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[EN > ALL]Hagiography of Blessed Fastoner Blazing, OFM

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Inscrit le: 04 Avr 2016
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Localisation: Salisbury, Devon (England)

MessagePosté le: Ven Fév 28, 2020 3:08 pm    Sujet du message: [EN > ALL]Hagiography of Blessed Fastoner Blazing, OFM Répondre en citant

Greetings colleagues, would you be kind to translate the following Hagiography, please?

    Hagiography of Blazingfast OFM
    Saint of the Franciscan Brotherhood

    I. Origin of Blazingfast

    For the Blazing family, the twenty-first day of May 1438 was a marvellous day, one always to be reminisced about. The town of Launceston, Cornwall, witnessed the birth of Fastoner Blazing which history will remember as Father Blazingfast o.f.m of the Oxford Franciscan Grey Friars. [1]

    Due to great poverty, his peasant parents could no longer feed him, so they left him in a tunnel next to his parish church. He was only five years of age. He was nourished by the breadcrumbs which the parishioners gave to the beggars. At the age of eighteen 1456 A.D., he decided to leave his hole and set out for adventure. The first person he met was the now saint Mother Eraine, who was then the parish priestess. He felt the warmth in her way of welcoming him, she had a peaceful nature. Compelled by her radiating peace he followed in her footsteps by choosing her as his mentor. On the twenty-fifth day of May 1456, he was baptised by her, but never entered the Order of Saint Dwywai she had founded, as then he did not feel the call to consecrate himself entirely to Jah.

    II. On his call

    His first job was to renew benches in his parish church. One day he heard a voice that invited him to repair his church. He did not know the full meaning of this call. His first reaction was to work on a daily basis in his local church. However, with time he came to grasp that his mission was not to repair a church but to repair the universal Church. He perceived the calling of Jah.

    Back home, he had heard many church people speak of the Roman Curia. Marvelled by the Church's hierarchy, he decided to get into contact with them. It is here that he learned the French language and came across the Franciscan brotherhood. He was seduced by their spirituality that he made up his mind to consecrate himself entirely to Jah through this spiritual family. A call can be answered because there has been those who are certain of the authenticity of the call. Mother Eraine believed in him, his Franciscan community believed in him, so, he was able to believe in himself.

    III. On his life in England

    In his time, England was undergoing many wars, his people were no longer interested in the spiritual life but only what was temporal. He worked as a selfless blacksmith preparing weapons for the many wars. With time he realised that the war was not a mean to attain peace. He decided to consecrate himself to the transmission of the Aristotelian faith to his people.

    The greatest obstacle he encountered was the fact that few Church documents were translated into English. He dedicated himself to the translation of the dogma from French to English. He also worked on the translation of the Franciscan documents. He devoted himself tirelessly to this great work. Never neglecting his duties to serve his country as mayor or part of the great council for Cornwall. In fact, it is through these engagements that he saw the thirst of so many souls for something greater, infinite. He realised that they were seeking Jah but did not know it.

    IV. On his Franciscan life

    He became a member of the Franciscan Brotherhood in the year 1456 and the chapter gave him the charge of the assistant novice master, a responsibility he took at heart. Many remember him as a humble and joyful brother. His faith was nourished by his charity and his prayer life.

    He was ordained priest by Latan, his Franciscan mentor, on the twentieth day of May 1457. Latan and Blazingfast shared a common desire, that of spreading the Franciscan spirituality in England by the foundation of an English speaking convent. The project was prayed and accepted as the will of Jah on the twenty-seventh day of July 1457.

    As the first superior abbot of the Oxford Grey Friars convent, he dedicated himself to the construction of the convent. Everything was new. He consecrated many hours on the translation of many Franciscan writings such as the Vita of St Francis.

    V. On his death

    Driven by his burning desire that all souls may be saved, he decided to deepen his call for the transmission of the faith. Between his work in the Franciscan Convent, serving the poor and his many quill works, he travelled in his country as an apostolic nuncio and inquisitor. But this life was too hectic for him, so he took the resolution of teaching. On the second day of July 1458, he became a professor at the St-Benedict Seminary in Berry, France.

    The soul is willing but the flesh is weak. Sadly, he went to meet Jah in December 1458, a few days after receiving his diploma. Blazingfast died of weakness as he spent most of his time in retreat to gain more time for his writings and the translation of the Canon Law into English.

    VI. His Relic: The Quill of Unending Koinonia

    The quill is a gift given to Blazingfast by brother Latan upon the foundation of the Oxford Grey Friars convent, as a sign of their friendship and of the unity between the convent of Bruz and that of Oxford. Thus, Blazingfast named it the Quill of Unending Koinonia. For Latan the quill was a simple souvenir of one of his many voyages.

    The quill is a phoenix feather. It has the characteristic of gliding across the page without much effort. Blazingfast discovered that the more he used it the lighter the quill became and it remained perpetually trimmed. It was only used for religious purposes such as the writing of his letters and the translation of the sacred documents of the Church.

