the Holy Law of the Aristotelian Community and is the direct product of the Divine Will; that it orders and regulates the Holy Church and the Community of the Faithful according to Dogma and that every Aristotelian must abide by it in order to conform to the Virtues.

Having publicly acknowledged my errors and sins;
Affirming that I am fully aware of their consequences;
Rejecting all past erroneous convictions;
Considering that I believe and profess my conviction in the Truth of Divine Revelation and in the Holy Church charged to watch over and preserve it:

I implore divine mercy for my past transgressions, and that the Most Holy Inquisition and the entire Holy Church may examine my abjuration and my ardent desire,
my unquenchable thirst to join the Community of the Aristotelian Faithful and to find myself, now and forever, in a state of grace.

May the Most High guide my every step from now on and send his mercy upon me.

I further declare that during the period of time in which the Holy and Reverend Church and the Most Holy Inquisition will consider my request for pardon: 1) I will wear black clothes as a sign of mourning since this is how I live my situation outside the Community of the Faithful
2) I will feed only on bread and corn
3) I will not wear metal weapons
4) I will not wear jewellery of any kind.

The penitent

H.Exc. Alma Bianca Arnod Sforza known as "Almalibre", Spiritual Mother of the penitent Vic.

Inquisitor General Italophone

H.Em. Alexandra Pamela Cagliostro d'Altavilla
Vice Chancellor of the Congregation of the Holy Truth

[list] [img]http://i.imgur.com/3VysvJd.png[/img]

[size=18] [color=#FFCC00] [b]Reintegrazione di Victoria Nerissa Jaqueline Benedetta Meridio [ Vic. ][/b] [/color] [/size]

[b]Noi, Arduino Della Scala, Cardinale Decano del Sacro Collegio, per volontà e decisione di Sua Santità Sisto IV, Sommo Pontefice e Papa della Chiesa Universale, dinnanzi all'Onnipotente e sotto lo sguardo dei Suoi Due Profeti, Aristotele e Christos,[/b]

Facciamo annuncio  della reintegrazione di [b]Victoria Nerissa Jaqueline Benedetta Meridio[/b][size=9][b][color=#FFCC00] [url=https://www.lesroyaumes.com/FichePersonnage.php?login=vic.][ Vic. ][/url][/color][/b][/size] in seno alla Comunità dei Fedeli.
Dopo aver ricevuto e studiato la sua lettera di abiura e pentimento, Sua Santità ha deciso che fosse giunto il momento per la Santa Chiesa di riaprire le proprie braccia a questa figlia penitente.
Pertanto, il Santissimo Padre, Sisto IV, per la Sua Suprema Autorità Apostolica, ha deciso e ordinato, e attraverso questo editto perpetuo e definitivo, dichiara, statuisce e ordina la rimozione della scomunica apostolica comminata alla suddetta Victoria Nerissa Jaqueline Benedetta Meridio [ Vic. ] e il suo pieno reintegro nei diritti di battezzata.
Quale ultima penitenza e per redimere se stessa innanzi all'Altissimo, Sua Santità ha prescritto per lei l'obbligo di recarsi in pellegrinaggio presso le parrocchie della propria provincia di residenza, pregando in ogni chiesa facendo riferimento alla propria abiura, di corrispondere alla propria Diocesi un'ammenda di 200 ducati e di pubblicare una pubblica scusa per le proprie azioni. Infine, le consigliamo vivamente di frequentare i corsi di pastorale presso [url=http://rome.lesroyaumes.com/viewforum.php?f=660]l'Università Pontificia[/url] per approfondire la sua comprensione della fede.
Possa ella sempre vivere d'ora innanzi nella Luce dell'Altissimo e secondo gli insegnamenti della Sua Santa Chiesa.

[i][b]Fortes in Fide![/b][/i]

[i]Fatto a Roma, il XXIII giorno del X mese dell'Anno di Grazia MCDLXX, nel quarto anno del pontificato di Sua Santità Sisto IV.[/i]


[i]In nome di Sua Santità, Papa Sisto IV,
Arduino Della Scala, Cardinalis Sacri Collegii Decanus.[/i][/list]



Da Victoria Nerissa Jaqueline Benedetta Meridio conosciuta come "Vic."

