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Inscrit le: 16 Avr 2013 Messages: 1340
Posté le: Lun Nov 26, 2018 7:18 pm Sujet du message: |
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Réintegration de Verhena de Montfort
Nous, Cardinaux de la Sainte Église Aristotélicienne rassemblés dans le Sacré-Collège, au nom du Pape Innocent VIII et sous le regard d'Aristote,
Avons statué et ordonné, et par notre présent édit perpétuel et définitif, disons, statuons et ordonnons la réintégration de Verhena de Montfort à la communauté des fidèles. Après avoir étudié sa repentance, débattu et voté, nous avons décidé que le moment était venu pour l'Église d'ouvrir à nouveau ses bras à la pénitente qui, en dernière pénitence, se confessera au Cardinal Inquisiteur Francophone et priera une heure dans chaque église de son diocèse.
Après cette dernière pénitence, son excommunication sera levée et elle redeviendra membre à part entière de la communauté aristotélicienne.
Ad Maiorem Dei Gloriam
Pour le Sacré-Collège des Cardinaux,
Alfonso Augusto di Foscari Widmann d'Ibelin, Cardinal-Archidiacre de Rome.
Donné à Rome le XV jour du X mois de l'An de Grâce MCDLXVI.
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A Sa Sainteté le Très Sainct Père, souverain pontife, suprême autorité terrestre,
A la Congrégation de la Très Saincte Inquisition,
A Quiconque lira ou se fera lire,
Moi, Verhena de Montfort ,
Parait en ce jour à la face du monde et à l'universalité des fidèles réunis en la Très Sainte Eglise Aristotélicienne et Romaine en très contrit, trop obéissant, vachement pénitent et vraiment vraiment repentant pécheur.
Ne pouvant supporter davantage les ténèbres dans lesquelles me maintient mon éloignement de la Vrai Foi dû a mon excommunication
Conscient de mes actes passés
Désireux de racheter mon faux pas et d'entrer dans l'éclatante pureté de la Grâce Divine
Affirme publiquement en ce jour avoir abjuré mes inconséquences à l'origine de ma très condamnable conduite, qui ne sont qu'erreurs m'ayant mené à la faute suprême vouant mon âme dans l'Enfer lunaire. Ainsi je souhaite me repentir de mes torts, transgressions devant le Très-Haut au travers de Sa Très Sainte Eglise Aristotélicienne et romaine.
Je déclare et reconnais devant tous :
Que l'Eglise a été instituée par le messie Christos, prophète du Créateur, et que Sa Sainteté le Pape est son successeur à la tête de l'Eglise et dans la charge de représenter Dieu sur Terre.
Que l'Eglise fut bâtie avec les apôtres dont les successeurs sont les évêques et les cardinaux de la Très Saincte Eglise aristotélicienne, ainsi que Christos avait prévu et voulu qu'il soit.
Qu'il n'existe, en vertu de cette succession apostolique, qu'une et universelle Eglise aristotélicienne seule détentrice du ministère divin, pour la promotion, la diffusion et l'application de la volonté divine. Qu'elle est indivisible, et qu'aucune autre église ne peut prétendre être aristotélicienne.
Que le Livre des Vertus est la base du dogme aristotélicien et de la saincte doctrine de l'Eglise; que le dogme est incontestable, inaliénable, indivisible et impérissable.
Que le Salut des âmes s'assure par une vie vertueuse ainsi qu'enseignée par le clergé, et par l'entremise de ses sacrements.
Attendu la reconnaissance publique de mes fautes et péchés.
Attendu que j'affirme avoir pleinement conscience de leurs conséquences,
Attendu que je crois et professe ma conviction en la Vérité de la Révélation divine et en l'Eglise chargée de la garder :
Je déclare implorer Dieu de bien vouloir pardonner mes transgressions, et le tribunal de la Très Sainte Inquisition d'examiner mon abjuration et mon souhait sincère de faire partie de la Communauté des Fidèles aristotéliciens et de me trouver, dès à présent et à jamais en état de grâce, si Dieu le veut.
Puisse le Très-Haut guider désormais mes pas, et faire descendre Sa miséricorde sur ma personne.
Rédigé à Rome le 2 Octobre 1466.
Sous la direction de Son Eminence Estevan de Mortelane, Vice Chancelier de la Sainte Inquisition
Bienveillant garant de la conformité de la présente déclaration au dogme, à la doctrine, et au droit canon

_________________ His Excellency the Most Reverend Monsignor Prof. Dr. theol. Policarpo von Wittelsbach
Bishop Emeritus of Regensburg
Archabbot Emeritus of the Abbey of Heiligenbronn
German archivist for the Roman registers of Sacraments
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Inscrit le: 16 Avr 2013 Messages: 1340
Posté le: Lun Nov 26, 2018 7:18 pm Sujet du message: |
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Constitutiones Reatinæ
On the State of the Teutonic Order and the Teutonic Nobility
I. Generalities
Article 1: By the Golden Bull of Rimini in 1226 and the Papal Bull of Rieti in 1234, by the successive confirmations of the Popes and by the weight of the history and centuries which founded the legitimacy of the Ordo Sanctæ Mariæ Theutonicorum Hierosolymitanorum, the Holy See recognizes the sovereignty of the said Aristotelian Order on the Prussian lands in north-eastern Europe, around the Baltic sea, that compose the Civitas Ordinis Theutonici, under vassalage to the Successor of Saint Titus.
Article 2: Pope Gregory IX, who issued the first Papal Bull of Rieti Pietati proximum, confirmed and stated that the Prussian lands held by the Ordo Sanctæ Mariæ Theutonicorum Hierosolymitanorum, more commonly known as the Teutonic Order, were subject only to the Pope. The lands of the Civitas Ordinis Theutonici, also refereed as the Ordensstaat, were not part of any other secular or ecclesiastical state. Since that time, the Teutonic Order and the Ordensstaat are and have remained vassal of His Holiness the Pope. The Holy See recognizes the sovereignty of the Civitas Ordinis Theutonici, which is independent of any other states, as a vassal state of the Pope.
Article 3: The Civitas Ordinis Theutonici ranks as a Sovereign Principality.
Article 3.1: The legislative and executive power, within the Civitas Ordinis Theutonici, is held by the General Kapitel.
Article 3.2: The power of internal and high justice, within the Civitas Ordinis Theutonici, is held by the Ritterkreis, unless the crime falls under the Tribunal of the Holy Armies, the Tribunal of the Holy Inquisition or any other Church Jurisdiction.
Article 3.3: The power of low justice, within the Civitas Ordinis Theutonici, is held by the local nobles.
Article 3.4: The power of extraordinary justice, within the Civitas Ordinis Theutonici, is held by the Congregation for the Holy Inquisition according to the Canon Law, unless the crime falls under any other Church Jurisdiction.
Article 4: The lands of the Ordensstaat are divided into nine Governorships. This division of the territory is based in part on the Papal Bull of Rieti. The lands are subdivided as follows:
- The Duchy of Königsberg
- The Marsh of Samland
- The Marsh of Angerburg
- The Marsh of Memel
- The County of Allenstein
- The County of Bartenstein
- The County of Braunsberg
- The County of Insterburg
- The County of Tilsit
Article 5: The Civitas Ordinis Theutonici bears and reserves the use of the coat of arms described as: Silver, a Sable Latin Cross.
Article 6: The Civitas Ordinis Theutonici and the Teutonic Order use and reserve the motto Deus Manum Ducit.
Article 7: The anthem of the Civitas Ordinis Theutonici is known as the Palästinalied, in honour of its history.
Article 8: The Civitas Ordinis Theutonici acknowledges the titles and ranks, in the order of precedence, of: Pope, Emperor, King, Prince, Duke, Marquis, Count, Viscount, Baron, Lord, Baronet, Knight and Squire.
Article 9: Any and all title of nobility, granted by the Order or the Civitas Ordinis Theutonici, only possess value and legitimacy if it is registered in the official Roll of Arms of the Teutonic Nobility in the Pontifical Colleges of Heraldry and countersigned by the Grand Officer Herald.
Article 10: There exist two different orders of nobility within the Civitas Ordinis Theutonici, which are the Batchelor Order and the Junker Order.
II. The Teutonic Nobility
A) The Batchelor Order
Article 1: The Batchelor Order includes the unlanded Knights and Squires of the Order.
Article 2: The Knight of the Batchelor Order is, by custom, called a Ritter. Although unlanded, he receives the right to bear arms using the ancient pointed escutcheon.
Article 3: The Knight of the Batchelor Order is, by custom and by the internal rules of the Order, Knighted by its respective Linguistic Grand Master. The Linguistic Grand Masters can only Knight four candidates per mandate.
Article 4: The Squire of the Batchelor Order is, by custom, called a Schildknappe. Unlanded, he only receives the right to use the title of Squire and to bear the Squire torsade.
Article 5: The Squire of the Batchelor Order is, by custom and by the internal rules of the Order, chosen as the personal helper of a Knight. There can only be one Squire per Knight.
Article 6: The members of the Batchelor Order, while not possessing any land, pronounce an oath of prime allegiance towards his Holiness the Pope every year, through there respective Linguistic Grand Masters.
Article 7: The Knights of the Batchelor Order are members valued very highly in the Order and, as such, have precedence over all the nobles who are part of the Junker Order. This exceptional rule is only applicable during internal Teutonic ceremonies or affairs.
b) The Junker Order
Article 8: The Junker Order regroups the landed nobility owning at least one fief located within the Ordensstaat.
Article 9: The Junker Order regroups the landed and unlanded vassals of the nine Governorships.
Article 10: Each Governorship is governed by a full member of the Order, preferably a Ritter, elected by the General Kapitel. Upon election, they pronounce an oath in front of the General Kapitel, swearing fealty to the Order and a prime allegiance to his Holiness the Pope. The Governor possesses a landed title, a crown, and a unique coat of arms.
Article 11: The vassal Burgrave of the Ordensstaat is, by custom, called a Burggraf (Castle Count). The Burgrave is a Knight of the Batchelor Order who receives the task of holding and defending a Castle of the Ordensstaat. As such, the Burgrave has no vassals.
Article 11.1: There exist only six strategic Castles in the Ordensstaat. These Castles, attributed to a Burgrave, are only found in the following Governorships:
- The Duchy of Königsberg: Rastenburg and Loetzen
- The Marsh of Angerburg: Nordenburg
- The Marsh of Memel: Windenburg
- The County of Allenstein: Hohenstein
- The County of Insterburg: Georgenburg
Article 11.2: The vassal Burgrave pronounce an oath in front of the liege Governor, swearing fealty to the Civitas Ordinis Theutonici and a prime allegiance to his Holiness the Pope. Vassal Burgraves are ennobled upon the decision of the local Governor or, if none have been appointed, by the General Kapitel. The vassal Burgrave possesses a landed title, a crown, and a unique coat of arm.
Article 12: Each Governorship is divided into vassal Baronies. Vassal Barons pronounce an oath in front of the liege Governor, swearing fealty to the Ordensstaat and a prime allegiance to his Holiness the Pope. Vassal Barons are ennobled upon the decision of the local Governor or, if none has been appointed, by the General Kapitel. The vassal Baron possesses a landed title, a crown, and a unique coat of arms. A vassal Baron, to be ennobled, must be a full member of the Order.
Article 13: Each vassal Barony is divided into vassal Baronetcies. Vassal Baronets pronounce an oath in front of the liege Baron, swearing fealty to the Order and a prime allegiance to his Holiness the Pope. Vassal Baronets are ennobled upon the decision of the local Baron or, if none has been appointed, by the local Governor. The General Kapitel can appoint Baronets in vacant Governorships. The vassal Baronet possesses a title and a crown, but no specific coat of arms. A vassal Baronet, to be ennobled, must be a recognized friend of the Order.
Article 14: Four of the nine Governorships are administered directly by the four Linguistic Branches of the Order. As such, the attribution of titles for those Governorships is done in accordance with the present rules and the internal rules of each Linguistic Branch.
Article 14.1: The Duchy of Königsberg is the seat of the General Kapitel and of the German linguistic branch of the Order. As such, the Governorships of Königsberg cannot be attributed and used to ennoble a member of the Order into the Junker Order. Instead, the administration of the land is given to the Landmeister of Prussia, elected according to internal rules. The vassal lands and titles, included inside the Governorship of Königsberg, can be attributed freely by the German Linguistic Branch according to the present and internal rules.
Article 14.2: The County of Bartenstein is governed by the Dutch Linguistic Branch. The administration of the land is given to the Dutch Grand Master, elected according to internal rules. The vassal lands and titles, included inside the Governorship of Bartenstein, can be attributed freely by the Dutch Linguistic Branch according to the present and internal rules.
