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[RP] La Iglesia de San Pablo
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Inscrit le: 16 Juil 2020
Messages: 22

MessagePosté le: Dim Aoû 09, 2020 11:46 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Muck blickte nun auf und lächelte Kalixtus an. Seine ruhigen, gelassenen und verständnisvollen Worte nahmen dem Soldaten ein wenig die Nervosität. Er hörte ihm gespannt zu und nickte leicht. Ich freue mich auch dich endlich anzutreffen. Ja, ich bin damit einverstanden nur dem Ritual zu widmen
Gespannt und lächelnd sah Mucky weiter zu Kalixtus und wartete nun, wie es weitergehen wird. Scheint als konnten auch die Worte von Kalixtus ihm nicht völlig die Nervosität nehmen.
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Inscrit le: 24 Fév 2013
Messages: 13061
Localisation: Roma, Palazzo Doria-Pamphilj

MessagePosté le: Mar Aoû 18, 2020 12:27 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

    Kalixtus lächelte und griff nach dem Krug mit dem Wasser und lies es ins Taufbecken fließen:

      “Sicher sind wir in der Materie gefangen, ihren Regeln unterworfen, doch unser Ziel ist die Zuwendung zu DIR, EWIGER VOLLKOMMENER GEIST. Nach meinem Empfinden hast DU daher dem Leben den Sinn der Liebe gegeben.” Darauf sagte GOTT: “Mensch, weil du der einzige bist, der begreift, daß es um die Liebe geht, mache ich Deinesgleichen zu MEINEN Kindern. Und nun weißt du, daß das Talent deiner Art seine Fähigkeit ist, MICH und die Seinen zu lieben. Die anderen Arten können nur sich selbst lieben.”

    Damit segnete er das Wasser und er bat Mucky direkt zu ihm an das Taufbecken und reichte ihm beide Hände.

    Lass uns das Glaubenskenntnis aufsagen:

      Ich glaube an Gott, den allmächtigen Allerhöchsten,
      Schöpfer des Himmels und der Erde,
      der Höllen und des Paradieses,
      Richter über unsere Seele zur Stunde des Todes.

      Und an Aristoteles, seinen Propheten,
      Sohn des Nikomachos und der Phaetis,
      entsandt, den irregeleiteten Menschen
      die Weisheit und die göttlichen Gesetze des Universums zu lehren.

      Ich glaube auch an Christos,
      geboren von Maria und Giosep.
      Er widmete uns sein Leben, zeigte den Weg ins Paradies.
      So kam es, dass er, nachdem er unter Ponce gelitten hatte,
      im Martyrium gestorben ist, um uns zu retten.
      Er ist zur Sonne zurückgekehrt, wo Aristoteles zur Rechten des Allmächtigen ihn erwartete.

      Ich glaube an das Wirken Gottes;
      an die Eine und Unteilbare Heilige Römische Aristotelische Kirche;
      an die Gemeinschaft der Heiligen;
      an die Vergebung der Sünden;
      an das ewige Leben.


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Inscrit le: 16 Juil 2020
Messages: 22

MessagePosté le: Mar Aoû 18, 2020 7:06 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Mucky beobachtete Kalixtus genau und lauschte vor allem seinen Worten aufmerksam. Als er dann von ihm gebeten wurde ans Taufbecken heraus zu gehen machte er dies. Er war ganz nah am Taufbecken, welches nun mit gesegnetem Wasser gefüllt ist. Noch wusste Mucky nicht genau, wie er sich zu verhalten hat. Als Kalixtus ihm seine Hände reiche, war we abermals verwirrt. Was sollte er jetzt tun? Er streckte seine Hände aus und hielt die von Kalixtus fest. Scheinbar muss es so sein, dachte sich der Württemberger und dann sprach er das Glaubensbekenntnis aus. Gut das Kalixtus es ihm vorsprach alleine hätte er es sicher nicht geschafft.

Ich glaube an Gott, den allmächtigen Allerhöchsten,
Schöpfer des Himmels und der Erde,
der Höllen und des Paradieses,
Richter über unsere Seele zur Stunde des Todes.

Und an Aristoteles, seinen Propheten,
Sohn des Nikomachos und der Phaetis,
entsandt, den irregeleiteten Menschen
die Weisheit und die göttlichen Gesetze des Universums zu lehren.