A Sua Santità, Eminentissimus ac Reverendissimus P.M. Sixtus IV
Alla Congregazione della Santissima Inquisizione
Alla Comunità dei Fedeli Aristotelici
A chiunque leggerà o udrà queste parole

I miei migliori e penitenti saluti.

Mi presento in questo giorno al Mondo e alla Comunità dei Fedeli, riuniti nella Santa Chiesa Aristotelica Universale e Romana, con le più sincere intenzioni di riconciliazione.
Sono consapevole, oggi più di ieri, dell'errore delle mie azioni passate, della bestialità dei miei pensieri e delle mie colpe.
Oggi, desidero fare ammenda innanzi al Mondo e rientrare nella Luce dell'Altissimo riaccostandomi alla Vera Fede.
A tutti voi che leggete o ascoltate queste mie sentite parole, voglio illustrare i miei torti affinché altri non seguano la medesima via che conduce alla tribolazione e alla Luna.
In particolare, mi sono resa rea  di aver aderito all'esercito "Esercito del Natale Passato (ENP)", comandato dall'eterodosso Epitaffio;

Dichiaro e ammetto innanzi a tutti voi:
Che non vi è altro Profeta all’infuori di Aristotele e Christos;
Che la simbiosi della loro Rivelazione costituisce il Messaggio Divino, perfetto e immutabile e che il loro messaggio è complementare ed indispensabile per la comprensione degli altri e della Fede Aristotelica;
Che la Santa Chiesa è stata istituita dal Messia Christos, Secondo Profeta del Creatore, e che Sua Santità il Papa, così come San Titus, è il Suo Venerabile Successore, posto a capo della Chiesa per volontà divina e incaricato di rappresentare Dio sulla terra come Suo Vicario;
Che la Santa Chiesa è stata costruita insieme agli Apostoli, i cui unici successori sono i vescovi e cardinali della Santa Chiesa Aristotelica così come Christos aveva previsto e voluto che fosse;
Che in virtù di questa successione apostolica esiste un’Unica, Vera, Santa e Universale Chiesa Aristotelica, unica detentrice del ministero divino, per la promozione, diffusione e applicazione della Volontà Divina. Che Essa è indivisibile e che nessun'altra cosiddetta chiesa possa pretendere di essere aristotelica o di essere l’Istituzione dell’Altissimo;
Che il Libro delle Virtù è la base del Dogma Aristotelico e della Santa Dottrina della Chiesa; che il Dogma è indiscutibile, inalienabile, indivisibile e imperituro;
Che la Salvezza delle Anime si ottiene solo attraverso una vita virtuosa, così come insegnato dal clero, e attraverso l’intercessione dei Sacramenti da esso celebrati;
Che il Diritto Canonico è la Santa Legge della Comunità Aristotelica ed è il prodotto diretto dalla Volontà Divina; che esso ordina e regola la Santa Chiesa e la Comunità dei Fedeli secondo il Dogma e che ogni aristotelico deve attenervisi per conformarsi alle Virtù.

Avendo pubblicamente riconosciuto i miei errori e peccati;
Affermando di avere piena coscienza delle loro conseguenze;
Rigettata ogni passata errata convinzione;
Considerando che credo e professo la mia convinzione nella Verità della Rivelazione Divina e nella Santa Chiesa incaricata di vegliarLa e conservarLa:

Imploro la divina misericordia per le mie trasgressioni passate, e che la Santissima Inquisizione e tutta la Santa Chiesa esaminino la mia abiura e il mio ardente desiderio,
la mia sete inestinguibile di entrare a far parte della Comunità dei Fedeli Aristotelici e di trovarmi, ora e per sempre, in stato di grazia.

Che l'Altissimo guidi d'ora in poi ogni mio passo e mandi su di me la sua misericordia.

Dichiaro, inoltre, che, nel periodo di tempo in cui la Santa e Reverenda Chiesa e la Santissima Inquisizione vaglieranno la mia richiesta di perdono: 1) indossero' abiti neri in segno di lutto poiché è così che vivo la mia situazione fuori dalla Comunità dei Fedeli
 2) Mi nutrirò solo di di pane e mais
3) non indosserò armi di metallo
 4) non indosserò gioielli di alcuna foggia.