Article 14.3: The County of Insterburg is governed by the Italian Linguistic Branch. The administration of the land is given to the Italian Grand Master, elected according to internal rules. The vassal lands and titles, included inside the Governorship of Insterburg, can be attributed freely by the Italian Linguistic Branch according to the present and internal rules.
Article 14.4: The County of Tilsit is governed by the French Linguistic Branch. The administration of the land is given to the French Grand Master, elected according to internal rules. The vassal lands and titles, included inside the Governorship of Tilsit, can be attributed freely by the French Linguistic Branch according to the present and internal rules.
Article 15: The five other Governorships, which are attributed for life upon members of the Order according to the article II-B-10, must follow the rules of ennoblement found in the articles II-B-11 and II-B-12 when attributing titles.
Article 16: These nine Governorships are vassals of the Ordensstaat. The Prinzregent is embodied by the General Kapitel of the Order, acting as the direct vassal of the Pope through collegiality. A representative is named by the General Kapitel to come swear allegiance to the Pope in Rome, but he is not allowed to wear the coat of arms of the Ordensstaat to prevent usurpation of the executive power.
Article 17: The General Kapitel can request changes to the rules of ennoblement for the Ordensstaat at any time, upon a vote by an absolute majority of members contained in all Linguistic Chapters.
III. The feudal system of the Teutonic Order
Article 1: Vassalage is a personal bond of dependence between two persons of noble condition, one occupying a higher position while the other occupies a lower rank. The first is called the suzerain, or liege lord, and the second is called the vassal.
Article 2: The feudal system of the Order relies on the concepts of allegiance and homage. This system relies largely upon the Pontifical feudal system instituted in part III of the Papal Bull Constitutiones Sancti Olcovidii.
- An allegiance is an oath of loyalty given to a territorial or institutional entity.
- The homage is an oath of loyalty given to a person.
Article 3: Since the Teutonic nobility contains two distinct orders, the vassal system differs according to the bestowed title.
Article 4: In exchange for the concession of the title within the Batchelor Order, the noble must pay homage to his Linguistic Grand Master, who acts as a representative of the Sovereign Pontiff. The noble becomes, by this oath, the vassal of the Pope. Corollary, he pledges allegiance to the Order.
Article 5: In exchange for the granting of the title and the fief within the Junker Order, the noble must pay homage to the Order through the local Governor of the Governorship where the fief is located. He becomes, by this oath, the vassal of the Ordensstaat. Corollary he pledges allegiance to the Sovereign Pontiff.
Article 6: The Order recognizes the possibility of paying homage and allegiance to several persons or institutions. The anteriority of the oath of homage or allegiance is used to define the hierarchy and the order of precedence. However, like for Pontifical titles, prime allegiance must always go to his Holiness the Pope when fighting against heretics or heresies.
IV. Rights and duties
Article 1: Nobles of the two orders are subject to similar rights and duties found in the Constitutiones Sancti Olcovidii.
Article 2: The noble from the Batchelor Order and the Junker Order of nobility must pay homage by pronouncing an oath of fidelity, help and council, also known under the ancient maxim as "obsequium, auxilium and consilium".
Article 3: The Supreme Pontiff promises, to vassals of the Batchelor Order, protection and justice.
Article 4: The Order promises, to vassals of the Junker Order, protection, justice, and subsistence.
Article 5: The Teutonic nobility cannot harm, in any way and in order of precedence, the Aristotelian Church, the Order or the Ordensstaat.
Article 6: The Teutonic nobility is expected to perform exemplary civic and spiritual behaviour. Thus, blasphemy, falsehood, false testimony, cowardice, drunkenness, marriage with a commoner or any other act contrary to the Dogma, Canon Law, Aristotelian morals or noble customs are forbidden.
Article 7: The Teutonic noble is required not to be or have been convicted by a court, recognized by the Apostolic See or the Order, for acts of brigandage, sorcery, murder, treason or fraud that have not been pardoned.
Article 8: The nobles from the Batchelor and Junker Orders are entitled to the right of carrying arms and of free movement in the lands of the Ordensstaat.
Article 9: The noble from the Batchelor Order may choose a Squire who will assist him or, if necessary, replace him in his vassal tasks. This choice will be made in accordance with the internal rules and the rules written in the article II-A-5 of the present Ordinance.
Article 10: The noble from the Batchelor Order may break, at his own discretion and for any reason whatsoever, the ties binding him to his Squire. The latter loses all rights and legitimacy to hold the title.
Article 11: The noble Governor or Baron from the Junker Order may appoint a vassal Baronet who will assist him or, if necessary, replace him in his vassal tasks as his Baronet-Regent. This choice will be made in accordance with the internal rules and the rules written in the article II-B-12 of the present Ordinance.
Article 12: The noble Governor or Baron from the Junker Order may break, at there own discretion and for any reason whatsoever, the ties binding him to his Baronet-Regent. The latter loses all rights and legitimacy to hold the function, but may remain as a vassal Baronet if his liege chooses to keep him.
Article 13: The nobles from the Batchelor and Junker Orders are entitled to the deference, consideration and politeness of others, regardless of rank or dignity.
Article 14: The nobles from the Junker Order have the right of low justice within their domain, as stated previously.
Article 15: The members of the Batchelor and Junker Orders are entitled to bear a heraldic motto and a cry.
Article 16: The members of the Batchelor and Junker Orders are entitled to the use of the seal, according to the sigillography rules of the Pontifical Colleges of Heraldry.
Article 17: The nobles of the Batchelor Order, as members of the Order and thus of the Holy Armies, must respond to the raising of the ban.
Article 18: Nobles of the Junker Order, as vassals of the vassal Ordensstaat, do not need to mobilize. But, if they are full members of the Order, there must uphold there oath pronounced upon entering the Chapter as written in internal rules.
Article 18.1: A Burgrave, as a member of the Order and thus of the Holy Armies, must automatically respond to the raising of the ban.
Article 19: Mobilized nobles from the Batchelor and Junker Orders are free to be replaced by a Squire or Baronet-Regent during the lifting of the ban, at his charge and at his expense. This replacement must comply with the article IV-9 or the article IV-11, whichever is applicable.
Article 20: By virtue of the duty and oath of giving assistance, the mobilized noble owes armed assistance to the Sovereign Pontiff within the limits of equity and of common sense.
Article 21: As the mobilized nobles are part of the Holy Armies, the number of days of free service is not fixed to any specific number. The length of the mobilization is thus dependent of the Congregation of the Holy Armies.
Article 22: Outside the capitals of the nine Governorships of the Ordensstaat, any territorial entity centred on a town or city is available to be granted in the form of a fief. If in the future such a place were opened In Gratibus for settlement, the holder of the fief will see his title changed for another one of equivalent rank.
Article 23: All fiefs remain the property of the Order and of the Ordensstaat. When a fief is granted, it is entrusted to the management of a person who thus receives the exclusive and full usufruct from the land.
Article 24: The titles, dignities and privileges of the members of the Batchelor Order are personal. Thus, they are not shared between spouses under the seal of the Aristotelian marriage.
Article 25: The titles, dignities and privileges of the members of the Junker Order are only shared between spouses under the seal of the Aristotelian marriage.
Article 26: The children of a member of the Junker Order, born of an Aristotelian marriage, can be called of noble blood.
Article 27: The titles of the Batchelor and Junker Orders are granted in a personal manner during the holders lifetime, thus returning to the Order or the Ordensstaat upon the death of the holder.
Article 28: For titles issued from the Junker Order, it is nevertheless possible to grant the same title in the form of a new concession to the children of the previous, and deceased, bearer. This indirect heritage must respect the rules of part II of the present Ordinance, or be granted exceptionally with the approval of the General Kapitel.
Article 29: The accumulation of titles and fiefs is possible and authorized to the number of one title in each of the two orders.
Article 30: The accumulation of two or more titles within the same order of nobility is impossible and illegal unless the Teutonic Heraldry delivers a special derogation.
V. Titulature and Heraldry
A) The coat of arms
Article 1: The wearing of heraldic attributes is made compulsory at the vassal's ennoblement ceremony, whether for the Batchelor Order or the Junker Order.
Article 2: The noble from the Junker Order is required to wear the historic weapons of his fief. However, it is permissible to have them modified at the Teutonic Heraldic Workshops, while maintaining a certain affiliation between the old and new weapons.
Article 3: The nobles of the Batchelor Order can bear the crown referring to the highest title of which they are bearers. But, a Knight of the Batchelor Order can choose to only wear the Knight's crown even if he possesses landed titles of higher ranking.
Article 4: The nobles of the Junker Order bear the crown referring to the highest title in the noble hierarchy of which they are bearers, regardless of whether this title refers to a fief of granted by the Ordensstaat or some other entity.
Article 5: If the noble possesses titles and fiefs from outside the Ordensstaat, he must conciliate the rules of this Ordinance with those of the local heraldic college local as best as he can. The Teutonic Heraldic Workshops must be kept informed of any conciliation.
Article 6: More specific rules concerning the coat of arms of Teutonic vassals are detailed in the internal heraldic rules of the Teutonic Heraldic Workshops with the assent of the Pontifical Colleges of Heraldry.
Article 7: The noble and ecclesiastical heraldic ornaments are superimposed as best as possible, in cooperation with the Pontifical Colleges of Heraldry.
B) The bearing of titles
Article 8: It is customary to wear all of the titles in a hierarchical order. However, it is left to the discretion of the noble from the Junker Order to make himself known only under the oldest or highest title in the noble hierarchy.
Article 9: The nobles from the Batchelor Order, by the honor granted to them as a Knight or Squire, are obliged to wear everywhere and anywhere their uncommon title.
C) The crowns of the Teutonic nobility
Article 10: By the present Ordinance, the wearing of heraldic attributes is obligatory for the nobles from the Teutonic nobility. In the official documents and patents, they must be reproduced as described, without modifications, alterations or transformations the result of which would no longer be in conformity with the description given. These crowns are described as follows.
Article 11: The crowns of the Batchelor Order.
- The Knight
Crown of the Knight — A circle of gold enriched with rubies, agates and pearlettes.
- The Squire
Crown of the Squire — A double twisted ribbon, one Silver, the other
Sable, named wreath.
The crowns of the Junker Order.
- The Prinzregent
Crown of the Prinzregent — A circle of gold enriched with rubies, agates
and pearlettes, surmounted by three (four) gold points in half-moons and
of two (four) gold part-florets of ache, trimmed at the heart with a pearl,
placed on points of gold, covered by a Sable velvet cap.
- The Duke
Crown of the Duke — A circle of gold enriched with rubies, agates and
pearlettes, surmounted by eight gold part-florets of ache, trimmed at
the heart with a pearl, placed on points of gold.
- The Marquess
Crown of the Marquesses — A circle of gold enriched with rubies, agates
and pearlettes, surmounted by three (four) gold part-florets of ache and
two (four) assemblies of three large pearls placed in a clover between
each of the florets.
- The Count
Crown of the Counts — A circle of gold enriched with rubies, agates and
pearlettes, surmounted by nine (sixteen) large pearls raised on golden
- The Burgrave
Crown of the Burgraves — A circle of gold enriched with rubies, agates
and pearlettes, surmounted by three (four) large pearls between each
of which there is a smaller pearl, placed a little lower, the whole on
points of gold.
- The Baron
Crown of the Barons — A circle of gold enriched with rubies, agates and
pearlettes, entwined with a necklace of small pearls.
- The Baronet
Crown of the Baronets — A circle of gold enriched with agates.
VI. Justice and Punishments
Article 1: The General Kapitel, or the local Governor if one is in function, is empowered to dismiss a noble from the Junker Order for any reasons that they consider to be legitimate and sufficient. This decision will have to be justified and announced publicly.
Article 2: The vassal Baron is empowered to demand the dismissal of a vassal Baronet from the Junker Order for any reasons that they consider to be legitimate and sufficient. This decision will have to be justified and announced publicly, after validation by the General Kapitel or the local Governor if one is in function.
Article 3: The Sovereign Pontiff, or the Sacred College in his stead, is empowered to dismiss a noble from any Order for any reasons that they consider to be legitimate and sufficient.
Article 4: The Rittekreis, defined in internal rules of the Order, is the only internal council who can strip nobles of the Batchelor Order from their titles. This must be done after a formal inquiry, as defined in the internal rules. Nobles of the Batchelor Order can be stripped of their titles if they fall under the article VI-4.
Article 5: A noble recognized as a felon to the Order or to the Apostolic See, by ecclesiastical justice, will be deprived of his title and stripped of his lands. The same shall be the case if he is found guilty of heresy or apostasy by the tribunal of the Holy Inquisition.