    Today the quill is exposed in the studium of the Oxford Grey Friars convent to remind us of the wholehearted free service Blazingfast offered to the Church for the salvation of souls. Praying before this relic offers consolation and peace of heart in one’s solitude. There are some who speaks of receiving a burning desire to search for Truth and Beauty, and firm hope that a day will come when everything will be restored.

    VII. His writings

    To the Church of England, Scotland and Ireland he leaves behind English translations of the official documents such as the Canon Law and official announcements. He has also given help to the writing of the hagiography of Saint Eraine. Lastly, to his Franciscan family, he leaves the following texts: On The Essence of Religious Life, the treaty on hope entitled "Never lose hope" and in French his disputatio on Charity

    VIII. Sayings on him

    Drak a écrit:
    The name or our brother Blazingfast will remain forever attached to two major poles of our Order: the novitiate and the Oxford convent.

    Since his novitiate, he wanted to spread the Franciscan faith and vision in his country, England, which he did by founding the Oxford Grey Friars convent and became the first superior abbot. He was the architect for the convent, he translated almost all of the Franciscan texts in English such as the Vita of St Francis of Genoa and many other documents.

    He was also a key element in the Church of England, Scotland and Ireland by the English translation of the Canon Law, as inquisitor and apostolic nuncio to Cornwall.

    Blazingwill a écrit:
    What a cousin! I hated his secretiveness. But he has been an inspiration for me in times of trouble. He always had a word of compassion that gave me hope.

    IX. His sayings

    Blazingfast a écrit:

    • Share your bread and the others will share their friendships, knowledge and understanding and with that, we will have the chance to be faithful to the Church.

    • The act of charity brings joy to the giver and the one who receives.

    • I think we should take the time to educate vagabonds. How? By our preaching, our support and our good examples. As a result, they can better love our Church.

    • There are not only one way of preaching. We can preach by words. This is done by the clergy. But clergy or not, there is another way of preaching that is by example, not only in words. It is one thing to preach, but it is another thing to live what we preach. So someone of faith, I believe, is the one that practices them both.

    X. The healing of the dumb

    Blazingwill a écrit:
    Brother Will had spent days seeking the intercession of Brother Fasteone for the healing of Dumb. Then as some sort of divine inspiration, he took the relic of Brother Fasteone, the Quill. He called upon Dumb who joined him in the small chapel.

    --Dumb a écrit:
    Dumb arrived at the chapel wondering what the friar will do next. He saw the man, so he approached. He knelt and took a time of prayer with the friar.

    Blazingwill a écrit:
    Welcome here Dumb. Please, let us pray to Jah. I have an idea but before let us pray.

    He took the Quill of Unending Koinonia, a relic of Brother Fasteone Blazing, o.f.m. He placed it on the altar and before it he prayed for the poor boy.

    Fasteone, you said that "The act of charity brings joy to the giver and the one who receives." Please, see this boy who suffers from his inability to speak. I pray that you may grant him this faculty. Like Christos who helped all the people in he met, like our founder Francis whom you loved well, be charitable on Dumb.

    Brother Will took a moment of silence and prayed for the boy in his heart.

    --Dumb a écrit:
    In his head Dumb began to think. He prays well. Me thinks that he has power to save me. Me feels the peace coming. I think that I need to have faith in friar. Fasteone I no know you. But I tell you heal me now fast.

    Blazingwill a écrit:
    Brother Will saw that the boy was really deep in prayer. He could see that his face was radiating with a certain calm.

    His prayers were pursued with him taking the quill and rubbing it on the boy's tongue. He drew the Franciscan sign on it and then placed it back on the altar.

    With hands in the air, his gaze in heaven, he implored some aid,
    "Fasteone, ask Jah please to heal this boy." As he said that the was a loud crashing sound outside. It was a sound of thunder. There was lightning also, which struck through the windows of the chapel and landed next to the boy.

    --Dumb a écrit:
    The lightning that struck close to Dumb, scared him. He was so shocked that he began to scream uncomprehensively. Arrrgggghhhh..... Wagagaga.... Ititititit..... He was so scared that he fell to the ground out of shock, his face was pale without life.

    Blazingwill a écrit:
    Seeing the lad fall, Brother Will was a bit shaken. He had spent many times in the slums and he had seen youngsters die. However, this one was particular. He was attached to the boy. He could not believe that it was the end.

    He rushed to the sacristy, he took a parchment and called for a physician, hoping that one will come.

    After which he returned to the chapel and kept on praying for the boy.

    Diayania a écrit:
    Receiving a letter from Brother Will, Dia put away her books and made her way to the Franciscan Hermitage. Her studies were progressing, but slowly, as the university had stopped offering hardly any medical courses lately. She was finding herself up late every night, pouring over her medical books in the candlelight, hoping she didn't miss anything that a teacher could have helped with.