Ich glaube auch an Christos,
geboren von Maria und Giosep.
Er widmete uns sein Leben, zeigte den Weg ins Paradies.
So kam es, dass er, nachdem er unter Ponce gelitten hatte,
im Martyrium gestorben ist, um uns zu retten.
Er ist zur Sonne zurückgekehrt, wo Aristoteles zur Rechten des Allmächtigen ihn erwartete.

Ich glaube an das Wirken Gottes;
an die Eine und Unteilbare Heilige Römische Aristotelische Kirche;
an die Gemeinschaft der Heiligen;
an die Vergebung der Sünden;
an das ewige Leben.


Nun wartete Mucky ab, wie es weiter gehen würde. Immerhin wusste er, dass er mit dem gesegneten Wasser in Berührung kommen musste.
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Inscrit le: 24 Fév 2013
Messages: 13061
Localisation: Roma, Palazzo Doria-Pamphilj

MessagePosté le: Ven Aoû 21, 2020 6:18 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

    Kalixtus lächelte und nickte dann ehe er den Kopf des Mannes etwas näher über das Taufbecken delegierte indem er mit seinem Zeigefinger das Kinn zu sich herüberzog. Dann tauchte er seine Hand ins Becken, schöpfte etwas Wasser, träufelte es über Muckys Kopf und sprach die salbungsvollen Worte:

      Ich taufe dich im Namen der Aristotelischen Kirche und im Namen des Allmächtigen zur Freundschaft mit allen Heiligen und zur Liebe des Vaters der Menschheit

    Danach reichte man ihm ein weißes Tuch zum trockenen der Hände und eines für Mucky zum trocknen der Stirn. Ein weiterer Akolyth brachte ihm das Medaillon des Aristoteles in Cyan.

    Er legte es ihm als Zeichen der Gemeinschaft der Aristoten an einer langen Kette geheftet um den Hals.

    Sehet das lebendige Symbol des Glaubens als Rechtgläubiger. Sehet Volk der Aristoten - Sehet ihr Heiligen, Erzengel und Propheten - die Kirche lebt und mit ihr atmet diese Welt im Einklang der Tugend.

    Dann brachte man ihm die Taufkerze, er entzündete sie an der Jahrekerze und überreichte auch diese ihm.

    Dies ist das Licht der Welt, in den Händen eines Gotteskindes. In ihre ruht die Vereinigung der Lehren als Kraft, als Energie die unser aller Leben bestimmen. Ein Leben, das den Tugenden und der Wahrheit im Glanze Gottes gewidmet ist.

    Kalixtus stimmte den Gesang - Asperges me - besprenge mich an. Ein Gesang, der den Täufling willkommen hieß in die Gemeinschaft der Aristoten.

    Der Kardinal nickte ihm aufmunternd zu und da kam dann auch schon der Akolyth mit dem Brot. Kalixtus segnete es mit einem stummen Gebet ehe er es hob und im Licht der aufgehenden Sonne brach.

    Dies ist die lebendige Erinnerung an das letzte Abendmahl des Propheten Christos. Das Brot, das ein Symbol der aristotelischen Freundschaft ist. Ein Symbol das uns demonstriert, dass wir alle aus der Schöpfers Hand kommen und hier im Hause Gottes ein jeder gleich ist.

    Er teilte das Brot auf und reichte es an die Akolythen, er reichte es Mucky und nahm selbst ein Stück zu sich ehe er seine Finger hob zum finalen Segen.

      Der Herr segne euch und behüte euch;
      Der Herr lasse sein Angesicht leuchten über euch und sei euch gnädig;
      Der Herr hebe sein Angesicht über euch und gebe euch Frieden.

      Agnus Dei, qui tollis peccata mundi, miserere nobis.
      Agnus Dei, qui tollis peccata mundi, miserere nobis.
      Agnus Dei, qui tollis peccata mundi, dona nobis pacem.

    Wir wollen ein letztes Gebet gemeinsam sprechen:

      Allmächtiger Gott und Vater,

      es ist die Liebe die uns zu dir führt und es ist die Liebe die in uns den Willen bestärkt zur Einkehr und Buße
      und es ist deine Liebe die uns hoffen lässt auf ewigen Frieden im solaren Paradies.
      Möge diese Liebe niemals enden.

      Durch Christos, dem Propheten, der in der Einheit mit Aristoteles herrscht in alle Ewigkeit.


