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[Annonces] Chancellerie Pontificale - Papal Chancellery
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Inscrit le: 20 Avr 2017
Messages: 1605
Localisation: Beuil

MessagePosté le: Jeu Juin 20, 2019 6:48 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant


    Pontifical Chancery

    The Prefect of the City, by virtue of the orders and instructions of the Office of the City and the Pontifical Chancellery, announces that

    We give the Palazzo Del Monte back to Rome and it can be rewarded again. No heir of the late cardinal, Hull de Northshire, came to collect the property.

    Given in Rome, on 20th June 1467.

    Praefectus Urbis

[size=16][color=darkblue][b]Pontifical Chancery[/b][/size][/color]

The Prefect of the City, by virtue of the orders and instructions of the Office of the City and the Pontifical Chancellery, announces that

We give the Palazzo Del Monte back to Rome and it can be rewarded again. No heir of the late cardinal, Hull of Northshire, came to collect the property.

Given in Rome, on 20th June 1467.

[i]Praefectus Urbis[/i][/list][/quote]
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Inscrit le: 11 Fév 2015
Messages: 5974
Localisation: Marche d'Ancône

MessagePosté le: Ven Juin 28, 2019 11:06 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant


    Pontifical Chancery
    Pontifical Chancery

    We, Arnarion de Valyria-Borgia, Cardinal of Saint Ripolin of the Angels, Prince of Forli & Vesontio, Marquis of Ancone & baron of Faucogney-et-la Mer,

    In our quality of Archancellor of the Holy See,

    Have ruled and statued, and by our present perpetual and by definitive edict, declare, statute and command;

      The appointment of Angus de Montfort-Beaumont d'Autevielle and Tammara de Monestier as librarian of the Apostolic library ;

      The appointment of Lanaelle du Chastel as archivist into the Index.

    By this, officialy ratified and published,

    Dominus Vobiscum

    Given in Rome the twenty-eigth day of June, on Friday, of the year of grace MCDLXVII, the first year of the reign of H.H Sixtus the fourth.

[color=#000066][i][b][size=20]Pontifical Chancery[/size][/b][/i]
[size=18][i]Pontifical Chancery[/i] [/size][/color]

[b]We, Arnarion de Valyria-Borgia, Cardinal of Saint Ripolin of the Angels, Prince of Forli & Vesontio, Marquis of Ancone & baron of Faucogney-et-la Mer,

In our quality of Archancellor of the Holy See,[/b]

Have ruled and statued, and by our present perpetual and by definitive edict, declare, statute and command;

[list]The appointment of [b]Angus de Montfort-Beaumont d'Autevielle[/b] and [b]Tammara de Monestier[/b] as librarian of the Apostolic library ;

The appointment of [b]Lanaelle du Chastel[/b] as archivist into the Index.

By this, officialy ratified and published,

[b][i]Dominus Vobiscum[/i]

Given in Rome the twenty-eigth day of June, on Friday, of the year of grace MCDLXVII, the first year of the reign of H.H Sixtus the fourth.



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Inscrit le: 11 Fév 2015
Messages: 5974
Localisation: Marche d'Ancône

MessagePosté le: Dim Juil 21, 2019 1:19 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant


    Pontifical Chancery
    Creation and attribution of the Episcopal Sine Cura seat of Beja

    We, Arnarion de Valyria-Borgia, Cardinal of Saint Ripolin of the Angels, Prince of Forli & Vesontio, Marquis of Ancona & baron of Faucogney-et-la Mer,

    In our quality of Archancellor of the Holy See,
    by the will of His Holiness the Pope Sixtus IV,

    According to the Can.5.6-IX. art 17-32 have ruled and ordained, and by our present perpetual and definitive edict, let us rule and order, the creation of the Archepiscopal Sine Cura seat of Beja. As honorary bishopric titles this seat is by now given by the Holy Father as Sovereign Pontiff to the assistant bishop to the Pontifical throne Eduardo.

    By this, officialy ratified and published,

    Dominus Vobiscum

    Given in Rome the twenty-first day of July, on Sunday, of the year of grace MCDLXVII, the first year of the reign of H.H Sixtus the fourth.

[color=#000066][i][b][size=20]Pontifical Chancery[/size][/b][/i]
[size=18][i]Creation and attribution of the Episcopal Sine Cura seat of Beja[/i] [/size][/color]

[b]We, Arnarion de Valyria-Borgia, Cardinal of Saint Ripolin of the Angels, Prince of Forli & Vesontio, Marquis of Ancona & baron of Faucogney-et-la Mer,

In our quality of Archancellor of the Holy See,
by the will of His Holiness the Pope Sixtus IV,[/b]

According to the Can.5.6-IX. art 17-32 have ruled and ordained, and by our present perpetual and definitive edict, let us rule and order, the creation of the Archepiscopal [i]Sine Cura[/i] seat of [b]Beja[/b]. As honorary bishopric titles this seat is by now given by the Holy Father as Sovereign Pontiff to the assistant bishop to the Pontifical throne [b]Eduardo[/b].

By this, officialy ratified and published,

[b][i]Dominus Vobiscum[/i]

Given in Rome the twenty-first day of July, on Sunday, of the year of grace MCDLXVII, the first year of the reign of H.H Sixtus the fourth.



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Inscrit le: 11 Fév 2015
Messages: 5974
Localisation: Marche d'Ancône

MessagePosté le: Dim Aoû 11, 2019 8:55 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant


    Pontifical Chancery
    About the creation of Endymion d'Abbadie as Cardinal-priest

    We, Arnarion de Valyria-Borgia, Cardinal of Saint Ripolin of the Angels, Prince of Besançon and Forli, Baron of Faucogney, Marquis of Ancone & governor of the March,

    In our quality of Archancellor of the Holy See,

    Following the Cardinal's tradition and the wishes of the Sovereign Pontiff Sixtus IV, let us make official, following his elevation and creation as Cardinal-priest of the Universal and Roman Aristotelian Church french-speaking consistory, the appointment of His Eminence Endymion d'Abbadie [Endymion] to the charge of the parish San Luigi dei Francesi.

    Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam

    Done at Rome this Sunday XIth of the month of August, of the year of grace MCDLXVII of Our Lord

    Arnarion de Valyria-Borgia,
    Archancellor of the Holy See.