    This was the first time she had been called to help a patient as a doctor, in fact. Dia found that she was a little nervous, her heart beating faster than usual and her hands a little clammy. She approached the little house and knocked briefly before entering.
    "Brother Will? Are you here?" she called out, stepping inside.

    Blazingwill a écrit:
    Brother Will praying for the lad heard a familiar voice. He rose and went to the door. As he opened he saw his friend and physician who had arrived. He greeted her with his gentle smile.

    Dia, thanks for joining me. I hope that the journey here was good. Please, enter.

    Diayania a écrit:
    "Yes, fine, it's quite convenient to Southampton," Dia said. She followed Will further inside. "You said you had a patient for me to see? What exactly is the problem?"

    Blazingwill a écrit:
    Yes, the boy came here seeking a help. He cannot speak. I have prayed for him and then he collapsed. Would you see if he will be okay? Brother Will points to the room where the boy is. You will also have to examine if he is really dumb.

    Diayania a écrit:
    Dia frowned, following Will's pointed finger to the next room. She had never checked if anyone was really mute before. She wasn't even sure she could do it. "Hello," she called out to the boy, trying to keep her voice friendly and light. He seemed to be lying very still, so she approached the bed and looked over the boy to see if he was awake or fully unconscious. "What happened before he collapsed?" she asked Brother Will, opening her medical bag and pulling out a few tools.

    Blazingwill a écrit:
    Brother Will looked at the physician at work. He observed her as she approached the lad. He cleared his throat and began to explain the lad's situation. Well, he came here I feel looking for a miracle. I only thought that he was tired and needed some rest. I offered him a place to rest and some gardening work. With time, I figured through his gestures that he could not speak.

    He took a pause and smiled gently at the lad. Then he looked back at Dia, I began praying for him, so that he may have some peace of heart since I am no miracle maker. I prayed that my late cousin Fasteone would seek his healing before Jah. Something happened during prayer. He began screaming and having convulsions, after which he fell in this state.

    Do you think you could do something for him? It is my desire that he may live.

    Brother Will had a moment of grief. He could not stand that such a boy would die. He is so young and so tender...

    Diayania a écrit:
    Dia listened to the tale with a frown. Screaming and convulsions? He must have been in pain, but why? And if he could scream, why couldn't he talk? She looked back to the boy, laying a gentle hand on his wrist. His eyes were closed, and his face deathly white. The pulse was there, but extremely weak. He was on the border of life and death. "He is very close to death. Whatever happened to him, it was very strong and painful."

    Dia took a smoothed stick from her bag and pried open the lad's mouth, looking inside. "Will you draw the candle nearer?" she asked Brother Will. She pressed down on the boy's tongue with the stick, and looked back down his throat. "His voice-chords are intact. That is how he can scream." She now looked at the tongue itself, lifting it gently with her instrument. "Oh!" she cried, seeing the underside of his tongue for the first time. It was as if the tongue was affixed to the bottom of his mouth. She could not even get the stick farther underneath than an inch. "I think I found why he cannot speak. It seems like it would be fixable, too. I wonder he did not see a doctor for it earlier."

    Dia put the stick aside and opened one of the boy's eyes. She took the candle from Brother Will and held it over his eye. The pupil shrunk with the new light. "He does not seem to have gone blind, at least. His brain is working." She checked the other eye, with the same result. Frowning, Dia continued her exam, checking for fever, heartbeat, and lumps. Finally she stepped away to speak to Brother Will, putting her tools back in her bag.

    "I cannot find any injury or problem, other than the tongue making him dumb. He has a slight fever, and his heart beats irregularly and slightly quickly. I will make a potion for you to help with both of these problems, and you should give it to him twice a day. But I think, the real problem may be in his mind and soul. I think perhaps he gave up on life for some reason, maybe because of his tongue. I recommend you sit with him each day, and talk to him. Tell him about wonderful things in life, like the flowers and animals and nice people. And above all, tell him that I can fix his tongue when he wakes, if he wants. If he is still in there and hears you, these things might draw him back to us. Otherwise..." she shrugged. "Otherwise all we can do is pray."

    Blazingwill a écrit:
    The instructions given to Brother Will by the physician was followed to the letter. He really wanted that the boy could be saved. The news that the lad was not really dumb after all was a good thing. However, Brother Will wondered why the lad was in this state.

    The soul and mind... I know many who had given up on life. It is a way for them to forget the pangs of life. He stopped talking to himself and turned to Dia. Dia, I will do anything to have his life back. If the potion could be ready I shall give it to him. I shall pray and hope he gets better. By the way, what is the matter with his tongue?