    Kalixtus erhob seine Stimme zum Schlusskanon - dem Te Deum und dann würde er in die Sakristei entschwinden. Er winkte Mucky aber zu, dass er mitkommen sollte, da er ihr dort den Taufschein ausstellen würde.

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Inscrit le: 16 Juil 2020
Messages: 22

MessagePosté le: Mer Aoû 26, 2020 9:48 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Ganz aufgeregt sah Mucky nun zu Kalixtus, der nun Muckys Kopf näher zum Taufbecken zog und ihm das Taufwasser auf den Kopf tropfen ließ. Seine Stirn war etwas nass. Mucky konnte nicht einschätzen, wie das Wasser auf seiner Stirn wirkte. Es war immerhin gesegnetes Wasser, welches sich so sehr vom normalen unterscheiden sollte. Als ihm nun ein Handtuch überreich wurde, nahm er es an sich und trocknete seine Stirn.
Ist es vorbei? Bin ich nun ein Rechtgläubiger? fragte er sich. Doch Kalixtus legte ihm nun ein Medaillon um den Hals. Er war das Zeichen des Aristote und nach dem Worten, die Kalixtus hinzufügte nickte Mucky ihm zu. Er war nun offiziell ein Rechtgläubiger. Das stand nun fest.

Er nahm die Kerze des Leben entgegen und blickte darauf. Sogar sein Name war dort niedergeschrieben. Mucky blickte darauf und lächelte. Die Flamme spiegelte sich in seinen Augen. Hätte er diesen Weg doch schon viel früher eingeschlagen. Die Musik sorgte doch irgendwie dazu, dass Mucky die Kerze immer mehr betrachten konnte. Es war ein tolles Gefühl. Er fühlte sich dem Herrn nun ganz nah.
Schließlich nahm er das Brot entgegen, das ihm Kalixtus reichte und aß es. Nicht gerade lecker, aber als ihm die Bedeutung erklärt wurde, schmeckte es plötzlich viel besser. Es war köstlich.

Kalixtus begann zu beten und Mucky begann nun damit ihm machzusprechen.

Allmächtiger Gott und Vater,

es ist die Liebe die uns zu dir führt und es ist die Liebe die in uns den Willen bestärkt zur Einkehr und Buße
und es ist deine Liebe die uns hoffen lässt auf ewigen Frieden im solaren Paradies.
Möge diese Liebe niemals enden.

Durch Christos, dem Propheten, der in der Einheit mit Aristoteles herrscht in alle Ewigkeit.


Als Kalixtus nun kehrt machte und ging, bekam Mucky ein Zeichen ihm zu folgen. Mit dem Medaillon um den Hals und der Kerze in der Hand, folgte er ihm und war gespannt, was nun geschehen würde.
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Inscrit le: 24 Fév 2013
Messages: 13061
Localisation: Roma, Palazzo Doria-Pamphilj

MessagePosté le: Dim Oct 04, 2020 3:19 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

    Oath Ceremony

    Kalixtus stood in the apse of the old church. She was quite an old lady and the sandstone from which she was built had already undergone a few repairs. But it was precisely because the church was so old that Kalixtus felt particularly at home here. It survived so many wars and saw many believers, was home to her and to HIS. Now it was the main church here with the Jesuits and at the altar you could see the beautiful carvings of the apostles looking down on them. Admonishing, kind and gracious. They were teachers - how the prophets and archangels taught them everything that a good Aristotelian life means. Knowledge was the key and the key fitted into the lock of God and thus opened the whole world.
    This was essential for understanding religion, without science, without knowledge everything is nothing. The choir formed and the acolytes changed their clothes. The cardinal was already in his liturgical vestments and the bells would ring for the service.

    The aspirants Welser, Alessandro and Roderic would appear in their Albae and kneel before the altar.

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Inscrit le: 28 Juin 2020
Messages: 182

MessagePosté le: Dim Oct 04, 2020 3:46 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

La antigua Iglesia de San Pablo se erigia bella como pocas ante su mirada. Su sobría belleza lo maravilló desde el primer momento.

Allí, a su frente en el abside los esperaba Su Eminencia Kalixtus en el que sería uno de los grandes momentos de su vida.