La penitente

S.Ecc. Alma Bianca Arnod Sforza detta "Almalibre", Madre Spirituale della penitente Vic. [/b]

[b][color=darkred]Inquisitore Generale Italofono[/color][/b]

[b]S.Em. Alexandra Pamela Cagliostro d'Altavilla
 Vice Cancelliere della congregazione della Santa Verità[/b]

[img]https://i.postimg.cc/j5gzj0fV/firma-pam-con-cardinale.png[/img] [img]https://i.postimg.cc/W4nD939p/stemma-giallo-Cagliostro-d-altavilla.png[/img][/quote]




By Victoria Nerissa Jaqueline Benedetta Meridio known as "Vic."

To His Holiness, Eminentissimus ac Reverendissimus P.M. Sixtus IV
To the Congregation of the Most Holy Inquisition
To the Community of the Aristotelian Faithful
To all who read or hear these words

My best and penitent greetings.

I present myself on this day to the World and to the Community of the Faithful, gathered in the Holy Aristotelian Universal and Roman Church, with the most sincere intentions of reconciliation.
I am aware, today more than yesterday, of the error of my past actions, the bestiality of my thoughts and my faults.
Today, I wish to make atonement before the World and to re-enter the Light of the Most High by returning to the True Faith.
To all of you who read or hear these heartfelt words of mine, I wish to illustrate my wrongs so that others will not follow the same path that leads to tribulation and the Moon.
In particular, I have made myself guilty of joining the "Army of Christmas Past (ENP)", commanded by the heterodox Epitaph;

I declare and admit before you all:
That there is no Prophet other than Aristotle and Christos;
That the symbiosis of their Revelation constitutes the Divine, perfect and immutable Message and that their message is complementary and indispensable to the understanding of the others and of the Aristotelian Faith;
That the Holy Church was instituted by Messiah Christos, the Creator's Second Prophet, and that His Holiness the Pope, as well as Saint Titus, is His Venerable Successor, placed at the head of the Church by divine will and appointed to represent God on earth as His Vicar;
That the Holy Church was built together with the Apostles, whose only successors are the bishops and cardinals of the Holy Aristotelian Church as Christos had foreseen and willed it to be;
That by virtue of this apostolic succession there is One, True, Holy and Universal Aristotelian Church, the sole holder of the divine ministry, for the promotion, diffusion and application of the Divine Will. That It is indivisible and that no other so-called church can claim to be Aristotelian or to be the Institution of the Most High;
That the Book of Virtues is the basis of the Aristotelian Dogma and the Holy Doctrine of the Church; that the Dogma is indisputable, inalienable, indivisible and imperishable;
That the Salvation of Souls is achieved only through a virtuous life, as taught by the clergy, and through the intercession of the Sacraments celebrated by them;
That Canon Law is the Holy Law of the Aristotelian Community and is the direct product of the Divine Will; that it orders and regulates the Holy Church and the Community of the Faithful according to Dogma and that every Aristotelian must abide by it in order to conform to the Virtues.

Having publicly acknowledged my errors and sins;
Affirming that I am fully aware of their consequences;
Rejecting all past erroneous convictions;
Considering that I believe and profess my conviction in the Truth of Divine Revelation and in the Holy Church charged to watch over and preserve it:

I implore divine mercy for my past transgressions, and that the Most Holy Inquisition and the entire Holy Church may examine my abjuration and my ardent desire,
my unquenchable thirst to join the Community of the Aristotelian Faithful and to find myself, now and forever, in a state of grace.

May the Most High guide my every step from now on and send his mercy upon me.

I further declare that during the period of time in which the Holy and Reverend Church and the Most Holy Inquisition will consider my request for pardon: 1) I will wear black clothes as a sign of mourning since this is how I live my situation outside the Community of the Faithful
 2) I will feed only on bread and corn
3) I will not wear metal weapons
 4) I will not wear jewellery of any kind.