    Diayania a écrit:
    Dia nodded solemnly. "I will prepare them as soon as I get home, and have them sent back here straight away." She mentally reviewed her herb stocks, trying to think if she had all the necessary ingredients at hand. If not perhaps Baudet would have some, he seemed to be a most resourceful scrounger. "His tongue seems to be fused to the bottom of his mouth. Likely it happened before birth. Sometimes in the womb babes grow too much skin in one area. You have perhaps before seen someone with 'webbed fingers' before? It is similar to that effect. I can cut away the extra skin, separating the tongue from the jaw. It will be painful, but it should heal easily since it is simply extra flesh."

    Diayania a écrit:
    Dia went home to brew the potions and brought them back the next day. As she was showing Brother Will how to administer them to the dumb boy, she reexamined his tongue to show the attachment to the monk. "Oh! Hmm..." she said, looking closer as she lifted the tongue. "This is not as simple as I first thought I'm afraid. To cut it would cut this big vein here. It would be too dangerous." Dia shook her head sadly. "I am sorry to have given you false hope yesterday, Brother Will. It seems you will simply have to pray for his mouth to be fixed as well." She handed him the potions that would hopefully remedy the boy's heart and fever, and bade the monk goodbye.

    Blazingwill a écrit:
    Weeks had passed on now that Brother Will was administering the potion to the lad. He happened to be gaining his strength back. The fever had left him and the lad was now spending time in the Chapel and the gardens.

    --Dumb a écrit:
    Days went on and Dumb was feeling lost. He was happy to be back again to life. He could not remember much of the past months. But his desire to speak was stronger than ever. Going up to the Friar he made signs to show him that he wanted to find his voice.

    Blazingwill a écrit:
    I think that it is now time to pass on to the healing process., Brother Will thought to himself. I will now pray for him. Come my boy and bench by my side. The boy did as he was told. Brother Will took a moment of silence then he began praying for the lad.

    Fasteone, you who during your journey here had the burning desire to serve the poor. I thank Jah for your generosity and for the love you show to us all. Today I pray you. Interceded for us before Jah and ask him to grant this boy his voice.

    He took the lad's tongue out and with the Quill he wrote three time on it, Laudate. After which he said, Praise be to Thee Jah. Praise be to Thee for the voice that call's on you and praise you. May his voice be use to praise Thee foreever. Amen.

    --Dumb a écrit:
    Friar did things on me. I don't know what it is. But I feel a warmth in me heart. What is it? I don't know.

    Feeling confidence in himself he tried to say something. It is at this point that he began singing.

    Praise be to Jah,
    The Almighty Creator of all.
    It is with joy that me sing this hymn tho you.

    Dumb was overjoyed for what he was hearing. He had gained his voice and it was a beautiful one. Turning to the Firar he began to cry with joy. Then he went before the altar. He knelt and prayed by singing hymns.

    This letter belongs to the Franciscan Convent of Bruz. In memory of one of them.

    [1] After the death of Father Blazingfast, o.f.m the convent was moved to Liverpool.

[quote][list][size=16][color=#009900][b]Hagiography of Blazingfast OFM[/b][/color][/size]
[size=13][i]Saint of the Franciscan Brotherhood[/i]

[size=16][color=#990000][b]I. Origin of Blazingfast[/b][/color][/size]

For the Blazing family, the twenty-first day of May 1438 was a marvellous day, one always to be reminisced about. The town of Launceston, Cornwall, witnessed the birth of Fastoner Blazing which history will remember as Father Blazingfast o.f.m of the Oxford Franciscan Grey Friars. [1]

Due to great poverty, his peasant parents could no longer feed him, so they left him in a tunnel next to his parish church. He was only five years of age. He was nourished by the breadcrumbs which the parishioners gave to the beggars. At the age of eighteen 1456 A.D., he decided to leave his hole and set out for adventure. The first person he met was the now saint Mother Eraine, who was then the parish priestess. He felt the warmth in her way of welcoming him, she had a peaceful nature. Compelled by her radiating peace he followed in her footsteps by choosing her as his mentor. On the twenty-fifth day of May 1456, he was baptised by her, but never entered the Order of Saint Dwywai she had founded, as then he did not feel the call to consecrate himself entirely to Jah.

[size=16][color=#990000][b]II. On his call[/b][/color][/size]

His first job was to renew benches in his parish church. One day he heard a voice that invited him to repair his church. He did not know the full meaning of this call. His first reaction was to work on a daily basis in his local church. However, with time he came to grasp that his mission was not to repair a church but to repair the universal Church. He perceived the calling of Jah.

Back home, he had heard many church people speak of the Roman Curia. Marvelled by the Church's hierarchy, he decided to get into contact with them. It is here that he learned the French language and came across the Franciscan brotherhood. He was seduced by their spirituality that he made up his mind to consecrate himself entirely to Jah through this spiritual family. A call can be answered because there has been those who are certain of the authenticity of the call. Mother Eraine believed in him, his Franciscan community believed in him, so, he was able to believe in himself.