Se acerco al altar y se arrodillo frente a el con humildad
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Inscrit le: 31 Mar 2020
Messages: 2067
Localisation: Rome et la Principauté de Catalogne

MessagePosté le: Lun Oct 05, 2020 3:32 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant


    L'Església de Sant Pau era imponent, només ingressar en ella et cap a sentir molt petit, i aquesta era la forma en com se sentia el jove català mentre avançava pel passadís central per a trobar-se amb el Cardenal i altres membres que s'unirien a l'ordre. El jove baró fins i tot utilitzava aquelles vestidures de tons blaus i celestes, que feien recalcar el color dels seus ulls i, segons algunes persones, el blanc de la seva pell, malgrat haver-se trobat llargs mesos dirigint un dels exèrcits del Principat de Catalunya.

    El de Abella, fix els seus ulls sobre els apòstols tallats en l'altar, que semblaven veure a totes les persones a l'església, convidant-los a unir-se al camí que els dos profetes havien assenyalat per a poder arribar al paradís solar. Una vegada que es trobava a prop el jove català va somriure al cardenal i es va disposar a l'una de l'home que ja es trobava aquí. Col·locant els seus genolls contra el sòl d'aquella vella però majestuosa església, el baró de Abella tranquil a l'espera.


    The Church of San Pablo was imposing, just entering it made you feel very small, and that was the way the young Catalan felt as he advanced through the central aisle to meet the Cardinal and other members who would join the order. The young baron still wore those blue and light blue robes, which emphasized the color of his eyes and, according to some people, the whiteness of his skin, despite having spent many months leading one of the armies of the Principality of Catalonia.

    Abella's, fixed his eyes on the apostles carved on the altar, who seemed to see all the people in the church, inviting them to join the path that the two prophets had pointed out in order to reach the solar paradise. Once he was close, the young Catalan smiled at the cardinal and got ready next to the man who was already there. Placing his knees against the floor of that old but majestic church, the Baron of Abella was waiting.


    La Iglesia de San Pablo era imponente, solo ingresar en ella te hacia sentir muy pequeño, y esa era la forma en cómo se sentía el joven catalán mientras avanzaba por el pasillo central para encontrarse con el Cardenal y otros miembros que se unirían a la orden. El joven barón aun utilizaba aquellas vestiduras de tonos azules y celestes, que hacían recalcar el color de sus ojos y, según algunas personas, lo blanco de su piel, a pesar de haberse encontrado largos meses dirigiendo uno de los ejércitos del Principado de Cataluña.

    El de Abella, fijo sus ojos sobre los apóstoles tallados en el altar, que parecían ver a todas las personas en la iglesia, invitándoles a unirse al camino que los dos profetas habían señalado para poder llegar al paraíso solar. Una vez que se encontraba cerca el joven catalán sonrió al cardenal y se dispuso a la par del hombre que ya se encontraba ahí. Colocando sus rodillas contra el suelo de aquella vieja pero majestuosa iglesia, el barón de Abella quedo a la espera.


Cardinal Bishop // Cardinal Vicar Grand Inquisitor // Prelate of Honour of His Holiness //
Archbishop sine cura of Sassari and Urbino // Bishop sine cura of Urgell // Chancellor of the Order of Saint Nicolas V .
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Alessandro Della Scala

Inscrit le: 15 Sep 2015
Messages: 1553
Localisation: Rome and Modena

MessagePosté le: Lun Oct 05, 2020 8:42 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

It was a great day for Bishop Alessandro.

After several months of thoughts he decides to do the great step and join the Jesuit Order. He spent a lot of time in the chapel to think about what he was near to do and when he came out the Chapel he was sure about what to do: the Oath ceremony.

He came into the Church of San Pablo and spent some minutes to admire that beautiful place, then he placed his knees against the floor and waited the arrive of his great friend Kalixtus.


------------------------------------------------------------------+ Reverend Monsignor Alessandro Della Scala
----------Primate of the Holy Roman Empire | Archbishop of Trier | Archbishop of Modena |
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Inscrit le: 24 Fév 2013
Messages: 13061
Localisation: Roma, Palazzo Doria-Pamphilj

MessagePosté le: Sam Oct 10, 2020 8:10 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

    Oath Ceremony

    Today was a beautiful day. In the true sense of the word it was not very autumnal. At least not in the way he knew it from his homeland. In central Italy there were many evergreen trees. The sun was less strong. It is getting colder. The days became shorter. But the truth is, the city remains beautiful, the smells change, it becomes a little rougher, clearer and maybe a little more unveiled. The Cardinal already knew this and up here on one of the hills of Rome the weather was usually a little better than elsewhere. The sluggish Tiber could be a plague in summer. Here at the edge of the city. With its beloved olives. Here Kalixtus was happy.