VII. Papal Nobility and Teutonic Nobility
Article 1: The Teutonic Nobility is established as a separate branch of the Papal Nobility, subject to its own rules and peculiarities. In case of a regulatory vacuum, the rules established for Papal Nobility apply by analogy to Teutonic Nobility as well.
Article 2: The nobles of the Teutonic Nobility enjoy the same rank as their equivalent of Papal Nobility. They are both granted the same rights, duties, privileges and exemptions as in their respective States.
Article 3: The Supreme Pontiff, as suzerain of the Civitas Ordinis Theutonici and head of the Aristotelian Church, has precedence over all Teutonic nobles.
VIII. The Teutonic Heraldic Workshops
Article 1: The Teutonic Heraldic Workshops is a semiautonomous branch of the Heraldic College of the Clergy and Holy Armies, dedicated to the heraldic matters concerning the Teutonic Order and the Ordensstaat.
Article 2: In the respect of the sovereign authority of the Grand Officer Herald and the duties of the Officer Herald, the Teutonic Heraldic Workshops is placed under the direct administration of the Herald in charge of the Teutonic Order, otherwise called Herold der Wappen. He is delegated to the overseeing and validation of the work inside the Workshops, enforcing the respect of the Canon Law and rules applicable to Heraldry.
Article 3: The Pursuivant of Arms are junior members of the Teutonic Heraldic Workshops. They can be accredited and revoked by the Herold der Wappen. They actively participate in the realization of the arms and seals of the Workshops, for which their competence is recognized.
Article 4: The Novices of Arms are student members of the Teutonic Heraldic Workshops. They can be named and revoked by the Herold der Wappen. During their training, they participate in the realization of the arms and seals of the Workshops.
Article 5: The Teutonic Heraldic Workshops are charged with establishing and regularly updating the Roll of Arms of the Teutonic Nobility within the Pontifical Colleges of Heraldry.
Article 6: The Herold der Wappen, outside the sovereign authority of the Grand Officer Herald and the duties of the Officer Herald, have full heraldic authority over the Teutonic Order, the Ordenstaat and the Teutonic Nobility.
Article 7: The Teutonic Heraldic Workshops guarantee the upholding of the feudal laws, heraldic laws and the customs in the Ordensstaat.
Article 8: The Teutonic Heraldic Workshops, with the sole exception of the College of Crossbowmen in case of need, is the only institution allowed and empowered to define the nature, the arms and the rank of the fiefs located in the Ordensstaat. Any revision or correction of the Governorships requires the approval of the Grand Officer Herald.
Article 9: Only the Herold der Wappen, or the Grand Officer Herald and the Officer Herald in case of need, can validate the coats of arms and seals created in the Teutonic Heraldic Workshops.
Article 10: Only the Teutonic Heraldic Workshops are competent for the creation of the furniture, ornaments and heraldic objects necessary for the distinction of the arms of the Teutonic nobility.
Article 11: In case of a regulatory vacuum, the canons referring to the Pontifical Colleges of Heraldry apply by analogy to the Teutonic Heraldic Workshops.
Papal bull on the State of the Teutonic Order and the Teutonic Nobility,
Given and confirmed in Rome by the Sacred College of Cardinals during the Pontificate of the Holy Father Innocent VIII on the fourteenth day of October, Sunday, in the year of grace MCDLXI, the day of Saint Jarkov
Published by His Eminence Alfonso Augusto di Foscari Widmann d'Ibelin, Cardinal Archdeacon of Rome, the sixteenth day of Tuesday, Friday, in the year of grace MCDLXI
 _________________ His Excellency the Most Reverend Monsignor Prof. Dr. theol. Policarpo von Wittelsbach
Bishop Emeritus of Regensburg
Archabbot Emeritus of the Abbey of Heiligenbronn
German archivist for the Roman registers of Sacraments
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Inscrit le: 16 Avr 2013 Messages: 1340
Posté le: Lun Nov 26, 2018 7:19 pm Sujet du message: |
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Révocation de Son Éminence Nicolás Borja
Nous, Attanasio Borgia, à titre de Sanctae Romanae Ecclesiae Cardinalis Camerarius,
Au nom des Cardinaux de la Sainte Église Aristotélicienne rassemblés dans le Sacré-Collège, devant le Tout Puissant et sous le regard d'Aristote, par le grâce de Dieu et du Pape Innocent VIII,
Avons statué et ordonné, et par notre présent édit perpétuel et définitif, disons, statuons et ordonnons la révocation de Nicolás Borja [ Nicolino ] du rang de Cardinal Romain Électeur et Chancelier de la Congrégation du Saint-Inquisition.
Cette décision est prise suite à sa longue et prolongée absence.
Le Sacré-Collège prie pour son rétablissement. Conformément au Can. 5.II.10.3, le Sacré-Collège a décidé de lui nommer Cardinal Romain Émérite en raison de son service auprès de l'Église et lui souhaite une bonne suite.
Ad Maiorem Dei Gloriam
Donné à Rome le XXIII jour du X mois, de l'An de Grâce MCDLXVI.
Pour le Sacré-Collège des Cardinaux,
Attanasio Borgia, Sanctae Romanae Ecclesiae Cardinalis Camerarius.
Code: | [quote]
[size=18][color=#FFCC00][b]Révocation de Son Éminence Nicolás Borja[/b][/color][/size]
[b]Nous, Attanasio Borgia, à titre de Sanctae Romanae Ecclesiae Cardinalis Camerarius,[/b]
[b]Au nom des Cardinaux de la Sainte Église Aristotélicienne rassemblés dans le Sacré-Collège, devant le Tout Puissant et sous le regard d'Aristote, par le grâce de Dieu et du Pape Innocent VIII, [/b]
[list] [color=black]Avons statué et ordonné, et par notre présent édit perpétuel et définitif, disons, statuons et ordonnons la révocation de [/color][b][color=#FFCC00]Nicolás Borja[/color][/b][color=black] [size=9][ Nicolino ][/size] du rang de Cardinal Romain Électeur et Chancelier de la Congrégation du Saint-Inquisition.
Cette décision est prise suite à sa longue et prolongée absence.
Le Sacré-Collège prie pour son rétablissement. Conformément au Can. 5.II.10.3, le Sacré-Collège a décidé de lui nommer Cardinal Romain Émérite en raison de son service auprès de l'Église et lui souhaite une bonne suite.[/color][/list]
[i][b]Ad Maiorem Dei Gloriam [/b][/i]
Donné à Rome le XXIII jour du X mois, de l'An de Grâce MCDLXVI.
[i]Pour le Sacré-Collège des Cardinaux,
Attanasio Borgia, Sanctae Romanae Ecclesiae Cardinalis Camerarius.[/i][/list]
[/quote] |
_________________ His Excellency the Most Reverend Monsignor Prof. Dr. theol. Policarpo von Wittelsbach
Bishop Emeritus of Regensburg
Archabbot Emeritus of the Abbey of Heiligenbronn
German archivist for the Roman registers of Sacraments
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Inscrit le: 16 Avr 2013 Messages: 1340
Posté le: Lun Nov 26, 2018 7:19 pm Sujet du message: |
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Elevation of Gianvitus Tarcisius de Reame to the charge of Vice-Chancellor of the Saint Office
We, Attanasio Borgia, as Sanctae Romanae Ecclesiae Cardinalis Camerarius,
In the name of the Cardinals of the Holy Aristotelian Church gathered in the Sacred College, in front of the Almighty and under the gaze of Aristotle, by the grace of God and the Pope Innocent VIII,
Have ruled and ordered, and by our present perpetual and final edict, say and order the elevation of Gianvitus Tarcisius de Reame [ Gianvitus ] to the charge of Vice-Chancellor of the Congregation of the Saint Office.
Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam
Anno Domini MCDLXVI, XXVII Octobris, Roma
For the Sacred College of Cardinals, Attanasio Borgia,
Sanctae Romanae Ecclesiae Cardinalis Camerarius.
_________________ His Excellency the Most Reverend Monsignor Prof. Dr. theol. Policarpo von Wittelsbach
Bishop Emeritus of Regensburg
Archabbot Emeritus of the Abbey of Heiligenbronn
German archivist for the Roman registers of Sacraments
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Inscrit le: 16 Avr 2013 Messages: 1340
Posté le: Lun Nov 26, 2018 7:20 pm Sujet du message: |
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Élévation d'Estevan de Mortelane au rang de Chancelier de la Congrégation de la Sainte Inquisition
Nous, Attanasio Borgia, à titre de Sanctae Romanae Ecclesiae Cardinalis Camerarius,
Au nom des Cardinaux de la Sainte Église Aristotélicienne rassemblés dans le Sacré-Collège, devant le Tout Puissant et sous le regard d'Aristote, par le grâce de Dieu et du Pape Innocent VIII,
Avons statué et ordonné, et par notre présent édit perpétuel et définitif, disons, statuons et ordonnons l'élévation d'Estevan de Mortelane [ Estevan ] à la fonction de Chancelier de la Congrégation de la Sainte Inquisition.
Ad Maiorem Dei Gloriam
Pour le Sacré-Collège des Cardinaux,
Attanasio Borgia, Sanctae Romanae Ecclesiae Cardinalis Camerarius.
Donné à Rome le XXX jour du X mois, de l'An de Grâce MCDLXVI.
_________________ His Excellency the Most Reverend Monsignor Prof. Dr. theol. Policarpo von Wittelsbach
Bishop Emeritus of Regensburg
Archabbot Emeritus of the Abbey of Heiligenbronn
German archivist for the Roman registers of Sacraments
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Inscrit le: 16 Avr 2013 Messages: 1340
Posté le: Lun Nov 26, 2018 7:20 pm Sujet du message: |
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Démission de Son Éminence Eloin Bellecour
Nous, Attanasio Borgia, à titre de Sanctae Romanae Ecclesiae Cardinalis Camerarius,
Au nom des Cardinaux de la Sainte Église Aristotélicienne rassemblés dans le Sacré-Collège, devant le Tout Puissant et sous le regard d'Aristote, par le grâce de Dieu et du Pape Innocent VIII,
Avons statué et ordonné, et par notre présent édit perpétuel et définitif, disons, statuons et ordonnons l'acceptation de la démission de Son Éminence Eloin Bellecour [ Eloin ] du rang de Cardinal Romain Électeur et Vice-Chancelier de laCongrégation des Affaires du Siècle.
Le Sacré-Collège la remercie pour ses années de service auprès de l'Église et lui souhaite une bonne suite, à titre de Cardinal Romain Émérite conformément au Can. 5.II.10.3.
Ad Maiorem Dei Gloriam
Pour le Sacré-Collège des Cardinaux,
Attanasio Borgia, Sanctae Romanae Ecclesiae Cardinalis Camerarius.
Donné à Rome le V jour du XI mois de l'An de Grâce MCDLXVI.
_________________ _________________ His Excellency the Most Reverend Monsignor Prof. Dr. theol. Policarpo von Wittelsbach
Bishop Emeritus of Regensburg
Archabbot Emeritus of the Abbey of Heiligenbronn
German archivist for the Roman registers of Sacraments
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Inscrit le: 16 Avr 2013 Messages: 1340
Posté le: Lun Nov 26, 2018 7:21 pm Sujet du message: |
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Elévation de Oberon de Montfort-Beaumont d‘Autevielle au rang de Cardinal National Suffragant
Nous, Alfonso Augusto di Foscari Widmann d'Ibelin, à titre de Cardinal-Archidiacre de Rome,
Au nom des Cardinaux de la Sainte Église Aristotélicienne rassemblés dans le Sacré-Collège, devant le Très Haut et sous le regard d'Aristote, par le grâce de Dieu et du Pape Innocent VIII,
Avons statué et ordonné, et par notre présent édit perpétuel et définitif, disons, statuons et ordonnons l'élévation d' Oberon de Montfort-Beaumont d‘Autevielle [ Oberon. ] au rang de Cardinal National Suffragant et sa nomination au sein du Consistoire Pontifical Germanophone.
Ad Maiorem Dei Gloriam
Donné à Rome le XIX jour du XI mois, de l'An de Grâce MCDLXVI.
Pour le Sacré-Collège des Cardinaux,
Alfonso Augusto di Foscari Widmann d'Ibelin, Cardinal-Archidiacre de Rome.
_________________ His Excellency the Most Reverend Monsignor Prof. Dr. theol. Policarpo von Wittelsbach
Bishop Emeritus of Regensburg
Archabbot Emeritus of the Abbey of Heiligenbronn
German archivist for the Roman registers of Sacraments
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Inscrit le: 16 Avr 2013 Messages: 1340
Posté le: Lun Nov 26, 2018 7:21 pm Sujet du message: |
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Magna laetitia est beatitudine tua
Death of Her Eminence Elena Costanza Della Scala, Cardinal of the Holy Church
We, Cardinals of the Holy Aristotelian and Roman Church, gathered in the Sacred College, in front of the Most High and under the gaze of Aristotle, by the grace of God and of His Holiness Innocent the eighth,
Were struck by a great sorrow when the Sacred College received news of the death of Elena Costanza Della Scala [Solex], a beloved Cardinal of the Holy Aristotelian and Roman Church. We pray that the soul of Her Eminence has been received with honour by the Almighty.