[size=16][color=#990000][b]III. On his life in England[/b][/color][/size]

In his time, England was undergoing many wars, his people were no longer interested in the spiritual life but only what was temporal. He worked as a selfless blacksmith preparing weapons for the many wars. With time he realised that the war was not a mean to attain peace. He decided to consecrate himself to the transmission of the Aristotelian faith to his people.

The greatest obstacle he encountered was the fact that few Church documents were translated into English. He dedicated himself to the translation of the dogma from French to English. He also worked on the translation of the Franciscan documents. He devoted himself tirelessly to this great work. Never neglecting his duties to serve his country as mayor or part of the great council for Cornwall. In fact, it is through these engagements that he saw the thirst of so many souls for something greater, infinite. He realised that they were seeking Jah but did not know it.

[size=16][color=#990000][b]IV. On his Franciscan life[/b][/color][/size]

He became a member of the Franciscan Brotherhood in the year 1456 and the chapter gave him the charge of the assistant novice master, a responsibility he took at heart. Many remember him as a humble and joyful brother. His faith was nourished by his charity and his prayer life.

He was ordained priest by Latan, his Franciscan mentor, on the twentieth day of May 1457. Latan and Blazingfast shared a common desire, that of spreading the Franciscan spirituality in England by the foundation of an English speaking convent. The project was prayed and accepted as the will of Jah on the twenty-seventh day of July 1457.

As the first superior abbot of the Oxford Grey Friars convent, he dedicated himself to the construction of the convent. Everything was new. He consecrated many hours on the translation of many Franciscan writings such as the Vita of St Francis.

[size=16][color=#990000][b]V. On his death[/b][/color][/size]

Driven by his burning desire that all souls may be saved, he decided to deepen his call for the transmission of the faith. Between his work in the Franciscan Convent, serving the poor and his many quill works, he travelled in his country as an apostolic nuncio and inquisitor. But this life was too hectic for him, so he took the resolution of teaching. On the second day of July 1458, he became a professor at the St-Benedict Seminary in Berry, France.

The soul is willing but the flesh is weak. Sadly, he went to meet Jah in December 1458, a few days after receiving his diploma. Blazingfast died of weakness as he spent most of his time in retreat to gain more time for his writings and the translation of the Canon Law into English.

[size=16][color=#990000][b]VI. His Relic: The Quill of Unending Koinonia[/b][/color][/size]

The quill is a gift given to Blazingfast by brother Latan upon the foundation of the Oxford Grey Friars convent, as a sign of their friendship and of the unity between the convent of Bruz and that of Oxford. Thus, Blazingfast named it the Quill of Unending Koinonia. For Latan the quill was a simple souvenir of one of his many voyages.

The quill is a phoenix feather. It has the characteristic of gliding across the page without much effort. Blazingfast discovered that the more he used it the lighter the quill became and it remained perpetually trimmed. It was only used for religious purposes such as the writing of his letters and the translation of the sacred documents of the Church.

Today the quill is exposed in the studium of the Oxford Grey Friars convent to remind us of the wholehearted free service Blazingfast offered to the Church for the salvation of souls. Praying before this relic offers consolation and peace of heart in one’s solitude. There are some who speaks of receiving a burning desire to search for Truth and Beauty, and firm hope that a day will come when everything will be restored.

[size=16][color=#990000][b]VII. His writings[/b][/color][/size]

To the Church of England, Scotland and Ireland he leaves behind English translations of the official documents such as the Canon Law and official announcements. He has also given help to the writing of the hagiography of Saint Eraine. Lastly, to his Franciscan family, he leaves the following texts: [url=http://ordrefranciscain.bb-fr.com/t1871-on-the-essence-of-religious-life]On The Essence of Religious Life[/url], [url=http://ordrefranciscain.bb-fr.com/t1879-speechnever-loose-hope]the treaty on hope entitled "Never lose hope"[/url] and in French his [url=http://rome.lesroyaumes.com/viewtopic.php?t=20728]disputatio on Charity[/url]

[size=16][color=#990000][b]VIII. Sayings on him[/b][/color][/size]

[quote="Drak"]The name or our brother Blazingfast will remain forever attached to two major poles of our Order: the novitiate and the Oxford convent.

Since his novitiate, he wanted to spread the Franciscan faith and vision in his country, England, which he did by founding the Oxford Grey Friars convent and became the first superior abbot. He was the architect for the convent, he translated almost all of the Franciscan texts in English such as the Vita of St Francis of Genoa and many other documents.

He was also a key element in the Church of England, Scotland and Ireland by the English translation of the Canon Law, as inquisitor and apostolic nuncio to Cornwall.[/quote]

[quote="Blazingwill"]What a cousin! I hated his secretiveness. But he has been an inspiration for me in times of trouble. He always had a word of compassion that gave me hope.[/quote]

[size=16][color=#990000][b]IX. His sayings[/b][/color][/size]

[*]Share your bread and the others will share their friendships, knowledge and understanding and with that, we will have the chance to be faithful to the Church.