    The black cassock he wore distinguished him as a Jesuit. It was simple and they all had the same shape. Here with the Jesuits there were hardly any differences. Only a red cord reminds us that Kalixtus was cardinal outside these walls. Here inside the order he was Praepositus Generalis - the black pope. But the Forge of Cardinals of the Jesuits was not the real aim of Kalixtus. Black pope means that the white pope asks the black pope for advice and even more for support. Like a shadow. They were a team. At least that's how it should be. Kalixtus understood this office in a much more spiritual and scientific way. But that was his nature. A confrere brought him the staff of the Praepositus - it is a simple but impressive staff, because it is natural and comes from the oldest olive tree in the Jesuit grove. The tree is more than 1500 years old and without a doubt it still lived up to the founding myth of the Aristotelian church. This tree was a spiritual gift and Kalixtus constantly meditated under it. Under it he found God. Much rather than in a church where God was at home. No, he met him under the gentle rustling of the olive branches. Trees that endure the ages.

    With a smile he stroked the grain of the wood and then spoke.

    Today is a day of glory. Today the community of the Jesuits will grow and with it the unity of the Aristoths, who dedicate their lives to the faith and dignity of the Church, will become greater and richer. I have been a member of this order for a while and this order has many aspects which all together form a colourful silhouette. They reflect the light of God and break them down into their constituent parts.
    Those who, like most of us, aspire to a high position within the Church will find power and influence along the way. But also responsibility and work. You meet people who carry hope and fears, but also anger and sadness - against the church, against God, against people, and they all need us. We are the bastion of God who give faith to people. We cannot waver.

    All our lives will be shaped by work - but this place is a sanctuary. A home. A refuge. Because here - here the heart of faith rests in humility and mercy. It is here that we fill our spiritual spirits and realize that all our titles, all our aspirations must be directed only to honor God and serve HIM. Our path is therefore spirituality and science. We want to meet God. We want to be in contact with Him. So that we can fulfil our mission.

    This order carries a star in its coat of arms. This star shines in all directions - just like this order. Today there are several nations here who have come from all directions and who spread the one, the only and true message of faith - love. The love of God for HIS children.

    Kalixtus smiled and looked into the faces of Welser, Roderic and of course Alessandro. It was good to see them all here.

    The life of us children is about being happy. God wants us to be happy. But this is by no means a self-evident fact. We have to work hard for this, for our happiness. We must fulfil our mission and do our service. The pagan Greeks tried to express their thoughts in pictures and for this happiness, for being happy, they had the image of a blond boy with short hair. Whenever you want to reach for him, to hold him by his hair - always then he escapes. He flees, he dances in front of our nose. He waits for you to follow him, then he can run away from you and turn around and smile cheekily until you almost grab him again. That moment, when we have lost our hands in his hair and the luck to grab him is close. That strange moment that makes our heart tremble and our soul rejoice. This moment is happiness and it is love and what I call it is a smile of the Lord.

    Let us pray together:

      Nothing shall frighten you,
      Nothing should confuse you,
      nothing will scare you.
      Everything comes to pass

      God alone remains the same.
      Patience achieves everything.
      Whoever has God, nothing is lacking:

      God alone is enough


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Inscrit le: 28 Juin 2020
Messages: 182

MessagePosté le: Sam Oct 10, 2020 10:44 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Las bellas palabras de Su Eminencia Kalixtus le inspiraban una gran tranquilidad

Repitió la oración junto a sus compañeros

Nada te asustará
Nada debería confundirte
nada te asustará.
Todo llega a pasar

Dios solo permanece igual.
La paciencia lo logra todo.
Quien tiene a Dios, nada le falta:

Dios solo es suficiente

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Inscrit le: 31 Mar 2020
Messages: 2067
Localisation: Rome et la Principauté de Catalogne

MessagePosté le: Mer Oct 14, 2020 8:42 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

    The young Baron was attentive to each of the cardinal's words. Those words that indicate a long road, of much effort and above all work, work that will be done to spread the word of Aristoteles and Christo. For brief moments, he looked away from the cardinal to see the people who accompanied him. One of them came to the mind of Abella's, he had seen him pass through the corridors of the Pontifical University, but even so, he did not know him personally. The last to arrive was well known to him, because he was the head of the Villa San Loyats, where the young man worked as a translator.