The penitent

[b]H.Exc. Alma Bianca Arnod Sforza known as "Almalibre", Spiritual Mother of the penitent Vic. [/b]

[b][color=darkred]Inquisitor General Italophone[/color][/b]

[b]H.Em. Alexandra Pamela Cagliostro d'Altavilla
 Vice Chancellor of the Congregation of the Holy Truth[/b]

[img]https://i.postimg.cc/j5gzj0fV/firma-pam-con-cardinale.png[/img] [img]https://i.postimg.cc/W4nD939p/stemma-giallo-Cagliostro-d-altavilla.png[/img][/quote][/quote]


Cardinal-Bishop † Dean of the Sacred College of Cardinals † Grand Audiencier of the Holy See † Vice Chancellor of the Pontifical Chancellery † Archbishop of Strasbourg † Governor of the Patrimony of Titus † Prince of Viterbo † Marquis of Santa Marinella ♝Il cielo e la terra♗
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Inscrit le: 12 Nov 2015
Messages: 5433
Localisation: Roma, Palazzo Della Scala

MessagePosté le: Jeu Déc 08, 2022 11:29 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant


    New additions to the Index

    We, Arduino Della Scala, Cardinal Dean of the Sacred College, by the will and decision of the Sacred College of Cardinals, on behalf of and for His Holiness Sixtus IV, Supreme Pontiff and Pope of the Universal Church, before the Almighty and under the gaze of His Two Prophets, Aristotle and Christos,

      Have ruled and ordered, and by this perpetual and final edict, let us say, rule and order that the impious texts known as Charta of the Imperial Civil Registry Office, in all its public or hidden copies or translations, under interdict and order its inclusion to the Index librorum prohibitorum. The Magna Cartha is also included in the Index in the part that introduces "civil unions".

      Are aware of our duty to protect the children of God of the misinterpretations of his message and of the Creature Without Name.

      It is our duty to watch over the salvation of our faithful without them being led astray by blasphemous documents imbued with heresy, worthless in the eyes of God and the Aristotelian Community.

      The texts listed in the Index are texts recognized as impious, suspect, heretical and scandalous, contrary to the Dogma of the Holy Roman and Universal Aristotelian Church. No one dare to write, publish, print or have printed, sell, buy, lend, give as a gift or under any other pretext, receive, keep or have kept any of the written and listed texts.

      + Fortes in Fide +

      Roma, VIII.XII.MCDLXX, Sixti IV PP Anno IV

      For the Sacred College of Cardinals, Arduino Della Scala,
      Sanctae Romanae Ecclesiae Cardinalis Decanus.


[size=18][color=#FFCC00][b]New additions to the [i]Index[/i][/b][/color][/size]

[b]We, Arduino Della Scala, Cardinal Dean of the Sacred College, by the will and decision of the Sacred College of Cardinals, on behalf of and for His Holiness Sixtus IV, Supreme Pontiff and Pope of the Universal Church, before the Almighty and under the gaze of His Two Prophets, Aristotle and Christos,[/b]

Have ruled and ordered, and by this perpetual and final edict, let us say, rule and order that the impious texts known as [i]Charta of the Imperial Civil Registry Office[/i], in all its public or hidden copies or translations, under interdict and order its inclusion to the [i]Index librorum prohibitorum[/i]. The Magna Cartha is also included in the [i]Index[/i] in the part that introduces "civil unions".

Are aware of our duty to protect the children of God of the misinterpretations of his message and of the Creature Without Name.

It is our duty to watch over the salvation of our faithful without them being led astray by blasphemous documents imbued with heresy, worthless in the eyes of God and the Aristotelian Community.

The texts listed in the [i]Index[/i] are texts recognized as impious, suspect, heretical and scandalous, contrary to the Dogma of the Holy Roman and Universal Aristotelian Church. No one dare to write, publish, print or have printed, sell, buy, lend, give as a gift or under any other pretext, receive, keep or have kept any of the written and listed texts.