[color=#000066][i][b][size=20]Pontifical Chancery[/size][/b][/i]
[size=18][i]About the creation of Endymion d'Abbadie as Cardinal-priest[/i] [/size][/color]

[b]We, Arnarion de Valyria-Borgia, Cardinal of Saint Ripolin of the Angels, Prince of Besançon and Forli, Baron of Faucogney, Marquis of Ancone & governor of the March,

In our quality of Archancellor of the Holy See,[/b]

Following the Cardinal's tradition and the wishes of the Sovereign Pontiff Sixtus IV, let us make official, following his elevation and creation as Cardinal-priest of the Universal and Roman Aristotelian Church french-speaking consistory, the appointment of His Eminence Endymion d'Abbadie [[b]Endymion[/b]] to the charge of the parish San Luigi dei Francesi.

[i][b]Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam[/b][/i]

[b]Done at Rome this Sunday XIth of the month of August, of the year of grace MCDLXVII of Our Lord[/b]


[i][b]Arnarion de Valyria-Borgia,
Archancellor of the Holy See.[/b][/i][/list][/quote]

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Inscrit le: 11 Fév 2015
Messages: 5974
Localisation: Marche d'Ancône

MessagePosté le: Sam Sep 14, 2019 10:56 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant


    Pontifical Chancery
    Creation and attribution of the Episcopal Sine Cura seat of Cortona

    We, Arnarion de Valyria-Borgia, Cardinal of Saint Ripolin of the Angels, Prince of Forli & Vesontio, Marquis of Ancona & baron of Faucogney-et-la Mer,

    In our quality of Archancellor of the Holy See,
    by the will of His Holiness the Pope Sixtus IV,

    According to Can.2.1-II. art 9 and Can.2.1-III. art 7 have ruled and ordained, and by our present perpetual and definitive edict, let us rule and order, the creation of the Episcopal Sine Cura seat of Cortona. As honorary bishopric titles, this seat is by now given by the Holy Father as Sovereign Pontiff to the new bishop Sine Cura Gian_maria.

    By this, officially ratified and published,

    Dominus Vobiscum

    Given in Rome the fourteenth day of September, on Saturday, of the year of grace MCDLXVII, the first year of the reign of H.H Sixtus the fourth.

[color=#000066][i][b][size=20]Pontifical Chancery[/size][/b][/i]
[size=18][i]Creation and attribution of the Episcopal Sine Cura seat of Cortona[/i] [/size][/color]

[b]We, Arnarion de Valyria-Borgia, Cardinal of Saint Ripolin of the Angels, Prince of Forli & Vesontio, Marquis of Ancona & baron of Faucogney-et-la Mer,

In our quality of Archancellor of the Holy See,
by the will of His Holiness the Pope Sixtus IV,[/b]

According to Can.2.1-II. art 9 and Can.2.1-III. art 7 have ruled and ordained, and by our present perpetual and definitive edict, let us rule and order, the creation of the Episcopal [i]Sine Cura[/i] seat of [b]Cortona[/b]. As honorary bishopric titles, this seat is by now given by the Holy Father as Sovereign Pontiff to the new bishop [i]Sine Cura[/i] [b]Gian_maria[/b].

By this, officially ratified and published,

[b][i]Dominus Vobiscum[/i]

Given in Rome the fourteenth day of September, on Saturday, of the year of grace MCDLXVII, the first year of the reign of H.H Sixtus the fourth.



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Inscrit le: 11 Fév 2015
Messages: 5974
Localisation: Marche d'Ancône

MessagePosté le: Lun Sep 23, 2019 1:33 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant


    Pontifical Chancery
    Attribution of the Episcopal Sine Cura seat of Chalon

    We, Arnarion de Valyria-Borgia, Cardinal of Saint Ripolin of the Angels, Prince of Forli & Vesontio, Marquis of Ancona & baron of Faucogney-et-la Mer,

    In our quality of Archancellor of the Holy See,
    by the will of His Holiness the Pope Sixtus IV,

    have ruled and ordained, and by our present perpetual and definitive edict let us rule and order, the withdrawal of Maximus de France from the Episcopal Sine Cura seat of Chalon and the retirement of this one as assistant bishopric title to the pontifical throne. This seat is by now given by the Holy Father as Sovereign Pontiff to the french consistory emeritus deacon cardinal Pie de Valence.

    By this, officialy ratified and published,

    Dominus Vobiscum

    Given in Rome the thirtieth day of september, on Monday, of the year of grace MCDLXVII, the first year of the reign of H.H Sixtus the fourth.

[color=#000066][i][b][size=20]Pontifical Chancery[/size][/b][/i]
[size=18][i]Attribution of the Episcopal Sine Cura seat of Chalon[/i] [/size][/color]

[b]We, Arnarion de Valyria-Borgia, Cardinal of Saint Ripolin of the Angels, Prince of Forli & Vesontio, Marquis of Ancona & baron of Faucogney-et-la Mer,

In our quality of Archancellor of the Holy See,
by the will of His Holiness the Pope Sixtus IV,[/b]

have ruled and ordained, and by our present perpetual and definitive edict let us rule and order, the withdrawal of [b]Maximus de France[/b] from the Episcopal [i]Sine Cura[/i] seat of [b]Chalon[/b] and the retirement of this one as assistant bishopric title to the pontifical throne. This seat is by now given by the Holy Father as Sovereign Pontiff to the french consistory emeritus deacon cardinal [b]Pie de Valence[/b].

By this, officialy ratified and published,

[b][i]Dominus Vobiscum[/i]

Given in Rome the thirtieth day of september, on Monday, of the year of grace MCDLXVII, the first year of the reign of H.H Sixtus the fourth.



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Inscrit le: 11 Fév 2015
Messages: 5974
Localisation: Marche d'Ancône

MessagePosté le: Lun Oct 14, 2019 7:37 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant


    Pontifical Chancery
    Appointment of the Master of the Musical Chapel

    We, Arnarion de Valyria-Borgia, Cardinal of Saint Ripolin of the Angels, Prince of Forli & Vesontio, Marquis of Ancona & baron of Faucogney-et-la Mer,

    In our quality of Archancellor of the Holy See,
    by the will of His Holiness the Pope Sixtus IV,

    have ruled and ordained, and by our present perpetual and definitive edict let us rule and order, the appointment of Ariana Del Casalièr [ ArianaAnthea Del Casalièr] as Master of the Musical Chapel within the Papal court.