[*]The act of charity brings joy to the giver and the one who receives.

[*]I think we should take the time to educate vagabonds. How? By our preaching, our support and our good examples. As a result, they can better love our Church.

[*]There are not only one way of preaching. We can preach by words. This is done by the clergy. But clergy or not, there is another way of preaching that is by example, not only in words. It is one thing to preach, but it is another thing to live what we preach. So someone of faith, I believe, is the one that practices them both.[/list][/quote]

[size=16][color=#990000][b]X. The healing of the dumb[/b][/color][/size]

[quote="Blazingwill"][i]Brother Will had spent days seeking the intercession of Brother Fasteone for the healing of Dumb. Then as some sort of divine inspiration, he took the relic of Brother Fasteone, the Quill. He called upon Dumb who joined him in the small chapel.[/i][/quote]

[quote="--Dumb"][i]Dumb arrived at the chapel wondering what the friar will do next. He saw the man, so he approached. He knelt and took a time of prayer with the friar.[/i][/quote]

[quote="Blazingwill"][color=darkblue]Welcome here Dumb. Please, let us pray to Jah. I have an idea but before let us pray.[/color]

[i]He took the Quill of Unending Koinonia, a relic of Brother Fasteone Blazing, o.f.m. He placed it on the altar and before it he prayed for the poor boy.[/i]

[color=darkblue]Fasteone, you said that "The act of charity brings joy to the giver and the one who receives." Please, see this boy who suffers from his inability to speak. I pray that you may grant him this faculty. Like Christos who helped all the people in he met, like our founder Francis whom you loved well, be charitable on Dumb.[/color]

[i]Brother Will took a moment of silence and prayed for the boy in his heart.[/i][/quote]

[quote="--Dumb"][i]In his head Dumb began to think. He prays well. Me thinks that he has power to save me. Me feels the peace coming. I think that I need to have faith in friar. Fasteone I no know you. But I tell you heal me now fast.[/i][/quote]

[quote="Blazingwill"][i]Brother Will saw that the boy was really deep in prayer. He could see that his face was radiating with a certain calm.

His prayers were pursued with him taking the quill and rubbing it on the boy's tongue. He drew the Franciscan sign on it and then placed it back on the altar.

With hands in the air, his gaze in heaven, he implored some aid,[/i] [color=darkblue]"Fasteone, ask Jah please to heal this boy."[/color][i] As he said that the was a loud crashing sound outside. It was a sound of thunder. There was lightning also, which struck through the windows of the chapel and landed next to the boy.[/i][/quote]

[quote="--Dumb"][i]The lightning that struck close to Dumb, scared him. He was so shocked that he began to scream uncomprehensively.[/i] Arrrgggghhhh..... Wagagaga.... Ititititit..... [i]He was so scared that he fell to the ground out of shock, his face was pale without life.[/i][/quote]

[quote="Blazingwill"][i]Seeing the lad fall, Brother Will was a bit shaken. He had spent many times in the slums and he had seen youngsters die. However, this one was particular. He was attached to the boy. He could not believe that it was the end.

He rushed to the sacristy, he took a parchment and called for a physician, hoping that one will come.

After which he returned to the chapel and kept on praying for the boy.[/i][/quote]

[quote="Diayania"][i]Receiving a letter from Brother Will, Dia put away her books and made her way to the Franciscan Hermitage. Her studies were progressing, but slowly, as the university had stopped offering hardly any medical courses lately.  She was finding herself up late every night, pouring over her medical books in the candlelight, hoping she didn't miss anything that a teacher could have helped with.

This was the first time she had been called to help a patient as a doctor, in fact.  Dia found that she was a little nervous, her heart beating faster than usual and her hands a little clammy.  She approached the little house and knocked briefly before entering.[/i]  "[color=#b22222]Brother Will?  Are you here?[/color]" [i]she called out, stepping inside[/i].[/quote]

[quote="Blazingwill"][i]Brother Will praying for the lad heard a familiar voice. He rose and went to the door. As he opened he saw his friend and physician who had arrived. He greeted her with his gentle smile.[/i]

[color=darkblue]Dia, thanks for joining me. I hope that the journey here was good. Please, enter.[/color][/quote]

[quote="Diayania"]"[color=#b22222]Yes, fine, it's quite convenient to Southampton,[/color]" [i]Dia said.  She followed Will further inside.[/i]  "[color=#b22222]You said you had a patient for me to see?  What exactly is the problem?[/color]"[/quote]

[quote="Blazingwill"][color=darkblue]Yes, the boy came here seeking a help. He cannot speak. I have prayed for him and then he collapsed. Would you see if he will be okay?[/color] [i]Brother Will points to the room where the boy is.[/i] [color=darkblue]You will also have to examine if he is really dumb.[/color][/quote]