We give our warmest sympathies and our most zealous prayers.
Funerals will take place at Saint Uriel Archangel chapel on December 2nd.
Long may she live in our memories.
Ad Maiorem Dei Gloriam
For the Sacred College of Cardinals
Alfonso Augusto di Foscari Widmann d'Ibelin, Cardinal Archdeacon of Rome.
Given in Rome, the XXI day of the XI month of the Year of Grace MCDLXVI.
_________________ His Excellency the Most Reverend Monsignor Prof. Dr. theol. Policarpo von Wittelsbach
Bishop Emeritus of Regensburg
Archabbot Emeritus of the Abbey of Heiligenbronn
German archivist for the Roman registers of Sacraments
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Inscrit le: 25 Aoû 2019 Messages: 572
Posté le: Sam Avr 18, 2020 1:21 am Sujet du message: |
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Publication of the Statutes of the Primacy of the British Isles
We, Alfonso Augusto di Foscari Widmann d'Ibelin, as Cardinal Archdeacon of Rome,
In the name of the Cardinals of the Holy Aristotelian Church gathered in the Sacred College, in front of the Almighty and under the gaze of Aristotle, by the grace of God and the Pope Innocent VIII,
Have ruled and ordered, and by our present perpetual and final edict, say, statute and order the publication of the Statutes of the Primacy of the British Isles, approved by the British bishops and sanctioned by the Sacred College.
The aforementioned Statutes are therefore fully in accordance with Dogma and Canon Law and have full value from the moment of this publication.
The new publication will be available in the rooms of the Primacy of the British Isles and in appendix following this announcement.
Ad Maiorem Dei Gloriam
For the Sacred College of Cardinals,
Alfonso Augusto di Foscari Widmann d'Ibelin, Cardinal Archdeacon of Rome.
Given in Rome on the XXVI day of the XI month of the Year of our Lord MCDLXVI.
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Statutes of the Primacy of the British Isles
In accordance with Book 2 Part I of the Codex Iuris Canonici of the Holy, Universal and Roman Church, named "Regimini secularis ecclesiae", is established the Primacy of the British Isles, exerting authority over all the archdioceses, dioceses and parishes present in whole or in part on the British Isles.
The Primacy of the Brish Isles and its clergy are regulated by and subject to the Dogma, the Doctrine, the Codex Iuris Canonici and the provisions of these Statutes.
The Primacy of the British Isles is governed by the Episcopal Assembly of England, Scotland, and Ireland in accordance with the Codex Iuris Canonici and the provisions of these Statutes.
The Episcopal Assembly of England, Scotland, and Ireland is allowed to take decisions and determine the guidelines in its areas of competence by a simple majority vote.
As a territorial subdivision of the Holy Church, the Primacy of the British Isles is naturally subject to the doctrinal and pastoral authority of the Holy See and its Institutions.
I - The composition of the Episcopal Assembly
Article 1. The Episcopal Assembly of England, Scotland, and Ireland is composed of voting members and consulting members.
Article 2. The voting members have the right to speak and to vote; they are:
- the (arch)bishops of any (arch)diocese present in whole or in part on the British Isles;
- the emeritus (arch)bishops of the aforementioned (arch)dioceses;
- the (arch)bishops In Partibus having their main residence (In Gratebus) on the territory of the Primacy of the British Isles;
- the Roman or National Cardinals having their main residence (In Gratebus) on the territory of the Primacy of the British Isles;
- the rectors and abbots of Roman Religious Orders with a territorial detachment in the British Isles;
- the grandmasters of military-religious orders residing in the British Isles.
Article 3. The consulting members have the right to speak but not the right to vote; they are:
- the Roman or National Cardinals having their main residence (In Gratebus) outside the territory of the Primacy of the British Isles;
- the members of the Apostolic Nunciature assigned to the territory of Primacy of the British Isles;
- any faithful chosen by the Episcopal Assembly for their moral, intellectual and religious qualities.
II - The (Arch)Bishops
Article 4. The Episcopal Assembly can elect a bishop to fill a vacant diocese of the British Isles after a public call for applications. Any applicant must comply with the canonical requirements.
Article 4.1. According to the exceptional canonical text on the Secular Clergy for the Italian Peninsula and the lands of Ireland, the bishops of Ireland can only be appointed by the metropolitan archbishop responsible for the ecclesiastical province their dioceses belong to.
Article 5. The Episcopal Assembly can elect metropolitan archbishops to fill a vacant metropolitan archdiocese of the British Isles after a public call for applications. Any applicant must comply with the canonical requirements and must have been a bishop for at least three months.
Article 6. The Episcopal Assembly can dismiss the (arch)bishops for one of the following reasons:
- absence for more than one month without warning;
- reiterated interference in another diocese;
- negligence or insubordination.
Article 6.1. According to the exceptional canonical text on the Secular Clergy for the Italian Peninsula and the lands of Ireland, the bishops of Ireland can only be dismissed by the metropolitan archbishop responsible for the ecclesiastical province their dioceses belong to.
Article 7. The (arch)bishops or any other cleric can be dismissed by a direct decision of higher Institutions or by a sentence of the courts of the Holy Church.
Article 8. In case of death of an (arch)bishop, the diocese is declared vacant only after the burial and the funeral have taken place.
III - The Primate
Article 9. The Primate presides and represents the Episcopal Assembly. He must guarantee the respect of the Statutes and the guidelines established by the Episcopal Assembly.
Article 10. The Primate is elected by the Episcopal Assembly among its voting members after a private call for applications. Any applicant must comply with the canonical requirements.
Article 11. The Primate is elected for a renewable four-months term. The Episcopal Assembly can dismiss the Primate by a motion of censure at any time.
Article 12. The Primate has a tacit and permanent mandate conferring him the authority to take decisions by decree.
Article 13. Such decrees can be annulled or replaced by the Episcopal Assembly; the procedure has a suspensive effect.
Article 14. The Primate can appoint a Vice-Primate among the voting members of the Episcopal Assembly that comply with the canonical requirements.
Article 15. The Vice-Primate assists the Primate in his duties and replaces him in case of absence; he can exercise all the powers of the Primate until his return.
Article 16. In case of death or dismissal of the Primate, he is responsible for the transition to a new primatial election.
IV - The voting procedure
Article 17. The Episcopal Assembly takes all its decision by simple majority votes; no quorum is required.
Article 18. Any vote lasts five days and must always be preceded by a debate lasting a minimum of five days.
Article 19. The abstention is always allowed; abstentions are not counted to reach a simple majority.
Article 20. If the vote includes two or more choices it must always be allowed to vote against all of them.
Drafted by His Eminence Alfonso Augusto di Foscari Widmann d'Ibelin, Cardinal Archdeacon of Rome, Archbishop of Bologna.
Handed to the Episcopal Assembly of the British Isles by His Eminence Arduino Della Scala, Cardinal Plenipotentiary Prelate, Archbishop of Pisa.
Debated and approved by the Episcopal Assembly of the British Isles under the pontificate of Holy Father Innocent VIII, the seventeenth day of the eleventh month of the Year of Grace MCDLXVI.
Sanctioned and ratified by the Sacred College of Cardinals under the pontificate of Holy Father Innocent VIII, the twenty-fifth day of the eleventh month of the Year of Grace MCDLXVI.
Published by His Eminence Alfonso Augusto di Foscari Widmann d'Ibelin, Cardinal Archdeacon of Rome, the twenty-sixth day of the eleventh month of the Year of Grace MCDLXVI.
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Inscrit le: 25 Aoû 2019 Messages: 572
Posté le: Sam Avr 18, 2020 1:23 am Sujet du message: |
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Reintegration of Katerina d'Annwn
We, the Cardinals of the Holy Aristotelian Church gathered in the Sacred College, in the name of Pope Innocent VIII and under the gaze of Aristotle,
Have ruled and ordered, and by our present perpetual and definitive edict, declare, rule and order the reintegration of Katerina d'Annwn [ Katerina87 ] to the community of the faithful. After studying her repentance, debating and voting, we decided that time had come for the Church to open Her arms again to this penitent.
Ad Maiorem Dei Gloriam
For the Sacred College of Cardinals
Alfonso Augusto di Foscari Widmann d'Ibelin, Cardinal Archdeacon of Rome.
Given in Rome, the IV day of the XII month of the Year of Grace MCDLXVI.
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Reintegrazione di Katerina d'Annwn
Noi, cardinali della Santa Chiesa Aristotelica riuniti in sacro collegio, a nome del Papa Innocenzo VIII e sotto lo sguardo di Aristotele,
Abbiamo deciso e ordinato, e attraverso questo editto perpetuo e definitivo, dichiariamo e ordiniamo la reintegrazione di Katerina d'Annwn [ Katerina87 ] alla comunità dei fedeli. Dopo aver studiato il suo pentimento, dibattuto e votato, abbiamo stabilito che era giunto il tempo per la Chiesa di aprire le sue braccia a questa penitente.
Ad Maiorem Dei Gloriam
Per il Sacro Collegio dei Cardinali
Alfonso Augusto di Foscari Widmann d'Ibelin, Cardinale Arcidiacono di Roma.
Dato a Roma, il IV giorno del XII mese dell'Anno di Grazia MCDLXVI.
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Inscrit le: 25 Aoû 2019 Messages: 572
Posté le: Sam Avr 18, 2020 1:26 am Sujet du message: |
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Vacance du Siège Apostolique
Nous, Cardinaux de la Sainte Église Aristotélicienne rassemblés en Sacré-Collège, devant le Très Haut et sous le regard des prophètes Aristote et Christos,
Avons statué et ordonné, et par notre présent édit perpétuel et définitif, disons, statuons et ordonnons la nomination de Sa Sainteté Innocent VIII [ Innocentius ] en tant que Pape Emérite, conformément au Can. 5.II.1.1 et en raison de son incapacité physique grave et prolongée qui a affecté et empêché sa présence.
Sur la base de son nouveau statut et selon le Can. 5.II.1.2, il conserve le traitement et le rang dont il jouissait jusqu'à présent; en outre, il reste un conseiller important de la Sainte Église, surtout lorsqu'il est inspiré par la Sagesse Divine du Très-Haut*. Il perd toute autorité et tout pouvoir qui ne lui sont pas conférés directement et spécifiquement par le Tout-Puissant.
En conséquence, la Sainte Église Universelle et Romaine, par la voix de Son Cardinal Camerlingue, annonce le début de la Vacance du Siège Apostolique de Saint Titus.
Conformément à la Bulle Pontificale « Romano Pontifici Eligendo » et pour toute la durée de la Sede Vacante, le gouvernement de l'Église reste confié au Sacré Collège des Cardinaux pour la seule gestion des affaires ordinaires et urgentes, et pour la préparation de tout ce qui est nécessaire à l'élection du nouveau Pape.
Le Cardinal Camerlingue est chargé du soin et de l'administration des biens temporels et des droits du Saint-Siège.
Le Cardinal Doyen du Sacré Collège, Son Éminence Fenice Aslan Deversi Borgia, aura à charge l’organisation du Conclave qui se tiendra à Rome, près de la Tombe de Saint Titus.
Tous les Cardinaux ayant le droit de participer à l'élection du Souverain Pontife sont convoqués à Rome pour exprimer leur présence au Conclave.
Nous rappelons qu'il est absolument exclu et interdit, sous peine d'excommunication latae sententiae, toute intervention de toute autre dignité ecclésiastique ou autorité laïque de quelque degré ou ordre que ce soit.
Nous demandons à l'universalité des fidèles de prier pour que le Très-Haut nous montre le nouveau pasteur qui conduira Sa Sainte Église.
Ad Maiorem Dei Gloriam
Pour le Sacré-Collège des Cardinaux,
Attanasio Borgia, Sanctae Romanae Ecclesiae Cardinalis Camerarius.
Donné à Rome le V jour du XII mois de l'An de Grâce MCDLXVI.
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Vacancy of the Apostolic See
We, Cardinals of the Holy Aristotelian and Roman Church, gathered in the Sacred College, in front of the Most High and under the gaze of the Prophets Aristotle and Christos
Have ruled and ordered, and by our present perpetual and final edict, say, statute and order the appointment of His Holiness Innocent VIII [ Innocentius ] as Pope Emeritus, in accordance with Can. 5.II.1.1 and because of his severe and prolonged physical disability that affected and prevented his presence.