[b]+ Fortes in Fide +[/b]

[i]Roma, VIII.XII.MCDLXX, Sixti IV PP Anno IV[/i]


[i]For the Sacred College of Cardinals, Arduino Della Scala,
Sanctae Romanae Ecclesiae Cardinalis Decanus.[/i][/list][/list]


Cardinal-Bishop † Dean of the Sacred College of Cardinals † Grand Audiencier of the Holy See † Vice Chancellor of the Pontifical Chancellery † Archbishop of Strasbourg † Governor of the Patrimony of Titus † Prince of Viterbo † Marquis of Santa Marinella ♝Il cielo e la terra♗
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Inscrit le: 12 Nov 2015
Messages: 5433
Localisation: Roma, Palazzo Della Scala

MessagePosté le: Jeu Déc 08, 2022 9:44 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant


    Ad Defensionem Familiae

    We, Arduino Della Scala, Cardinal Dean of the Sacred College, by the will and decision of the Sacred College of Cardinals, on behalf of and for His Holiness Sixtus IV, Supreme Pontiff and Pope of the Universal Church, before the Almighty and under the gaze of His Two Prophets, Aristotle and Christos,

      It is with great and deep regret that we witness yet another attempt to strike at the beating heart of the Faith and of the Holy Roman and Universal Aristotelian Church. The Most High through the Prophet Christos has given the Church the task of preserving the Faith and spreading it to the peoples of the earth so that all may and may drink from the life-giving fountain of the Word of God, so that each may be nourished by the nourishing fruits of the teachings of the Prophets and Saints, and may live in the joy of Aristotelian Friendship in communities that acknowledge God and maintain the capacity to love Him.

      8 "We are certainly connected to matter, certainly subject to its laws, but our purpose is to tend towards You, the Eternal and Perfect Spirit." So, in my opinion, the meaning You have given to life is love." Then God said: "Human, since you alone have understood what love was, I make your kindred my children. Thus, you know that the talent of your species is its ability to love me and love its fellow beings. Other species only know how to love themselves."

      Book of Creation - Chapter VII - "Love"

      He who loves only himself without loving God and obeying Him is the Creature Without a Name, who still from the time he was banished creeps among men and women and tries to lead them astray, stirring up their baser instincts, appealing to their unfulfilled desires, convincing them that the sacrifice of Faith is a vain effort and that the immediacy of satisfying our desires, without any mediation, without respect for the Laws of God, is far better.

      2 I replied: "I have understood the meaning of Salvation. When a man has lived in virtue, in accordance with Thy divine word, transmitted by the prophet Aristotle and Christos, the Messiah, then Thou dost grant him the right of access to these places, to Paradise, in the heart of the sun. But if he deviates from virtue, refusing to listen to Thy divine word, abandoning himself to earthly pleasures, to selfishness, to temptation, to false gods, Thy infinite wisdom induces Thee to condemn him to Hell, in the moon, to be punished there for eternity. Thou lovest us, but equally we must love Thee."

      Book of the Eclipse - Chapter VIII - "The Resurrection"

      The Nameless Creature still wants to prove that force and selfishness win out over love, that it is by prevarication that one gets what one desires.

      The Empire has debated and voted on an impromptu regulation introducing so-called 'civil unions' that would recognise everyone 'the right of entering into a civil union, founding a family, and writing a last will'. Only fools would not realise that this is a parody of marriage, a contract that would allow a sham family to be formed without God's blessing. Only fools could have believed that such an act would be accepted by the Church. Perhaps someone would have made the imperial councils believe they were speaking on behalf of the Church, and perhaps they would have boasted a power and authority they did not have and that no one had granted them. Well then, the whole Church regrets not having been heard, let alone consulted, on such a delicate matter that profoundly touches Dogma and the Faith and which is the Church's alone responsibility.

      It is cause for deep dismay and discouragement that the Empire has provided access to these 'civil unions' even for our Aristotelian sons and daughters. The sacrament of marriage is willed by God and no other form of union - secular or religious - can ever be the foundation of a family.

      Marriage is a shining expression of that spiritual union between Aristotelians that occurs at the moment of baptism. The spouses, with a pure and disinterested love, are destined to form the perfect Aristotelian friendship that is the commitment of Aristotelian holiness. God himself is glorified through the marriage union. Marriage is the foundation of the family community, representing the fruitfulness of love.