[quote="Diayania"][i]Dia frowned, following Will's pointed finger to the next room.  She had never checked if anyone was really mute before.  She wasn't even sure she could do it.[/i]  "[color=#b22222]Hello,[/color]" [i]she called out to the boy, trying to keep her voice friendly and light.  He seemed to be lying very still, so she approached the bed and looked over the boy to see if he was awake or fully unconscious.[/i]  "[color=#b22222]What happened before he collapsed?[/color]" [i]she asked Brother Will, opening her medical bag and pulling out a few tools.[/i][/quote]

[quote="Blazingwill"][i]Brother Will looked at the physician at work. He observed her as she approached the lad. He cleared his throat and began to explain the lad's situation.[/i] [color=darkblue]Well, he came here I feel looking for a miracle. I only thought that he was tired and needed some rest. I offered him a place to rest and some gardening work. With time, I figured through his gestures that he could not speak.[/color]

[i]He took a pause and smiled gently at the lad. Then he looked back at Dia,[/i] [color=darkblue]I began praying for him, so that he may have some peace of heart since I am no miracle maker. I prayed that my late cousin Fasteone would seek his healing before Jah. Something happened during prayer. He began screaming and having convulsions, after which he fell in this state.

Do you think you could do something for him? It is my desire that he may live.[/color]

[i]Brother Will had a moment of grief. He could not stand that such a boy would die. He is so young and so tender...[/i][/quote]

[quote="Diayania"][i]Dia listened to the tale with a frown.  Screaming and convulsions?  He must have been in pain, but why?  And if he could scream, why couldn't he talk?  She looked back to the boy, laying a gentle hand on his wrist.  His eyes were closed, and his face deathly white.  The pulse was there, but extremely weak.  He was on the border of life and death.[/i]  "[color=#b22222]He is very close to death.  Whatever happened to him, it was very strong and painful.[/color]"

[i]Dia took a smoothed stick from her bag and pried open the lad's mouth, looking inside.[/i]  "[color=#b22222]Will you draw the candle nearer?[/color]" [i]she asked Brother Will.  She pressed down on the boy's tongue with the stick, and looked back down his throat.[/i]  "[color=#b22222]His voice-chords are intact.  That is how he can scream.[/color]"  [i]She now looked at the tongue itself, lifting it gently with her instrument.[/i]  "[color=#b22222]Oh![/color]" [i]she cried, seeing the underside of his tongue for the first time.  It was as if the tongue was affixed to the bottom of his mouth.  She could not even get the stick farther underneath than an inch.[/i]  "[color=#b22222]I think I found why he cannot speak.  It seems like it would be fixable, too.  I wonder he did not see a doctor for it earlier.[/color]"

[i]Dia put the stick aside and opened one of the boy's eyes.  She took the candle from Brother Will and held it over his eye.  The pupil shrunk with the new light.[/i]  "[color=#b22222]He does not seem to have gone blind, at least.  His brain is working.[/color]"  [i]She checked the other eye, with the same result.  Frowning, Dia continued her exam, checking for fever, heartbeat, and lumps.  Finally she stepped away to speak to Brother Will, putting her tools back in her bag.[/i]

"[color=#b22222]I cannot find any injury or problem, other than the tongue making him dumb.  He has a slight fever, and his heart beats irregularly and slightly quickly.  I will make a potion for you to help with both of these problems, and you should give it to him twice a day.  But I think, the real problem may be in his mind and soul.  I think perhaps he gave up on life for some reason, maybe because of his tongue.  I recommend you sit with him each day, and talk to him.  Tell him about wonderful things in life, like the flowers and animals and nice people.  And above all, tell him that I can fix his tongue when he wakes, if he wants.  If he is still in there and hears you, these things might draw him back to us.  Otherwise...[/color]" [i]she shrugged.[/i]  "[color=#b22222]Otherwise all we can do is pray.[/color]"[/quote]

[quote="Blazingwill"][i]The instructions given to Brother Will by the physician was followed to the letter. He really wanted that the boy could be saved. The news that the lad was not really dumb after all was a good thing. However, Brother Will wondered why the lad was in this state.[/i]

[color=darkblue]The soul and mind... I know many who had given up on life. It is a way for them to forget the pangs of life.[/color] [i]He stopped talking to himself and turned to Dia. [/i][color=darkblue]Dia, I will do anything to have his life back. If the potion could be ready I shall give it to him. I shall pray and hope he gets better. By the way, what is the matter with his tongue?[/color][/quote]

[quote="Diayania"][i]Dia nodded solemnly.[/i]  "[color=#b22222]I will prepare them as soon as I get home, and have them sent back here straight away.[/color]"  [i]She mentally reviewed her herb stocks, trying to think if she had all the necessary ingredients at hand.  If not perhaps Baudet would have some, he seemed to be a most resourceful scrounger.[/i]  "[color=#b22222]His tongue seems to be fused to the bottom of his mouth.  Likely it happened before birth.  Sometimes in the womb babes grow too much skin in one area.  You have perhaps before seen someone with 'webbed fingers' before?  It is similar to that effect.  I can cut away the extra skin, separating the tongue from the jaw.  It will be painful, but it should heal easily since it is simply extra flesh.[/color]"[/quote]