SBased on his new status and according to the Can. 5.II.1.2, he retains the treatment and the rank he enjoyed until now; in addition, he remains an important advisor to the Holy Church, especially when inspired by the Divine Wisdom of the Most High*. He loses all authority and all power that is not conferred on him directly and specifically by the Almighty.
As a result, the Holy Universal and Roman Church, through the voice of the Cardinal Camerlengo, announces the beginning of the Vacancy of the Apostolic See of Saint Titus.
In accordance with the Pontifical Bull « Romano Pontifici Eligendo » and for the duration of the Sede Vacante, the Church's government remains entrusted to the Sacred College of Cardinals for the sole management of ordinary and urgent affairs, and for the preparation of all that is necessary for the election of the new Pope.
Cardinal Camerlengo is responsible for the care and administration of temporal goods and the rights of the Holy See.
The Cardinal Dean of the Sacred College, Her Eminence Fenice Aslan Deversi Borgia, will be in charge of organizing the Conclave to be held in Rome, near the Tomb of Saint Titus.
All Cardinals having the right to participate in the election of the Sovereign Pontiff are summoned to Rome to express their presence at the Conclave.
Nwe recall that it is absolutely excluded and forbidden, on pain of excommunication latae sententiae, any intervention of any other ecclesiastical dignity or secular authority of any degree or order.
We ask the universality of the faithful to pray for the Most High to show us the new pastor who will lead His Holy Church.
Ad Maiorem Dei Gloriam
For the Sacred College of Cardinals,
Attanasio Borgia, Sanctae Romanae Ecclesiae Cardinalis Camerarius.
Given in Rome the V day of the XII month of the Year of Grace MCDLXVI.
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Vacanza della Sede Apostolica
Noi, Cardinali della Santa Chiesa Aristotelica riuniti in Sacro Collegio, davanti all'Onnipotente e sotto lo sguardo dei Profeti Aristotele e Christos,
Abbiamo stabilito e ordinato, e con il nostro presente editto perpetuo e definitivo, diciamo, stabiliamo e ordiniamo la nomina di Sua Santità Innocenzo VIII [ Innocentius ] a Papa Emerito, conformemente al Can. 5.II.1.1 e a causa della sua grave e prolungata disabilità fisica che ha influenzato e impedito la sua presenza.
In base al suo nuovo status e secondo il Can. 5.II.1.2, egli mantiene il trattamento e il rango di cui ha goduto fino ad ora; inoltre, rimane un importante consigliere della Santa Chiesa, specialmente quando ispirato dalla Divina Saggezza dell'Altissimo.*. Egli perde ogni autorità e ogni potere che non gli viene conferito direttamente e specificamente dall'Onnipotente.
Conseguentemente, la santa Chiesa Universale e Romana, per voce del suo Cardinale Camerlengo, annuncia l'inizio della Vacanza della Sede Apostolica di San Titus.
Secondo la Bolla Papale « Romano Pontifici Eligendo » e per tutta la durata della Sede Vacante, il governo della Chiesa rimane affidato al Sacro Collegio dei Cardinali per il solo disbrigo degli affari ordinari e urgenti, e per la preparazione di tutto ciò che è necessario all'elezione del nuovo Papa
Il Cardinale Camerlengo è incaricato di curare e amministrare i beni e i diritti temporali della Santa Sede.
Il Cardinale Decano del Sacro Collegio, Sua Eminenza Fenice Aslan Deversi Borgia, sarà incaricato di organizzare il Conclave che si terrà a Roma, presso la Tomba di San Tito.
Tutti i Cardinali che hanno il diritto di partecipare all'elezione del Sommo Pontefice sono convocati a Roma per palesare la loro presenza al Conclave.
Ricordiamo che è assolutamente escluso e proibito, pena la excommunication latae sententiae, ogni intervento di qualsiasi altra dignità ecclesiastica o potestà laica di qualsivoglia grado o ordine.
Chiediamo all'universalità dei fedeli di pregare perché l'Altissimo ci mostri il nuovo pastore che guiderà la Sua Santa Chiesa.
Ad Maiorem Dei Gloriam
Per il Sacro Collegio dei Cardinali,
Attanasio Borgia, Sanctae Romanae Ecclesiae Cardinalis Camerarius.
Dato a Rome leil V giorno del XII mese dell'Anno di Grazia MCDLXVI.
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Vacância da Sé Apostólica
Nós, Cardeais da Santa Igreja Aristotélica reunidos no Colégio Sagrado, diante do Altíssimo e aos olhos dos profetas Aristóteles e Christos,
Tendo decidido e ordenado e, pelo nosso presente édito perpétuo e definitivo, declaramos, estatuímos e ordenamos a nomeação da Sua Santidade Inocêncio VIII [ Innocentius ] como Papa Emérito, de acordo com Can. 5.II.1.1, devido à sua mobilidade condicionada grave e prolongada que o afetou e impediu a sua presença.
Com base no seu novo estatuto e de acordo com o Can. 5.II.1.2, mantém a forma de tratamento e a posição que desfrutava até agora; Além disso, continua a ser um importante conselheiro da Santa Igreja, especialmente quando inspirado pela Sabedoria Divina do Altíssimo *. Todavia, perde toda a autoridade e todo o poder que não lhe é conferido direta e especificamente pelo Todo-Poderoso.
Consequentemente, a Santa Igreja Universal e Romana, através da voz do Seu Cardeal Camerlengo, anuncia o início da Vacância da Sé Apostólica de São Titus.
De acordo com a Bula Papal « Romano Pontifici Eligendo » e durante a vigência da Sede Vacante, lo governo da Igreja permanece confiado ao Sagrado Colégio de Cardeais para a gestão única dos assuntos ordinários e urgentes e para a preparação de tudo o que for necessário. para a eleição do novo Papa.
O cardeal Camerlengo é responsável pelo cuidado e administração dos bens temporais e dos direitos da Santa Sé.
A Cardeal Decano do Sacro Colégio, Sua Eminência Fenice Aslan Deversi Borgia, será encarregada de organizar o Conclave a ser realizado em Roma, perto do Túmulo de São Titus.
Todos os Cardeais, tendo o direito de participar da eleição do Soberano Pontífice, são convocados a Roma para manifestar sua presença no Conclave.
Lembramos que é absolutamente excluída e proibida, sob pena de excommunication latae sententiae, qualquer intervenção de qualquer outra autoridade dignidade eclesiástica ou secular de algum grau ou tipo qualquer.
Pedimos à universalidade dos fiéis que orem pelo Altíssimo para nos mostrar o novo pastor que conduzirá Sua Santa Igreja.
Ad Maiorem Dei Gloriam
Pela o Sagrado Colégio dos Cardeais,
Attanasio Borgia, Sanctae Romanae Ecclesiae Cardinalis Camerarius.
Escrito em Roma, ao V dia do XII mês do Ano da Graça MCDLXVI.
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Vakanz des Apostolischen Stuhls
Wir, Kardinäle der Heiligen aristotelischen und römischen Kirche, versammelt im Kardinalskollegium, vor dem Allerhöchsten und unter dem Blick der Propheten Aristoteles und Christos
Entschieden und verfügt durch Unser gegenwärtiges, ewig währendes und endgültiges Edikt ordnen wir die Ernennung Seiner Heiligkeit, Papst Inozenz VIII, zum emeritierten Papst, gemäß Can. 5.II.1.1 aufgrund seiner schweren und langanhaltenden körperliche Behinderung, die seine Anwesenheit beeinträchtigt und verhindert, an.
Aufgrund seines neuen Status nach Can. 5.II.1.2, behält er die Behandlung und Rang, die er bisher genossen hat, darüber hinaus bleibt er ein wichtiger Berater der Heiligen Kirche, vor allem, wenn er von der göttlichen Weisheit des Allerhöchsten * inspiriert wird. Er verliert jede Autorität und jede Macht, die ihm nicht direkt und konkret vom Allmächtigen übertragen wird.
Die Heilige Universale und Römische Aristotelische Kirche verkündet daher durch die Stimme des Kardinalskollegium den Beginn der Vakanz des Apostolischen Stuhls des Heiligen Titus. In Übereinstimmung mit der Päpstlichen Bulle « Romano Pontifici Eligendo» und für die Dauer der Sede Vacante bleibt die Regierung der Kirche dem Kardinalskollegium für die alleinige Verwaltung der gewöhnlichen und dringenden Angelegenheiten und für die notwendigen Vorbereitungen für die Wahl des neuen Papst anvertraut.
Der Kardinal Camerlengo ist für die Pflege und Verwaltung von zeitlichen Gütern und die Rechte des Heiligen Stuhls zuständig.
Der Kardinal-Dekan des Kardinalskollegium, Ihre Eminenz Fenice Aslan Deversi Borgia, wird für die Organisation des Konklaves verantwortlich sein, das in Rom, nahe dem Grabe des Heiligen Titus stattfinden wird.
Alle Kardinäle, die das Recht haben, an der Wahl des Souveränen Papstes teilzunehmen, werden nach Rom einberufen, um ihre Anwesenheit im Konklave zum Ausdruck zu bringen.
Erinnert sich jeder daran, dass jeder Versuch der Intervention durch einen kirchlichen Würdenträger oder der weltlichen Autorität durch Anordnungen oder Gesetze verboten ist und unter der Strafe der excommunication latae sententiae steht.
Wir bitten die Gemeinschaft der Gläubigen zum Allerhöchsten zu beten, um uns den neuen Pastor zu zeigen, der die Heilige Kirche leiten wird.
Ad Maiorem Dei Gloriam
Für das Heilige Kardinalskollegium,
Attanasio Borgia, Sanctae Romanae Ecclesiae Cardinalis Camerarius.
gegeben in Rom am V tag des XII Monats im Jahre des Herrn MCDLXVI |
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Inscrit le: 25 Aoû 2019 Messages: 572
Posté le: Sam Avr 18, 2020 1:27 am Sujet du message: |
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Publication Canonique sur la Congrégation du Saint Office
Nous, Alfonso Augusto di Foscari Widmann d'Ibelin, à titre de Cardinal-Archidiacre de Rome,
Au nom des Cardinaux de la Sainte Église Aristotélicienne rassemblés dans le Sacré-Collège, devant le Tout Puissant et sous le regard des prophètes Aristote et Christos,
Avons statué et ordonné, et par notre présent édit perpétuel et définitif, disons, statuons et ordonnons la publication du Canon 5.1 concernant la Congrégation du Saint Office.
La nouvelle publication sera disponible dans la Bibliothèque Romaine, ainsi qu'en annexe à la suite de cette annonce.
Ad Maiorem Dei Gloriam
Pour le Sacré-Collège des Cardinaux,
Alfonso Augusto di Foscari Widmann d'Ibelin, Cardinal-Archidiacre de Rome.
Donné à Rome le XII jour du XII mois de l'An de Grâce MCDLXVI.
Citation: |
De Sanctae Sedis summo administratione
Bulle pontificale « Du gouvernement suprême du Saint-Siège ».
- Suite -
Livre 5 : Les Institutions Supérieures de l’Église
5.1: La Congrégation du Saint Office
La Congrégation du Saint-Office et les Causes des Saints sont le bastion du dogme de la Sainte Église Aristotélicienne. Il produit et analyse des textes dogmatiques pour développer et enrichir la collection de textes sacrés pour toute l'Église, il décide quels textes entrent dans l'Index (une liste d'œuvres interdites) et quels gens peuvent être considérés comme Bénis ou Saints en raison de leur vie exemplaire. Les théologiens de la Congrégation peuvent aussi être appelés à donner un avis sur tout ou une partie du dogme. Enfin, la Congrégation organise les canonisations des personnes reconnues comme Saints. Tout en conservant un lien particulier avec le Haut Conseil de Saint Théodule en charge des reliques.
Structure et fonctions de la Congrégation du Saint-Office et des Causes des Saints
Article 1: La Congrégation du Saint-Office et des Causes des Saints sont composées de deux Offices - le Bureau des Saints et le Bureau du Saint-Théodule.
Article 2: Le Bureau des Saints est composé par les Scriptoriums français, italien et international, dans lesquels les textes importants concernant l'Église générale et la vie des saints sont discutés et écrits, et par le Cénacle des Théologiens, dans lequel ces derniers se réunissent pour débattre et décider de l'approbation des textes portés devant eux, en tenant compte de son importance et de sa cohérence dogmatique.
Article 3: Le Bureau du Saint-Théodule traite de la reconnaissance des reliques des Saints et est composé par l'Antichambre, dans laquelle chaque fidèle peut demander une relique de la Sainte pour être reconnu, et le Haut Conseil, dans lequel la véracité et l'importance de la relique sont reconnues.