    By this she receives the honors of the pontifical court of Rome.

    By this, officialy ratified and published,

    Dominus Vobiscum

    Given in Rome the fourteenth day of october, on Monday, of the year of grace MCDLXVII, the first year of the reign of H.H Sixtus the fourth.

[color=#000066][i][b][size=20]Pontifical Chancery[/size][/b][/i]
[size=18][i]Appointment of the Master of the Musical Chapel[/i] [/size][/color]

[b]We, Arnarion de Valyria-Borgia, Cardinal of Saint Ripolin of the Angels, Prince of Forli & Vesontio, Marquis of Ancona & baron of Faucogney-et-la Mer,

In our quality of Archancellor of the Holy See,
by the will of His Holiness the Pope Sixtus IV,[/b]

have ruled and ordained, and by our present perpetual and definitive edict let us rule and order, the appointment of [b]Ariana Del Casalièr[/b] [ ArianaAnthea Del Casalièr] as Master of the Musical Chapel within the Papal court.

By this she receives the honors of the pontifical court of Rome.

By this, officialy ratified and published,

[b][i]Dominus Vobiscum[/i]

Given in Rome the fourteenth day of october, on Monday, of the year of grace MCDLXVII, the first year of the reign of H.H Sixtus the fourth.



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Inscrit le: 20 Avr 2017
Messages: 1605
Localisation: Beuil

MessagePosté le: Jeu Oct 31, 2019 8:45 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant


    Pontifical Chancery
    Office of the City of Rome - Property act

    The Prefect of the City, by virtue of the orders and instructions of the Office of the City and the Pontifical Chancellery,

    Authorize Erwann de Northshire [ Erwann. ], Expert in Heraldry of the College of the Clergy and the Holy Armies, Senatorial Herald of the College of Crossbowmen, Herold der Wappen, Vice-Prefect of the Pontifical Heraldic Colleges, Italianischmeister of the Teutonic Order.

    to own in full, in accordance with the regulations of the Civitatis Romae Statutes of 23 November 1465, the Palazzo Del Monte, which was bequeathed to it by the late Eminence Hull of Northsire and granted by the Council of Ediles on behalf of the Supreme Pontiff on 28 October 1467. Which Palazzo Del Monte, is located on the Rione Quirinale, and registered in the cadastral register and brought to the municipal level.

    Given in Rome, on 28th October 1467.

    Praefectus Urbis

[size=16][color=darkblue][b]Pontifical Chancery[/b][/size][/color]
[color=darkred][size=14][i]Office of the City of Rome - Property act[/i][/size][/color]

The Prefect of the City, by virtue of the orders and instructions of the Office of the City and the Pontifical Chancellery,

Authorize [b]Erwann de Northshire[/b] [size=9][ [b]Erwann.[/b] ][/size], Expert in Heraldry of the College of the Clergy and the Holy Armies, Senatorial Herald of the College of Crossbowmen, Herold der Wappen, Vice-Prefect of the Pontifical Heraldic Colleges, Italianischmeister of the Teutonic Order.

to own in full, in accordance with the regulations of [i]the Civitatis Romae Statutes[/i] of 23 November 1465, the [b]Palazzo Del Monte[/b], which was bequeathed to it by the late Eminence Hull of Northsire and granted by the Council of Ediles on behalf of the Supreme Pontiff on 28 October 1467. Which Palazzo Del Monte, is located on the Rione Quirinale, and registered in the cadastral register and brought to the municipal level.

Given in Rome, on 28th October 1467.

[i]Praefectus Urbis[/i][/list][/quote]
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Inscrit le: 11 Fév 2015
Messages: 5974
Localisation: Marche d'Ancône

MessagePosté le: Lun Déc 02, 2019 4:12 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant


    Pontifical Chancery
    Creation of Cardinal parishes

    We, Arnarion de Valyria-Borgia, Cardinal-bishop of Saint Ripolin of the Angels, Prince of Forli & Vesontio, Marquis of Ancona & baron of Faucogney-et-la Mer,

    In our capacity as Archancellor of the Holy See,
    and following the will of His Holiness the Pope Sixtus IV

    Have ruled and statued, and by our present perpetual and by definitive edict, declare, statute and command, after the Edict of the 8th of November, MCDLIX, bearing the creation of the parishes, and of the Apostolic Constitution « De Sanctae Sedis summa administration » , bearing the creation of the titles for cardinals emeriti, the creation of the following titles and parishes;