      Christos answered her: “When two beings share a pure love and they wish to perpetuate our species by procreation, God allows them, by the sacrament of the marriage, to live their love. This so pure love, experienced in virtue, glorifies God, because He is love and the love by which humanity exists is the most beautiful homage that can be made to him. But, like baptism, marriage is a commitment for life, Natchiachia, judiciously selected, because in the faith that you and Yhonny will have married by, you will not be able to any more to withdraw from it.”

      Life of Christos, chapter XIII

      We strongly condemn this further drift and make a heartfelt appeal that the true meaning of the marriage union not be diminished. We appeal to all Aristotelian believers, warning them of the countless traps that the Nameless Creature lays in our path! There is no use taking the shortest path if it leads to the abyss!

      We reiterate once and for all that positions contrary to Dogma, as taught and promoted by the Church, are heretical even if they are carried out by high prelates.

      + Fortes in Fide +

      Roma, VIII.XII.MCDLXX, Sixti IV PP Anno IV

      For the Sacred College of Cardinals, Arduino Della Scala,
      Sanctae Romanae Ecclesiae Cardinalis Decanus.


[size=18][color=#FFCC00][b]Ad Defensionem Familiae[/b][/color][/size]

[b]We, Arduino Della Scala, Cardinal Dean of the Sacred College, by the will and decision of the Sacred College of Cardinals, on behalf of and for His Holiness Sixtus IV, Supreme Pontiff and Pope of the Universal Church, before the Almighty and under the gaze of His Two Prophets, Aristotle and Christos,[/b]

It is with great and deep regret that we witness yet another attempt to strike at the beating heart of the Faith and of the Holy Roman and Universal Aristotelian Church. The Most High through the Prophet Christos has given the Church the task of preserving the Faith and spreading it to the peoples of the earth so that all may and may drink from the life-giving fountain of the Word of God, so that each may be nourished by the nourishing fruits of the teachings of the Prophets and Saints, and may live in the joy of Aristotelian Friendship in communities that acknowledge God and maintain the capacity to love Him.

[quote][i]8 "We are certainly connected to matter, certainly subject to its laws, but our purpose is to tend towards You, the Eternal and Perfect Spirit." So, in my opinion, the meaning You have given to life is love." Then God said: "Human, since you alone have understood what love was, I make your kindred my children. Thus, you know that the talent of your species is its ability to love me and love its fellow beings. Other species only know how to love themselves."

[size=9]Book of Creation - Chapter VII - "Love"[/size][/i][/quote]

He who loves only himself without loving God and obeying Him is the Creature Without a Name, who still from the time he was banished creeps among men and women and tries to lead them astray, stirring up their baser instincts, appealing to their unfulfilled desires, convincing them that the sacrifice of Faith is a vain effort and that the immediacy of satisfying our desires, without any mediation, without respect for the Laws of God, is far better.

[quote][i]2 I replied: "I have understood the meaning of Salvation. When a man has lived in virtue, in accordance with Thy divine word, transmitted by the prophet Aristotle and Christos, the Messiah, then Thou dost grant him the right of access to these places, to Paradise, in the heart of the sun. But if he deviates from virtue, refusing to listen to Thy divine word, abandoning himself to earthly pleasures, to selfishness, to temptation, to false gods, Thy infinite wisdom induces Thee to condemn him to Hell, in the moon, to be punished there for eternity. Thou lovest us, but equally we must love Thee."

[size=9]Book of the Eclipse - Chapter VIII - "The Resurrection"[/i][/size][/quote]

The Nameless Creature still wants to prove that force and selfishness win out over love, that it is by prevarication that one gets what one desires.

The Empire has debated and voted on an impromptu regulation introducing so-called 'civil unions' that would recognise everyone 'the right of entering into a civil union, founding a family, and writing a last will'. Only fools would not realise that this is a parody of marriage, a contract that would allow a sham family to be formed without God's blessing. Only fools could have believed that such an act would be accepted by the Church. Perhaps someone would have made the imperial councils believe they were speaking on behalf of the Church, and perhaps they would have boasted a power and authority they did not have and that no one had granted them. Well then, the whole Church regrets not having been heard, let alone consulted, on such a delicate matter that profoundly touches Dogma and the Faith and which is the Church's alone responsibility.