Hiérarchie de la Congrégation du Saint-Office
Article 4: La hiérarchie de la Congrégation est établie comme suit:
Les cardinaux chanceliers de la Congrégation du Saint-Office;
Le Préfet de la Congrégation du Saint-Office;
Les vice-préfets des offices de la Congrégation du Saint-Office;
Les théologiens et les heuristiques de la Congrégation du Saint-Office;
Les scripteurs de la Congrégation du Saint-Office;
Toute autre hiérarchie nécessaire, validée dans les statuts internes de l'Office en question, par l'un des deux cardinaux congrégationalistes.
Les Cardinaux de la Congrégation et le Salon "Bienheureuse Wilgeforte"
Article 5: La Congrégation du Saint-Office est dirigée par un chancelier et un vice-chancelier. Ils sont tous les deux cardinaux romains électeurs, désignés par leurs pairs réunis à la Curie.
Article 6: Le chancelier, avec le vice-chancelier, garantit le bon fonctionnement de la Congrégation, en coordonnant et en assignant des devoirs parmi ses membres. Les chanceliers se partagent les devoirs de la Congrégation. En cas de désaccord, le chancelier a la primauté sur le vice-chancelier.
Article 7: Le Chancelier peut exceptionnellement nommer une personne comme membre honoraire de la Congrégation. Cette personne occupe un poste consultatif en reconnaissance de ses services passés à la Congrégation. Un membre honoraire participe aux discussions du Salon "Bienheureuse Wilgeforte".
Article 8: Le Chancelier, le Vice-chancelier, les Préfets et les Membres honoraires forment le Conseil supérieur de la Congrégation et se rencontrent au Salon "Bienheureuse Wilgeforte". C'est un lieu de rencontre pour les officiels afin de coordonner la bonne gestion de la Congrégation et de ses Bureaux.
Préfets de la Congrégation du Saint Office
Article 9: Les deux offices de la Congrégation sont dirigés par deux préfets. Les préfets sont nommés par les chanceliers après avoir discuté des candidats au sein du salon "Bienheureuse Wilgeforte".
Article 10: Les préfets doivent respecter des prérequis stricts, pour assurer le bon fonctionnement et l'accomplissement des tâches qui lui sont confiées. Ils/elles doivent être un fidèle baptisé qui possède une licence de théologie.
Article 11: Les Préfets coopèrent avec les Chanceliers et leurs subordonnés pour assurer le bon fonctionnement de la Congrégation et de ses Bureaux respectifs.
Vice-préfets de la Congrégation du Saint Office
Article 12: Les vice-préfets sont les auxiliaires du préfet et assistent le préfet dans l'exercice de ses fonctions.
Article 13: Il y a un Vice-Préfet pour chaque Scriptorium et l'Office du Cornichon de St-Théodule, ils sont nommés par le Préfet de l’office avec l'accord des Chanceliers.
Article 14: Les vice-préfets décident de la priorité des documents à discuter. Il/Elle dirige activement ses rédacteurs afin de mener à bien les missions de l'Office et rend compte au Préfet de la situation actuelle des multiples documents. Les documents finis doivent ensuite être envoyés au Cénacle des Théologiens.
Le Cénacle des Théologiens
Article 15: Le Cénacle est composé des théologiens, du préfet, du vice-chancelier et du chancelier, au sein desquels ils décident de la validité, de la qualité et de la cohérence des documents apportés, issus des scriptoriums, après un débat.
Article 15.1: Le débat a une durée minimale de 7 jours, suivie d'un vote de 5 jours
Article 16: Les théologiens sont élus par le Cénacle sur proposition du chancelier, du vice-chancelier ou d'un autre théologien de la Congrégation et à la majorité des suffrages exprimés. Seul peut accéder au rang de théologien un baptisé qui détient une licence de théologie dans un Séminaire reconnu par la Préfecture de l'Enseignement Aristotélicien, et qui sera illustré par son excellence intellectuelle ou par sa connaissance accomplie du dogme de l'Universel Romain et Aristotélicien Église.
Artlice 16.1: Les Chanceliers et Vice-Chanceliers qui ne sont pas théologiens le deviennent d'office après publication de leurs nominations. Ils restent théologiens même s'ils quittent la Congrégation.
Article 17: Les théologiens s'engagent à maintenir intacte l'intégrité des textes dont ils ont la garde au péril de leur vie et s'engagent à garder secrètes les délibérations du Cénacle du Saint Office qui n'ont pas été rendues publiques.
Article 18: Les théologiens ont aussi le devoir de clarifier tous les doutes de tout fidèle sur le dogme de l'Église aristotélicienne. L'opinion du théologien a un statut officiel et est réputée être la position de l'Église sur la question aristotélicienne. Seuls le chancelier et le vice-chancelier peuvent révoquer toute clarification du dogme faite par un théologien, s'ils le jugent erroné.
Article 19: Tout théologien peut soumettre à ses pairs une demande contre un texte considéré comme hérétique, ou constituant un risque évident pour l'intégrité de l'Église universelle. Le texte est mis sur liste noire à la majorité des voix exprimées dans cette direction.
L'Office du cornichon Saint Théodule
Article 20: L’office est dirigé par le Préfet, assisté des heuristiques, dans lequel ils décident au Conseil Supérieur de la validité et de la véracité des reliques portées devant eux, en tenant compte de la vie du saint à laquelle la relique appartient à, après un débat.
Article 20.1: Le débat a une durée minimale de 7 jours, suivie d'un vote de 5 jours.
Article 20.2: Les heuristiques et le préfet ont le droit de vote, ainsi que le vice-chancelier, le chancelier.
Article 21: Les heuristiques sont élus par le Conseil Supérieur sur proposition du chancelier, du vice chancelier, du vice préfet ou d'un autre heuristique de la Congrégation et à la majorité des suffrages exprimés. Seuls peuvent atteindre le rang d'heuristique un fidèle baptisé titulaire d'une licence de théologie reconnue par la préfecture de l'enseignement aristotélicien dans un séminaire reconnu par son excellence intellectuelle ou par sa connaissance approfondie du dogme de l'universel romain et aristotélicien. Église.
Article 22: Les heuristiques s'engagent à maintenir l'intégrité des reliques dont ils ont la garde au prix de leur vie et à garder secrets les délibérations du Haut Conseil de Saint Théodule qui n'ont pas été rendues publiques.
Article 23: Tout croyant ou membre du clergé peut soumettre une relique à la validation auprès de l'Office du cornichon Saint Théodule.
Article 24: Les Bienheureux et Saints diffèrent selon l'époque à laquelle ils ont vécu. Si ils ont vécu avant le renouveau de la foi, ils sont appelés "Anciens". Si ils ont vécu après le renouveau de la foi, ils sont appelés "Modernes."
Article 25:Le statut de Bienheureux ancien est accordé aux personnes qui ont mené une vie exemplaire et accompli un travail de foi. Ce statut est accordé par les théologiens du Saint Office. Ils vérifient si l'hagiographie proposée est compatible avec le dogme et le droit canonique et si le candidat Bienheureux a réellement mené une vie exemplaire en tant qu'aristotélicien. L'hagiographie d'un bienheureux est publiée dans le dogme. Les Bienheureux sont considérés localement comme saint et sont l'objet d'un culte.
Article 25.1: Un Saint ancien est un Bienheureux ancien qui a eu un impact majeur sur le développement de la foi durant sa vie ou après sa mort. Ce statut est obtenu par un processus de canonisation qui diffère selon que le Saint est un Saint Local ou un Saint Universel. Après validation de l'hagiographie par le Cénacles des Théologiens, celle ci est transmise au Consistoire Pontifical compétent s'il s'agit d'un Saint Local ou à la Curie s'il s'agit d'un Saint Universel ou si le Consistoire ne fonctionne plus.
Le processus de Canonisation d'un Bienheureux ou Saint moderne
Article 26: Tout croyant ou membre du clergé peut proposer une canonisation d'un Bienheureux lorsqu'au moins trois fidèles aristotéliciens peuvent témoigner sous serment de la mort de cette personne.
Article 27: L'ouverture du processus de canonisation est soumise à un formalisme strict dont la conformité est requise, sous peine de renvoi. Les candidatures sont envoyées à la Congrégation du Saint-Office, et doivent nécessairement être soutenues par une hagiographie et une ou plusieurs reliques, éléments qui cherchent à justifier la canonisation de la personne concernée.
Article 27.1: Une hagiographie comprend:
La vie religieuse du candidat à la sainteté (ou Vita), dans un style narratif, et basée sur des preuves pour caractériser le statut du Saint de l'Église universelle;
Une synthèse de la pensée du postulant à la canonisation, illustrée de citations directes;
Une collection de commentaires faits par les fidèles ou le clergé, et qui soulignent l'unicité de la personnalité du demandeur;
Une collection de maximes édifiantes prononcées par le demandeur dans sa vie;
Un catalogue de reliques reconnues par l'Office du Cornichon Saint Théodule associées au requérant (notamment l'emplacement de ses restes);
Une galerie de ses bannières, boucliers et avatars.
Article 28: L'hagiographie est soumise à un contrôle minutieux de la part du Cénacle des Théologiens, tant sur la forme que sur le fond et, une fois approuvée, le Chancelier de la Congrégation est tenu de transmettre la Curie. Si la Curie donne un avis favorable, le Chancelier de la Congrégation du Saint-Office déclare ouverte la canonisation du requérant sur la place d'Aristote.
S'il s'agit d'un Bienheureux, l'hagiographie est alors publiée dans le dogme.
Article 29: La canonisation a lieu publiquement sur la place d'Aristote. Il est obligatoire qu'un événement miraculeux soit reconnu pour que le Bienheureux puisse devenir un Saint. L'hagiographie est présentée à l'universalité des fidèles et du clergé, qui peuvent librement commenter. Sept jours après l'ouverture du processus de canonisation, le Chancelier de la Congrégation du Saint-Office soumet l'hagiographie au vote de l'universalité des fidèles et du clergé aristotélicien. Le requérant est déclaré, après une nouvelle période de sept jours, Saint de la Sainte Eglise Universelle si son hagiographie rassemble 70% d'opinions favorables exprimées.
Le recrutement au sein du Saint Office
Article 30: Toute personne souhaitant postuler à un poste au Saint Office doit se rendre à l'antichambre. Le candidat doit présenter un certificat de baptême, avec des licences d'étude de séminaires reconnus par la Préfecture de l'Enseignement Aristotélicien (le cas échéant), et suivre la demande standard utilisée dans le Bureau.
Article 31: La candidature est ensuite discutée au Salon "Bienheureuse Wilgeforte" et, si elle est approuvée, le candidat est nommé par le Chancelier ou le Vice Chancelier de la Congrégation.
Article 32: Tous les membres de la Congrégation sont encouragés à explorer plus avant le dogme de l'Église sacrée aristotélicienne, en étudiant dans les séminaires reconnus par la Préfecture de l'Enseignement Aristotélicien.
Article 33: Toutes les discussions au sein du Salon "Bienheureuse Wilgeforte" sont soumises au droit à la confidentialité et au devoir de discrétion.
Article 34: Les membres de la Congrégation ne doivent pas divulguer d'informations sensibles en relation avec leur fonction.
Article 35: Tout travail au sein de la Congrégation doit rester dans le Salon "Bienheureuse Wilgeforte" ou à l'intérieur des murs de l'Office concerné, jusqu'à ce que l'information soit publiquement divulguée.
Article 36: L'obligation de confidentialité est appliquée à toute personne ayant accès au Salon "Bienheureuse Wilgeforte", y compris les Cardinaux Romains. Ces articles ne sont pas appliqués aux discussions soumises au Sacré Collège.
Texte canonique sur « Le gouvernement suprême du Saint-Siège »
Publié par Son Éminence Alfonso Augusto di Foscari Widmann d'Ibelin, Cardinal-Archidiacre de Rome, le deuxième jour du mois de décembre, le mercredi, de l'an de grâce MCDLXVI.
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Inscrit le: 25 Aoû 2019 Messages: 572
Posté le: Sam Avr 18, 2020 1:28 am Sujet du message: |
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Excommunication de Katarina Wood
Nous, Cardinaux de la Sainte Église Aristotélicienne rassemblés en Sacré-Collège, devant le Très Haut et sous le regard des prophètes Aristote et Christos,
Le 23 octobre dernier, la Congrégation des Saintes armées faisait annonce demandant l'ouverture d'une enquête inquisitoriale au sujet de Katarina Wood, enquête qui fut ouverte par la Congregation de la Sainte Inquisition le 24 Octobre 1466 . Après de longues semaines d'enquête, la Sainte Inquisition a soumis ses conclusions au Sacré-Collège, qui les accueille et les partage pleinement.