      The parish and the cardinal-emeritus title of Saint Brieuc granted to His Eminence Angus Portzmoguer [ Anguillerusee ] ;
      The parish and the cardinal-emeritus title of Saint Corentin granted to His Eminence Ivrel [ Ivrel ] ;
      The parish and the cardinal-emeritus title of Saint Paternus granted to His Eminence Mrgroar [ MrGroar ] ;
      The parish and the cardinal-emeritus title of Saint Anastasia granted to His Eminence Cyril Kad d'Azayes [ Kad ] ;
      The parish and the cardinal-emeritus title of Saint Rémi granted to His Eminence Robert Savoie [ Savoie ] ;
      The parish and the cardinal-emeritus title of Saint Dominic of Burgos granted to His Eminence Tebaldo Foscari [ Heldor ] ;
      The parish and the cardinal-emeritus title of Saint Samson granted to His Eminence Filippo Benedetto Spadalfieri Borgia da Pontiregi [ Philipdikingsbridge ] ;
      The parish and the cardinal-emeritus title of Saint Orrus Ferrus granted to His Eminence Teagan de Chard [ Teagan ] ;
      The parish and the cardinal-emeritus title of Saint Norv granted to His Eminence Alessandro III de Montemayor Borgia [ Giarru ] ;
      The parish and the cardinal-emeritus title of Saint Cesarino Segalello granted to Her Eminence Ysabet von Rubinstein-Kronburg [ Ysabet ] ;
      The parish and the cardinal-emeritus title of Saint Polin the Perseverant granted to His Eminence Ludovi de Sabran [ Richelieu1 ] ;
      The parish and the cardinal-emeritus title of Saint Critolaos Scholarch granted to His Eminence Aaron de Nagan [ Aaron ] ;
      The parish and the cardinal-emeritus title of Saint Francis of Genoa granted to His Eminence Tibère de Plantagenest [ Rehael ] ;
      The parish and the cardinal-emeritus title of Saint Siro granted to His Eminence Edoardo Borromeo Galli [ Egal ] ;
      The parish and the cardinal-emeritus title of Saint James of Rupinaro granted to His Eminence Stefano Maria Ludovico de' Giustiniani Borgia [ Stex86 ];
      The parish and the cardinal-emeritus title of Saint Moderano granted to His Eminence NReis Ribeiro de Sousa Coutinho [ NReis ] ;
      The parish and the cardinal-emeritus title of Saint Latuin granted to His Eminence Nicolás Borja [Nicolino] ;
      The parish and the cardinal-emeritus title of Saint Nitouche granted to His Eminence Palladio Monforte [ Palladio ] ;
      The parish and the cardinal-emeritus title of Saint Hubert granted to His Eminence Richard de Cetzes [ Richard.De.Cetzes ] ;
      The parish and the cardinal-emeritus title of Saint Lazare of Autun granted to His Eminence Attanasio Borgia [ Attanasio ] ;
      The parish and the cardinal-emeritus title of Saint Andrew Protokletos granted to His Eminence Profeta Pucci Guerra [ Profeta ] ;
      The parish and the cardinal-emeritus title of Stephen of Harding granted to His Eminence Dainsleif [ Dainsleif ] ;
      The parish and the cardinal-emeritus title of Saint Antonino de Plaisance granted to Her Eminence Susanetta [ Susanetta ] ;
      The parish and the cardinal-emeritus title of Saint Nicolas Protector of children granted to His Eminence Luznik [ Luznik ] ;
      The parish and the cardinal-emeritus title of Saint Pol de Léon granted to Her Eminence Sépia [ Sepia ] ;
      The parish and the cardinal-emeritus title of Saint Mary Magdalene granted to His Eminence Gaspare "Kayon" Borgia [ Kayon ] ;
      The parish and the cardinal-emeritus title of Saint Anani Mhour granted to His Eminence Eduardo de Laguna [ Eduardo_de_laguna ] ;
      The parish and the cardinal-emeritus title of Saint Horace granted to His Eminence Vede [ Vede ] ;
      The parish and the cardinal-emeritus title of Saint Babila granted to His Eminence Almásy Renegade [ Renegade ] ;
      The parish and the cardinal-emeritus title of Saint Boulasse granted to His Eminence Adso [ Adso ] ;
      The parish and the cardinal-emeritus title of Saint Christmas granted to Her Eminence Vidigueira-Szapáry Kiscsillag [ Kiscsillag ] ;
      The parish and the cardinal-emeritus title of Saint Bynarr granted to His Eminence Pie de Valence [ Pie de Valence ] ;
      The parish and the cardinal-emeritus title of Saint Bartholomew granted to His Eminence Portalis de Vandimion [ Portalis ] ;
      The parish and the cardinal-emeritus title of Saint Barbara granted to His Eminence Cristoforo Borgia [ Cristoforo_ ] ;
      The parish and the cardinal-emeritus title of Saint Erymneos Scholarch granted to His Eminence Endymion d'Abbadie [ Endymion ] .

    Dominus Vobiscum

    Done at Rome on the Second day of December, on Monday, in the year of grace MCDLXVII, the first of the pontificate of His Holiness Sixtus IV.

[color=#000066][i][b][size=20]Pontifical Chancery[/size][/b][/i]
[size=18][i]Creation of Cardinal parishes[/i] [/size][/color]

[b]We, Arnarion de Valyria-Borgia, Cardinal-bishop of Saint Ripolin of the Angels, Prince of Forli & Vesontio, Marquis of Ancona & baron of Faucogney-et-la Mer,

In our capacity as Archancellor of the Holy See,
and following the will of His Holiness the Pope Sixtus IV[/b]

Have ruled and statued, and by our present perpetual and by definitive edict, declare, statute and command, after the Edict of the 8th of November, MCDLIX, bearing the creation of the parishes, and of the Apostolic Constitution « De Sanctae Sedis summa administration » , bearing the creation of the titles for cardinals emeriti, the creation of the following titles and parishes;