It is cause for deep dismay and discouragement that the Empire has provided access to these 'civil unions' even for our Aristotelian sons and daughters. The sacrament of marriage is willed by God and no other form of union - secular or religious - can ever be the foundation of a family.

Marriage is a shining expression of that spiritual union between Aristotelians that occurs at the moment of baptism. The spouses, with a pure and disinterested love, are destined to form the perfect Aristotelian friendship that is the commitment of Aristotelian holiness. God himself is glorified through the marriage union. Marriage is the foundation of the family community, representing the fruitfulness of love.

[quote][i]Christos answered her: “When two beings share a pure love and they wish to perpetuate our species by procreation, God allows them, by the sacrament of the marriage, to live their love. This so pure love, experienced in virtue, glorifies God, because He is love and the love by which humanity exists is the most beautiful homage that can be made to him. But, like baptism, marriage is a commitment for life, Natchiachia, judiciously selected, because in the faith that you and Yhonny will have married by, you will not be able to any more to withdraw from it.”

[size=9]Life of Christos, chapter XIII[/size][/i][/quote]

We strongly condemn this further drift and make a heartfelt appeal that the true meaning of the marriage union not be diminished. We appeal to all Aristotelian believers, warning them of the countless traps that the Nameless Creature lays in our path! There is no use taking the shortest path if it leads to the abyss!

We reiterate once and for all that positions contrary to Dogma, as taught and promoted by the Church, are heretical even if they are carried out by high prelates.

[b]+ Fortes in Fide +[/b]

[i]Roma, VIII.XII.MCDLXX, Sixti IV PP Anno IV[/i]


[i]For the Sacred College of Cardinals, Arduino Della Scala,
Sanctae Romanae Ecclesiae Cardinalis Decanus.[/i][/list][/list]


Cardinal-Bishop † Dean of the Sacred College of Cardinals † Grand Audiencier of the Holy See † Vice Chancellor of the Pontifical Chancellery † Archbishop of Strasbourg † Governor of the Patrimony of Titus † Prince of Viterbo † Marquis of Santa Marinella ♝Il cielo e la terra♗
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Inscrit le: 03 Juil 2014
Messages: 3985
Localisation: Sur les rives du Tibre

MessagePosté le: Jeu Fév 16, 2023 8:01 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

FR a écrit:

    Sixtus Episcopus Romanus
    Omnibus has litteras lecturis,
    Salutem in Domino sempiternam.

    En accomplissant notre devoir sacré de Souverain Pontife, par notre suprême autorité apostolique, nous avons décidé, établi, décrété et statué, et nous décrétons et statuons la nomination de Son Éminence Francesco Maria Sforza [ Francesco_maria ] au rang de Cardinal-prêtre au sein du Consistoire Pontifical Italophone et au titre de Saint Barnabé sur la Rive.

    Datum Romae, apud Sanctum Titum, die quarto decimo, mensis Februaris, die Sancti Valentini Martyris et Presbyteri, Patroni Amantium, Anno Domini millesimo quadringentesimo septuagesimo primo, Pontificato Nostri quinto, Restitutionis Fidei Aetatis tertio.

      Décret Papal XVIII - A. MDCLXXI

EN a écrit:

    Sixtus Episcopus Romanus
    Omnibus has litteras lecturis,
    Salutem in Domino sempiternam.

    Pursuant to our sacred duty as Supreme Pontiff, by our supreme apostolic authority, we have decided, established, decreed and ruled, and we decree and rule the the appointment of His Eminence Francesco Maria Sforza [ Francesco_maria ] to the rank of Cardinal-priest within the Italophone Pontifical Consistory and to the title of San Barnaba a Ripa.

    Datum Romae, apud Sanctum Titum, die quarto decimo, mensis Februaris, die Sancti Valentini Martyris et Presbyteri, Patroni Amantium, Anno Domini millesimo quadringentesimo septuagesimo primo, Pontificato Nostri quinto, Restitutionis Fidei Aetatis tertio.