    Turning his gaze towards the cardinal, Abella's repeats together with his new companions.

    Nothing shall frighten you,
    Nothing should confuse you,
    nothing will scare you.
    Everything comes to pass

    God alone remains the same.
    Patience achieves everything.
    Whoever has God, nothing is lacking:

    God alone is enough


    El joven Barón se encontraba pendiente de cada una de las palabras del cardenal. Aquellas palabras que indican un camino largo, de mucho esfuerzo y sobre todo trabajo, trabajo que se realizara para poder divulgar la palabra de Aristoteles y Christo. Por breves momentos, aparto la vista del cardenal para ver a las personas que le acompañaban. Uno de ellos, vino a la mente del de Abella, lo había visto pasar por los pasillos de la Universidad Pontificia, pero aun así, no le conocía personalmente. El ultimo en llegar le era muy conocido, debido a que era el jefe de la Villa San Loyats, donde el joven trabajaba como traductor.

    Volviendo la vista hacia el cardenal, el de Abella repite en conjunto de sus nuevos compañeros.

    Nada te asustará
    Nada debería confundirte
    nada te asustará.
    Todo llega a pasar

    Dios solo permanece igual.
    La paciencia lo logra todo.
    Quien tiene a Dios, nada le falta:

    Dios solo es suficiente



Cardinal Bishop // Cardinal Vicar Grand Inquisitor // Prelate of Honour of His Holiness //
Archbishop sine cura of Sassari and Urbino // Bishop sine cura of Urgell // Chancellor of the Order of Saint Nicolas V .
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Alessandro Della Scala

Inscrit le: 15 Sep 2015
Messages: 1553
Localisation: Rome and Modena

MessagePosté le: Mar Oct 20, 2020 9:47 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Alessandro pray:

Nothing shall frighten you,
Nothing should confuse you,
nothing will scare you.
Everything comes to pass

God alone remains the same.
Patience achieves everything.
Whoever has God, nothing is lacking:

God alone is enough



------------------------------------------------------------------+ Reverend Monsignor Alessandro Della Scala
----------Primate of the Holy Roman Empire | Archbishop of Trier | Archbishop of Modena |
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Inscrit le: 24 Fév 2013
Messages: 13061
Localisation: Roma, Palazzo Doria-Pamphilj

MessagePosté le: Dim Nov 01, 2020 7:31 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

    Oath Ceremony

    Kalixtus looked at the young men in front of him and smiled softly as a novice of the order approached him, and Kalixtus opened the black-bound Book of Virtues and his warm, powerful voice rose to the wisdom of dogma. We hear from the Book of Virtues, the Vita of Christos - Chapter 5:

    Chapter 5

    Joshua had been in the desert for several days already, drinking his water and eating the grasshoppers from the sand, when, tired, the desire to lie down and move no further filled him. It seemed to him that a mysterious force said to him:

    “Stop, Christos, line of Joseph, for you are tired. If you desire it, you may turn back and return to your home without any further exhaustion.”

    It was the creature without a name, it that had lived in the darkness for millennia. It did not want that, through Christos, word of the love of God would be spread. It had decided to corrupt Christos in order to divert him from his righteous mission. If the roots of the tree blackened, then it would never bear fruits.

    Christos answered, without anger: “Get away from me, you who want me to lose myself in idleness. I will continue because the world belongs to those who rise early!”

    And the temptation to rest was dissipated at that moment.

    Then, as Joshua fasted for days, he became more and more hungry. His belly felt painful to him, and desire came upon him to open the last provisions that remained to him in his sheepskin bag. The creature without name, endowed with an exceptional charisma, said to him:

    “Open your bag, Christos, line of Joseph, because you are hungry. Thus eat this meat and this bread that await you… you will always be able to eat the grasshoppers later. Think of your current hunger.”

    Christos answered again without anger: “Get away, you who want me to lose myself in greediness. I would not open my bag because the world belongs to those who can endure hunger.”