[list]The parish and the cardinal-emeritus title of [b][i]Saint Brieuc[/i][/b] granted to His Eminence [b]Angus Portzmoguer [ Anguillerusee ][/b] ;
The parish and the cardinal-emeritus title of [b][i]Saint Corentin[/i][/b] granted to His Eminence [b]Ivrel [ Ivrel ][/b] ;
The parish and the cardinal-emeritus title of [b][i]Saint Paternus[/i][/b] granted to His Eminence [b]Mrgroar [ MrGroar ][/b] ;
The parish and the cardinal-emeritus title of [b][i]Saint Anastasia[/i][/b] granted to His Eminence [b]Cyril Kad d'Azayes [ Kad ][/b] ;
The parish and the cardinal-emeritus title of [b][i]Saint Rémi[/i][/b] granted to His Eminence [b]Robert Savoie [ Savoie ][/b] ;
The parish and the cardinal-emeritus title of [b][i]Saint Dominic of Burgos[/i][/b] granted to His Eminence [b]Tebaldo Foscari [ Heldor ][/b] ;
The parish and the cardinal-emeritus title of [b][i]Saint Samson[/i][/b] granted to His Eminence [b]Filippo Benedetto Spadalfieri Borgia da Pontiregi [ Philipdikingsbridge ][/b] ;
The parish and the cardinal-emeritus title of [b][i]Saint Orrus Ferrus[/i][/b] granted to His Eminence [b]Teagan de Chard [ Teagan ][/b] ;
The parish and the cardinal-emeritus title of [b][i]Saint Norv[/i][/b] granted to His Eminence [b]Alessandro III de Montemayor Borgia [ Giarru ][/b] ;
The parish and the cardinal-emeritus title of [b][i]Saint Cesarino Segalello[/i][/b] granted to Her Eminence [b]Ysabet von Rubinstein-Kronburg [ Ysabet ][/b] ;
The parish and the cardinal-emeritus title of [b][i]Saint Polin the Perseverant[/i][/b] granted to His Eminence [b]Ludovi de Sabran [ Richelieu1 ][/b] ;
The parish and the cardinal-emeritus title of [b][i]Saint Critolaos Scholarch[/i][/b] granted to His Eminence [b]Aaron de Nagan [ Aaron ][/b] ;
The parish and the cardinal-emeritus title of [b][i]Saint Francis of Genoa[/i][/b] granted to His Eminence [b]Tibère de Plantagenest [ Rehael ][/b] ;
The parish and the cardinal-emeritus title of [b][i]Saint Siro[/i][/b] granted to His Eminence [b]Edoardo Borromeo Galli [ Egal ][/b] ;
The parish and the cardinal-emeritus title of [b][i]Saint James of Rupinaro[/i][/b] granted to His Eminence [b]Stefano Maria Ludovico de' Giustiniani Borgia [ Stex86 ][/b];
The parish and the cardinal-emeritus title of [b][i]Saint Moderano [/i][/b] granted to His Eminence [b]NReis Ribeiro de Sousa Coutinho [ NReis ][/b] ;
The parish and the cardinal-emeritus title of [b][i]Saint Latuin[/i][/b] granted to His Eminence [b]Nicolás Borja [Nicolino][/b] ;
The parish and the cardinal-emeritus title of [b][i]Saint Nitouche[/i][/b] granted to His Eminence [b]Palladio Monforte [ Palladio ][/b] ;
The parish and the cardinal-emeritus title of [b][i]Saint Hubert[/i][/b] granted to His Eminence [b]Richard de Cetzes [ Richard.De.Cetzes ][/b] ;
The parish and the cardinal-emeritus title of [b][i]Saint Lazare of Autun[/i][/b] granted to His Eminence [b]Attanasio Borgia [ Attanasio ][/b] ;
The parish and the cardinal-emeritus title of [b][i]Saint Andrew Protokletos[/i][/b] granted to His Eminence [b]Profeta Pucci Guerra [ Profeta ][/b] ;
The parish and the cardinal-emeritus title of [b][i]Stephen of Harding[/i][/b] granted to His Eminence [b]Dainsleif [ Dainsleif ][/b] ;
The parish and the cardinal-emeritus title of [b][i]Saint Antonino de Plaisance[/i][/b] granted to Her Eminence [b]Susanetta [ Susanetta ][/b] ;
The parish and the cardinal-emeritus title of [b][i]Saint Nicolas Protector of children[/i][/b] granted to His Eminence [b]Luznik [ Luznik ][/b] ;
The parish and the cardinal-emeritus title of [b][i]Saint Pol de Léon[/i][/b] granted to Her Eminence [b]Sépia [ Sepia ][/b] ;
The parish and the cardinal-emeritus title of [b][i]Saint Mary Magdalene[/i][/b] granted to His Eminence [b]Gaspare "Kayon" Borgia [ Kayon ][/b] ;
The parish and the cardinal-emeritus title of [b][i]Saint Anani Mhour[/i][/b] granted to His Eminence [b]Eduardo de Laguna [ Eduardo_de_laguna ][/b] ;
The parish and the cardinal-emeritus title of [b][i]Saint Horace[/i][/b] granted to His Eminence [b]Vede [ Vede ][/b] ;
The parish and the cardinal-emeritus title of [b][i]Saint Babila[/i][/b] granted to His Eminence [b]Almásy Renegade [ Renegade ][/b] ;
The parish and the cardinal-emeritus title of [b][i]Saint Boulasse[/i][/b] granted to His Eminence [b]Adso [ Adso ][/b] ;
The parish and the cardinal-emeritus title of [b][i]Saint Christmas[/i][/b] granted to Her Eminence [b]Vidigueira-Szapáry Kiscsillag [ Kiscsillag ][/b] ;
The parish and the cardinal-emeritus title of [b][i]Saint Bynarr[/i][/b] granted to His Eminence [b]Pie de Valence [ Pie de Valence ][/b] ;
The parish and the cardinal-emeritus title of [b][i]Saint Bartholomew[/i][/b] granted to His Eminence [b]Portalis de Vandimion[/b] [ Portalis ] ;
The parish and the cardinal-emeritus title of [b][i]Saint Barbara[/i][/b] granted to His Eminence [b]Cristoforo Borgia [ Cristoforo_ ][/b] ;
The parish and the cardinal-emeritus title of [b][i]Saint Erymneos Scholarch[/i][/b] granted to His Eminence [b]Endymion d'Abbadie [ Endymion ][/b] .[/list]

[b][i]Dominus Vobiscum[/i]

Done at Rome on the Second day of December, on Monday, in the year of grace MCDLXVII, the first of the pontificate of His Holiness Sixtus IV. [/b]


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Inscrit le: 11 Fév 2015
Messages: 5974
Localisation: Marche d'Ancône

MessagePosté le: Dim Déc 08, 2019 4:36 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant


    Pontifical Chancery
    Appointment of the Secretary of the Writs to the Princes

    We, Arnarion de Valyria-Borgia, Cardinal-bishop of Saint Ripolin of the Angels, Prince of Forli & Vesontio & Marquis of Ancona,

    In our quality of Archancellor of the Holy See,
    by the will of His Holiness the Pope Sixtus IV,

    have ruled and ordained, and by our present perpetual and definitive edict let us rule and order, the appointment of Erwann de Nortshire [erwann.] as Secretary of the Writs to the Princes within the Papal court.

    By this he receives the honors of the pontifical court of Rome.

    By this, officialy ratified and published,

    Dominus Vobiscum

    Given in Rome the eighth day of december, on Sunday, of the year of grace MCDLXVII, the first year of the reign of H.H Sixtus the fourth.

[color=#000066][i][b][size=20]Pontifical Chancery[/size][/b][/i]
[size=18][i]Appointment of the Secretary of the Writs to the Princes[/i] [/size][/color]

[b]We, Arnarion de Valyria-Borgia, Cardinal-bishop of Saint Ripolin of the Angels, Prince of Forli & Vesontio & Marquis of Ancona,

In our quality of Archancellor of the Holy See,
by the will of His Holiness the Pope Sixtus IV,[/b]

have ruled and ordained, and by our present perpetual and definitive edict let us rule and order, the appointment of [b]Erwann de Nortshire[/b] [erwann.] as Secretary of the Writs to the Princes within the Papal court.

By this he receives the honors of the pontifical court of Rome.