      Papal Decree XVIII - A. MDCLXXI

IT a écrit:

    Sixtus Episcopus Romanus
    Omnibus has litteras lecturis,
    Salutem in Domino sempiternam.

    In adempimento del nostro sacro dovere di Sommo Pontefice, per la nostra suprema autorità apostolica, abbiamo deciso, stabilito, decretato e statuito, e decretiamo e statuiamo la nomina di Sua Eminenza Francesco Maria Sforza [ Francesco_maria ] al rango di Cardinale-presbitero in seno al Concistoro Pontificio Italofono e al titolo di San Barnaba a Ripa.

    Datum Romae, apud Sanctum Titum, die quarto decimo, mensis Februaris, die Sancti Valentini Martyris et Presbyteri, Patroni Amantium, Anno Domini millesimo quadringentesimo septuagesimo primo, Pontificato Nostri quinto, Restitutionis Fidei Aetatis tertio.

      Decreto Papale XVIII - A. MDCLXXI

[i][size=16]Sixtus Episcopus Romanus[/size]
Omnibus has litteras lecturis,
Salutem in Domino sempiternam.[/i]

En accomplissant notre devoir sacré de Souverain Pontife, par notre suprême autorité apostolique, nous avons décidé, établi, décrété et statué, et nous décrétons et statuons la nomination de Son Éminence [b]Francesco Maria Sforza [size=9][ Francesco_maria ][/size][/b] au rang de [b] Cardinal-prêtre[/b] au sein du Consistoire Pontifical Italophone et au titre de [b]Saint Barnabé sur la Rive[/b].

[i]Datum Romae, apud Sanctum Titum, die quarto decimo, mensis Februaris, die Sancti Valentini Martyris et Presbyteri, Patroni Amantium, Anno Domini millesimo quadringentesimo septuagesimo primo, Pontificato Nostri quinto, Restitutionis Fidei Aetatis tertio.[/i]


[list][size=8]Décret Papal XVIII - A. MDCLXXI[/size][/list]


[i][size=16]Sixtus Episcopus Romanus[/size]
Omnibus has litteras lecturis,
Salutem in Domino sempiternam.[/i]

Pursuant to our sacred duty as Supreme Pontiff, by our supreme apostolic authority, we have decided, established, decreed and ruled, and we decree and rule the the appointment of His Eminence [b]Francesco Maria Sforza [size=9][ Francesco_maria ][/size][/b] to the rank of [b]Cardinal-priest[/b] within the Italophone Pontifical Consistory and to the title of [b]San Barnaba a Ripa[/b].

[i]Datum Romae, apud Sanctum Titum, die quarto decimo, mensis Februaris, die Sancti Valentini Martyris et Presbyteri, Patroni Amantium, Anno Domini millesimo quadringentesimo septuagesimo primo, Pontificato Nostri quinto, Restitutionis Fidei Aetatis tertio.[/i]


[list][size=8]Papal Decree XVIII - A. MDCLXXI[/size][/list]


[i][size=16]Sixtus Episcopus Romanus[/size]
Omnibus has litteras lecturis,
Salutem in Domino sempiternam.[/i]

In adempimento del nostro sacro dovere di Sommo Pontefice, per la nostra suprema autorità apostolica, abbiamo deciso, stabilito, decretato e statuito, e decretiamo e statuiamo la nomina di Sua Eminenza [b]Francesco Maria Sforza [size=9][ Francesco_maria ][/size][/b] al rango di [b]Cardinale-presbitero[/b] in seno al Concistoro Pontificio Italofono e al titolo di [b]San Barnaba a Ripa[/b].

[i]Datum Romae, apud Sanctum Titum, die quarto decimo, mensis Februaris, die Sancti Valentini Martyris et Presbyteri, Patroni Amantium, Anno Domini millesimo quadringentesimo septuagesimo primo, Pontificato Nostri quinto, Restitutionis Fidei Aetatis tertio.[/i]


[list][size=8]Decreto Papale XVIII - A. MDCLXXI[/size][/list]



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