    Then, as Christos was in the beautiful landscape of the desert, he was tired, he was hungry and his body hurt him. Suddenly, by fixing the horizon in front of him, he saw the impression of an oasis. It was a small lake surrounded by green bushes. The oasis was still far away, but cries of joy seemed to escape from it. Christos recognized soon silhouettes of naked women bathing in this water. The honeyed voice of the creature without name said to him:

    “Why do you hesitate, Christos, line of Joseph, to join them? Do you not hear them? These beautiful women who call you? They are here for you! And so beautiful, my goodness! ”

    Christos answered, without anger: “Get you away, you spirit of vice, who wants to drown me in lust. I would not divert from my path, because, as true as I say it to you, this oasis and these women will disappear from my sight.”

    And indeed, soon, the image of the oasis was dissipated, leaving Christos seeing only the desert extending to the horizon.

    Then, as Joshua continued to go, without looking behind, he suddenly saw in front of him the image of a large city. This city was splendid, the walls and the battlements did not hide its richness. Its houses, decorated with gold and precious stones, seemed to shine with a thousand fires. A dome rose from above the city, exceeding all others. It was the palace of the mayor. The soft voice of the creature without name called to Christos:

    “See this beautiful city? Think of its riches! With the talents you have, you could become the mayor of it if you desire. Because, in truth, you were able to fast during all these days, like resisting tiredness and lust; your force of character could take you alongside the Most High! ”

    Then Christos answered him, without putting himself in anger:
    “Get away, malignant spirit which wants to lose me in pride, desire and avarice. I would also resist these sins there, because he is small who yields to his impulses.”

    Then the creature without name cried out: “God made us His children because we are the strongest of His creatures. Among us, I am His preferred, because I am the strongest of us all. I alone understood that the strong were always to dominate the weak, just as you men dominate the cows, the pigs and the sheep. God gave us His creation to experience the thousand pleasures of the body and the spirit that we deserve. How is it possible to better pay homage to Him than in appreciating the pleasures of His creation?”

    But Christos retorted: “Go away, tempter! Your presence among creation is an insult unto God. Know you that you are not His preferred. He relegated you to the darkness, because you were diverted from His light. He left you your existence only in order to test the faith of His children.”

    And he added: “God made us His children because we are the only ones with understanding that, as He loves us, so He desires our love in return. He did not give you this status, shameful creature, because you do not have a soul, because your heart is black like jet. Admittedly, the world, created by God, offers a thousand pleasures and more. Admittedly, we pay homage to Him in knowing to appreciate them with their right value. But these pleasures must be tasted and not devoured. Only virtue, such as was taught to us by Aristotle the prophet, allows us to appreciate these worldly pleasures without falling into vice and sin.”

    He concluded finally: “This is because sin is the negation of divine perfection. Total abandonment to the many pleasures is accompanied by diversion from the love of God, whereas the measured taste of the pleasures of divine creation can be done only in the love of its creator. Now take yourself away from me!”

    At once, the creature without name, that had crawled at Joshua’s side, disappeared, leaving him alone at the edge of the desert. He had crossed this country of temptations in forty days.

    Kalixtus's voice ended and the church fell into a moment of silence as the powerful voice echoed off the walls and the cross vault until it was lost and then the cardinal raised his voice to a song - Domine, vivifica me. He ended and looked from the nave to his protégés and began his sermon:

    Today's reading is about sins. But above all about temptation. The temptation in the form of the creature that the poor Christos encounters with all kinds of pranks and tricks on his wanderings through the desert to bring him out of the inner balance of his path - the path of virtue. This order is particularly dedicated to the teachings of Christos, who resisted all those temptations steadfastly, because they were all made of wickedness, because the steadfastness of our prophet was a serious danger to the creature and its work of evil.

    We as the Church are constantly exposed to this hostility, the more extensive our task within the hierarchy of the Church is, the more influence and the more resonance we experience through the people and the Word of God, the Path of Virtue, the Commandments of the Divine finds its way into the minds and hearts of the humanity we reach, and thus we are all in danger of being attacked, spun in and poached by the creature. It constantly tries to poison our hearts and darken our souls, but know - an order like this is an effective protection, because here surrounded in the love of our brothers and sisters in the face of teaching and knowledge we are strong in love and virtue as the dogma and not least the prophet himself reveals to us.

      “This is because sin is the negation of divine perfection. Total abandonment to the many pleasures is accompanied by diversion from the love of God, whereas the measured taste of the pleasures of divine creation can be done only in the love of its creator. Now take yourself away from me!”