By this, officialy ratified and published,

[b][i]Dominus Vobiscum[/i]

Given in Rome the eighth day of december, on Sunday, of the year of grace MCDLXVII, the first year of the reign of H.H Sixtus the fourth.



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Inscrit le: 11 Fév 2015
Messages: 5974
Localisation: Marche d'Ancône

MessagePosté le: Ven Déc 20, 2019 11:56 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant


    Pontifical Chancery
    Office of Press and Parchments

    We, Arnarion de Valyria-Borgia, Cardinal-bishop of Saint Ripolin of the Angels, Prince of Forli and Vesontio & Marquis of Ancone

    In our quality of Archancellor of the Holy See,

    Have ruled and statued, and by our present perpetual and by definitive edict, declare, statute and command;

      The appointment of Tymothé de Nivellus as Prefect of the Office of the press and parchment. May God help him in his new task to lead the communication organ of the Church.

    By this, officialy ratified and published,

    Dominus Vobiscum

    Given in Rome the twentieth day of December, on Friday, of the year of grace MCDLXVII, the first year of the reign of H.H Sixtus the fourth.

[color=#000066][i][b][size=20]Pontifical Chancery[/size][/b][/i]
[size=18][i]Office of Press and Parchments [/i] [/size][/color]

[b]We, Arnarion de Valyria-Borgia, Cardinal-bishop of Saint Ripolin of the Angels, Prince of Forli and Vesontio & Marquis of Ancone

In our quality of Archancellor of the Holy See,[/b]

Have ruled and statued, and by our present perpetual and by definitive edict, declare, statute and command;

[list]The appointment of [b]Tymothé de Nivellus[/b] as Prefect of the Office of the press and parchment. May God help him in his new task to lead the communication organ of the Church.

By this, officialy ratified and published,

[b][i]Dominus Vobiscum[/i]

Given in Rome the twentieth day of December, on Friday, of the year of grace MCDLXVII, the first year of the reign of H.H Sixtus the fourth.



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Tymothé de Nivellus

Inscrit le: 22 Nov 2017
Messages: 6424
Localisation: Cardinal Camerlingue de Rome et Chancelier de la Chambre Apostolique

MessagePosté le: Ven Déc 20, 2019 4:43 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Son Éminence Monseigneur Tymothé de Nivellus a écrit:

    Pontifical Chancellery
    Office of Press, Newspapers and Parchments

    We, Tymothé de Nivellus, Cardinal Vice-primate Archbishop of Narbonne, Prefect of the Chapels and Prefect of the press and parchments,

    In our quality of prefect of press, newspapers and parchments,

    We announce with regard to the Pontifical Chancellery and by this notification;

    Since communication seems to us to be an essential element for the greatness of our Holy Mother the Church.
    Since communication must be more fluid, open and travel through time,
    Since communication allows everyone not to be manipulated by heretical populism,
    Because it’s important to share, give and receive information,
    Because the Press, Newspaper and Parchment Office has been entrusted to us.

    We are launching a call for candidacies in order to be able to carry out the mission of this office which is essential for the future of the church.
    You can apply as a journalist, and designer (graphics).

    Fiat Lux

    Given in Rome the twentieth day of December, on Friday, of the year of grace MCDLXVII, the first year of the reign of H.H Sixtus the fourth.

Son Éminence Monseigneur Tymothé de Nivellus a écrit:

    Chancellerie Pontificale
    Offices des Presses, Journaux et Parchemins

    Nous, Tymothé de Nivellus, Cardinal Vice-primate Archevêque métropolitain,

    En notre qualité de Préfet de l'Office des Presses, Journaux et Parchemins,

    Nous annonçons par la présente et sous le regarde de la Chancellerie Pontificale;

    La communication nous semble être un élément essentiel pour la grandeur de notre Sainte Mère l'Église.
    Celle-ci doit être plus fluide, ouverte et voyager dans le temps,
    Puisque la communication permet à tout le monde de ne pas être manipulé par le populisme hérétique,
    Parce qu'il est important de partager, donner et recevoir des informations,
    Parce que le bureau de la Presse, des Journaux et des Parchemins nous a été confié.

    Nous lançons un appel à candidatures afin de pouvoir mener à bien la mission de ce bureau qui est essentielle pour l'avenir de l'église.
    Vous pouvez postuler en tant que journaliste et designer (graphisme).

    Fiat Lux

    Fait à Rome le 20 décembre de l'an de grâce 1467 de la première année du pontificat de Sa Sainteté Sixtus IV


Père Tymothé de Nivellus | Cardinal-Evêque de Saint Trufaldini à la Porte Latine | Cardinal-Camerlingue de Rome et Chancelier de la Chambre Apostolique | Archevêque Sine Cura d'Avignon | Vicomte d'Andenne
"La puissance de Dieu donne toute sa mesure dans la faiblesse"

Cabinet du Cardinal
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Tymothé de Nivellus

Inscrit le: 22 Nov 2017
Messages: 6424
Localisation: Cardinal Camerlingue de Rome et Chancelier de la Chambre Apostolique

MessagePosté le: Mar Jan 14, 2020 1:04 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

His Eminence Monsignor Tymothé de Nivellus a écrit:

    Pontifical Chancellery
    Office of Press, Newspapers and Parchments

    We, Tymothé de Nivellus, Cardinal Vice-primate Archbishop of Narbonne, Prefect of the Chapels and Prefect of the press and parchments,

    In our quality of prefect of press, newspapers and parchments,

    We announce with regard to the Pontifical Chancellery and by this notification;

    The appointment to the charge of Vice-Prefect Francophone (French Editor) of Albin Basterne.

    We wish him the best for this new charge.

    We also remind you that it is possible for you to apply within our Prefecture whose projects are the dissemination of internal and external information of the Holy Aristotelian Church.

    Fiat Lux

    Given in Rome at January 13 of the year of grace MCDLXVIII, the first year of the reign of H.H Sixtus the fourth.

Son Éminence Monseigneur Tymothé de Nivellus a écrit:

    Chancellerie Pontificale
    Offices des Presses, Journaux et Parchemins

    Nous, Tymothé de Nivellus, Cardinal Vice-primate Archevêque métropolitain,

    En notre qualité de Préfet de l'Office des Presses, Journaux et Parchemins,

    Nous annonçons par la présente et sous le regarde de la Chancellerie Pontificale;

    La nomination à la charge de Vice-Préfet Francophone (Rédacteur Français) d' Albin Basterne.