Par conséquent, considérant les nombreux preuves et témoignages du comportement de Katarina Wood et qu'elle a persisté à avoir le même comportement contraires aux préceptes Aristotéliciennes;
Compte tenu de ses insultes et insinuations envers Son Eminence Portalis de Vandimion et Monseigneur Estrella Luna de Lancaster y Valyria, ainsi que les insultes proférés à l'encontre de Son Eminence Hull de Northshire ;
Ayant constaté ses mensonges vis à vis des Saintes Armées, son acte de désertions, son refus de suivre les ordres des Saintes Armées, ses actions de rébellion contre sa hiérarchie militaire et sa tentative de provoquer une guerre entre la Savoie et la Provence;
Avons statué et ordonné, et par notre présent édit perpétuel et définitif, disons, statuons et ordonnons l'excommunication de Katarina Wood [ Katarina_Wood ].
Léviathan, le prince-démon de la colère, s'est emparé de son esprit : nous prions pour que cette fille perdue du Très-Haut trouve assez de force afin de recouvrer la nécessaire tempérance à la salvation de son âme. L'Église ne ferme jamais ses bras et lira attentivement tout ce qu'elle souhaitera écrire, et la Sainte Inquisition l'entendra en audience s'il elle le souhaite.
Ad Maiorem Dei Gloriam
Donné à Rome le XIII jour du XII mois, de l'An de Grâce MCDLXVI.
Pour le Sacré-Collège des Cardinaux,
Alfonso Augusto di Foscari Widmann d'Ibelin, Cardinal-Archidiacre de Rome.
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Inscrit le: 25 Aoû 2019 Messages: 572
Posté le: Sam Avr 18, 2020 1:30 am Sujet du message: |
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Calendar of the Lord's Year 1467
Feast of the Separation of Aristotle: 1
Saint Possidonio: 2
Apostel Calandra: 6
Beatified Platon: 10
Ancient Saint Rémi : 13
Saint Illinda, patron of flandres : 15
Ancient Saint Anthony the Great : 17
Saint-Wilgeforte de Torretta-Granitola : 21
Ancient Saint Vincent : 22
Apostel Paulos : 25
Saint Origène, patron of the seminarists
: 29
Beatified Minus Mailhes : 31
Beatified Pouyss : 2
Saint Orrus Ferrus, saint patron of the miners: 7
Beatified Girtan: 8
Saint Valentin, patron of lovers : 14
Beatified abbot Tise de Cambrai: 15
Ash Wednesday: 13
Saint Olcovidius : 20
Saint Clément, first inquisitor : 25
St. Guilberte of Walburghe : 27
Saint Lazare D'autun, Saint patron of soule players,Saint Jeanne d'Arc : 28
Apostel Adonia : 3
Saint Thomas: 7
Saint Norv : 8
Beatified Gauvin de Berry said « le maestro »: 10
Saint Paul Aurélien, said Pol de Léon : 12
Beatified Gatien de Tours : 14
Saint Tertulliano Apologeta, Patron of Concorde and Cartage : 15
Archangel Sylphaël /Saint Patrick (Saint patron of Ireland) : 17
Ancient Saint Antiochos :18
Saint Grégoire de Naziance : 21
Archangel Gabriel : 24
Saint Etienne de Harding : 30
Saint Straton de Lampsaque, second scolarque : 31
Feast of renewal: 31
Beatified Tristan Vanqueour de Guillotine /Beatified Atri d'Egremont : 1
Saint Abysmo, patron of Luxeuil and of the Garde Papale: 2
The day of all the Archangels: 1
Beatified Zaltvyksle : 6
Saint Nicolaïde : 10
Saint Patern de Vannes : 15
Saint Lydie : 17
Saint Nicomaque : 19
Saint Georges de Lydda : 23
Archangel George: 24
Beatified Ray de Boule : 27
Apostel Ophélia: 30
Saint Loyats, Saint patron of translators / Beatified Asaph said "Saint Asaph" : 1
Saint Karel, patron of preachers. : 7
Saint Lescure, patron of the Lescurien Order: 9
Beatified Hippolyte : 12
Beatified Cicéron: 16
Saint ARNVALD, patron of magistrates and lawyers : 21
Saint Diodore de Tyr, sixth scolarque : 24
Saint Sjnoel: 26
Saint Dwywai, said la Frénétique : 30
Apostel Uriana : 3
Archangel Miguaël: 7
Feast of friendship: 8
Commemoration of the Elevation Of Christos (Death of Christos): 13
Saints Quirico and Giuditta : 14
Beatified Morgan de Sauvigny : 17
Feast of St.Titus : 29
Saint Erymneos, seventh scolarque: 3
Saint-Antonio de Plaisance: 4
Archangel Galadrielle : 5
Saint Benoît, patron of clercks and
: 11
Beatified Segalello : 15
Death of Aristoteles : 21
Saint Marie-Madeleine, patron of bakers : 22
Apostel Kyrène / Saint Samson: 28
Saint Bynarr, patron of the Duché de Bourgogne : 30
Saints Barbara et Monique : 2
Saint Ariston de Ceos, fourth scolarque : 6
Saint Dominique : 8
Saint Radegonde de Poitiers : 13
Apostel Hélène : 16
Saint Théodule : 18
Saint Bernard : 20
Feast of God's Childrens : 20
Saint Louis, king of France : 25
Apostel Thanos, : 1
Apostel Samoth: 5
Beatified Mikolo : 7
Saint Ripolin : 13
Saint Hildegarde de Bingen, patron of herbalists and healers : 17
Saint Boulasse : 22
Saint Jérôme : 30
Saint François : 3
Saint Francesco Trufaldini : 4
Saint Bertrand de l'Isle : 6
Apostyel Nikolos: 9
Beatified Sénèque : 20
San Moderano : 22
Archangel Raphaëlle : 24
All Saints' Day : 1
Saint Hubert : 3
Archangel Michel: 8
Saint Martin : 11
Saint Horace, patron of the Archivists : 17
Saint Polin de Langres : 18
Beatified Théodore : 21
Saint Nicolas V : 29
Saint Tugdual de Tréguier: 30
Saint Nicolas : 6
Saint Corentin : 12
Saint Ânani Mhour : 16
Saint Noël: 25 (Birthday of Aristoteles and Christos)
Saint Jean, saint Martyr: 27
Saint Himérius, patron of missionaries: 28
Feast of the Revelation of Aristotle: 31
Citation: |
Explanation of the major Aristotelian feasts:
Citation: | Temporal Cycle Explanation:
[Diagram - italian only]
Advent time - 1467
Period where one prepares for the advent of the two Prophets. It covers a few weeks before the Holy Christmas.
- 1st Sunday of Advent (December 1, 1466)
- 2nd Sunday of Advent (December 8, 1466)
- 3rd Sunday of Advent (December 15, 1466)
- 4th Sunday of Advent (December 22, 1466)
Christmas time -1467
Period devoted mainly to important facts related to Aristotle, it is experienced as the first illumination of Humanity. This period follows the weeks after the Holy Christmas.
-Santo Natale (December 25. 1466)
- 1st Sunday of Christmas (December 30, 1466)
- 2nd Sunday of Christmas (January 6, 1467)
- 3rd Sunday of Christmas (January 13 1467)
- 4th Sunday of Christmas (January 20, 1467)
First Ordinary Time
First period subtracting the first highlights of Advent and Christmas.
- First Sunday in Ordinary Time (January 27, 1467)
- Second Sunday in Ordinary Time (February 3, 1467)
- 3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time (February 10, 1467)
Time of Lent
The time of Lent commemorates the period of exile in the wilderness of the inhabitants of Oanylone and it is preparing for the Feast of the Renewal.
- Ash Wednesday (February 13, 1467)
- 1st Sunday of Lent Time (February 17, 1467)
- 2nd Sunday of Lent Time (February 24, 1467)
- 3rd Sunday of Lent Time (March 3, 1467)
- 4th Sunday of Lent Time (March 10, 1467)
- 5th Sunday of Lent Time (March 17, 1467)
- 6th Sunday of Lent Time (March 24, 1467)
Easter time
Period devoted mainly to important facts related to Christos, it is seen as the second enlightenment of humanity. This period starts the day of the Revival Festival and continues over the following weeks.
- Day of Renewal Easter ~ 1st Sunday Times (March 31, 1467)
- Day of the Archangels ~ 2nd Sunday of Easter time April 7, 1467)
-3rd Sunday of Easter time (April 14, 1467)
-4th Sunday of Easter time (April 21, 1467)
-5th Sunday of Easter Season (April 28, 1467)
-6th Sunday of Easter Time (May 5, 1467)
-7th Easter Sunday Time (May 12, 1467)
-8th Easter Sunday Time (May 19, 1467)
-9th Easter Sunday Time (May 26, 1467)
-10th Sunday of Easter Time (June 02, 1467)
-11th Easter Sunday Time (June 09, 1467)
-12thEaster Sunday Time (June 16, 1467)
-13th Easter Sunday Time (June 23, 1467)
Second Ordinary Time
Second period subtracting second strong time of Lent and Easter.
- 4th Sunday in Ordinary Time (June 23, 1467)
- 5th Sunday in Ordinary Time (June 30, 1467)
- 6th Sunday in Ordinary Time (July 4, 1467)
- 7th Sunday in Ordinary Time (July 14, 1467)
- 8th Sunday in Ordinary Time (July 21, 1467)
- 9th Sunday in Ordinary Time (July 28, 1467)
- 10th Sunday in Ordinary Time (August 4, 1467)
- 11th Sunday in Ordinary Time (August 11, 1467)
- Festa dei Figli di Dio ~12th Sunday in Ordinary Time (August 18, 1467)
- 13th Sunday in Ordinary Time (August 25, 1467)
- 14th Sunday in Ordinary Time (September 1, 1467)
- 15th Sunday in Ordinary Time (September 8, 1467)
- 16th Sunday in Ordinary Time (September 15, 1467)
- 17th Sunday in Ordinary Time (September 22, 1467)
- 18th Sunday in Ordinary Time (September 29, 1467)
- 19th Sunday in Ordinary Time (October 6, 1467)
- 20th Sunday in Ordinary Time (October 13, 1467)
- 21st Sunday in Ordinary Time (October 20, 1467)
- 22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time (October 27, 1467)
- 23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time (November 3, 1467)
- 24th Sunday in Ordinary Time (November 10, 1467)
- 25th Sunday in Ordinary Time (November 17, 1467)
- 26th Sunday in Ordinary Time (November 24, 1467)
Advent time - 1467
Period where one prepares for the advent of the two Prophets. It covers a few weeks before the Holy Christmas.
- 1st Sunday of Advent (December 1, 1467)
- 2nd Sunday of Advent (December 8, 1467)
- 3rd Sunday of Advent (December 15, 1467)
- 4th Sunday of Advent (December 22, 1467)
Christmas time -1467
Period devoted mainly to important facts related to Aristotle, it is experienced as the first illumination of Humanity. This period follows the weeks after the Holy Christmas.
-Santo Natale (December 25, 1467)
- 1st Sunday of Christmas (December 29, 1467)
- 2nd Sunday of Christmas (January 5, 1468)
- 3rd Sunday of Christmas (January 12 1468)
- 4th Sunday of Christmas (January 19, 1468)
Citation: | Information for the faithfuls
[list] 1. The feast of Corpus Christosi has been renamed to the Feast of friendship. It is still the same feast, it simply has a new name. It will be celebrated on the 8th of June. It has been celebrated in 1461 on the 20th of April, but the date was incorrect. It will, from now on, be celebrated on the 8th of June every year.
2. The feast of Ascension (death of Christos) has been renamed to the Commemoration of the Elevation Of Christos (the death of Christos). It is still the same feast, it simply has a new name. It will be celebrated on the 13th of June. It has been celebrated in 1461 on the 2nd of May, and in 1462 on the 1st of June. Unfortunately, those dates were wrong. The feast will, from now on, be celebrated on the 13th of June every year.
3. The Date of Aristotle's death is inaccurate, since we know that the Prophet died during a hot season corresponding to the summer. Therefore, the feast will be on day selected each year, in the period between the summer solstice and the autumn equinox.