    Thus I call to you, my brothers and sister - never despair, never. We are one family, one body in all its beauty and complexity. In all its imperfections we are connected to each other and to each other. Not a day goes by in which God leaves us alone. God is here. Now and forever. In our hearts, our thoughts and in our actions. We are His tools. The Jesuits were connected with the infinitely important task of protecting the dogma, sanctifying it, defending it and spreading it. Our task is catechesis, teaching and knowledge, science and theology - we unite these substances into a strong unity. We, as Jesuits, carry the key within us that makes us flames of faith. To the bearers of divine wisdom, for we deepen ourselves in the matter of faith. Many of us are at the courts of the most powerful royal houses and advise the rulers, advise the people. The symbol of our order is the black sun - we shine in all directions and form the unity with the divine mission to plant the virtues in the hearts of the people and take care of them. As Christos did - in teaching and wandering and in striving to set the course in this world so that we can experience a life in the hereafter as revealed to us by God, as a life in the solar paradise and not in the moon hell. It seems to be an essential aspect of our human temptation to surrender to the simplest things in life. This is not the way of our Order. We work hard and diligently on the clockwork of the Lord. We make church and state possible and connect, build bridges and unite where before there was separation.

      “God made us His children because we are the only ones with understanding that, as He loves us, so He desires our love in return. He did not give you this status, shameful creature, because you do not have a soul, because your heart is black like jet. Admittedly, the world, created by God, offers a thousand pleasures and more. Admittedly, we pay homage to Him in knowing to appreciate them with their right value. But these pleasures must be tasted and not devoured. Only virtue, such as was taught to us by Aristotle the prophet, allows us to appreciate these worldly pleasures without falling into vice and sin.” “God made us His children because we are the only ones with understanding that, as He loves us, so He desires our love in return. He did not give you this status, shameful creature, because you do not have a soul, because your heart is black like jet. Admittedly, the world, created by God, offers a thousand pleasures and more. Admittedly, we pay homage to Him in knowing to appreciate them with their right value. But these pleasures must be tasted and not devoured. Only virtue, such as was taught to us by Aristotle the prophet, allows us to appreciate these worldly pleasures without falling into vice and sin.”

    Let us confess our faith as it is taught to us through the Holy Mother Church, through HIM and with HIM and in HIM - thanking God and the holy prophets:

      Credo in Deum,
      Altissimum Omnipotentem,
      Creatorem caeli et terrae,
      Inferos et paradisi,
      Ultima hora animae judicem nostrae

      Et in Aristotelem, prophetam,
      Nicomaqui Phaetique filium,
      Missum ut sapientiam et universi
      Divas leges errantibus hominibus erudiret

      Credo etiam in Christum,
      Natum ex Maria et Ioseph,
      Vitam dedit ut nobis paradisi viam monstraret
      Sic, postquam sub Pontio passus est
      Propter salutem
      Nostram martyr perivit
      Consecutus est Solem
      Ubi Aristoteles ad Altissimi dexteram eum expectabat

      Credo in Divinam Actionem,
      Sanctam Ecclesiam aristotelicianam, romanam, unam et indivisibilem
      Sanctorum communionem,
      Peccatorum remissionem,
      Vitam aeternam.


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Inscrit le: 28 Juin 2020
Messages: 182

MessagePosté le: Dim Nov 01, 2020 8:51 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Las bovedas resonaban con majestuosidad repicando la voz del Cardenal mientras cada palabra calaba ondo en el alma del joven Welser, su vida, una nueva vida se abria fraternalmente ante sus ojos.

Repitio ceremoniosamiente el credo pronunciado por Su Eminencia en un perfecto latin

Credo in Deum,
Altissimum Omnipotentem,
Creatorem caeli et terrae,
Inferos et paradisi,
Ultima hora animae judicem nostrae

Et in Aristotelem, prophetam,
Nicomaqui Phaetique filium,
Missum ut sapientiam et universi
Divas leges errantibus hominibus erudiret

Credo etiam in Christum,
Natum ex Maria et Ioseph,
Vitam dedit ut nobis paradisi viam monstraret
Sic, postquam sub Pontio passus est
Propter salutem
Nostram martyr perivit
Consecutus est Solem
Ubi Aristoteles ad Altissimi dexteram eum expectabat

Credo in Divinam Actionem,
Sanctam Ecclesiam aristotelicianam, romanam, unam et indivisibilem
Sanctorum communionem,
Peccatorum remissionem,
Vitam aeternam.


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