    Nous lui souhaitons le meilleur pour cette nouvelle charge.

    Nous rappelons également qu'il vous est possible de postuler au sein de notre Préfecture dont les projets sont la diffusion des informations internes et externes de la Sainte Église Aristotélicienne.

    Fiat Lux

    Fait à) Rome le 13 janvier de l'an de grâce 1468 de la première année du pontificat de Sa Sainteté Sixtus le 4ème


Père Tymothé de Nivellus | Cardinal-Evêque de Saint Trufaldini à la Porte Latine | Cardinal-Camerlingue de Rome et Chancelier de la Chambre Apostolique | Archevêque Sine Cura d'Avignon | Vicomte d'Andenne
"La puissance de Dieu donne toute sa mesure dans la faiblesse"

Cabinet du Cardinal
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Inscrit le: 11 Fév 2015
Messages: 5974
Localisation: Marche d'Ancône

MessagePosté le: Sam Jan 18, 2020 3:11 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant


    Pontifical Chancery
    Attribution of the Archepiscopal Sine Cura seat of Gorizia

    We, Arnarion de Valyria-Borgia, Cardinal-bishop of Saint Ripolin of the Angels, Prince of Forli & Vesontio, Marquis of Ancona,

    In our quality of Archancellor of the Holy See,
    by the will of His Holiness the Pope Sixtus IV,
    according to Can.2.1-II. 9 and Can.2.1-III.7,

    Have ruled and ordained, and by our present perpetual and definitive edict, let us rule and order, the creation of the Archepiscopal Sine Cura seat of Gorizia. As honorary bishopric titles, this seat is by now given by the Holy Father as Sovereign Pontiff to the new archbishop Sine Cura Heldor.

    By this, officially ratified and published,

    Dominus Vobiscum

    Given in Rome the eighteenth day of the year of grace MCDLXVIII, the second year of the reign of H.H Sixtus the fourth.

[color=#000066][i][b][size=20]Pontifical Chancery[/size][/b][/i]
[size=18][i]Attribution of the Archepiscopal Sine Cura seat of Gorizia[/i] [/size][/color]

[b]We, Arnarion de Valyria-Borgia, Cardinal-bishop of Saint Ripolin of the Angels, Prince of Forli & Vesontio, Marquis of Ancona,

In our quality of Archancellor of the Holy See,
by the will of His Holiness the Pope Sixtus IV,
according to Can.2.1-II. 9 and Can.2.1-III.7,[/b]

Have ruled and ordained, and by our present perpetual and definitive edict, let us rule and order, the creation of the Archepiscopal Sine Cura seat of [b]Gorizia[/b]. As honorary bishopric titles, this seat is by now given by the Holy Father as Sovereign Pontiff to the new archbishop Sine Cura [b]Heldor[/b].


By this, officially ratified and published,

[b][i]Dominus Vobiscum[/i]

Given in Rome the eighteenth day of the year of grace MCDLXVIII, the second year of the reign of H.H Sixtus the fourth.



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Inscrit le: 11 Fév 2015
Messages: 5974
Localisation: Marche d'Ancône

MessagePosté le: Dim Jan 19, 2020 9:34 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant


    Status Civitatis Romae
    Dominium ex jure Quiritium - Quiritary right

    Cadastral list of properties

    I. Property of the Holy See

    Article 1: The following buildings are strictly reserved for the use of the Papal services, the Curia and the Roman Congregations and are the exclusive property of the Holy See:

    Article 1.1: Civil buildings

      Palazzo del Laterano - The Pontifical Palace
      Palazzo apostolico Vaticano - The Pontifical Palace
      Palazzo del Belvedere - The Pontifical Palace
      Palazzo della Cancelleria, attributed to the Pontifical Chancellery
      Palazzo del Banco di Santo Spirito , attributed to the Services of the Great Chamberlain
      Palazzo della Dataria, attributed to the Pontifical Chancellery
      Palazzo San Nicola, attributed to the Congregation for the Affairs of the Century
      Palazzo San Himerius, attributed to the Congregation for the Diffusion of the Faith
      Palazzo del Santo Uffizio , attributed to the Congregation of the Holy Office
      Palazzo del Tribunale , attributed to the Congregation of the Holy Inquisition
      Palazzo dei Convertendi , attributed to the Congregation of New Churches
      Palazzo San Benedetto , attributed to Heraldic Colleges
      Palazzo del Vicariato , attributed to the Vicarius Urbis
      Palazzo dei Conservatori, attributed to the Communal seat of Rome
      Il Tabularium, attributed to the roman archives

    Article 1.2: Military buildings

      Castel Sant 'Angelo, attributed to the main barrack of the Pontifical Guard
      Fortezza Santa Chirene, attributed to the Pontifical Guard
      Fortezza Motarde d'Ascalon, attributed to the Pontifical Guard
      Caserma de Pagus, attributed to the Cavalry Battalion of the Pontifical Guard
      Hotel Verde, attributed to the Security Battalions of the Pontifical Guard
      Hotel di Milano, attributed to the Security Battalions of the Pontifical Guard
      Palazzo della Guardia, attributed to the Palatine Battalion of the Pontifical Guard

    Article 1.2.1: All fort and tower inside the walls of Rome are attributed to the Pontifical and Episcopal guard.

    Article 1.3: Religious buildings

    Article 1.3.1: All Basilica, bishop, priest and deacon parishes are reserved for the use of the Curia and the linked cardinals.