[quote="Diayania"][i]Dia went home to brew the potions and brought them back the next day.  As she was showing Brother Will how to administer them to the dumb boy, she reexamined his tongue to show the attachment to the monk.[/i]  "[color=#b22222]Oh!  Hmm...[/color]" [i]she said, looking closer as she lifted the tongue.[/i]  "[color=#b22222]This is not as simple as I first thought I'm afraid.  To cut it would cut this big vein here.  It would be too dangerous.[/color]"  [i]Dia shook her head sadly.[/i]  "[color=#b22222]I am sorry to have given you false hope yesterday, Brother Will.  It seems you will simply have to pray for his mouth to be fixed as well.[/color]"  [i]She handed him the potions that would hopefully remedy the boy's heart and fever, and bade the monk goodbye.[/i][/quote]

[quote="Blazingwill"][i]Weeks had passed on now that Brother Will was administering the potion to the lad. He happened to be gaining his strength back. The fever had left him  and the lad was now spending time in the Chapel and the gardens.[/i][/quote]

[quote="--Dumb"][i]Days went on and Dumb was feeling lost. He was happy to be back again to life. He could not remember much of the past months. But his desire to speak was stronger than ever. Going up to the Friar he made signs to show him that he wanted to find his voice.[/i][/quote]

[quote="Blazingwill"][i]I think that it is now time to pass on to the healing process., Brother Will thought to himself. I will now pray for him.[/i] [color=darkblue]Come my boy and bench by my side.[/color] [i]The boy did as he was told. Brother Will took a moment of silence then he began praying for the lad.[/i]
Fasteone, you who during your journey here had the burning desire to serve the poor. I thank Jah for your generosity and for the love you show to us all. Today I pray you. Interceded for us before Jah and ask him to grant this boy his voice.[/color]

[i]He took the lad's tongue out and with the Quill he wrote three time on it, Laudate. After which he said,[/i][color=darkblue] Praise be to Thee Jah. Praise be to Thee for the voice that call's on you and praise you. May his voice be use to praise Thee foreever. Amen.[/color][/quote]

[quote="--Dumb"][i]Friar did things on me. I don't know what it is. But I feel a warmth in me heart. What is it? I don't know.

Feeling confidence in himself he tried to say something. It is at this point that he began singing.[/i]

[b]Praise be to Jah,
The Almighty Creator of all.
It is with joy that me sing this hymn tho you.[/b]
Dumb was overjoyed for what he was hearing. He had gained his voice and it was a beautiful one. Turning to the Firar he began to cry with joy. Then he went before the altar. He knelt and prayed by singing hymns.[/i][/quote]
[i]This letter belongs to the Franciscan Convent of Bruz. In memory of one of them.[/i]

[size=9][b][1][/b] After the death of Father Blazingfast, o.f.m the convent was moved to Liverpool.[/size][/list][/quote]


Metropolitan Archbishop of Canterbury | Marquess of Exminster | Earl of Bassetlaw | Viscount of Osney
Prefect of the office of Relics
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Inscrit le: 04 Avr 2016
Messages: 1469
Localisation: Salisbury, Devon (England)

MessagePosté le: Mer Mar 04, 2020 1:25 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Please do not begin the translation as the blessed state has been removed due to certain errors in the text.

Metropolitan Archbishop of Canterbury | Marquess of Exminster | Earl of Bassetlaw | Viscount of Osney
Prefect of the office of Relics
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Inscrit le: 24 Fév 2013
Messages: 13061
Localisation: Roma, Palazzo Doria-Pamphilj

MessagePosté le: Jeu Mar 05, 2020 11:59 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

This text needs the permission of the CSO chancellor - before we translate it. I have no permission on my desk till now, so no translations at all.
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Inscrit le: 04 Avr 2016
Messages: 1469
Localisation: Salisbury, Devon (England)

MessagePosté le: Jeu Mar 05, 2020 12:25 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Kalixtus a écrit:
This text needs the permission of the CSO chancellor - before we translate it. I have no permission on my desk till now, so no translations at all.

Thank you for confirming what I have written above, when I asked not to continue with the translation.

Metropolitan Archbishop of Canterbury | Marquess of Exminster | Earl of Bassetlaw | Viscount of Osney
Prefect of the office of Relics
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Inscrit le: 24 Fév 2013
Messages: 13061
Localisation: Roma, Palazzo Doria-Pamphilj

MessagePosté le: Sam Mar 07, 2020 7:53 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

I'm sure that will change soon Blazingwill, just courage and patience, my friend. Once we have that, it will be quickly translated. Kalixtus smiled gently.
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