4. The date of the Ash Wednesday, the feast of renewal, Lent and the feast of God's Childrens will change every year.
5. All other feasts are fix and will stays on the same date every year
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Calendario dell’Anno del Signore 1467
Festa della Separazione di Aristotele: 1
San Possidonio: 2
Apostolo Calandra: 6
Beato Platone: 10
San Remi: 13
Sant’Illinda, santa patrona delle Fiandre: 15
Sant’Antonio il Grande: 17
Santa Wilgeforte di Torretta-Granitola: 21
San Vincenzo: 22
Apostolo Paolo: 25
Sant’Origene, santo patron dei seminaristi: 29
Beato Minus Mailhes: 31
Beato Pouyss: 2
San Orrus Ferrus, patrono dei minatori : 7
Beato Girtan: 8
Beato Abbot Tise di Cambrai: 10
San Valentino, santo patron degli innamorati: 14
Mercoledì delle Ceneri: 13
Sant’Olcovidio: 20
San Clemente, il primo inquisitore: 25
Santa Guilberte, detto “La brutta”: 27
San Lazzaro d’Autun, santo patron dei giocatori di Soule, Santa Giovanna d’Arco: 28
Apostolo Adonia: 3
San Tommaso: 7
San Norv: 8
Beato Gauvin di Berry, detto "il maestro": 10
San Paolo Aureliano, detto "Pol de Leon": 12
Beato Gatien di Tours: 14
San Tertulliano Apologeta, Patrono di Concordia e Cartagine : 15
San Silfaele Arcangelo / San Patrizio, patrono d’Irlada: 17
Sant’Antioco, Re seleucide: 18
San Gregorio Nazianzeno: 21
San Gabriele Arcangelo: 24
San Stefano di Harding: 30
Santo Stratone di Lampsaco, secondo scolarca del Liceo : 31
Festa del Rinnovamento: 31
Beato Tristan Vanqueour of Guillotine / Beato Atri di Egremont: 1
Giorno degli Arcangeli: 1
San Abysmo, patrono di Luxeuil e della Guardia Papale : 2
Beato Zaltvyksle: 6
San Nicolai: 10
San Patern di Vannes : 15
Santa Lidia: 17
San Nicomaco: 19
San Giorgio di Lydda: 23
San Giorgio Arcangelo: 24
Beato Ray di Boule: 27
Apostolo Ofelia: 30
San Loyats, patrono dei traduttori / Beato Asaph, detto "Sant’Asaph": 1
San Karel, santo patron dei predicatori: 7
San Lescure, patrono dell’Ordine Lescuriano: 9
Beata Hippolyta: 12
Beato Cicerone: 16
Sant'Arnvald, patrono dei magistrati e degli avvocati : 21
San Diodoro di Tiro, sesto scolarca. : 24
San Sjnoel: 26
Santa Dwywai, detta la Frenetica : 30
Apostolo Uriana: 3
San Michele Arcangelo: 7
Festa dell’Amicizia: 8
Commemorazione dell’Elevazione di Christos (Morte di Christos): 13
Santi Quirico e Giulitta: 14
Beato Morgan di Sauvigny: 17
Festa di San Tito: 29
Sant’Erymneos, settimo scolarca: 3
Sant'Antonino da Piacenza : 4
Santa Galadriella Arcangelo: 5
San Benedetto, patrono dei Chierici e del Monachesimo : 11
San Segalello: 15
Santa Marie de la Villeneuve, patrona dei tessitori : 16
Morte Aristotele: 21
Santa Maria Maddalena, patrona dei panettieri e dei pasticceri : 22
Apostolo Chirene / San Samson: 28
San Bynarr, patrono del Ducato di Burgundy: 30
Sante Barbara e Monica: 2
San Aristone di Chio, quarto scolarca. : 6
San Domenico: 8
Santa Radegonda di Poitiers : 13
San Teodulo : 16
Apostolo Elna: 18
San Bernardo: 20
Festa dei figli di Dio: 19
San Luigi, re di Francia: 25
Apostolo Thanos: 1
Apostolo Samoth: 5
Beato Mikolo: 7
San Ripolino: 13
Sant’Ildegarda di Bingen, patrona degli erboristi e dei guaritori: 17
Santa Boulasse: 22
San Jerome: 30
San Francesco: 3
San Francesco Trufaldini il Beneamato, patrono dei lettori e dei teologi : 4
San Bertrando dell’Isola: 6
Apostolo Niccolò: 9
Beato Jarkov: 14
Beato Seneca: 20
San Moderano: 22
Santa Raffaella Arcangelo: 24
Ognissanti: 1
Sant Ubertino : 3
San Michele Arcangelo: 8
San Martino: 11
Sant'Horace, patrono degli archivisti : 17
San Polin di Langres: 18
Beato Teodoro: 21
San Nicolas V, primo Papa dell'era del rinnovamento della fede : 29
San Tugdual di Treguier: 30
San Nicolas, amico dei bambini : 6
San Corentino: 12
Sant’ Ânani Mhour, il primo filosofo: 16
Santo Natale: 25 (Nascita di Aristotele e Christos)
San Giovanni Martire: 27
Sant’Himerios, patrono dei missionari: 28
Festa della Rivelazione di Aristotele: 31
Citation: |
Descrizione delle principali feste e celebrazioni Aristoteliche
Citation: | Spiegazione del ciclo temporale :
[Diagram - italian only]
Avvento - 1466
Periodo in cui ci si prepara per l’Avvento dei due Profeti. Si articola nelle settimane prima del Santo Natale.
- I domenica di Avvento (3 dicembre 1466)
- II domenica di Avvento (10 dicembre 1466)
- III domenica di Avvento (17 dicembre 1466)
- IV domenica di Avvento (24 dicembre 1466)
Tempo di Natale - 1466
Periodo dedicato alla vita di Aristotele, è visto come la prima illuminazione dell’umanità. Si articola nelle settimane successive al santo Natale.
- Santo Natale (Domenica 25 dicembre 1466)
- I domenica del Tempo di Natale (31 dicembre 1466)
- II domenica del Tempo di Natale (7 gennaio 1467)
- III domenica del Tempo di Natale (14 gennaio 1467)
- IV domenica del Tempo di Natale (21 gennaio 1467)
Primo Tempo Ordinario - 1467
Primo periodo del Tempo Ordinario, tra il tempo di Natale e la Quaresima.
- I domenica del Tempo Ordinario (28 gennaio 1467)
- II domenica del Tempo Ordinario (4 febbraio 1467)
- III domenica del Tempo Ordinario (11 febbraio 1467)
Quaresima - 1467
La Quaresima commemora l’esilio nelle terre selvagge degli abitanti di Oanilonia ed è preparatorio alla Festa del Rinnovamento.
- Mercoledì delle Ceneri (13 febbraio 1467)
- I domenica di Quaresima (17 febbraio 1467)
- II domenica di Quaresima (24 febbraio 1467)
- III domenica di Quaresima (3 marzo 1467)
- IV domenica di Quaresima (10 marzo 1467)
- V domenica di Quaresima (17 marzo 1467)
- VI domenica di Quaresima (24 marzo 1467)
Tempo di Pasqua - 1467
Periodo dedicato alla vita di Christos, è visto come la seconda illuminazione dell’Umanità. Comincia il giorno della Festa del Rinnovamento e prosegue nelle settimane successive.
- Festa del Rinnovamento ~ I domenica del Tempo di Pasqua (31 marzo 1467)
- Giorno degli Arcangeli ~ II domenica del Tempo di Pasqua (7 aprile 1467)
- III domenica del Tempo di Pasqua (14 aprile 1467)
- IV domenica del Tempo di Pasqua (21 aprile 1467)
- V domenica del Tempo di Pasqua (28 aprile 1467)
- VI domenica del Tempo di Pasqua (5 maggio 1467)
- VII domenica del Tempo di Pasqua (12 maggio 1467)
- VIII domenica del Tempo di Pasqua (19 maggio 1467)
- IX domenica del Tempo di Pasqua (26 maggio 1467)
- X domenica del Tempo di Pasqua (2 giugno 1467)
- XI domenica del Tempo di Pasqua (9 giugno 1467)
- XII domenica del Tempo di Pasqua (16 giugno 1467)
- XIII domenica del Tempo di Pasqua (23 giugno 1467)
Secondo Tempo Ordinario - 1467
Secondo periodo del Tempo Ordinario, tra la Pasqua e l’Avvento
- IV domenica del Tempo Ordinario (24 giugno 1467)
- V domenica del Tempo Ordinario (1 luglio 1467)
- VI domenica del Tempo Ordinario (8 luglio, 1467)
- VII domenica del Tempo Ordinario (15 luglio 1467)
- VIII domenica del Tempo Ordinario (22 luglio 1467)
- IX domenica del Tempo Ordinario (29 luglio, 1467)
- X domenica del Tempo Ordinario (5 agosto 1467)
- XI domenica del Tempo Ordinario (12 agosto 1467)
- Festa dei Figli di Dio ~ XII domenica del Tempo Ordinario (19 agosto, 1467)
- XIII domenica del Tempo Ordinario (26 agosto 1467)
- XIV domenica del Tempo Ordinario (2 settembre 1467)
- XV domenica del Tempo Ordinario (9 settembre 1467)
- XVI domenica del Tempo Ordinario (16 settembre 1467)
- XVII domenica del Tempo Ordinario (23 settembre 1467)
- XVIII domenica del Tempo Ordinario (30 settembre 1467)
- XIX domenica del Tempo Ordinario (7 ottobre, 1467)
- XX domenica del Tempo Ordinario (14 ottobre 1467)
- XXI domenica del Tempo Ordinario (21 ottobre 1467)
- XXII domenica del Tempo Ordinario (28 ottobre 1467)
- XXIII domenica del Tempo Ordinario (4 novembre 1467)
- XXIV domenica del Tempo Ordinario (11 novembre 1467)
- XV domenica del Tempo Ordinario (18 novembre 1467)
- XVI domenica del Tempo Ordinario (25 novembre, 1467)
Avvento - 1467
Periodo in cui ci si prepara per l’Avvento dei due Profeti. Copre le settimane prima del Natale
- I domenica di Avvento (2 dicembre 1467)
- II domenica di Avvento (9 dicembre 1467)
- III domenica di Avvento (16 dicembre 1467)
- IV domenica di Avvento (23 dicembre 1467)
Tempo di Natale - 1467
Periodo dedicato alla vita di Aristotele, è visto come la prima illuminazione dell’umanità. Si articola nelle settimane successive al santo Natale.
- Santo Natale (Martedì 25 dicembre 1467)
- I domenica del Tempo di Natale (30 dicembre 1467)
- II domenica del Tempo di Natale (6 gennaio 1467)
- III domenica del Tempo di Natale (13 gennaio 1467)
- IV domenica del Tempo di Natale (20 gennaio 1467)
Citation: | Informazioni aggiuntive per i fedeli
1. La festa Corpus Christos è stata rinominata festa dell'Amcizia. Rimane comunque la medesima festa, solamente il nome è cambiato. È stata celebrata il 20 Aprile, che era la data sbagliata. Dal 1461 è celebrata ogni anno l'8 di Giugno.
2. L'Ascensione (Morte di Christos) è stata rinominata Commemorazione dell'Elevazione di Christos (Morte di Christos). Rimane comunque la medesima festa, solamente il nome è cambiato. È stata celebrata il 2 maggio, che era la data sbagliata. Dal 1461 è celebrata ogni anno il 13 di Giugno.
3. La data esatta della morte di Aristotele è sconosciuta, ma sappiamo che il Profeta è morto durante una stagione calda, corrispondente all’estate. La festa, perciò, può essere celebrata in giorni diversi a seconda dell’anno, restando sempre nel periodo tra il solstizio d’estate e l’equinozio d’autunno.
4. Alcune feste e celebrazioni sono associate a specifiche domeniche, in certi periodi dell’anno. Secondo il calendario, le date possono cambiare di anno in anno. Di conseguenza, le date del Mercoledì delle Ceneri, della Festa del Rinnovamento, del Giorno degli Arcangeli e della Festa dei Figli di Dio variano ogni anno.
5. Tutte le altre feste e celebrazioni hanno ogni anno la stessa data. |
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Inscrit le: 25 Aoû 2019 Messages: 572
Posté le: Sam Avr 18, 2020 1:31 am Sujet du message: |
Citation: |
Nomination of the Dean of the Sacred College
We, Attanasio Borgia, as Cardinal Camerlengo of Rome,
In the name of the Cardinals of the Holy Aristotelian Church gathered in the Sacred College, in front of the Almighty and under the gaze of Aristotle, by the grace of God,
In accordance with the canon law B. 5 Can. P-II-9.1 and the traditions of the Sacred College,
Have ruled and ordered, and by our present perpetual and final edict, say and order the elevation of Arnarion de Valyria-Borgia [ Arnarion ] to the function of Dean of the Sacred College following voluntary resignation to the role of S.E. Fenice.
Ad Maiorem Dei Gloriam
For the Sacred College of Cardinals,
Attanasio Borgia, Sanctae Romanae Ecclesiae Cardinalis Camerarius.
Given in Rome on the XVII day of the XII month of the Year of our Lord MCDLXVI.
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