      Archbasilica San Giovani in Laterano
      Basilica San Tito in Roma

      San Nicolaïde all Aventino
      San Sylfael Extra Muros
      Sant' Elena Inter Duos Pontes
      San Ripolino degli Angeli
      Santa Rafaëla Arcángelo
      San Domenico de la Pace
      San Origene al via Apia
      San Paolo in Laterano
      San Samoth del Quirinal
      Sant' Adonia in Trastevere
      San Giovanni dei Martiri
      San Valentino delle Vittorie
      Santi Quattro Coronati

      Santa Monica Odigitria
      San Arnvald degli Svizzeri
      San Tommaso di Canterbury
      San Possidonio in Monserrato
      San Olcovidius in Pensilis
      San Luigi dei Francesi
      San Martino al Gianicolo
      San Nicomaco all'Esquillino
      San Barnaba a Ripa
      Sant'Adonia alle Terme
      Santo Stefano in Laterano
      San Martino in Sassia
      San Tommaso in Camposanto dei Teutonici
      Santa Ildegarda dell'Anima
      Santa Caterina dei Fiori
      San Olcovidius alle Coppelle
      Santo Stefano delle Grazie
      San Francesco degli Scozzesi
      Santa Domenica in Capite
      Santa Dwywai a Villa Ludovisi
      San Clemente degli Ispanici
      San Vincenzo in Via
      Sant'Antonio dei Portoghesi
      San Vincenzo del Divino Amore
      San Bertrando-de-l'Isle dei Polacchi

      San Corentino
      San Paterno
      Santa Anastasia
      San Remigio
      San Domenico
      San Sansone
      San Orrus Ferrus
      Sain Norv
      San Cesarino Segalello
      San Polino il perseverante
      San Critolaos Scolarca
      San Francisco de' Genoa
      San Siro
      San Giacomo de' Rupinaro
      San Moderano
      San Latuino
      San Nitouche
      San Uberto
      San Lazzaro di Autun
      Sant’Andrea Protokletos
      San Stefano Harding
      Sant'Antonino di Piacenza
      San Nicola il protettore dei bambini
      San Pol de Léon
      Santa Maria Maddalena
      Sant'Anani Mhour
      Santa Babila
      Santa Boulasse
      San Natale
      San Bynarr
      San Bartolomeo
      Santa Barbara
      San Erymneos Scolarca

    II. Property of the Religious orders

    Article 2: The following buildings are strictly reserved for the use of the Recognized Religious Orders and are their exclusive property:

      Hostellerie Saint Arnvald, attributed to the Cistercense Order
      Abbatia Trium Fontium ad Aquas Salvias, attributed to the Order of the Holy Star of Christos
      Eremitaggio Sant'Ivo dei Bretoni, attributed to the Franciscan Order
      Foresteria del convento di San Domenico, attributed to the Dominican Order

    Article 3: The following building are strictly reserved for the use of the Religious Military Order and are their exclusive property:

      Castello dei Templari San Bernardo d'Aragona
      , attributed to the Templar Order, Spanish branch
      Casteletto Maria Maddalena, attributed to the Teutonic Order

    III. Personal property

    Article 4: The following building are the personal property allowed to physical person by quiritary right.

      Palazzo Altemps , Campo di Marzo, Onael D'appérault [ Onael_ ]
      Palazzo Anguillara, Trastevere, Endymion d'Abbadie [ Endymion ]
      Palazzo Bonelli Imperiali Valentini, ..., Alessandro Anguissola Della Scala [ Yuri00 ]
      Palazzo Braschi, Parione, Stefano Maria Ludovico de' Giustiniani Borgia [ Stex86 ]
      Palazzo Colonna, Suburra, Attanasio Borgia [Attanasio]
      Palazzo Corsini alla Lungara, Trastevere, Arduino I Della Scala [Gropius]
      Palazzo Cisterna, Campo di Marzo, Josephus [ Josephus ]
      Palazzo Dei Santi XII Apostoli, Suburra, Samuele Borgia [Samuele]
      Palazzo della Sapienza, Campo di Marzo, Iaudas Ercole Rimaldi [ Iaudas ]
      Palazzo Doria-Pamphilj, Campo di Marzo, Kalixtus Alain-Edmond de Montfort-Beaumont d'Autevielle [ Kalixtus ]
      Palazzo di San Callisto, Trastevere, Alexandra Pamela Cagliostro d'Altavilla [ Pamelita ]
      Palazzo e torre d'Aracoeli, Capitole, Arnarion de Valyria-Borgia [Arnarion]
      Palazzo Madama, ..., Caillen Jolieen MacKinnon Rose [ Jolieen ]
      Palazzo Mattei, Capitole, Portalis Roderick Joseph de Vandimion [ Portalis ]
      Palazzo e Torre Pierleoni Caetani, Isola Tiberina, Ripa, Fenice Deversi Aslann Borgia [Fenice]
      Palazzo Monte, Quirinale, Erwann de Northshire [ Erwann. ]
      Palazzo Taverna, Adonnis Ferreira de Queirós Silva e Sagres [ Adonnis]
      Palazzo Venezia, Pantheon, Gianvitus Tarcisius De Reame [ Gianvitus ]
      Palazzo Riario - renamed Palazzetto d'Andorra , Pompeo, Sixtus IV [Sixtus]

      Palazetto Del Vescovo di Cervia, Campo Marzio, Estevan de Mortelane [Estevan]
      Palazzetto Di San Marco, Pantheon, Caton Hoel Auguste "Le Censeur" d'Acoma [ Catonlecenseur ]
      Palazzetto Di Vannozza Cattanei, ..., Nerval de Vandimion [ Nerval ]
      Palazzetto Lancia, Campo di Marzo, Cathelineau Botherel de Canihuel [ Cathelineau. ]
      Palazzetto Le Roy, Trastevere, Elvyna von Riddermark [Elvyna]
      Palazzetto Mattei, Capitole, Portalis Roderick Joseph de Vandimion [ Portalis ]
      Palazzetto Mochi, Pigna, Tymothé de Nivellus [ Tymothe ]
      Palazzetto Minerva, Pantheon, Ellesya de la Louveterie Arduilet [ Ellesya ]

      Villa d'Azayes, Trastevere, Valentina Wilgeforte Del Casalièr sous la régence de Ariana Del Casalièr [Régente: Ariana_anthea]
      Villa Farnesina, Trastevere, Estrella Luna de Lancaster y Valyria [Estrella.Luna]
      Villa Giulia, Campo di Marzo, Charles-Antoine Von Frayner [ Charles_antoine ]
      Villa San Martino, Trastevere, Melian de Ventoux [ Melian ]

      Torre dei Borgia, Suburra, Nicolás Borja [ Nicolino ]
      Torre di San Giovanni, Borgo, Policarpo von Wittelsbach [ Policarpo ]
      Torre della Scimmia, Campo di Marzo, Richard de Cetzes [ Richard de Cetzes ]

    - Update 19.01.1468

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